A Sudden Shift: How COVID-19 Changed the World

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit our world, it has turned many things upside down. Does this mark the beginning of the final events of earth’s history? What are the prophetic implications of this event? Join us for a 90 minute live discussion with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Pastor Jëan Ross.


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Jesus Loves Us
I watched your show in April 2020 about making your body ready for defending itself against Coronavirus. At the time, I was going through a mysterious respiratory illness that seemed to have effected my body in various ways. The supplement that you recommended N-acetyl cysteine had a good impact on healing my lungs over time. I've always took it as a blessing that was shared by God through your ministry. I believe that what the world and even myself have been experiencing since the beginning of the pandemic was spiritual in nature. God is sifting and forming a people in this covid-19 age of fear. We are not supposed to fear anything except the Lord God, and it also seems like fear has also spread itself to a fear against covid-19 vaccination. I've personally saw how the vaccine has stopped a continual sickness that seemed to be spreading in my own family due to people not being able to stay home and isolate properly. It's true that the vaccine won't stop covid-19, but it's what we can do to stop people from ending up in the hospital or dying and protect ourselves. Jesus taught us to love one another and I believe we must do what we can do to protect each other. The Bible also has many instances of people or nations that don't do right and God brings tyrants or rulers upon those people or nations. I believe that whats happening is because people have not turned from there wicked ways during this time, therefore, God has brought a forced rule over us in these world vaccination policies. The Bible tell us that in the end times people will eat drink and be merry. They will marry and give unto marriage. These are exactly the things that spread covid 19 in many parts of the world. I think people just need to reflect on themselves and there family and love another more than ever.
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Loida Ibarra
I see that God's work is very close to be finished and this crisis is facilitating the fulfillment of God's people's responsibility to cooperate with the angelic ministry. Amen. We're going home soon.
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You quoted YEARLY deaths from these things. BUT covid has killed that many in 4 months. So deaths from covid by the year will be 4 TIMES WHAT IT IS NOW which is 4 times the amount of the rest of the reasons you stated.
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I agree that we are living in the last days. I thank God that I found out about Seventh Day Advantis through Amazing Facts. I thank the Lord that is truth is being spread throughout the world! But am asking that you might pray for my wife whom I love very much, but she is suffering from several mental disorders. I don’t know if this is just something that happened to her because of heredity or other issues. But it does seem at times as of other things in play. I know our Lord does not bring evil upon us but I do know that satan using satanic powers because of sale creates a lot of misery. My wife has Schizophrenia and Bipolar disease. I sometimes wonder if demons sometimes have an effect on these sort of diseases. she goes to church with me but at times when I talk about certain things when she is in less control she very angry but it could be how she was taken advantage of because of her conditions. I am sorry this is so long thank you for your prayers. I will continue to pray for Amazing Facts and all who work toward the goal of our Lords second coming!
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Thank you Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross, It says in the bible that these days are coming and that man kind will what to change times and laws. We are living in a great time of history but like the Lord says this is only the beginning of sorrows. "These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. . . but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world ( John 16:33). So we all must be ready for our Lord and Savior to come soon and study His words while we are still here upon this earth He will not guide us wrong. Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will by no means pass away ( Matthew 24:55). Thank you once again and may God be with us all, Amen!!!
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Michael Hamblin
Does the Committee already Exist from September 2019??
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I read the the book the great controversy book about 20 years ago and the statement about Sunday worship will be enforced. I use to believe that Sunday was God's Sabbath day i was. convicted by the spirit of God that it was wrong. The Sabbath was Friday sundown till Saturday sundown.I keep this Sabbath now and have done for over 20 years i have been so spiritually blessed because. I know that they will enforce Sunday worship praise Jesus for his truth
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Laura Nell
Just remember...
Fear and Faith can't reside
in the same body.
You choose.
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Amen You've got it!!! Faith wins in the end - We watch in faith whilst the News (sic) fills people with fear. God be with you :)
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Everything is "contagious",,including fear
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Depends who you are - does it not?
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A shift cause "Good Men Do Nothing"!!
