Revelation Now!—A Prophecy Event Coming this Fall

By Mark A. Kellner
Posted August 11, 2020

Beginning in October, Amazing Facts International and Pastor Doug Batchelor will present a timely, life-changing three-week Bible prophecy series called Revelation Now! Broadcasting live from the Granite Bay Hilltop Church October 23 to November 14, the outreach event will air five nights a week.

The series will air live on Amazing Facts TV and the 3ABN network; plus, Amazing Facts will also live-stream the event on Facebook. We’re also encouraging churches that can’t host their local event onsite due to pandemic restrictions to set up Zoom meetings for members and community interests to attend. The series will also feature inspirational music and health presentations. 

Live translation is expected in Spanish, with other languages possible.

Says Pastor Doug, “The world’s crises—the COVID-19 pandemic, economic strife, along with natural and man-made disasters, such as earthquakes and the terrible destruction in Beirut, Lebanon—are capturing people’s attention in every level of society. We’ve had a dramatic increase in the number of people visiting seeking Bible answers. That’s why we believe Revelation Now! is coming at a vital time. Not only will it help people see prophecy being fulfilled, but it will also help them know what’s coming next—and how they can face a secure future with Jesus at their side.”

Visit for more information.


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I took a chance and watched 1 utube video.I was impressed. I watched about 20 more and all I can say you did your homework very well. I put about 30 video's in a copy book Thank you Bill Roscioli
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Jason Wolfe
This was an excellent series!...thank you for airing it!...
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I watched you I believe and know and I know you speak the truth. Thank you for preaching the truth I thank the Lord Jesus Christ I heard the truth thank you pastor Doug.
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May Lewis
Why do some individuals state that Jesus is God when Jesus told Mary to tell His disciples (John 20:17) that He go to His Father and your Father and His God and your God? Jesus spoke it simple for all to understand. There is no need to try to figure it out.
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Jason Wolfe
Go to John 1:1-3 & Hebrews 1...
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Because Jesus also said He was God - and the Messiah.
"I and the Father are one." ~ John 10:30
"The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming.
When He comes, He will explain everything to us.”
Jesus answered, “I who speak to you am He." ~ John 4:25-26 He called Himself "Son of Man" alot while here. It was likely very foreign to Him to be confined to a human body. Hope this helps.. ^_^
Amazing Facts
Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question!
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Thank you Pastor Doug,&my family for showing me the Love of Jesus, I used to be in bondage with drugs ,alcohol, sex,&many other things. I stopped my anger with God, it's the key to my sobriety 14 months now. I now need Jesus to rule me daily. Thank You Pastor Doug for your Love,Wisdom, Honor of Jesus Christ.
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Denn Oggi
Thank you Pastor Doug for the presentations. I have really enjoyed every sermons. May God bless you.. and Pastor its said we are coming to the end of presentations. Are you going to run another series of meeting like this in the near future? Thank you
Denn Oggi
Papua New Guinea
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Amazing Facts
Pastor Doug typically has a series every year. You can watch the archives to past programs here:
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Alexander Serrano
Amazing facts has changed my life and I pray that God will always strengthen me and hold me tight in these terrible times that we are living in . Thank you pastor Doug for Amazing facts. God bless . Alexander Serrano from Pennsauken NJ.
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What does Daniel 9:27 mean??
Thank you, Laurie
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Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question! In the meantime, you can browse our media library here with that specific scripture:
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Panasi Malawa from Papua New Guinea.
Thank you Pastor Doug for preaching God's truths from the Bible. I have been watching all your series on YouTube and am very blessed.
I thank God for revealing his amazing truths in this endtimes and I believe blessings are pronounced on those who diligently believe and adhere to the prophecies of Revelation.
Thank you.
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Darlene Anderson
God blessed morning is there a flyer that I can share with others regarding Revelation Now that I can download and print or can you email me one. Thank you I have really enjoyed and learned so much. I have also told others about it but would like to tell more that I may not see or talk to.
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Amazing Facts
Yes we do, you can download it here:
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If I haven't been baptised, born again christian, then if I obey the sabbath I won't be let into the gates of heaven. Is that true?
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Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question!
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Hi im Eric Jimenez from the Philippines please pray for us, there is a typhoon heading towards us i really do.appriciate it. thank you so much more power amazing facts and pastor doug.
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Amazing Facts
Prayers are going out, may God protect the people there!
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Hi, How can we watch the whole series on tv after they are shown?
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Amazing Facts
We currently don't have that information, but if you have a smart TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can watch the archives here:
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My name is Saphina I'm watching the class Revelation now. Is it possible to get the work books in the mail?
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Amazing Facts
We don't offer the Landmarks of Prophecy lessons that are being used as supplemental study material in the mail. But you can purchase your own hard copy set here:
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Kennji Quispe
If we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God, why did Enoch, Elijah and Moses ascend to heaven?
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Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question!
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what happened to Monday nights download since I can only watch the downloads .. I live on the east coast, and it is so late when it comes on . I watch the next Morning Thank You from PENNSYLVANIA
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Are there Revelation now study guides. Are there study guides to the questions you asked during the seminar?
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Amazing Facts
Revelation Now doesn't have its own set of study guides. Pastor Doug is using his Landmarks guides as supplemental material to study after the presentation. Each guide can be downloaded here:
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Nesly. New Jersey
QUESTION: We often say God grants us free will. We are often told that there is no destiny and each individual chooses his/her own path. However, we find instances in the Bible where Jesus said "It is not the time yet" (paraphrasing the time he disappeared from the crowd). Does this means GOD "plans" out a prophecy and makes sure it happens as planned?
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Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question!
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FM from PI
I need to pray for my son who is sick. His name is Cd Aguhob.Thank you very mucinclude him in your prayers always
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We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling. Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about your prayer request by writing us here:
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please advise, I've been trying every way to get into the revelation now seminar and it wont let me.
Help please. And please pray for me and my family each and everyone to be saved. And to direct me where and when to move.
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Amazing Facts
Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about your prayer request by writing us here:
Amazing Facts
All the archives can be viewed here or here: You can watch the live program on the second link. Please make sure your internet is fast enough to live stream the videos.
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I downloaded tonight's study material for Pastor Doug's Presentation. However, the linked Study Material is from Landmarks of Prophecy, "Return of the King". So I don't believe this material is related... Can they update/correct this issue;
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Amazing Facts
Revelation Now doesn't have its own set of study guides. Pastor Doug is using his Landmarks guides as supplemental material to study after the presentation. We apologize for the confusion.
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Revelation ... why are we reading other books and verses
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Amazing Facts
Hi Erwin,

That’s a great question! Many people, when they first encounter the bible, wonder if there is a difference between reading the Bible and studying the Bible? Can I really trust this book? If so, where should I begin to study? Is it really relevant or important to study the bible in specific way? To summarize your question in short, the word “Revelation” simply means “an act of revealing or of making known”. Many times in the Bible, we see stories, passages, & parables that reveal a divine truth, a revelation as so to say of Jesus Christ. Revelation 1, verses’ 1-3 begins with this very answer:

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” – Revelation 1:1-3

These inspired bible passages connect a bigger canvas, a greater story between good & evil. We have a wonderful resource entitled “Back to Jerusalem” which answers this very question of “How to Study Your Bible”.

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Hi, I really wanted to listen to this series, but the sound is really muffled on my cell phone or tablet whether I use an external speaker or the speak on the phone/tablet. It is so hard to hear I am turning it off. I hope it is fixed for the next day's event.
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Amazing Facts
We're sorry you're having problems, but the audio is fine in the files.Maybe try watching through a computer or headphones. You can find the archives here or here:
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Please keep my family the Howell’s, the Hunter’s, the Tate family in prayer for lost of love ones, and a family member in ICU fighting for life. Thank you the Howell family.
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Amazing Facts
We’re sorry to hear that. Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about your prayer request by writing us here:
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I need/want prayer 🙏🏾 one on one with a real spiritual advisor. How would that happen?
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Please contact us here so we can help you better:
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I mean no disrespect of any kind. I’m married and very much of age. I really need prayers.
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It says in the LAST DAYS (before the return of Jesus Christ )
WRONG would be RIGHT
RIGHT would be WRONG !!!
It seems we are there
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Is Revelation Now the series that is to go to all the big cities of the world? Our church gave a substantial amount to that series. Thanks, Alan
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Amazing Facts
Yes, Metro Mission became Revelation Now. We apologize for any confusion. Here is the project page:
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Mere Tiko
Such a right time for the truth to be presented to this confused world full of deceptions
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Where can I order pamphlets or cards or bookmarks; something to share with neighbors a physical reminder of this event?
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Hi Kristie, I don't know if you have perhaps the chance to go to your local church to help you out to print the pamphlets. I did that and they printed for me 400 pamphlets. Praise God for this.
We just passed them out to our neighbors. Thanks Amazing Facts for the wonderful job spreading the word of God!
Amazing Facts
We don't have physical materials to send out due to the circumstances with Covid, but we've made available the flyer for download which you can take to a local printer and print as many as you want. The download link is here:
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Deborah Page
Can you supply for
THE REVELATION NOW SEMINAR SERIES Links to the PDF'S for the business cards & flyers so you don't have to send them out, but we can print and SPREAD the WORD?
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Amazing Facts
Sign up as a host and you'll receive the host package to download and print all the materials:
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We are an hour later, and have signed up to host live at our church, but 8-9:30 is too late. Would it be ok to delay 1 day, to show it from 7-8:30 local time?
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Amazing Facts
Yes, you can use the archives that will be available to watch any day or time after we air it.
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I believe that we should begin seeing a sharp rise in Christian martyrs sometime soon.
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i would like to know if we will have something to follow like study guides or do we do our own notes
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Amazing Facts
Yes, there will be study materials that correspond with each night. They will be posted on the main website:
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Will you have study guide to go with it.
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Amazing Facts
Yes, there will be study materials that correspond with each night. They will be posted on the main website:
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Kelly Brown
Hi I'm Kelly Brown from a Granite Bay too.
Im deaf n will those be on tv or youtube with closed caption right after live?
Thank you n blessing♡
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Amazing Facts
Hi Kelly, we just got word that someone will be translating these meetings into sign language. You will be able to find them here:
Amazing Facts
If you watch the series on YouTube or Facebook, you can use the live/automated captioning that is on those platforms. On YouTube, you can find it on the bottom in the toolbar with a "CC" icon.
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Can you provide a complete schedule with each Topic/Title to be presented each night? Is programing scheduled for every night?
