What’s the best way to share Bible truths with my friends?

The Bible says, “A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17). With that in mind, let’s first discuss what we shouldn’t do when sharing our faith: argue. People don’t respond well to argument. When hearts are proud or stubborn, we are tempted to dig in and fight—no matter what creative, logical arguments are presented. So don’t preach and don’t be arrogant. Remember, you were once in their position (Ephesians 2:13).

There are some specific things we can do when sharing with those we care about.

First, be a true friend and listen.

Second, if they are open to it, share information. The Bible says, “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Colossians 4:6). It’s a good idea to pray, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you know when to speak up, what to say, and how to say it. Be sure to add what God has done for you personally to what you’re sharing. How has this changed your relationship with Him and your life for the better? That can make a real impact in someone’s thinking. Sometimes sharing a book or a DVD works well, especially with people who are argumentative.

Third, be a good example. You don’t want to be un-Christlike and get angry with your friends simply because they disagree with you. That’s not the way Jesus would win them over. But you can set an example in the way that you live. If love is your motivation, people will notice. Read Titus 2:6–8!

Fourth, pray for your friends, consistently and patiently. Remember, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). We can’t see things the way God does, and sometimes it takes months or years for Him to transform seed we’ve planted into beautiful new flowers. Trust that He wants to save your friends even more than you do. Don’t give up. Keep praying!

Finally, I encourage you to check out our new witnessing training tool from AFCOE, Amazing Disciples. Also, don't forget to stop by AFCOE.org for more on how AFCOE can make you a better soul winner no matter where God calls you to go.

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What is the sign of the coming of the Son of Man? g
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Thank you for your question, Gary! We just want you to know that we're unable to answer Bible questions here. So if you'd like to get an answer directly from the team at Amazing Facts, please fill out this form here: https://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/bible-questions.
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I am a baby Seventh Day Adventist, and I know that there will be persecution for my faith, especially from my own family, because Christ said there would.
And the enemy doesn't want me to talk to you. The enemy is throwing alot of weight around in my direction, which makes me smile. I would like an email from you, Doug Batchelor, or a phone call. Thanks
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Hi, Don. If you would like to contact ministry staff, please use the form at this link: https://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/contact-us. Thank you!
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Do you have to know the 2300 day prophecy to be saved.
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Hi, Herman. Check out this link — https://www.amazingfacts.org/bible-study/get-to-know-jesus — to discover the only path to salvation. Thanks for writing!
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I'm almost a life-long SDA. I'm a father of 7-year old twins, boy and girl, and when I was giving them nightly worship last night, I came across something that has stumped me. In the story of where King Saul visited the witch of Endor. This "spirit of the prophet Samuel" whom the witch summoned for Saul, appears to them and accurately predicts King Saul and his son's death and Israel's defeat the next day in battle with the Philistines. Then goes on to chide Saul for giving up his trust in God.
My question is, how/why does this satanic medium have the ability to predict what's going to happen?, then speak the truth to Saul about abandoning his faith in God? It's as though it truly was Samuel speaking to him.
We believe accurately that dead people have no ability to do this. But I had the hardest time explaining to my kids that their deceased grandparents aren't watching over them after reading this story to them. They have cousins that tell them that their grandparents are watching them from heaven. I tell them that it's fine to listen to their cousins, but probably best not to argue with them about this.
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Note that the spirit 'Samuel' comes up from the ground not down from Heaven...also Saul 'perceives' it to be Samuel...ironically Saul himself was wearing a disguise for the eyes of men and in the plain sight of God looking for guidance from Samuel, whom he knew to be dead, compounding sin upon sin, no short irony the spirit's disguise easily fooled Saul. Also consider Saul's suicide...do we teach that suicide rewards the mortal with Heaven? Truly, as the prophet Samuel lay in the ground, so too the unrepentent Saul lay in the ground, both asleep, awaiting judgement.
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They are demons not dead people. Supernatural beings. They had already observed that Saul had lost faith in God. It's pretty obvious to even humans that at this point Saul is discouraged and and has long abandoned Jehovah (he murdered priests and gibeonites and tried to murder David). Saul himself tells the demon the Lord has departed from him as well.
They also know the size of the enemies army, the state of Sauls, and that God is not going to protect Saul anymore.
They don't need to predict the future to give Saul a discouraging message while pretending to be Samuel the prophet.
Even an intelligent human, given all the information, could likely piece together that Saul was going to lose this battle.
Also keep in mind, demons lie. They don't have to be telling the future to give Saul a discouraging report.
Personally I believe at this time that Saul, having given himself up to our enemy became possessed of demons.
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You can also read patriarchs and prophets chapter 66.
I personally don't read this as any prophecy on the demons part at all. They aren't telling the future so much as recounting events in the most discouraging way possible.
God Bless
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I was looking at a video as a woman was walking on the street in NY she was looking at her phone no giving attention where she was going and a trap was open in front of her, you don't need to be a prophet to know what was going to happen, sure anought she fell in and needed medical attention. Satan have seen human nature for thousands of years he can guess what's going to happen in many cases.