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This is great and assuring! I need the digital magazine Future.
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We mustn’t become so wrapped up in fear of losing our freedoms that we forget our purpose - sharing the good news. Prophetically, we know we are going to lose our freedoms. That’s why we have to make the most of the freedom we have with the time we have. Unfortunately, much of American Christiandom has become so wrapped up in a false construct of religious freedom (freedom for their own belief system, but not for others), that it is having the effect of chasing people away from Christianity because of the hypocrisy.
We recently celebrated the season of Passover, when the Israelites were instructed to stay within their homes while the angel of death massacred someone in every family of those who followed their deluded leader while ignoring the cries of the suffering. These people insisted on putting their faith in the hollow promises of a leader who deceived them with accusations of “fake news” as the plagues fell in succession. They believed the leader when he said the poor and oppressed were simply too lazy to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. “You are idle, you are idle; that is why you say, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to the LORD.’ Go now and work. No straw will be given you, but you must still deliver the same number of bricks.” (Apparently, Pharaoh was a job creator. “The wealth will eventually trickle down, just wait for it!”) God’s people were told to put their faith in the Blood of the Lamb (a symbol for the eventual sacrifice of Jesus). They were not to put their faith in the leader or his servants who mocked them and mocked God, claiming the leader and his servants also had god-given power. And putting their faith in God meant taking real actions to protect themselves and others. For a week, the Israelites were told to be soberly prepared while the Egyptians were out doing their day-to-day activities,
which recently had a lot to do with cleaning up after a whole lot of unprecedented hot, bloody, froggy, locusty, hailey, diseasey messes (nature
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Continued: messes (nature sure did seem out of whack... but it’s not real. Pharaoh said so.) God’s people were told to trust God and stay in their homes while the pestilence passed over. This did not mean making it a party where they migrated from one house to another, dashing under each blood-tinged lintel, claiming they were invulnerable because they were under the blood of the lamb. It meant stay put with those in their household. It seems very symbolic of our times. While there are doctors and nurses and grocers and others who are sacrificing their own safety to carry people through this pandemic, there are many who continue to follow their scoffing Pharaoh, blinded to the fact that he cares about nothing but his own interests. There are people who don’t take this pestilence seriously, parroting Pharaoh’s pronouncements of fake news. There are even those who claim to be protected by the blood of the lamb who still carelessly dash from one Christian house party to the next, dancing carelessly close to Pestilence, thinking that it won’t affect them, and if it does, it’s God’s will and all will be okay... but what of the people left in the wake of such carelessness? What of the vulnerable who will die because Pestilence was given a free ride an yet another host? What of those who have not had the experience of getting to know God, and are permanently turned off by the supposed Christians that are so careless with the souls of others because they feel secure in their own salvation? This is the essence of the commandment , “You shall not take the name of God in vain.” We mustn’t call ourselves Christian if we are going to misrepresent God’s character to the rest of the world.
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Well said & I agree with you // Victor
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Pharaoh was on my mind this week, and you expressed what I was thinking. In our culture today, I couldn't wrap my head around the soldiers racing after the Isrealites through the parted water, after the plagues which included their firstborn sons dying. Today I watch the blind adoration, even as our rights are devoured. Even in church I don't hear my friends just a little concerned that the Supreme Court is almost all of the same religion. The not brought up to vote choice was of a different religion. I have to wonder if all the new younger judges are all of that same religion, chosen by the same man that refused another religion as a choice. I've read that we will bring on trouble sooner than we have to.
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Danny Moya
Thanks for enlightening on current & present
Truth, want to b prepared for final events
If God wills we should still b alive then. My
Wife rested in the Lord 3 months ago looking forward
To being with her & all our loved ones that have
rested in the Lord very soon,and all the
Redeemed from all generations but most of
all with Jesus to praise & thank him for all
He did to make salvation possible.
God Bless
Praying for ur ministry
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Can’t wait for part 2. Lots of questions answered. Thank you Pastor Ross and Pastor Batchelor.
