Coming Soon! Prophecy Odyssey: You Can Know the Future

Beginning September 20, 2024, Amazing Facts International will present Prophecy Odyssey: You Can Know the Future with speaker Pastor Doug Batchelor. This evangelistic Bible series features 16 timely, power-packed presentations that will be broadcast in front of a live audience at the Manhattan Center in New York City, the “capital of the world,” during a time of great global upheaval.

It can also be seen around the world on AFTV, Hope Channel International, 3ABN, Facebook, Roku, YouTube, SUMtv, and SUMtv Latino. Additionally, you can watch Prophecy Odyssey on many satellites around the world, including HotBird (Europe, Middle East, and North Africa), Galaxy 19 (US), IS20 (Central and South Africa), VAST (Australia), and Freeview (UK).

Prophecy Odyssey is approaching fast. It’s not too late to register to be an event host, invite your friends, or sign up to be a Manhattan Missionary!

Devastating events across our sin-darkened planet—financial collapse, natural catastrophes, international conflicts, political strife—are causing many to feel anxious about what the future holds. But the Bible provides hope-filled answers to life’s deepest questions and prepares hearts for the soon coming of Jesus.

Says Pastor Doug, “Communicating the most pertinent prophecies of the Bible is our goal. I believe these unique multimedia presentations will challenge what most people think they know about the world and their purpose in it. Our message is that God’s final prophetic Word will soon come to pass. Are you ready for it? Together, we’ll learn the what, the when, the why, and the how in a way that will prepare us for what is coming to our planet.”

Prophecy Odyssey will be a series like no other, leading viewers to the key prophecies of Scripture—where God gives vital but assuring messages that will change lives for eternity. Pastor Doug will also offer a clear understanding of our world’s current events and why they are happening—and why it all must culminate with the Second Coming.

The first three nights will get off to a quick and fascinating start … 

Night 1: Friday, September 20, 7:00 PM PT — Signs of the Coming King
Unmistakable signs signal Jesus’ soon return—and are you ready for it?

Night 2: Saturday, September 21, 7:00 PM PT — The Prophecy of History
What is the most comprehensive prophecy in all of the Bible?

Night 3: Sunday, September 22, 7:00 PM PT — The Arch-Villain of Prophecy
There is a fiendish effort to turn us away from understanding prophecy.

Other topics to be covered include the truth about hellfire, the afterlife, the millennium, the mark of the beast, the USA in Bible prophecy, and many more eye-opening revelations.

Get Active!

Would you or your church like to be part of this extraordinary opportunity to bring Bible prophecy to a world lost in spiritual darkness? We may not have many more chances to share every aspect of these messages openly, so please prayerfully consider hosting the event at your church or even your home.

Bible lessons are also being developed for this series, with plans for them to be available for sharing at your event. We’ll also make advertising easy. Let’s lead viewers into an eternal, joyful relationship with God together!

Mission Manhattan

We’re also inviting people to be part of this evangelistic project through Mission Manhattan! You will receive free AFCOE training, distribute literature, and do music and health ministry on the streets of Manhattan to raise interest and invite the community to the Prophecy Odyssey meetings in the evening. Training and literature are free, but you will need to cover travel, lodging, and meals. More information here.

Start planning now for this exciting outreach event! 

For more information about Prophecy Odyssey, visit And keep watching for more details as we get ready to share God’s truths with millions!


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