Bible Answers Live Celebrates Three Years on TV

By Shenalyn Page
Posted August 01, 2024

In August 2021, Amazing Facts International took a significant step in live evangelism when it turned Bible Answers Live, its flagship radio program hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor, president, into a format that people could watch on television. 

Three years later, the video broadcast is still increasing in popularity and reaching thousands more for Jesus Christ. It has quickly gained an audience on AFTV, YouTube, the Good News Network (based in Phoenix, Arizona), and a variety of other local stations.

The radio version of the program, which has been providing Bible answers for 29 consecutive years, is heard on more than 400 stations—including SiriusXM, LifeTalk, 3ABN Radio, Strong Tower, and the Salem Radio Network.

People all around the world tune in to Bible Answers Live every week—including inmates across the United States. Pastor Doug and co-host Jëan Ross, vice president of evangelism, have received calls from Canada, Mexico, Australia, Dubai, Brazil, Europe, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Africa, and more! Callers have ranged from 4 to 90 years of age.

Beginning August 4, Bible Answers Live will air live on Hope TV on Sundays at 7:00 pm Pacific, reaching a new audience with its interactive format. (Previous episodes on Hope have been reruns.) Says Pastor Doug, “We are grateful for the opportunity to air live on Hope TV. We praise God for using the program to reach people across the globe!” 

Like Sitting Down With Listeners

Transforming a radio program into a television broadcast did not happen without some misgivings. 

Pastor Doug shares, “We never thought people would want to watch a radio program, but it turns out people love the video broadcast! Our calls have increased so much since we started airing on TV. Sometimes, we really had to encourage people to call in with their questions. Now we just mention the phone number once or twice, and the phones immediately light up.

“The visual program communicates even more,” Pastor Doug adds. “On the radio, we can only read the amazing fact that starts the program. But now, we can show eye-catching pictures of the fact and put Bible verses on the screen. There is a downside, though,” he says with a wry smile. “Now we have to dress up and look respectable.”

One 16-year-old girl was transformed by her experience with Bible Answers Live. She writes, “I grew up being taught that the wicked burn in hell forever.” She told us about her panic attacks when thinking about dying lost and burning eternally. But then she started listening to Bible Answers Live and learned that God will not torture unrepentant sinners forever. She says, “I started to realize that I could now love God. Listening to your program changed my whole perspective. I now have peace.”

A Beacon of Hope

Pastors Doug and Jëan typically take about 15 calls from viewers and answer them directly from the Bible during each dynamic 60-minute program. This format has engaged radio listeners for almost three decades, opening up the mysteries of Scripture to thousands of searching hearts.

Pastor Doug says, “I first realized how many people have Bible questions when I began doing public evangelism years ago. There was never enough time to cover all the subjects, so I added time in my programs for people to ask questions from anywhere in the Scriptures. It turned out to be the most popular part of the program!”

Bible Answers Live also serves as a powerful gateway that leads open-hearted listeners to a vast array of Bible resources on our website, YouTube, TV, social media, and more. Over 800 callers receive live answers to their questions each year, and nearly 2,000 people requested the free offers made available during the program in 2023.

Janet, a listener from Jamaica, says, “Bible Answers Live has been a beacon of hope for me. I have learned so much through the program.”

Bill, another caller, says, “Before I get to my Bible question, I just want to say that I was once an atheist, but then I started listening to your program out of curiosity. And then I got hooked—now I’m a baptized believer!

Do You Have a Bible Question?

Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air! Watch Bible Answers Live each Sunday at 7:00 pm Pacific on AFTV, YouTube, and Hope TV. Or listen on over 400 stations, including SiriusXM, LifeTalk, 3ABN Radio, Strong Tower, and the Salem Radio Network.

Program archives are also available 24/7 on YouTube and here at this link


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