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thank you Pastors it is needed. amen
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Dushiyant Gunatilke
A desire to compose a new leaflet on Holy Sabbath gave us this free time to begin to search for Truth based on History . We continue to gather information on Fathers of Faith (Patristic) and collect data from Dr. S. Bacchiocchi these days. Join me. in Christ- Dushiyant Gunatilake- SDA Church,Jaela, Sri Lanka. Thank you for the opportunity.
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Thank you for info
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The Bible has more to say about vaccines than many realize. Some of the ingredients in vaccines include: Monkey kidney cells, guinea pig cell cultures, ABORTED HUMAN FETAL CELLS, dog kidney cells, formaldehyde, mercury/thimerosal, aluminum, gelatin, and many more toxic ingredients. Does the Bible say anything about Abortion? Of course, it is murder, vaccines contain aborted human fetal cells. Vaccines contain the dells of unclean animals. The Bible does have something to say about that. What does the Bible say about what we put inside our bodies? Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We shouldn't put anything harmful into our bodies!
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Satan does so much behind our backs in a myriad of ways in an effort to destroy us both now an eternally. Praise God for His everlasting love and protection for us. Diana, you have made claims about what ingredients there are in vaccines. I'm not a fan of using vaccines but your statements need to be supported by evidence. Unless you do, I respectfully suggest that there is no credibility to what you are claiming; you are tarnishing the amazing work of Pr Doug by what you have said.
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Absolutely! thank you for sharing. I wish our church would educate us on this. Everyone evades this topic. I learnt the hard way. I'm vaccine injured and have a terrible memory now. This is the mildest of my health consequences. We need a clear mind and healthy clean body to discern.
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The carbon emissions have indeed gone down by 50% but not because of cars not running in the pandemic but in my opinion because all plane travels have stopped all planes are grounded also if i m not confused are not our trees making oxygen from co2. God bless you all
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Marissa Booker
Hi Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross God bless you all . I know a lot of people are very fearful an others are ready for the Lord to come back . I know all this is going to change the world . I have a loving family it’s said that of 2014 my sister stop talking after my father death my son my grandchildren at this point I have only my church family and first my God. But I can’t let that stop me for rejoicing in the coming of the Lord . Is it bad to think like that I do pray for all.
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Jeremiah 31: 15-17 15Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. 16Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. 17And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD, that thy children shall come again to their own border.
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There has been a notice of less pollution in the air and there has been some talk about making sure that no one drives or works one day a week...
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Is it possible that Israel will be the first country to have the vaccine for COVID 19? I have seen and heard news of such a thing.
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Hello Pastor Doug and Pastor Rose, although we are living this time and many are dying to COVID 19. I thank the Lord for His Word One scripture that comes to mind is If my people who are called by my name should humble themselves and seek my face then will I hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land. I pray that many will come to know Christ as oppose to not knowing him. God bless you and the ministry.
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James. Australia
Why oh why has America experiencing the highest death rates. The health of the people so low the virus has found a perfect subject to gro on. Obese nation
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Hi Pastor Doug & Pastor Rose,I live in the UK and I watch this program it's very interesting,I pray for you guys to keep us up to date with your program.I also want to say thank you for the Sabbath school study hour that you aired as a Sabbath school teacher myself,I've learned a lot from listening to the program.Thankyou and God bless your work!!
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More frequent, more intense.............birth pangs.............what is next?............earthquakes, famine, pestilence?
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Jo Ann
Some Pastor fill that we should keep our churches open. That we should not listen to the dictates of states telling us that we cannot go our churches to worship. That this is just a prelude of what will happen when the Sunday Blue Laws are passed.
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It used to be that if someone walked into a bank with a mask, folks were nervous or scared. Now if someone walks in without a mask folks are nervous or scared.
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janette leiwiis yellowroseoftexas888@msn.com
I would like the future 40544. Please pray from my family, My daughter and her family Denise and my son Keith
that they will give there lives to Jesus before it is too late. Pray for my sister Nancy and her family.
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Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about your prayer request by writing us here: http://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/prayer-requests As far as the free offer, you need to text the word "future" to 40544 to receive the download link.
