Sabbath School Study Hour Says Goodbye After 25 Years

By Curtis Rittenour
Posted June 16, 2022


More than 25 years ago, Amazing Facts began broadcasting its hourly Sabbath school program, now called Sabbath School Study Hour, as a unique ministry designed to edify church members and reach those in areas without a nearby church. At the time, few churches were capable of providing such programming for their communities, but in the decades that followed, more began providing Sabbath school online and on television, especially during the recent pandemic.

In response to this reality and because of the ministry’s primary focus on evangelistic programs, including an upcoming series about the three angels’ messages, as of July 2022, Amazing Facts will no longer be producing Sabbath School Study Hour or airing it on television.

For those who still want to join the Granite Bay family on the W.O.R.D. Center campus, you can find the church’s Sabbath School on Granite Bay YouTube, Granite Bay Facebook, and at In place of the televised Sabbath School Study Hour, Amazing Facts is now broadcasting Bible Answers Live, which we hope you find informative and inspiring.

Thank you for your profound support of our ministry, which makes outreach programs available for more than two billion people worldwide!


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Sonja Sheffield
Oh my. I am so going to miss you Doug and your ministry. Truly. God continue to bless you in His ventures he has prepared for you! Sonja T Sheffield, Virginia Beach, VA
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Well this sad all local church's don't follow 😕 lessons as good .I have came home and with about 4or more different household talk after church .Say to each other did you ever hear them get into the lesson .w e all said no .We stared are own church next week. All are not able to do this are get out or even know about local links. Please keep one going even if you have to record it because it on time going to other side of world.
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Will we still have access to the previous bible study programs.
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Amazing Facts
Yes, they will all still be available. You can also still watch the streaming and archives every week on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Since Covid I started watching 3 different sabbath school channels each providing a little different take on the same material. Pastor Doug was great at including little tidbits that nobody else would have ever said. Really sorry to hear about this change.
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Curious to know the rationale of canceling Sabbath School Study Hour. Both Bible Answers Live and Study Hour are good programs, not sure why one has to be canceled.
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Amazing Facts
Pastor Doug's explains why in the video above.
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How I wish it was still alive! Feels like there was death in the family
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Douglas muntanga
Sad, it helped me understant some troubling questions espercially when Pastor Doug was presenting. Followed almost every sabbath since 2012. Douglas- Zambia.
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I was addicted to both Sabbath School study hour and Hope Sabbath school of which neither follows the quarterly. I miss it bad.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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That’s good but won’t it make it harder for people to find?
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Peter Alang'o (UK)
I have missed the study lessons. Is there a chance that this will return please?
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Amazing Facts
No, the Sabbath School Study Hour will not be returning to AFTV. But you can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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John Coltman Clearwater B.C.
You and your weekly lesson will be missed . Pastor Doug has an amazing knack of explaining the difficult-to-understand May God continue to bless your work of spreading the Gospel matters in the Bible. John Coltman Clearwater BC.
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Becky - Jamaica
The Amazing Facts lesson studies on Sabbath mornings are like no other.
I truly missed these studies; like a part of me is gone.

I do hope that Amazing Facts can restore this lifeline.
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Becky - Jamaica
I REALLY am sad by the curtailment of Amazing Facts Lesson Study on Sabbath mornings. It was my wake up programme and the studies were VERY inspiring.

It will never be the same without it.
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Please is there any transcript like usual in the Granite bay on Sabbath School lesson by pastor ?

If your answer is NO, then can you do it please!
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Amazing Facts
Unfortunately no there isn't. The transcripts were made possible by the resources that Amazing Facts was able to provide. The church just doesn't have that available anymore.
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It is VERY unfortunate that AF decided to discontinue. I have been following every Sabbath School lesson - download the TRANSCRIPT and achieved it.
It so enriching and blessing by word of God especially by AF pastors giving their perspectives. NOW ALL THESE ARE LOST.
Your reason was after pandemic - many churches are doing the same therefore you find NO REASON to continue after 25 years of faithful service and blessed millions of peoples around the world.

Remember - IF there is ONE, ONE only - Jesus himself went to look for the lost sheep. Even for ONE, ONE only sinner, Jesus will still died on the cross to save ONE sinner.
Angels rejoice in heaven when ONE, ONE sinner was safe.

Henceforth, I do not see any biblical reason to stop because of less audience.

Please reconsider.
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Amazing Facts,

When is the next Scheduled Bible answers, live, and on what station/social media? Thank you.
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Amazing Facts
You can find all of our program listings here: New Bible Answers Live programs air on Sunday at 7:00pm PT
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We have watched Sabbath school weekly for years on Dish. I am so sorry it will not be available in the future. I know I can watch it elsewhere, but will it be available before 8 am on Sabbath mornings?
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Amazing Facts
It will be streamed in the Pacific time zone at 10am. Whether the lesson will be three weeks ahead, we are unsure of that at this point.
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goodmorning many happy sabath to you, my name is david fisher in calgary,alberta canada.
it is to shame that the sabath study are no longer as i always had enjoyed reading as it keep me as closdly posted to studing and help me to take my place, anyways hope you can have it replace with something else
thanks your foreever reader
david fisher calgary, alberta canada
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Is there a place from which we can download the Sabbath School Quarterly?
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Amazing Facts
You should be able to from the Sabbath School Quarterly's website:
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I enjoyed SS and learned a lot. Sorry to see it go. It's been a lifeline for me.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Carolyn in Memphis, TN
Enjoyed it! Will look to connect at the church website! Thanks so much!
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Cheryl M
I am glad you are doing more evangelism and I look forward to seeing your new programs. I am also glad Sabbath School Study Hour isn't going away just changing sites! Whew for a minute there I thought it was going away entirely!
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Very sad.
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This is a bad idea. There are folks, like me, that depends on it. You could still curate just the Sabbath School portion of the service and publish that for folks that don’t want to watch the entire service.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Paulo Silva (Portugal)
I want to praise God for this ministry of the Sabbath School Study Hour that blessed me tremendously over a number of years when nothing like it existed. Thank God for your ministry and perseverance over these years. May God continue to bless the entire AF team until Jesus comes back in glory!
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Prisoners watch this and they can’t stream
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Amazing Facts
We're sorry to hear that, but we hope they will be blessed by the other programming that will fill that time slot.
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So sorry to hear that Sabbath school study hour is not going to be produced after June. You have provided the best quality Sabbath school if anyone out there! I am disabled, rarely leave my property, unable to sit on a pew or chair for more than 10-15" due to back injuries and appreciate being able to recline on my bed and study with you.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Sad to see - won't be getting up at 3am to watch a live stream Sunday morning.
Assuming the 3 week ahead schedule will be dropped?
I only see church service archives at the GBHilltop website - maybe the SS could be made available there too?
Was helpful for preparing lessons to share
Thanks for everything
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Amazing Facts
We're not sure about the 3 week ahead schedule yet. But for the archives on the link you mentioned, those are actually the entire church service archives, unedited, starting with Sabbath school. They are usually 2 1/2 hours long and the first part is Sabbath school.
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Thank you for always sharing God word with us.
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Cheryl Ray gun
Sad and disappointing. Very frequently watched. It’ll be missed. SS is a tool of evangelism. Church studying together. I’m not a fan of Bible answers live
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Very sad would always watch on Sabbath morning in Australia before heading to SS..
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Apparently, not if your in prison!
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Amazing Facts
We are sorry to hear that, but we do hope they will be blessed by the other programming that will fill that time slot.
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Well I’m glad that we can still tune in via utube because that’s my only sabbath school. I love sabbath, and I love all the lessons Granit Bay Church gives us. Thank you pastor Doug for all you and your congregation do for us to grow in the L-RD.
Baruch HaShem
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I appreciate all of the programs broadcasts by Amazing Facts. Sure they know what they are doing in spreading the gospel over the whole world. Thank you All of you. I am further along in my relationship with the LORD because of HIS BLESSINGS on your ministry.
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I’m very sorry to hear that you are going to discontinue the Sabbath school lesson study. I have been recording it for years and watching it. I have really enjoyed the perspective that you give on the study.
Jill Mattson
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Cordelia Castorina
Sad all the same... 🙏🙏🙏
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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So I guess the podcast will be removed also? Will all the archived Sabbath school transcripts be removed also from the website?
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Amazing Facts
We will not be removing the old archives and transcripts, there just won't be any new ones uploaded.
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Will there be any podcasts developed for what is taught at Granite Bay? Will there be any recordings for those of us who can’t watch Sabbath school live at Granite Bay online or wherever. I would like to continue to hear the speakers but can’t watch it during Sabbath school time. But if it’s recorded so it’s accessible that would be great. Otherwise for myself it’ll be a great loss because I’ve been listening to Sabbath school on podcast every week for years. I just need to know if the granite bay saw the score with Pastor Lucas and Pastor Shawn and Pastor Doug Will be recorded.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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So the new quarter coming up will be recorded and archived correct. I’m just making sure I have an avenue to continue to listen to all these people because they have a lot of good insight and I don’t want to lose that. I can’t watch it live when it’s been streamed from Granite Bay. I want to watch the new ones each week. Or are they just not going to record Sabbath school any longer?
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Amazing Facts
Yes they will continue to record the Sabbath School hour. The archives will be available at the link above as well as the social media pages mentioned above.
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Good thing I have about 19 recorded! This will be greatly missed.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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Thank you for Blessing us with the Sabbath School program for so many years.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website:
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I am sorry to see this. Sabbath School Study Hour has been a regular program for me.
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Amazing Facts
You can still watch the streaming and archives on Granite Bay's Youtube and Facebook pages, as well as their website: