Amazing Facts and PPP

Dear friends, 

It’s been said that “a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.” Thus, in the interest of rapid rumor control, I wanted to address some uninformed speculation and assumptions that have been circulating via the Internet.  

The propaganda says that Amazing Facts is now being supported by government money. This is not true. Here’s the truth. 

Amazing Facts supports about 100 employees, including missionaries, evangelists, media and IT professionals, Bible School staff, and other office workers—both here and abroad. When it appeared that state governments would be shutting down thousands of companies and organizations around the country, like everyone else, the ministry became concerned for the welfare of our workers. Not long after, the U.S. government announced the paycheck protection program (PPP) to address this issue. The ministry did apply for this potentially forgivable loan, and nothing about the application required Amazing Facts to compromise our beliefs or alter the content of our literature or broadcasts. 

Now—here’s the part of the story you are likely not hearing. 

While our PPP application was accepted, we did have apprehensions about using the approved funds. After all, “the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). Thus, we decided to refrain from actually relying on the government program and told the bank we will not be using the loan funds, trusting that God would supply through His people even in these challenging times—and He has. 

I should add, we are not condemning those who are using this stimulus money.  It is perfectly legal.

In the interest of full disclosure, Amazing Facts also applied for bank loans for our recent W.O.R.D. Center building program. The construction companies required this step. With good credit, the ministry was approved to borrow up to $15 million. But again, we prayed that God would provide the funds for construction without us needing to utilize the loan. And, praise God, construction is almost complete and, by His grace and goodness, we have not used any of the bank loan money thus far.

For the past 55 years, Amazing Facts has survived by faith from week to week without being subsidized by any denomination, corporation, or government organization. We praise God for His goodness and trust that He will continue to sustain us through the faithfulness of His people.

Jesus is coming soon! Let’s focus on sharing the three angels’ messages and not get distracted by cruel rumors intended to hurt the last-day work. If you encounter someone perpetuating distortions about Amazing Facts’ finances, please pass this information on to them with a Christ-like spirit.

Pastor Doug

PS – Here is a recent picture of the WORD Center.  Built thus far by faith without using any bank money! Will be complete this fall.

W.O.R.D. Center

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I just want to say how sorry I am that Amazing Facts has had to go through this. Although I personally did not hear anything about it....the devil just loves to cause distress when we already have our hands full. Without Amazing Facts, I would probably be bound for hell...and I thank our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus..for guiding me to where I truly needed to go as all I wanted was the TRUTH!! Your ministry is always in my prayers and will be til we all meet on that glorious day. Good be with you all and may He continue to bless you and be with you, ( ALL of Amazing Facts), from now til Paradise!! Thanks again and please keep up your wonderful and truly blessed work in His name.
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Tracey Jesus only can and will save you.
Jesus plus anything else is a false salvation and will not save you. Jesus plus a special exclusive doctrine will not save you. Please don't worship a man's kingdom and think that you are safe for eternity. Jesus + anything =religion not salvation. Jesus + nothing = salvation.
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Why do so many in the Remnant Church jump to conclusions before the facts are know and even then doubt the facts? Someone once said that being an SDA requires skepticism. If so, many of the comments prove this. A shaking is well in progress and unless changes are made, these will be first in line to leave. Each of us only answer to God who judges our hearts.
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The remnant church is made up of Christians not a religion. The remnant is the converted jews in the last days to witness to the rest. 144000 Jews 12000 from each tribe. Witnesses. Not as Ellen taught that only 144000 sda would be saved. If that were so you should be very disappointed for your odds are pretty poor. Just as the Jehovah's witnesses 144000 are going to be very disappointed. In fact their religion will not save a single soul. I pray you will trust in Jesus only for your salvation. Jesus + anything = religion not salvation.
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A bit off topic, but I think the more important story is the church cowering under the states covid rules. I saw in the news where a couple of other denominations in CA stood up against an unconstitutional order and the SDA's did nothing I know of. They went along with the gov. Where is the red line in the sand when where you just say no to the gov.?
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I literally just saw this video, long after the fact, so my apologies for this delayed comment. I would think that when AF met as a board to discuss this PPP, discussion was had of the pros and cons of application, potential consequences, as well as the customary prayer for God's guidance. This is typical for boards. When pr. Doug mentions the "small window" of opportunity, was AF in a rush to apply? Did AF see a window of opportunity slipping by when so much cash was available? I do not intend for a polemic or critical tone, but the appearance of "second thoughts" bespeaks regret or concern of a previous decision, i.e., an issue of conscience, especially when the board decides NOT to use the money. I am questioning why this did not occur at the outset when application was done during that small window of cash-waving by the government. If God IS in control, why depend on government monies? Thanks for your reply.
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Amazing Facts
Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer your questions here. If you would like a reply, please contact us here:
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Jeremy Lucas
I like the comment that pastor Doug recommends, to call the brother/first before you start spreading rumors. I wish Amazing Facts does the same thing and lives according to this principle. On many occasions pastor Doug called on people/ministries in his sermons/presentation that were based on rumors and personal feelings. Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you.
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Amazing Facts
Thank you for you comments. We appreciate you reaching out and asking that we represent Christ more closely. We will pass this on to Pastor Doug. God bless you.
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Thank you for your transparency regarding the Amazing Facts SBA PPP loan application. The SBA PPP loan data that was released in early July indicates that the Amazing Facts loan was approved on April 12, 2020; therefore, can you confirm the date Amazing Facts returned the PPP loan funds to Five Star Bank or the date Five Star Bank officially cancelled the Amazing Facts PPP loan? Thanks, David
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Amazing Facts
Hi David, The deposit got posted on July 23, 2020. Hope that answers any questions you had.
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Thank you replying; but just to be clear, was July 23 the date Amazing Facts received the SBA PPP loan funds or the date Amazing Facts returned the SBA PPP loan to Five Star Bank? Sincerely, David
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Amazing Facts
July 23, 2020 is the date that the bank recorded the return. Hope that clears it up!
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Rae & Steve Cocks
Awesome Work all those involved with Amazing Facts.
You have blessed our spiritual lives Praise God :-)
Keep up the good fight
God Bless
Rae & Steve
Innisfail QLD
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Thank you very much for information. Amazing Facts must be serving God's cause as 1. He has supplied and 2. the enemy is frenetically active!
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Susan K
Thank you for this information, but can you tell me what ultimately was done with the PPP money since it wasn't used? Was the PPP provided through a bank and Amazing Facts told the bank to cancel this money? Can you tell me also what happened with the 15 million loan that was approved? Is it in a holding place to use later, or was it cancelled? I really appreciate your response on this as I'm a little confused on this. Thank you so much.
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Amazing Facts
Thank you for your note. We will answer your questions in the order you gave them:
  1. The PPP money was provided by a bank for the government to use to pay employees during the shutdown. It was returned to the bank who then would return to the government.
  2. The loan that we have is just ready should we need it to finish the building. It has not been touched.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
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Alberta Long
I thank Pastor Doug for crushing the rumor. Praise God for those who give to the cause. Although they did not use the funds there is no harm or sin if they did. Loan means loan. If we buy a house we get a loan from the bank. There is no difference, no harm and definitely not a sin. We play into satan’s hand when we concern ourselves with things other than Christ and him crucified.
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I do not think Amazing Facts has done anything to create a controversy. The ppp program is for protection of employees which is honorable. The construction loans also seem normal. In the end GOD provided for all . We should be grateful.
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Critics of Amazing Facts are PERFECT.......or so they believe.
Critics judge and pontificate as they are PERFECT......or so they believe.
Critics PERFECTLY believe it is their calling, mission to dictate righteousness, what is acceptable and unacceptable.
Critics are PERFECTLY used as a distraction to destruct, WE ALL KNOW FROM WHAT SOURCE THEY SPEAK.
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David Haley
Dear Pastor Doug,
I will be sending a little money to help the Ministry get over this bump.
On a personal note, I am good friends of one of your employees in the Chattanooga, TN area and met your son Nathan at a wedding in Birmingham, AL where he was a groomsman about a year or two ago. Good people
Your fellow traveler, Dave
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Tammy Dresser
Keep standing in the promise that God will provide!
For all of us, It’s so easy these days to fall down a rabbit hole... Satan puts them everywhere, just always remember to “look up” and You’ll find the light that will lead us into all truth! Love this ministry, God Bless!
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Frank M Christensen, Sartell MN
I had not heard any rumors, but if I had I would not have believed them. I have followed Amazing Facts and Pastor Doug for years as I watch I know that organization and him are following our SDA beliefs. If he was not I would quit, but I have never heard any thing or read anything that was contrary to our beliefs. I feel gratefull for the programming and the opportunity to have it come directly into our home. Keep following GOD.
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Debbie Copeland, longtime believer firsttime texter...I have seen God's powerful LOVE is in every church even the Sunday Churches that is afterall where I heard and this I request prayer for it is where I first questioned further into His purpose for ME throughout ALL of HISTORY He loves me and had predetermined to display His willingness of going to ALL Jesus loving churches and the great lengths to bend my ear to hear HIS word..He gets and KEEPS my attention by the amazing fact that Jesus's living love for me pricks my ears with a.. piercing word of truth, His Love is the very TRUTH that is convicting my soul.
LOVE = Freedom
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Arletta Reed
Thank you for the information. Praying for Amazing Facts; thank you for the testimony that God still provides our needs and supports his faithful workers. May God's blessings continue with Amazing Facts. Thank You, Lord for all the loving gifts You bless us with.
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G. Henderson
This is very sad to see. God's remnant is to rely wholly on the Lord, not apply for government funds. There was no rumour or falsehood spread if what is being said - that AF applied for and accepted government funds - actually happened. It is deception to try to say that there were rumours and falsehoods and accusations. It is wrong for Christian orgs to accept government funds when they are to ask God for what they need - that is fornication. SDAs know that if no one else would. Pastor Doug said he felt convicted...why so? Because he knew it was wrong. This, I say again, is very sad to see.
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Purple Lee
The rumour is that AF is being SUPPORTED by government funds. The funds were returned, so no support there. We are so quick to judge and condemn and shake our heads at other people's actions. I sincerely hope you did not accept any stimulus money that was distributed by the government. We have to pray for each other not condemn and tear people down. Amazing Facts is doing a tremendous work for the Lord. If they should stumble, let the Lord deal with the matter, not sinful finite humans. Feel sad about the sin in your life, as we all should.
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Teresa sister in Christ
How can I purchase Pathways To Faith with the 12 bible studies in the back. I’d like to distribute them to others.
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Amazing Facts
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PTL for His faithfulness in providing for the finances of His work thru AF and honoring your trust in Him. We serve a great and wonderful God who is so faithful to His word. Thank you for sharing this information and being open and honest, but since I’m not on much media,I hadn’t heard anything. But I’ll be glad share this with anyone who may have heard this rumor. Praying that God will help us all be faithful till the end.
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Thank you
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Jim Moore
Jim Moore ---- Doug, thanks for your update. In these beginning end times, false information will be everywhere. In fact our Country is being led by lies, hatred, distrust, denigration of character, revenge, and retaliation. The economic crisis has begun, and the use of military law has begun. I'm not sure how soon a "Sunday Law" will be contrived. This unity of American Evangelists and the Papacy is still in the cloudy stages.
Keep doing what you are doing and know that prayers for your Ministry is a constant priority.
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Mandy Aleshinloye.
The Lord will continue to bless His work. Thank you for the update. Blessings.
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Michael Georgescu
Thank you for this disclosure pastor Doug! My wife and I have never doubted about this ministry’s faithfulness! May the Lord give you and the staff the necessary wisdom to continue His work for the salvation of many souls! This year one of my clients’ brothers, who was in prison for many years and was supposed to remained there for more years received bible studies from Amazing Facts, and by the grace of God he was put on parole and lives in freedom! I personally believe that this was a miracle not just because he was released from a physical prison but for the fact that he accepted the Bible studies and is in search of being freed from sin, and becoming a candidate for heaven! Blessings!
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In God is ALL our hope, wisdom, protection, provision, strength, and courage for the times of uncertainty we are living in. Thank you for all that you all at Amazing Facts do for spreading God's Word! Also, thank you for the clarification about the rumor. God's continued blessings on the programing and please, keep on keepin' on 'til we Jesus!
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Dear Doug,
While I found it disappointing that you/your organization did apply and receive the PPP loan, I find it most disconcerting that you would now claim that any report of that fact, a fact you yourself admit yourself, is indeed a lie. Two wrongs to not make a right. Praise God that you as a ministry did return the money unused; but to claim the report of your receiving the money/loan as a falsehood is its own falsehood. That is equally disturbing. Anything less that the whole truth is not the whole truth; and in this case, to claim the report is not truth is a lie. We cannot retain God's favor while proclaiming a lie. As you have made your falsehood public, and given a wrong impression - that reports of your applying and receiving the loan was a rumor and a lie - you now need to make an equal public confession of the wrong done. It may hurt to do so, but in the end, God will be glorified. God is specific in Revelation 22:15 that to make a lie will exclude many from heaven. I don't want that to be the case in this instance. God bless to correct this wrong.
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I'm sorry but I must comment on your comment. Did you watch Pastor Doug's entire response friend? He did not say that the report of AF receiving or applying for the money was a lie. He stated, very plainly, that the reports that AF was living off of the government was a lie and indeed that was a blatant lie. There was a ministry that strongly insinuated that AF was bailed out by the government. That was a falsehood and that ministry should issue an apology for spreading misleading information.
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Did you read what he said? They refrained from using the funds ... the funds were never accepted. He did not deny applying and receiving approval.
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Pastor Doug, I've come back to my childhood upbringing thru Amazing Facts. Thank you. Jesus is coming soon and so many souls need Amazing Fact. I will continue to support your ministry.
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George H
Thank you for informing me of this distraction in your effort to faithfully tell men and women of the love and the saving grace of God through the riches of the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This happened in the early Christian Church, and the Lord warned us that this would happen again in the end-time Church. Stay strong, do not become dismayed or discouraged. The battle is the Lord’s, it is not yours.
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God is good and he will continue to bless Amazing facts in all that you do. God bless everyone working there. We will continue to support this ministry until our Lord and Savior
comes to take us home. God bless pastor Doug and all his assistant pastors.
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Cheryl & Lauren
I've been reading Nehemiah this week. There will always be "Sanballats" to try to hold up the work of God! Keep on keeping on!
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Praise the Lord for supplying all your needs. Lord willing, My wife and I will continue to support your ministry by our monthly giving. Thank you for your bible lessons. I have learned much and will continue to keep learning.
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Eileen Snell
Praise God! I will continue to support and pray for Amazing Facts!
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Andy Dm
What a big deal if people utilize government funds? They do not require any favor in return. All money belong to ceasar any way, so why should we worry about money from government? ADRA uses govenments money for many years and nobody cares. If economy gets down and authorityes generously want to support their people, what a hypocricy would it be to accuse those who accept this help? If they so much cares of clean hands, let them reveal their sincerity and support ministers from their own pockets. Or keep their mouthes shut.
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Adam Schott
Thanks Pr. Batchelor! It's so good to know that the Lord is providing abundantly for His work. May He keep blessing you, your family and your ministry.
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I was unaware of this. Thank God for working through his faithful supporters to provide the funds for all of this. Praise God for Amazing Facts Ministry.
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Floyd Gungl
Praise the Lord! I applaud the work yall are doing, the mind set and the dedication! Keep up the good work! And thanks for taking the time to send out this message! Floyd Floyd Gungl
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All of the glory goes to God! It is so encouraging to see how He cares for and supports His message.
Thank you for the update. I was unaware of the false accusations.
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Yvonne K
Yvonne K.
It’s my joy to give to Gods causes. When I give, I leave the rest to God. I feel it’s His responsibility to use it to His glory. I have complete
Faith and trust in AF to teach and preach the truth as inspired by God. Thank U Amazing Facts for being faithful to Gods Holy Word.
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We love and support Amazing Facts. So thankful for the dedication that everyone there gives. Jesus is coming soon. So many souls need Amazing Facts. Keep up the good work. May God Bless you all.
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Praise God!! Keep the faith!!!
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Sandra J Love-Dahl
We did not believe the misinformation when we heard it, but appreciate the explanation. God's Blessings as you continue forward.
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Gayland Hagy
Satan has many evil devices, but God is still God and in ultimate control. May Amazing Facts continue to not only keep the faith, but continue to share it! Jesus is coming soon!
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Thank you for explaining your position. My heart was grieved when I heard that the SDA participated in the PPP. After all tithes and offerings never stopped. We are suppose to take our petition to the Lord not man. God has blessed this beautiful church and its message of truth trusting only in Him.
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Anna R
To God be the Glory.
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Thank you very much for addressing the rumors in such an open and clear manner. God has blessed your work and will continue to do so. He is coming back soon !!!
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AMEN. Praise God. That brought tears to my eyes. God is faithful to all that put their trust in Him. They will never be ashamed.
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Gary Torres
Praise God, He sustains all our needs and is enabling the Gospel to go forward at this critical time!