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Pastor Doug, Friday night was the night to cut out half of those articles & educate them on the Sabbath of creation, & who & why it was changed to Sunday. You can even ask people to google who changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday & even google knows the truth. Or at least told them to go to Sabbath truth.
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I need prayers to help me to straighten out my life. I keep making mistakes with my relationship. I am going on 55 and I really want this relationship to work. She is the one that has brought me back to God and helped me to quit smoking. I need to know what God wants me to do for him in my life. I should have been dead several times. At least 8 times.
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The cell phone companies already can track any of us as long as we have our phones with us. The plans discussed for us in the US, would just mean that there would be a voluntary app that, if a person has tested positive and indicates that, that anyone they have been within a certain number of feet of would get an anonymous notice of that fact. No names would be included. No loss of privacy. How is this giving up freedom? If the Government wants to track you they already have far more sophisticated means to do so. If God does not want them to "see" you, you won't be. Do not live in fear.
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Do any of your websites have a teaching on the Commandment "To make and wear tzitzis on the 4 corners of our garments" (Numbers 15:37-39) ?
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I know we as Christians should pray for our country and President (Prime Minister in my case) but should we, as Christians, be protesting against the evil intentions to eliminate our freedoms and bring about tyranny, Communism (Trudeau openly praised China's dictatorship) and the One World Order.
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I'm on the east coast, I tried to search for it on tv amazing facts, Facebook and u tube. I st what time does pacific time equate to east coast on how do I find it
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Please shorten the intro. Way tooooo long.
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This program is sound in equipping Christians to be on the cutting edge of the prophecy in the bible concerning the end times
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Jeanne van Rensburg
Pastor Doug, at 30 minutes and 27 seconds into the video you make a comment that i think was not intensional but just naturally about the last three years of prophecy. I just want to say without setting any dates just for interrest if 2027 marks 6000 years then what you said falls right into place. The time is indeed upon us. God Bless.
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No one knows the time or date but God.
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"how covid 19 changed the world" - I missed this when it aired - is there any way to still see it? video, stream ?
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On the dark side, many hardcore environmentalists would not shed a tear for the millions of people that could die as a result of COVID-19 triggered famines. This would limit the population which is something they have unsuccessfully been able to control during the last 50 years. As Christians, we need to care for the poor as Jesus calls us to in His mission statement, Luke 4:18
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Is it okay to honor Mother's day on the Sabbath Day?
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Daniel Li
Yes! Yes! Jesus said do goodthings in Sabbath are good. Honor birthady as well. Daniel Li
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What does the Bible mean when it says woe to pregnant and nursing mothers in Matthew 24?
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Mathew 24 says woe to the pregnant woman. Do you think now is a good time to keep having children?
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Pastor Doug, What are you saying? We should open up the economy eventhough we know the deaths will increase?
I know people are going to die...but even one life is heart breaking. People who don't know the Lord turn to vices because that is what they know. My prayer is that we are able to reach those who are turning to vices. This is an opportunity that they have and we have to find Christ.This is a delicate time. We need to be prayerful I think.
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What’s the best way to stop a person to be frightened during this pandemic
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Remind them God is still in charge and loves each and every one of us!
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I give up...can't ever open the videos from Pastor Doug...
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Its on our youtube channel but the player is now embedded on this page.
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I like it. Wanted to know more
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If you haven't watched this program, it is now archived directly on this page to watch anytime.
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How or where can a person get baptize with the Covid 19 happening?
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Please speak to your local church pastor for advice and help with baptism. They should be able to help you and find a solution.
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You can be baptized in your bath.....in Jesus Name. God provides your every need. God bless you.
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Yes you'll be able to watch it on the YouTube channel or Facebook.
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Linda Savage
Ive tried to find the link and there is no live video for A sudden shift. How cocid 19 changed the world. Ive checked on Facebook and youtube and only get the cover picture.
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Its on our youtube channel but the player is now embedded on this page.
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Pastor Doug should a seventh day adventiste believer be in love with another denomination believer to the point where the question or marrying comes in ?