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Amazing Facts
The schedule will be posted here: If you sign up to be a host, it will be part of your host package that you receive via email.
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I am looking so forward to your show on Amazing Facts from October 23rd to November 14th I whenever you speak and you give a Bible verse I write them all down and when my quiet time I can go through them like to not wait until you're October 23rd 10 November 14th show comes on I am in so need of understanding The Book of Revelation and thank you so much for helping ME ROSEANN C. PANTO
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Amazing Facts
If you don't want to wait until Oct 23, you can watch Pastor Doug's Landmarks of Prophecy series anytime here:
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Thank you very much, now we can move forward
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Amazing Facts
Great! And yes, that's unfortunate. It was a challenge to secure, but God provided and hopefully He will continue to direct people to the correct website!
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Piper Smith
I desperately the Revelation Now Seminar in Spanish, so it can be printed on the same handbill we are mailing out to 15,000 in our community. Please help.
Piper Smith
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Amazing Facts
Looks like they were able to finish it up today. Here is the link to download it:
Amazing Facts
Our translators and designers are still working on the Spanish version of the handbill. We hope to be done with it soon! Keep checking back on this page where it will be posted:
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Is there an age required?
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Amazing Facts
Anyone can watch the program, but it will be going into deep Bible study and therefore most children under 12 would have a hard time understanding the full message.
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Gregory Lafleur, Bible Worker
Good evening, for long time I have not miss none of pastor Doug's Prophecy seminars and would like to help spread the word about the seminar is it possible to get some more flyers I am a bible worker looking forward to the Event thank you
Gregory Lafleur
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Amazing Facts
You can download and print the flyer here:
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Will there be recordings/videos available for these meetings? I'd like to attend but I'm located in the Central European time zone..
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Amazing Facts
Yes you will be able to watch the archives after they air. All the information will be on this page:
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Hello. I would like to know if cards or handbills will be available for mailing and handing to folks to announce this event. I just heard your announcement this early morning, 9/9/20, and immediately I began to make a list of folks I know who might appreciate knowing about it. Not all of them have an email, and, of those who may (or do), I do not have all of them so that I could e-send them a notice. This doesn't mention those who don't even check their email ! ! / I appreciate your attention to this inquiry. I hope to learn your response as soon as you can provide one.
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Amazing Facts
We are working on a "Host Package" that will include all the necessary advertisement for churches or home study groups that plan on hosting the series, whether live or through a watch party. All the instructions will be provided in the email. If you would like to sign up for that, you can do so here: Or if you are just interested in handing out flyers, we have a free download link at this webpage in which you can print and distribute them to your friends:
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Alma Will the flyer for the 'Revelation Now" seminar be available for purchase to distribute around communities?
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Amazing Facts
We will not have a purchase option, but we do have a free download option in which you can print and distribute freely. You can find that download link on this webpage:
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Will our local church be able to get a list of people that register online from our local area?
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Amazing Facts
While we are providing resources and instructions for you to host your own church meeting (either in-person or online), we won't be providing a database or sign up list to the hosts. We suggest that you send an invitation email (we will be providing you with a sample email in the Host Package being sent out soon) and then have them "sign up" with your church to keep it internal. There isn't a need for them to sign up at the main website if you are inviting them with the resources we provide (handbills, emails). We are looking forward to having your join us.
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Thailand Prayer Call
we look forward to this details soon as we are praying to share it to our thai friends here in Thailand too. thanks
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Amazing Facts
Please visit our website for more details. You also sign up to be a host on that website and receive the necessary materials to share about this program.
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Hi. I asked my church pastor if he wants to host this seminar as a whole church event and he said yes.
He wants me to get started on this using my name and contact besides the information about my church address.
Do you send me all the information regarding "how to host" or the host package will go to the church?
I prefer the package will go to the church even though I am the contact person.
Thank you!
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Amazing Facts
The digital download package information will go to whichever email address you provide. We recommend using your name and email so you get the information and updates directly to your email, and then putting the actual church location as the address.
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I would like to do a “ watch party” on face book. Is this possible to do each night?
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Amazing Facts
Yes! You can sign up to be a host and you will get details how to do that. Click here to sign up:
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Looking forward to this .. for such a time as this 😉
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Thanks for always being current with your Bible information
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Arlene from Cape Town
Hi, looking forward to this series and will share the advert widely as soon as it is available and dates are confirmed. Thank you for your incredible ministry and please convey special thanks and appreciation to the amazing designers for the superb artwork that is used in all of your marketing and communication. Amazing talents being used for God's glory!
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Amen, may God bless your ministry and it this series be a success.
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What time on October 23 will Revelation now, start, Im in Australia
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Amazing Facts
All the information for how to watch will be listed and updated on this website:
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Christine Allen
How can I get started with free Bible study online
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Amazing Facts
You can enroll for free in our online Bible school here:
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Some flayers in English language
Am in Uganda i need them to be shared on social media
Thank you
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Sign up for our email updates to be notified when all the advertising materials will be available:
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Can you make the flyer with both English and Spanish, so it can mailed out in one mailing?
Thanks, Piper
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Will you make a printer-friendly flyer for the upcoming Revelation Now seminar to give to friends and family?
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Our designers are working hard on creating all the advertising materials to help churches and individuals get the word out. Please sign up for our email updates to be informed of when the materials are available:
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Because of His Grace
Shalom Pastor Doug and precious Saints... I am so excited and anxiously waiting for this prophecy event. Amazing Facts and Pastor have helped my walk with the Lord and I can’t get enough of the resources and teachings. Everyday I thank our Father in heaven for your ministry. Looking forward and sharing this event with my family and friends. God Bless you Pastor and friends....
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I am located in Alaska. Is there a way to find out if someone will be hosting this in my area?
Very excited about this! Thank you for your work in Christ!
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Amazing Facts
Please check back with us closer to the event date. When more sites register to host, we will be able to give you a better update.
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You should post them all to Youtube too. Hope its as good as the Folsom Revelation event was in Jan and Feb! Outstanding!
Kudos to Carlitos!
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What was the Folsom Revelation Event? Can it still be accessed? Thank you for your reply.
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Amazing Facts
We believe they were referring to the one presented by our Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) director, Carlos Muñoz. You can watch the archives here on Youtube:
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José Simón Velasquez
Quiero saber si tienen una Biblia en español con los estudios bíblicos de Hechos Asombrosos, les agradeceré me informen como obtenerla. Gracias
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Amazing Facts
No, we don't have the Bible with the Amazing Facts study guides. But we do carry this Bible with commentaries:
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could it be possible that we can download the videos and transcript of the presentation that is happpening in October Revelation Now! Please
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Amazing Facts
As we get closer to the event, we will consider all the options for archiving the series.
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Bill N.
Could pastor Doug look into the Beirut event. It was an evil , preplanned act that left many dead and homeless. Many hospitals disabled. Could you have a special prayer for that country, they’ve been picked on and abused for decades.
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Amazing Facts
We've sent your comment on to him. You can also let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about any prayer requests by writing us here:
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John 777
Can anyone help?
