Announcing the “Amazing Shadows” Online Study Program!

We’re thrilled to announce Amazing Facts’ newest online study program, Amazing Shadows, developed by Pastor Doug Batchelor and the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE). 

This inspirational and informative program is a three-month, in-depth eCourse experience about the many types of Christ seen in the lives of key figures throughout the Bible. Not only will you be a more informed Christian, but you’ll also be thrilled and inspired to see just how Christ-centered the Bible is from the very first book!

The comprehensive eCourse includes video and live instruction on Facebook/Zoom, group interaction, experienced teachers, personal training, and a certificate of completion. Study from home to become an effective soul-winner in your community. Learn anytime, anyplace, anywhere!

Keep these important dates in mind:

Registration opens June 12, 2024.

The course begins on July 8, 2024.

Pastor Doug, president of Amazing Facts International and one of the presenters, shares: “In this study, you’ll explore some astonishing parallels in the Bible that testify of Jesus. You’ll see astounding counterparts in the Old Testament that point to the ministry of Jesus. I know these lessons will enrich your faith and deepen your walk with God.”

You can learn more and apply for this upcoming AFCOE online training program at


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