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Saw briefly yesterday 04/23 speaking on Daniel 9:27 , If not mistaken in reference to Hebrews 10 :4 it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats can take away sins... Thus Daniel 9:27 reason why Yeshua HAD to stop in the middle of prophecy concerning His ministry in Luke 4:16-21 to cut covenant of Jeremiah 31: 31 ( along with fulfilling first 4 objectives of verse 24 ) Did you link 2nd. Half of Isaiah 61:2b,3 with Luke 21:22 For these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled...Is not this UNIQUE WEEK of Daniel about the Ministry of Messiah ? 1st 3.5 years beginning Confirmation 2nd 3.5 years during Great Tribulation Rev. 20 4-6 the highly honored saints ? To seal up the Vision and Prophecy and to Anoint the most Holy ?
Is not Ephesians 4:10-(13*) the completion of Genesis 1:26 aka Character Development in which to build Eternity Proverbs 13:10 ( must interject John 5:19,30 ,though better scriptures could be used Gal. 2:20, As Messiah's blantent secret ,,,,, instead of the black hole of self centered thinking deciding for OURSELVES what is good & what is evil ,aka Pride / Independence / Jeremiah 17:9 ) Point being 1+2 Corinthians 4: 7 What does anyone HAVE that they first didn't RECEIVE ? Proverbs 4:23 for instruction Romans 12:1-3 Philippians 4:6-8 2nd. Corinthians 10:4-6 , 3:18 Again is not Eph. 4;13 / Romans 8:29 the Apple of His EYE? Moreover is not Isaiah 45:11 a command & not a Question similar to Malichi 3:8-10? Concerning biblical adoption process Galatians 4;1-7 is it not linked to aristocratic Jews, Greeks,a Romans highly tutoring ( predominantly their own son )into mind, will, & Purpose ( ❤️ of the matter ) of the father , to inherit signet ring of authority, with inheritance ? so one might surmise in crude understanding basic Premise Mind of The Father receives FOREVER Family , Will of the Son receive Spotless Bride , Purpose of the Spirit receives Temple forever to Abide John.14:20 Romans 8:14-23 ?
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Hi Pastor Doug & Pastor Ross! We just love you dear folks & appreciate your ministry so much!We are praying for you! May God bless & keep you every day'! My question for you is what is probably on many hearts: "Could these events be signalling the beginning of the little time of trouble?" I'm referring to the virus, as well as the rise in natural disasters, crime, political unrest, and global economic instability. If so, what's next? May we all be ready when Jesus comes! God's word is TRUTH and we can trust in him during these difficult times! Phil.4:6 Prov. 3:5-7
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Brian rathod
Hello sir. I see many events already fulfilling and its increasing like birth pains. But i want to know how we will know that final events are started. Or in other words can be know how much time its will occure before jesus 2nd coming?
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I see much deceit at this time concerning the covid ordeal. I pray you all are awaken on this matter!
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Pastor Doug
You by the grace of god are uniquely
Gifted to rightly interpret the Bible
You said in the tape that it sounds like rev 13/ plus the satellite/ this is a war of the messiah
That we get called into
Pray is the ultimate power
Finally there is a book called Luther and the papacy
Stages in reformation conflict
He and sny one else will thank me for pointing it out
/ martyred for the truth
John Huss
Produced a book called
The church
Any Christian should read it
600 yrs old/ you will be blessed
A prayer warrior thanks
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Pastor Doug
I a man uniquely gifted to understand clear Bible prophesies/ your video of the pope
Is unusual because like you quoted that
The world wondered after the beast
There is a book called
Luther and the papacy : stages in
Reformation conflict
A- Scott Hendrix/ you will what is clearly revealed about the pope
Also a book
By John Huss called
The church
600 yrs ago this man who gave his life
For the truth
Any person should read one of the warriors in this
Struggle against the forces of darkness
Finally you called people to prayer/ never has
A time like our day come upon all the world so
Suddenly-/ prayer is the ultimate power
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Please record this discussion. I live on the east side of the States which makes it a bit difficult to stay awake due to the time difference. God Bless!
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You will be able to watch the archive later on YouTube or Facebook.
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Will this program be archived for later viewing?