Hi, I am a born again Christian. About 3 weeks ago the Holy Spirit entered my heart. I would like to know if I have to be baptized by water in a public ceremony before I can truly be saved and, if so, how I go about doing this, especially with Covid-19 restrictions in my country. I live in the UK. Also, which church organizations or denominations provide this service and if a I am baptized in my local church am I then automatically a member of that congregation and that church? Please can you help, it's all new to me but I want to do the right thing for my savior Jesus Christ and live a life of faith and obedience to Him. God bless everyone at Amazing Facts for doing a fantastic job with this service.
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Jenny Wren
Hi John, How did you hear the gospel? I live in the UK. I've just learnt from the Baptist Union of Great Britain that baptisms by immersion are now permitted (in England, not sure about Wales, Scotland and N.I.). They can be held in a church with a baptismal pool or the sea, a river or a lake. I recommend finding a church near you. Baptist, Pentecostal, Brethren and Free Evangelical churches all practise believers' baptism by immersion, as do most of the 'new' churches - Vineyard, New Frontiers etc. Do an internet search to see what churches there are in your area. Try them out to make sure they really do preach the Gospel - the denominations I've mentioned usually do. Anglican churches vary enormously, from ritualistic and dead, to good teaching and fellowship. Anglicans will baptize you provided you weren't Christened as an infant, but most will only do it by sprinkling a little water over you, rather than full immersion, although there are exceptions. May the Lord bless you.
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John777 I want to let you know baptism is not just a pubic display, its so much more and is a required ordinance by God. Just as is the 10 Commandments are Law we must also follow God's Ordinances. Bible study is exciting and it's required before baptism so you know exactly what you are accepting and willing to obey All God's Laws and Ordinances. If you disagree on one you don't truly accept Jesus as your Saviour. This is why studying His Word is vital. sin is what separate us from seeing God face to face. His brightness(no sin in Him) would destroy us because we have sin and it's not comparable with God, that's why Jesus died for us, He took our sin IF we accept Him and will change us, He will make us Rightous before God. It's His blood that covers us so God doesn't see our sin. Yes even the Fourth Commandment is still valid, Remember the Sabbath Day... Which there are 146+ scriptures telling us Saturday is Sabbath. Catholic papacy changed it. No one has the authority to change God's Law! May Jesus bless you and let your conscience be a guide. The more you learn the more you see the truth.
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John777 find a local Seventh Day Adventist Church. (SDA). The (sda) is the only Sabbath keeping church that also keeps the Ordinances of God, ie: full emersion baptism. God bless and keep you.
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Maurice in Texas
Welcome John 777. You are already saved. Baptism is a public display of being saved. Being submersed represents your former self dying and being buried, as Jesus was. When you come up out of the water, it represents being raised from the dead to a new life, as Jesus was. Now you can live your new life by the power of God through Jesus Christ. Note: You must renew your mind. All your old memories are still there, your old habits, desires, and weaknesses. Do not get discouraged, it is a process, it will take time. Find a modern language Bible translation that is easy for you to read. Free online translations are available through websites and apps like Bible Gateway and YouVersion. Read the New Testament first, you must get to know the covenant we have through Christ before you can fully appreciate and understand the Old Testament. I strongly suggest you read the first five books of the New Testament five times quickly - as you would read the newspaper or a novel - to get to know the general facts. Don't expect to get it all in one pass. I promise you this, the more you read the Bible, the more interesting it becomes. Also, make a habit of reading some each day. Even if you read several hours yesterday, read at least five or ten minutes today. It is a habit you will love once it is formed. // About the church where you get baptized - you are not obligated to join, but most churches assume you will worship with them. "Feel" the Holy Spirit within you, He will guide you. If you feel uncomfortable, you may not know why, but He is giving you a nudge. If you feel comfortable, then stay with it. You will make mistakes, that is natural. Don't let it upset you. God tells us in the Bible that "all things work to good for those who love the Lord", and He also says "I will never leave you or forsake you". When you stumble and fall, get up, bind your wounds, praise God, smile and keep going. The Scripture says "Praise God in all things".
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Hello John 777, Welcome to Christ’s family! Praise the Lord!! Baptism is the very first step of obedience to God. Just ask Him to lead you to where you will be baptized. Many people are lead to open bodies of water. In Florida for instance people are baptized at the oceans edge on a beautiful morning or mid afternoon. It’s very solemn and touches & encourages the hearts of those witnesses around.
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Hi! We'd be happy to help you and answer your questions. Please use the form on this page to contact us and your message will get to the right department that can help you!
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Good morning I’m Symone. I would love to have more literature about how to become closer too God, how to under the word biblical? What is it that God expects of you? Etc
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We invite you to check out our free media library with many topics on Christian living: