Panorama of Prophecy Launches in New W.O.R.D. Center

By Shenalyn Page
Posted October 21, 2021

Amazing Facts International launched Panorama of Prophecy: A Bible Study Spectacular this past weekend at the W.O.R.D. Center in Granite Bay, California. Thousands of people around the world also joined in with the live audience to hear Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International, preach on the second coming of Christ. 

The 25-part series runs from October 15 to November 13, 2021, and is being broadcast around the world on AFTV, 3ABN, Hope Channel, Facebook, and YouTube.

“The Bible is full of prophecies,” Pastor Doug said in his introduction to the first meeting. “In Panorama of Prophecy, we’re going to look at all the hot topics from Genesis to Revelation and make them understandable for everyone. I am convinced that there is nothing more important in life than what we are sharing in these meetings. Life is all about knowing God and then sharing Him with others.”

The Panorama of Prophecy meetings are the first evangelistic series to be held in the new W.O.R.D. Center since its completion. “This is a dream that has been in the works for fifteen years,” says Wayne Leman, media producer for the Panorama of Prophecy meetings. “From the very beginning, we’ve wanted to use the W.O.R.D. Center as a venue for evangelism.”

God is using the series already. Madison* is just one of the many guests who attended the meetings from the local community. “I’ve been watching Pastor Doug online for the past three years,” she said. “I got the flyer in the mail and wanted to hear him in person.”

Responses are also coming in online from people who are watching around the globe. Shirley shares, “I was watching with my husband, who has dementia, and when he heard your call to repent, he responded and confessed. He is a Christian, but it has been so long since he even responds to me. Thank you, Doug and our Savior Jesus! What a miracle!” 

 The Panorama of Prophecy series is a cooperative effort of Amazing Facts employees and donors, Granite Bay church members, and Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism students. They have spent the past several months preparing updated Bible lessons, doing Bible studies in the community, and planning all the details of the meeting. 

One team of volunteers is running a local prophecy program for kids that includes nature and Bible lessons, crafts, and activities. “Children’s evangelism is so important,” says Amy Martin, children’s program leader. “Kids are like sponges. When you take a dry sponge and fill it up with water, it gets so full it starts leaking all over.  These children are learning about Jesus. They get so excited that they just can’t contain it. They want to share what they’re learning.”

It’s not too late to join us online or in person. This is a prophecy seminar you won’t want to miss!

*Name changed.

Photo by Alden J. Ho


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I sure wish the study lessons had bigger font. This is far too small for my mother to read.
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Daniela Serna
I am enjoying this program and it is fun .
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Mitchell Nyumah
Mitchell Nyumah.
I'm wanna appreciate you for the work done so far and what you will continue to do.
I'm kindly appealing to to please share this lessons power points and PDF for us to do further studies.
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Ralph Lombart from the Historical of Canterbury in Kent,
I’m really enjoying the Panorama of Prophecy, May God richly bless Pastor Doug and his team as they continue share Jesus with everyone 🙏👍

Typo: from the Historic Cathedral City of Canterbury in Kent, England
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How can I watch from the beginning of Panorama of prophecy?
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Maria, Arlington SDA
Where can I find the study guides in pdf form?
This series is exactly what I needed. I know it’s touching the hearts of many people, including many in my family. God bless you.
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In a previous program you mentioned that there are two resurrections mentioned in Revelation. Aren't there three? Revelation 1:7 "Behold, He is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him." This seems to tell us that those involved in His crucifixion will be resurrected just before Jesus comes back the second time.
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That is the "special resurrection". All those people involved in the trial and crucifixion of Christ will be resurrected at his second coming, but will be killed again by his brightness. Thank you.
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What will happen to those who died before learning about Christ? Will the be saved even though they didn’t have a relationship with Jesus?
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There is a law put in all human beings by God called "conscience". If it is not destroyed such as this text talks about (KJV 1 Timothy 4:2
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;), God can use that to save us, even if we didn't know Jesus experientially. Thank you.
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Can you please tell us why we continue to say the name Jesus ? What is His real name?
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Whatever name you know the Son of God by, if you believe in Him that He is the Saviour of the world and do His will (namely the 10 commandments), He will save you. Thank you.
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Iris in TN
Oct 27, 2021 I have recorded the first 4 meetings, and I have invited my next door neighbor to come over and watch them with me. Please pray for her, and for me that God will lead me to carefully introduce her to our Redeemer and our ever-present Help during these difficult times,. Praying for Pastor Doug, the assistants behind the scenes, the viewers, and God's faithful and believing people world-wide (especially those in oppressed nations).
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Been really enjoying the programs! Thank you .I love when pastor Doug and his wife are up there and are asking and answering questions and joking with each other. Great to watch and so much info from them both.. I like when the pastor wife answers too. God bless you all !
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I agree.
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From Florida
I have questions for lives tonight involves Sabbath . How or where to get to for me to send the questions?. We have been watching the lives Panoramas every night.

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Judy Kerns
In the program tonight, 10-24-2021, you were speaking on death in the bible, you started to speak about cremation but never finished your presentation. Would like your biblical
input on that subject.
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i miss the whole series can i get a copies of it .i donot have lot money on fix income. i love pastor doug sermon. i live in washington state. i met him a our camp meeting many yr ago. god bless your ministry.
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Do you have a schedule of the times (time zones too), dates, and address of the meetings?
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I found it under the FAQ. It would be nice if it was on the main website page or even on the Amazing Facts website main page. I have invited some Bible study contacts and having the information easily accessible would be wonderful. Thank you for answering my question.
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I have a question. How do you have daily worship? What constitute true worship both at church and at home. I feel like I'm stumbling around.
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Sandra Wiecken
Sandra Wiecken, can I get the whole Bible study course in the from this? I absolutely love your other study guides.
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Adventist women don’t wear makeup or jewelry, and the they dress modestly. Why?
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Robin A Enos
Thank you for your ministry.
I’ve been watching the Panorama of Prophecy and would like to get all the follow along study guides, please.
My wife Janice and I belong to the Colfax SDA.
Thank you,
Robin A Enos
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I miss the 1st 5 programs, how do I get the lessons?
Stephanie Larsen
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I missed the first 5 episodes. How can I get the bible studies from those?
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What a wonderful blessing to know Pastor and team, and ultimately our Leader Jesus himself!