Are Your Burdens Heavy? 10 Bible Verses to Lighten the Load

Life is tough, and the burdens it hands you can be so hard to bear. But you don’t need to carry them alone. Read the promises of God …

1. “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22). God is glad to carry your burdens and give you the daily strength you need.

2. “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?” (Isaiah 58:6). It’s not God’s will that you should be crushed down with excessive burdens; let Him free you today.

3. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30). Jesus will remove your heavy burden of guilt and hopelessness and give you true rest in Him.

4. “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you’” (Isaiah 41:13). God promises to support and help you through every trial.

5. “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6, 7). Just knowing your heavenly Father cares about you personally can make any load seem lighter.

6. “Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you” (Isaiah 46:4). The Lord desires to constantly support you throughout your life, with the intention of saving you eternally.

7. “He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom” (Isaiah 40:11). The Good Shepherd will gladly bear you in His gentle arms right now.

8. “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17). If you belong to Him, God will always listen when you call to Him for help.

9. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Through faith His strength becomes yours, and He reaches out to keep you from falling.

10. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). When God has lightened your burdens, He asks you to do the same for others.

Why not come to Jesus today and allow Him to relieve you of your heavy load? Learn more about Jesus by clicking here.

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Praise the Lord! God is great. He is my father and my best friend. Amen
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Please I need the prayers of the Saints to uphold my health condition to God to help me during my upcoming surgery to remove my right kidney which is totally damaged.💔💔💔
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We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling with your health. Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about your prayer request by writing us here:
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These are powerful scriptures to begin the year 2025 with, I have been feeling very heavy lately but the Lord has lifted that yoke of heaviness off my shoulders. Discouraged, anxiety, guilt, regrets, hopelessness have no place in my souls no more THANK YOU JESUS I AM FREE. I will go and so the same for others.
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Amazing Facts Correspondence
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Grace Nathan's
After my husband Lou Gehrig’s disease diagnosis, our primary care provider introduced us to Uine Health Centre and their ALS/MND Formula protocol, the ALS/MND treatment has made a tremendous difference for my husband. His symptoms including numbness and muscle weakness all disappeared after the treatment plan!
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Geraldine Leboeuf
Thank you for such beautiful promises I needed to be reminded of Gods continued blessings 🙏🙏Geraldine Leboeuf
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KDQ - What a Wonderful way to start a New Year 2025 Knowing that God will carry my burdens and lighten my load in this life! Such beautiful promises. I will follow God’s example and help my fellow man lighten his burdens!!!!
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Thank you dear Lord for always being with me.
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These scriptures are a blessing! I feel so much better! Especially after reading verse #9
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Thank you Heavenly Father for always being here for me. I lay all my troubles and burdens at your feet. Let it be Your Will not mine.
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Thank you lord by guiding me to these verses amen
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Reading this was a real blessing. Thank You!
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Truly grateful that there’s hope in Jesus. Grateful for all of these life-saving verses. I’m reminded yet again that the battle is indeed the Lord’s.
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Pamela Schmiedeler
Each of us has that part of our life we struggle with. I felt that part kept me from being all I could be for God. He is not asking us to 'give up" that part but rather give it to him. God will work in our lives to take away those desires and fill that void with more of Himself. More of God. Thank you God.
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Excellence! Beautiful scriptures that allows me ‘to not feel alone’ or ‘unprotected by this worlds constant attacks’
Meyer Odette
Last year, my 68-year-old partner was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease also known as ALS. Speaking and swallowing were two of his challenges. His collapse was swift and catastrophic, and neither the riluzole nor the medical staff did much to aid him. He would not have survived if our primary care physician hadn't given him attentive care and attention, as the hospital center didn't provide any psychological support. His fall was abrupt and catastrophic. His hands and legs gave way to weakness in his arms. This year our family physician suggested using vinehealthcentre. com ALS/MND treatment, which my husband has been receiving for a few months now. I'm delighted to say that the treatment greatly reduced and reversed his symptoms of ALS, he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. In the hopes that it could be useful, I thought I would relate my husband's tale; in the end, you have to do what suits you the best.
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Thank you so very much Amazing Facts for sharing the above verses. In times of need God's promises strengthens us through His Word. God bless your Ministry.
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Oh how I love these write ups...
I will appreciate relationship one ...marital crisis...causes and way out
Sent to my email...🙏
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cory melon
My first ALS symptom occurred in 2016, but was diagnosed in 2018. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Aknni herbs centre, It has made a tremendous difference for me. I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.
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Gonmei. It lighten my burden by go thru those passages
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Thank you for these verses, they have uplifted my spirit so much. God bless you
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cory melon
My first ALS symptom occurred in 2016, but was diagnosed in 2018. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Aknni herbs centre, It has made a tremendous difference for me. I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.
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Edith B.
Lord, I pray for your help now, my worries are heavy and I feel un-worthy to come to you... I believe and trust in you, yet I know I seem to only come to seek you during my trials and tribulations, I want to change this. Please help me to know you in all the facets of my life.
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Onyemesili Joachin C.
These are profound scriptures
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Truly, Jesus has made provision to help us with every challenge(the Bible calls them ‘tribulations’) this present world throws at us!
(See Ephesians 6:10-20)
LeNora Bryant
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Irene L.
From Irene L. Thank you for posting these beautiful Bible verses. They are truly a gift for all who struggle and are heavy-hearted. They provide the gift of hope…so precious! ❤️🙏🏻
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Makena Elijah
Our God loves and cares for us so much.Glory be to God forever.
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This was very helpful and touched my heart, I am working on a message with a ladies group and found things I want to share with them. God is able to carry our load.
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Angela Marie Kelly Johnson
If you are weighed down w/ burdens, come to him by reading scriptures that related to your situation and connect to Him in prayer🤲 He made us and this is way it should be, but everyone does this. Oh, how much better this world would be, if we all did 😢❤️‍🩹🙏
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Angela Marie Kelly Johnson
I meant everyone does not always do this. The Lord’s way is light and burdensome then what we do on our own without him.
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I need you Lord Jesus Christ in every steps of my life, Jesus Christ my Lord I'm a sinner forgive me Amen 🙏.
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M smith
Perfect timing and reminder! Lord’s yoke is easy!!
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Wonderful piece
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God is so Amazing!

Glory to Jesus who cares for us. Who takes away our burdens and sorrows. Amen!
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Thank you for sharing, just what I needed, to God be the glory 🙏
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I am learning that we should cast All our burdens and cares unto Jesus and take his yoke, for his yoke is easy and his burdens light
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I have one issue after another, when a door closes, a bigger door opens, i am going through alot of trails and tribulations, God is seeing me through..
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I pray the Lord will carry all your troubles for you and give you peace of every side in Jesus mighty name Amen
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Nixon Christy
God alone can carry our burdens, so let's cast our burdens upon him.
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I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Useless one
I have pleated with Jesus to relieve some of my pain and burden and so far he has refused to even help me or love me so why pray for nothing
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Isaiah 41:10 not dismayed for I am your God.....
Keep on praying dear, God loves you and has mercy and grace enough to cover your problems, keep praying and have faith, even at times when we do not understand and we have a lot of questions, the safest route is still to go back to God and thank Him for all the good in our lives while asking for our current petitions
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Jesus loves you. He wants to carry your burdens for you. You are not useless as He uses us all as long as we trust in Him. Jesus wants you specifically to know that He is always with you cause He loves you dearly. He wants me to tell you that He's waiting for you to let Him in and that He hears your prayers, they aren't for nothing. He wants a relationship with you. He knows your pains and your burdens and He's waiting for you to tire of taking the helm/wheel, to let Him have control. Your burdens are heavy and He's walking with you along the beach, He wants to carry you so you can rest, but you gotta let Him. It's hard to relinquish control, I know but His yoke is light. Allow him to take on your weight by giving Him all your trust and just learn to walk in his footsteps and you will see how light His yoke can be. Bless you Mr/Ms One. Jesus loves you all the time, He just asks that you follow Him and learn His ways. Much love.
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GOD is working for you in silence. HE will deliver you in HIS DUE TIME. Trust HIM.
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God never give up on you, we give up on God, Be patient, let go and let God in....God has been patient with us.
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We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling. You can call our prayer line at 1 (800) 835-6906 if you would like to speak to someone. You can also let us know about your prayer request here:
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Sometimes we are in a season of waiting. He wants us to grow and Trust Him. He is always there even when we're in the middle of the storm. Our heart posture toward Him is important. If we say, You aren't doing anything, Lord, we really are not trusting. But if we continue to pray, seek Him, humble ourselves, ask for His help, He will answer. Sometimes it isn't the full answer of what we are waiting on, but He will provide comfort or a Word to sustain us. Often it's just a sense of His presence and peace that surrounds us. We live in a broken, sinful world. Everything hear is decaying, but God is with us. His Mercy and Grace carry us in the darkest hour. Keep the Faith. I am in a waiting season also. It draws me to the Lord. That is really a blessing. For without Him, we are nothing. We are lost. With Him, we have EVERYTHING. May God Bless you.
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Thankyou Tammy.
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Thank you so much for these verses. Can you suggest any SDA youth group for spiritual upliftment?
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Amazing Facts
Yes of course! The Granite Bay SDA Youth group is active and has online options. You can find their info here:
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Twikirize ketra
I have been blessed with the massage of casting burdens to Jesus , hopefully God will take all my burdens away
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Hi. I am an SDA from Philippines.
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I’ve shared these scriptures with some of my loved ones. I pray they'll be blessed and encouraged by them. I need them to know it's not their load to carry, it's the Lord’s.
God is in control and He knows best.
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I do believe He “can” do anything that is his will, anything. But the last part is I don’t understand is the “will” he do it. Because I pray in desperation for some relief from this debililitating chronic pain and the pain is still there. Sometimes, it’s unbelievable but it feels like it even gets worse. I know it’s the stinking devil doing it. I guess the devil asks, and apparently is given permission to continue with his torture treatment. I honestly feel that I am trying, but for some reason I must not be. Other wise I believe there would be an awakening and some relief would be there. Maybe I am too much of a sinner to be worth any help, or it’s being answered another way. It’s said it’s not done the way you “want it done. That’s not true, it’s the way I feel I “Need” it done to have any kind of quality of life. Right now I can’t physically help anyone, even myself. This is written from the heart, because I don’t know what else to do. Truth be known, I’d rather not be here in this condition. Thanks for listening to someone that feels like a loser.
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David Haren
Hopping, I know a whole lot about pain, and pain so intense that if you fall asleep for 5 minutes you wake up screaming you moved your foot and brushed it against the sheet and it just plain hurts. October 12, 2003 my Mama was woke up by a Texas State Trooper who said “If you want to see your son alive, you better leave now. “ My Sister picked her up and they drove to the hospital 🏥 and my Mom prayed for all my internal organs, brain and all my insidey parts and I had probably already bled to death just from all the blood that they gave me. My eyes were resting on my teeth and my teeth were resting on my chest, and I still have my eyes and my teeth in my face along with 18 plates and 65 screws. Trust me GOD LOVES YOU! The wiring harness that hooks your radio up in your vehicle that you can’t see went into my right knee and there wasn’t much room for all that stuff plus my kneecap so my kneecap was in the floorboard. My right arm was crushed, my face was crushed, both hips were crushed, both femurs 🦴 were crushed, my right foot was broken in half, and my kneecap was in the floorboard and the wiring went into all the major tendons in my right knee. PRAISE GOD!!! All of my internal organs were still in place and in good shape and the only holes they had in them were strictly for life support. I’ve always joked that if she’d have thrown bones 🦴 in her Prayer I’d have walked away, but I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. So GOD is Very Capable to Help You and Use Your Trials and Tribulations to Strengthen You and We never know the Reason, But It Is For The Best! I was 23 years old, I went into a coma weighing 215 lbs and came out about 3-4 weeks weighing 110 lbs. Don’t give up on yourself and ABBA (DADDY) Will Never Give Up On You! My testimony ain’t as good the others like Lanbi and Scott, but you are definitely in the right place, I have just recently learned about this Organization Amazing Facts but They Explain the Word of GOD With the Word of GOD!!! GOD Bless!!! And Please 🙏 keep My Family in Your Prayers Too, I am FAR FROM PERFECT.
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Lanbi Gangmei
Hi...Good morning/afternoon/evening when ever you are reading this, remember God loves you and i Just prayed for you.. what you wrote is so relatable! we all have done or said something we shouldn't have in the past or just recently. We feel like losers because we really are losers without God.. we will lose everything too. and The devil knows that so when we try to be winners the Devil reminds us about our past.. but the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun" that's one of my Favorite Bible verses.. some one said " I have a great need for Christ and I have a Great Christ for my need. I love that fact! God is a God and we are humans Our ways are not His ways. His grace is sufficient! our wants are unlimited.. " Having what we want and wanting what we have are two different things! Pain, sicknesses, and losses sometimes draws us closer to God.. for a few days now i have not slept well because my chest hurts.. God is good I am recovering! I thank God for the medicines he inspired people to invent or discover.. May The doctors you see and the medicine you take in Faith heal you and May God's name be Glorified in Heaven.. I use to pray crazy prayers like Lord don't even allow satan to tempt me.. But God gave us freedom of choice with choices, the Bible says "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" AMEN. let us do our Parts to choose Good over evil. God bless you
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Hallelujah Lanbi Gangmei
We have to be constantly on the lookout for invisible evil spirit's principalities henchmen satan cunningly plans
We need to remember they'll absolutely hate US believers with a passion
That they're are vastly experienced having over 4,000 years ip there thier sleeves
And since they've on you from birth they're got a upper hand knowing Excatly how to move you
Why they've whispering LIES so much
As they're knowing if You speaking it they've its comes into play
If WE don’t Speaking ANYTHING they're say (( especially speaking the opposite )) none of thier whispering LIES schemes plans can Wiork they've neex US to Speak it
Long as the Earth remains it Will REMAIN SEED TIME and HARVEST TIME
Every Word is a SEED EVERY THOUGHT is a Seed planted We need too CAST OUT BOLCK REBUKED all seeds of invisible evil spirit's principalities henchmen satan influence whispering cunning deceptive LIES schemes plans

◄ Proverbs 18:21 ►

Amplified Bible
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

are many scripture on Seed harvest time fruits some 30 fold 60 fold 100 fold etc
◄ John 10:10 ►

New King James Version
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
◄ Matthew 18:18 ►
Amplified Bible
I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth shall have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth shall have [already] been loosed in heaven
◄ Hebrews 12:1 ►
Amplified Bible
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us,
We Shouldn't be expecting anything on earth That's not in HEAVEN
WE Should ENTER HIS HOLY GATES THRONE ( COURT ROOM ))) WITH Conference PRAISES Thankfulness Gratitude Greatfulness Worshipped HONOUR EXALTED REJOICING singing 🎶 GLORY make Our Request known them Gives more REJOICING Song PRAISES let THE HOLY SPIRIT Move Guidance You
When You hear l whispering LIES schemes plans blocking seeds of invisible evil spirit's principalities henchmen satan You can if YOUES
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Trust in the Lord with all your hearts he may not come when you want him but he’s always in time I was talking with a Mother of my Church the other day and she’s blessed me and I’m her Bishop she’s been a Sick Lady battling with numerous illnesses but she said to me pastor God May not move all my pains but he gives me the Strength to withstand it now he’s able to do it but sometimes it’s not the devil and it’s not we are losers we are fearful and Wonderfully made it’s just timing and Patience The Woman with the issue of blood 12 Years the man at the pool 38year but they didn’t give up they didn’t quit and they where delivered
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This is me right now 100% same question I’m asking myself just now
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Blackbird T
Each and every one of us are worth it towards the Lord
Stay firm and keep your faith in Him steady
He works in mysterious and marvelous ways
As a child of God you are no loser, but simply in your time of testing, the pain is only worldly.
I want to encourage you to look at the end of the tunnel, each and every one of us can be seen as a living testimony, we may not be in the same boat, but have faith that the Lord is the One keeping you and He hears your cries
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You are not a loser…do nothing else but seek his face through the word. Keep your faith…jesus promised healing when he took away our sins on the cross. Expectantly pray for your miracle…Your healing will be revealed
Amazing Facts
Hello Hoping, the first thing to understanding is that we live in a very sinful world that is continuing to get worse. This one fact alone is enough to know that God’s will is not always done. In fact, God gave everyone a free will, we can choose to follow Him, or we can choose to serve ourselves which of course means we are under the control of the god of this world. The trials and tribulations we endure while on this earth are the results of living here and they are also, if we let them, opportunities to grow strength, faith, and courage in Christ. Now, this doesn’t mean that He “saves” us from every affliction, thus the story of Job is there and meant for our edification. Again, this doesn’t mean you are not following God, or trying to follow Him. Remember the story of Paul, who once was Saul. When he was blinded on his way to execute Christians, he was struck blind. A few days later he regained his sight but never fully. Paul prayed three times for God to remove the affliction and the Lord lovingly reminded him that it was a burden to bear so that he would never forget where he had been and where the Lord had brought him. This is certainly not to say that is what you are experiencing, it is only to remind you that God is listening to you, He will answer your prayer. Always remember that we are never “too” much of a sinner that God will not save us. But we are in a battle, this life is a battle for our very souls! You are not alone, and you are not out of God’s grasp. We have added you to our weekly prayer list, we will be praying for you. And, if you can pray for others who are going through life’s battles, then you are doing something wonderful for others. Praying for you always dear friend.
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Sigh, I need help. My thoughts are getting worse and worse, all I can do is scream into a pillow and cry all day. It's stupid but I don't get how people do it, how do you spend time with him? How do you know your not doing it to get rid of a feeling or doing it out of fear of hell? I ask God to reveal my hearts intentions, I try pray and cry out to him, everything I try makes me angry at him, making my thoughts worse. I wanna curse and scream but I know I can't. I feel unworthy to pray to him, I don't feel worthy of going back to him. Today was just rough. I had sleep paralysis twice, I'm on my period and cramps trigger blasphemous thoughts, reading my bible annoys me for no reason.

Im sick of it. I just want to pray to him without getting angry, agitated, discouraged, worthless and just feeling sick. I feel sick when I pray, I ask God why it's happening to me, zero answer. Nothing in my life is making sense, my faith is upside down and all I can do is cry out to God and repeat ''Gods not dead'' over, and over, and over. I feel like I'm just imagining what I could be, I ask stupid questions like ''Why do you love me? What did I do to convince you I was worthy?'' I feel ungrateful all the time, I didn't wanna wake up today, I just was tired when I woke up, horrible dreams bad thoughts cursing God, no matter how many times he proves to me he loves me I just can't believe it.

I feel left out, all the time. I don't know if I've ever experienced a blessing before, or if I'll ever grow in my relationship with him, I lied, felt awful. Every things going wrong and again, end times. I hate this stupid world I just want my Jesus back for heavens sakes. But nothing I do with him makes me happy other then crying and receiving peace afterwards. Why? No clue, I asked God, people but no one gets it, I find it so hard for anyone to understand anymore. I feel crazy, I feel bad when I have fun outside of Jesus, I wanna have fun with him, bible studying or something but I don't know what to take notes on, I ask for guidence I get none due to my lack of faith, I'm just angry and sad and Idk what to do about it. I feel bad im not praising him, I feel bad I'm not saying sorry. I don't even know the last time I repented genuinley and not just out of shame. I don't know how to stop cursing people, calling them ''goofy.'' or just a type of name. I'm angry, not at him but it feels like I am and it makes things worse. My problems feel inferior, as if it shouldn't matter anymore.

When I try to tell God my feelings it's like he's stopping me, the feeling I get is so overwhelmingly grieving my burden won't lift. I get a sense of false peace when my spirit is just dyng inside. The innocense, love or even respect or just fruits of the spirit is out the window.
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Amazing Facts
We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling. If you would like more help, please contact us using this form and we'll be able to better assist you: You can also call our prayer line at 1 (800) 835-6906 if you would like to speak to someone.
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Sometimes I don't wanna talk to him about my doubt or worries. Usually thats all I talk about and I'm afraid he's fed up or he just doesn't like it. I have intrusive thoughts, and my brain has been memorizing them over, and over and I have to isolate myself due to it. Fearful thoughts, blasphemy. It affects me, makes me go numb, sometimes it doesn't bother me. It's on and off and when I try spend time with him I get a weird feeling, like I'm not worthy to go in prayer or read my bible because of it. I know he doesn't like it when I say ''He hates me.'' I always feel sorry for myself and feel guilty later saying sorry. I have no clue how to break the cycle. My burden turns light, then a new one appears in a different form. Idols, daddy issues, hate, self esteem, doubt, its a cycle I wish I could break and deal with. I just wanna be a 13 year old with a pure heart, I'm not supposed to be sexualizing the only good father in my life. God feels out of reach, like he's too good for me lol. I know He loves me, It's just hard to believe that sometimes.
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Amazing Facts
Hello M00N, you truly bring up some heavy burdens. There are two things that you should indeed do for yourself, they fall into the category of self-help, and selfcare. Find a good Christian counselor, couple that with your Bible study and begin a relationship with God, even if you don’t “feel” right, even if “it” doesn’t feel right. Because when you choose to love someone, here you are choosing to love God, you will begin to take the focus off of yourself in all the areas the devil is bother you, and you will begin to focus on God. A true relationship is a very humbling experience. If you had a chance to speak to couples across the world with the best marriages, you would find one major thing in common. That would be their tender care for the other, as in, they put the other person first. Satan looses a huge hold on our lives when we place God here! The devil is the one bother you constantly with the merry-go-round syndrome and he’s not about to let you go easy. That’s why I say couple your relationship with God, with a good Christian counselor that can actually help you recover and guide you towards a more full relationship with God.

Please also know, you can never wear God out! He will never look at a human being and feel fed-up with them, never! He is never too busy to help, He is just waiting on us. We are praying for you, and we will not cease to lift you before Him. God bless and keep you.
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Thank you so so much. It's been so long since I've spoken to Jesus, I thought he wanted nothing to do with me, Thank you again. I will pray for you as well, thank you so much </3
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These are all great scriptures I have been in church 36 years and I have been going through a trial for the last two and a half you learn a lot in the cloudy days more than the sunny days
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Ken C
Please pray for my brother in law Jerry Sparks. He has been battling 4+ years with a mix of ALS and Parkinson disease. It is a devastating disease that has robbed him of his physical capabilites and his verbal speech. Sadly, his mind is still sharp but its like being imprisoned in a decaying vessel. I know he and his wife are Christian but the toll has been taxing them both. We have prayed healing over him but have yet to receive any improvement. Please lift him and his wife in prayer and pray Gods will be done.
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Praying! Can’t imagine how frustrating that is!
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Evlora Gordon. Reassuring promises, thank you Jesus
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plz. help me to pray for my financial problem, i am not able to provide my family's needs, especially for my kids. I carry heavy burden now, i am so depress with my situation now. i still have problem of my previous job that makes me crazy now. my heart is so heavy coz i have kids, no income. so stress coz aside of my family which is my husband and my children, i am still a breedwinner of my family. i still support my brothers in daily allowance for school and tuition fee, our food and everything. plz. help me to pray for my victory, safety and good health for my family, more blessings and happiness in life. thank you
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please pray for me for i am healing from a mental abusive relationship. i have so much guilt and hate in my heart, that i will heal and lay my burden down unto Jesus.
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Amazing God
I am having knowledge and understanding challenges please pray for me that almighty God will grant me wisdom understanding, knowledge.
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Shiba Inu
Please pray for my daughter who is 27 to be saved. She has an unsaved boyfriend.
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Evelyn Temple
I have recently sustained a severe back injury and am working thru the "system' for treatment. I am in constant pain. Please pray for the Lord to help me to get treatment and help with the constant pain. And that He would grant me favor with the doctors and give them wisdom and guidance. Thank you.
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Vicky P Goddard
What awesome and precious and useful promises, from our Creator to us!
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Janice McCraken-Pichette
Thank You Jesus for life and a time of reconciliation.
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Thank you Jesus For This.
Bless your child you have used for us today. Amen.
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Iam very bless by looking through these scriptures.
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Looking for verses on the special bond created at marriage between two virgins
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Anxiety, legalism
This all happened before a year ago. I remember I was on my phone in living room and suddenly I had this thoughts, intrusive I would say about that plucking eyebrows is a sin. I have a unibrow. And my anxiety began here. I felt so scared and anxious I didnt know what to do. I searched on internet to see if it was a sin or not. I saw everything on internet. That it is, that it isn’t, etc. But my fear couldn’t stop so I promised to God I wouldn’t do it anymore. But I didnt want to promise but I didnt know what else to do. My fear disappeared. About 1 week passed and I was good. And then same happened with shaving my legs, armpits. Even playing basketball was in my mind somehow that it is sin. That all confused me. I felt so lost, confused and I still am. And whenever I see post on instagram about God saying: let it go, I have something better it makes me anxious. I then feel fear that God doesnt want me to do that but then I read in Collosians about freedom and I kinda know what it means to be legalist. But fear in me wants to make me sure that I need to know everything is good, that something isn’t a sin. I guess that anxiety and OCD. I know this sound kinda funny but this is my reality sadly. My mind thinks that if I promised I wouldnt do it and when I said to God I am letting that go that I cant do that anymore. I am so confused. Mostly everything in the Bible gives me anxiety. Verses that give me most anxiety are Jesuses saying in gospels: He who saves his life shall lose it, what if man gains the whole world but loses his soul and deny yourself. This gives me so so much anxiety that those verses are always on my mind and I always think about them. I somehow think that if I pluck my eyebrows I am saving my life, etc. I just cant be at peace. And I don’t understand how are we saved by faith and this is what Jesus says. And when it says that we are free from the law, it says in the law to not shave or something like that, am I free to shave? I am so confused and an
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First take a breather, God is not this confusing. God is within you. Through the Holy Spirit he gives you power within your free will to choose how you want to live your life. God’s only requirement is that you live according to the scriptures, the gospel of grace and truth. If you confess that you believe in that the truth about everything you want to know will be revealed to you. God shows you your identity first by shining the light on every lie in your life. He held you to confront and deal with all of your traumas, even those from child hood. Religious and traditional churches won’t teach you this because they want you to remain blind and confused.
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The best thing for you, and every other person, is to constantly keep your eyes and focus on Jesus. We invite you to watch this free series, "The New Heart": It may help you refocus on Jesus and guide you in your walk with Him.
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Ilisoni Baleiwai Cavuduadua
Thank you Lord for fighting for for me and all That you have delivered from....sickness, financially.,burdens that even i do not know of....YAHWEH.EL ELYON, JEHOVAH JIREH, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, JEHOVAH RAAH, 💯💯💯💯🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Codependent relationship asking for the removal of my partner
I am here to ask that God remove my boyfriend of 17 years from my life. I've been too weak to leave the relationship. It's been abusive emotionally, verbally, and physically. I wanted to forgive as is required by us and salvage the time we shared but I've done so at a tremendous cost. We've recently been evicted and now live out of a hotel. I thought now that he is working (he hasn't worked much in the 17 years), that he would make better decisions so that we could push forward and find a place to stay. He gives me money each week but it would only cover a little more than half the cost of the room for the week or food daily. When I tried to discuss the increased costs as a result of our living situation he is very curt with me. l am also dealing with a legal issue as a result of something he'd done over 5 years ago. While the lawyer is positive he can get the case dropped, my boyfriend isn't willing to help with the cost for me to have a lawyer. I've waited nearly two decades for this to work and prayed but it just isn't the case and I want a chance for my 17 year old son and I to experience the happiness I hear about and read about in the bible. I'm extremely alone due to the abuse and find his family isn't very helpful so now my prayers have turned from fixing things to just removing this man from our lives and blocking paths back to us. I've been with the same man since I was 24 years old and now 40. I am in counseling but find I haven't found my own strength to leave please pray for us.
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I am here to ask the Lord our father, to allow the foster child he gave to stay with me for life. This is my first time as a foster parent as Isaiah is my first placement, I absolutely love Isaiah with all my heart. I very much want to adopt Isaiah if his case plan changes to adoption. Isaiah was brought to my home straight from the hospital Friday, August 26th. I instantly fell in love with him, as did my family. Isaiah and I have bonded very much over the past 4 months. We are together 24 hours a day. I am lucky to be the director of an Infant & Toddler daycare center. My office is very spacious, and I have created a nursery for him to stay together. My center does accept children starting at 6 weeks old, but I didn't want to put Isaiah in a classroom that young. I plan to keep him with me throughout the winter, allowing him to build a more robust immune system, primarily through the flu and RSV season. I consider Isaiah my son and love him as if he were my biological child. Since Isaiah has been placed with me, not only did he gain a mommy, but a brother, a Grammy, and many aunts, uncles, & cousins who absolutely adore him. My sister had a baby this past June, and my niece and Isaiah are only 2 months apart. We are a very close family and spend a lot of time together. We have already had fun family outings together with the babies. Isaiah has celebrated his first Halloween and Thanksgiving with us, and we are incredibly excited to be celebrating his first Christmas in just a few short weeks. We have created some beautiful memories, such as Pumpkin Picking, fun afternoons at Sesame Place, and a picture with Santa. I honestly can not picture my life without Isaiah in it. Now the state wants to take him to give him to another family that has his brother. I know Isaiah well and know that I am the right mother and parent for this blessed child that came to me like an angle from Heaven. Lord help me and grant us the peace & serenity. Everyone here pray for us. thank u
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Hey Sandi,
It is a blessing to hear that you have foster and child and is treating him as your own. I have heard of so many children that are abused by foster parents. I pray that you will be giving the opportunity to adopt Isaiah. Keep up the good work and may God continue to strengthen you to be a blessing. Grace and peace. MS
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I am 58 years old. I got saved at age 18 and I love the Lord. Over last several years I have been so confused, the teaching today seems so farfetched from my earlier days so much so, that I was unable to continue going to church. I grew up as a Pentecostal and well it's been one. Last month, I was watching TV and ran across Amazing Facts, my heart was refreshed with the simple truths of the word of God. Pastor Doug is dealing our heartache, marriage, end times, being faithful, loving your neighbor, take care of your health and sin. How sin is separating you from God, you will avoid Him in order to stay in your sins. Pastor Doug, I want to tell you, in Christ, I love you. Thank you for teaching in such an authentic and practical manner. The end of days is approaching so fast. Saints hold on to your faith, the ride is going to get turbulent like never before but remember God will never leave you nor forsake you. He promised us that. Sin is the dividing factor, but God said I am married to the backslider in Jeremiah 3:14. Repent and return to God and he will hear from heaven and forgive your sins and heal your land in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thank you for all you do in Christ Jesus our Savior from on high. Love you in the Lord.
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i have been struggling a very long time and ever since i asked jesus to come back ,;ife 8 years ago i have been through so many spritual warfare i have lost my kids house marriage sanity. I literally have a car and a job and no real place to call home. Please pray God deliver me or tell me why im still. Please lord help me as so much has been taken from me. The heartache of total loss of everything for 38 years is more then i can bare. This makes me want to go to heaven
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Please hang in there!
We all have been through many struggles.
I’am a World Trade Center survivor of the 1993 attacks and 9/11 and I have been through living hell as far as pain caused by injuries. I have chronic pain everyday. But every day I thank God and all the angels in Heaven for my life and for another day. I pray to make it through the day sometimes. I refuse to give in to misery, I refuse to live like a victim because you know why? ...that’s what the darkness and evil wants! My life changed for the better when I prayed: “ Thank you for the blessing coming, for my new home, for my future husband, fir the life you will give me”. I know it take faith to pray this way, but please try it. That’s what Christ wants.

Your pain and suffering is very real. I have had loss too. It is the most difficult. His knows your pain, give him those burdens. Take them to His cross and leave them there, do not take them back with you! I will pray for you from afar. I pray healing into your life in Christ Jesus name. He can help you, that is His promise.
I leave you with this:

God doesn’t give us what we can’t handle,
He helps us handle what we have been given. 🙏🏻
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What a survivor you are, you have been through so much. I lift you up in the name of Jesus and rebuke that pain, in the mighty name of Jesus. By the power of Jesus, in me, I command it to leave and never return.
Amazing Facts
We're sorry to hear you're struggling. We encourage you to read Pastor Doug's booklet "Determining the Will of God". You can read it free here: Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about any prayer requests by writing us here:
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Please don't give up to despair and regret Victoria! It is hard to see any good when we are so broken and depleted of joy. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Only there do I find solace in the dark hours. They used to be dark months, weeks and days on end. Now they are only hours...look for progress, not perfection in your life. What are some things to be grateful for? Do you have arms and legs? Are you cancer free? We can forget that there are others who suffer even more than we do ourselves. Where can you be of service? Even if it's a small thing like taking a cart back to the store...anything. I know from my losses the ground has been cleared for a new planting and growth, but I need to be willing to engage in the process of change. As long as you cling to the past you will not be free. We cling to Jesus and the cross. HE is our strong tower. HE is our friend, husband and King. Let go and Let God. You can do it Victoria. Get back into the Word. Read Romans. Read Philippians. The Holy Spirit will guide you if you ask Him to. Stop asking God why. Bad things happen to us all. God is there to help us get through it. Start asking God HOW to recover from your losses. Do what He shows you to do. You will make it. Greater is the power in you than the power in the world. You have the resurrection power within you. Claim it! I pray for God's will in your life and for the power to carry it out. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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God is good, He cares for us, and is ready to relieve us of our heavy burdens. Lee Tan
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Thank you for helping me to learn to pray Scriptures
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I'm been with my wife for 28 years and she left due to my mistakes but I have since went to counseling and gave my life back to God. Pray that my wife is not bitter and I'm praying it's God's will for us to work thru. Signed separation papers but was feeling uneasy about it. But I love her and have apologized accepted my wrongs admitted my wrongs took responsibility. I pray if it's God's will for us to resolve this then show me confirmation. For I love God more than myself and anything but I just need direction and peace please pray that everything works out for us
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Just prayed for you brother.
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Easy. Sounds like you are making your ex wife your idol. Make your Bible your idol and trust that heaven will be a place of unexplainable joy and pleasure, not the god of this world Satan's. If a woman is in love with a man she will do anything for him. It's over , you need to move on from her and put yourself first and not her which is why she prolly left you because you aren't ambitious and on your grind . To learn about women look at fresh and fit on you tube .. but they are not christians at all so use your discernment o. I will pray for you tonight and hope your are better friend
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This was a big help for me emotionally.
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Thank you for giving me the word of God.
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Thank you. Joe Luster
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I am struggling with my grandchidren and have guilt which is my past and i have repented but asking God to give me the rightvwords and wisdom to uphold what i need to say to them when they get older but have turned from my wicked ways and would love to spend time alone with my grandchildren but the other grandparent has pcmover them but would like ourcrelationship to be restored and i can have one on one with them to enjoy them too
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I struggle with the writing of my master tesis in History. I am writing about the beginning of christianity in Norway through the christian missionary kings. I am seeking after tracks of celtic christianity in Norway and after what the missionary kings did believe in . Can people pray for me to find the right answers and how to continue the work that need to be done?
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Alma Beston
Dear Lars, I prayed for you this evening. Please ask for the Holy Spirit to come into your life with power so that living waters will flow from you as in John 7:38. Worshiping in a Pentecostal community is helpful. Remember to pray asking that you do the Holy Lord God’s almighty’s will and to show the move of God in the people’s hearts and how it changed their society. When you put the Lord’s purposes and serve Him first He will honor you and your work.
In Christ, (our legal position by profession of faith in Jesus Christ and receiving Him as our personal Lord and Savior.)
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Lord Jesus the beloveth son of God the father, i am casting all my burdens on you today cause i can't carry them anymore. Please hold my hands and lift me up. This is your daughter Amara calling on you today🙏
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Hi My wife passed away three years ago from suicide. It’s been hard. But I got thru that and was going forward and praying every day to meet a widow with children my sons age. A month later I met a widow at a grief group she only lived ten minutes from me we started chatting and were inseparable for 5 months 4-5 times a week we saw each other. I thanked God everyday for her. Then she broke it off just like that. Said it was to much closeness and she didn’t know if she would ever marry again. I was broken and devastated. That was a year and half ago. I’ve dated other women since but the Holy Spirit pushed me away from all of them red flags or just not right feelings. This woman that broke my heart still comes to my church every couple weeks. She has a new boyfriend for a year now. But it really messes with my mind. It’s like torture to see her and say hi to her but I’m drawn to her. I’ve been praying and praying for God to put my path in line with the right woman. I know he will bring us together but don’t know when. I’m really struggling with this. Why did God answer my specific prayer for a widow with kids. He had to know already the outcome. It has really affected me. I don’t understand. I’ve prayed and prayed for her to find another church to go to occasionally but the answer is no. I go regularly every week. She comes once in a while. I don’t know why God alows this. I’m so frustrated and broken. But at the same time I know he is working behind the scenes. I struggle with why this all happened to me. I’m trying my best to be patient and trust him. But it’s so hard and I get so emotional about it. Please pray
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Alma Beston
Dear Dave,
Please submit your will to the Lord as Jesus did when he was sent to this earth to die on the cross as the only acceptable substitute for our sins and the sin of the World. Jesus sweated blood praying in the Garden of Gehsemene the night He was arrested. He knew full well the agony that He was going to suffer and really wanted the burden removed. Never the less He prayed, “ Not my will, but yours be done.” This is our model day to day on earth and part of the prayer that our Lord and Saviour taught us. So DO IT! God uses our trials in life to realize our dependence on Him and to draw us to Him as you are doing. This lady is not what God has in mind for you. You cannot bend the Lord’s will to yours.
Amazing Facts
We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling. You can call our prayer line at 1 (800) 835-6906 if you would like to speak to someone. You can also let us know about your prayer request here:
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Hi my name is Jamie, and I just kind of ran across your post that really hit home. Never really reached out to anyone on my phone but it seemed like it was perfect for me. Just to say a few short things that I'm dealing with her I'm at a loss with his I had a grandson that was murdered about a year ago from one daughter and I had another granddaughter from another daughter that passed away from an accidental overdose. They're totally lost I don't know how to help there's nothing I can do or say to and as a mom all I do is pray all the time. We are close we laugh we cry but things are just so different. Anyway I'm a broken mom and you could say a grandma too that's just broken. The other thing is my marriage of 22 years I really don't know the man that I'm living with right now, I guess he's been a lot of through me these are his step kids and his step grandkids and he's kind of a narcissist so he doesn't understand that is not something you just get over. I feel like I may be rambling on too much but I'm just reaching out because I'm lost I'm broken and I need help thanks for listening
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Amazing Facts
Hello Jamie, we truly hear the pain of parenting within your words. One reason I believe the Lord gave us children, is for a deeper understanding of how sin separates us from Him. That being said, He never leaves us, nor forsakes us! The beauty in that, is that we are never so broken, we are never so lost, that He cannot help. Jaime, if you call our offices, we may be able to connect you with a pastor in your area that you can speak with, someone that can lend Godly and sound Biblical advise and encouragement. In the meantime, we have added you to our prayer list and we will be praying for you. Here is our contact information:
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modren day hosea
if any one reads this please pray for me. my wife has cheated on me for the past 10 years. ive tried marraige counciling ive tried everything i can to do to make it work. she wants to end it and honestly so do i. im tired of hurting im tired of being betrayed and disrespected. even know we are seperated she still activatly cheats. seperated not divorced. she endangers the children by bringing other men to what used to be my home. but even after all this ive read through hosea anout 15 times now. i still love my wife and it dosnt feel right to walk away. that still small quite voice echos in my mind forever, whats one more day whats one more prayer? its not time to quit. and then im reminded of all the times i walk away from God and he still takes me back. yall pray for me please
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Lord Jesus please go to God our father place modern day Hosea a his feet he is in need of comfort he is need of strength he is in need of wisdom. Show him direction in his marriage in his life. In Jesus name Amen
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After 21 years my husband and I are ending an abusive, cheating marriage. I didn't have my Bible with me and needed God's Word. I typed Bible verses in my search engine, then sat, unsure of what I was searching for. Somehow, this very old bookmarked page opened at the bottom of my screen. God is good! I needed His reassurance that I am not alone and that He will give me no more than i can bear. When I feel overwhelmed, I open His promises in the Bible and see that I am loved and not forgotten. We have 4 boys, but 3 were adopted. My husband has not reached out to them and has been working hard to alienate our biological son from me, despite a very close relationship only a few weeks ago. I'm praying that God rewards my faithfulness in raising my children under His light and holds them close, that none are lost from His promise of eternal life. I am trying to pray for my husband. I do not think he is really a believer, but only God knows his heart. God does not want anyone to perish eternally, even him. I'm trying to remember that he is also God's creation. Sadly, he is a narcissist, so cannot see truth outside of his created reality. I finally understand that only God can reach him and heal him, but that God only will if he accepts the gift of Jesus's sacrifice for us. I have helped carry my Christian sister's burdens and am grateful now they are strong forward to help with mine. If any of you are suffering alone, please find a loving church to join. Don't give up if you takes you a couple months to find one. They exist. We are never alone because God is holding us. He also gives us thr gift of community to worship Him, uphold each other, and hold each other accountable. I thank God for my parents who introduced me to God and my dearest friend who showed me what it meant to have a real relationship with Him. I pray God wil use this horrible situation to help me someday do the same for another.
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I am inspired by your love for the Lord and your love and care for your husband and children. Despite what you have gone through you love as Christ loves you by praying for someone who has hurt you deeply. Christ is our example and your faith is a mature faith. We can glorify the Lord by emulating Him!! You definetly are and that is the best thing you can do for your family. The Lord allows us to choose how we live and some will never follow Jesus but we who love the Lord will turn to Him and He will carry us through this life and reward us in the life to come! God bless you!❤️🙏 Debbie
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I have been dealing with family tragedies for the past four years one after another. But now It all just seems too much to bear after contracting Covid while caring for my 97 year old mom who also became ill with the virus. I find that I am angry, overwhelmed and worse of all I have been directing my anger at my mom. I’ve been awakened early every morning as I lay in bed in the same room with my mom and ask forgiveness from God. I read your devotionals everyday but was inspired to continue reading this link. Thank you for the reminders of God’s promises that He will never leave us to suffer even in our darkest hours.
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These verses are so powerful and comforting. I am in heartbreak over some terrible family and financial losses. Thank you for these encouraging scriptures.
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Tapson Kabesha
When trouble comes your way, don't look to the left or right instead, we need to look up to the Lord for he truly cares for all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is Powerful indeed.
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Hello my name is Candi. I'm suffering so. My life has been completely destroyed. I don't understand why. I am in the process of giving it all to God and I'd like to ask you for scriptures to read to help me along the way while he stands me back up and leads me to the path of his will for me. Also, I'm not sure I understand about fasting. Can you help me to understand what this means for me inmy journey? God bless you.
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Amazing Facts
Hello Candi, our thoughts and prayers go out to you as you go through what sounds like a life altering moment. When we go through trials and tribulations, the Lord wants us to remember we are never alone, that He is just a breath away. Sometimes we receive answers as to why we are going through them, sometimes we do not, and sometimes we don’t receive an answer until much later. I want to share a pocket booklet that Pastor Doug wrote, it is called, “The Brook Dried Up” and I pray it’s stories will help with some of the questions you have. I’m also sending you a link to our Bible promises page on our website. It is filled with Scriptures to encourage, strengthen, and bolster your faith. Remember, this too shall pass and you will find that God is right there with you:
One more link, this one is to an amazing sermon Pastor Doug did in 2005 on when, and how to fast. I pray this will be a good starting place for understanding the topic of fasting:
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Jasper Omoga
Hello am Jasper
Am really grateful for the encouraging words above but please I beg you to pray for me today. Am really depressed. This thing called betting has taken everything away from me. I have nothing to feed my family today, all my friends have left me. Am not in good terms with my bigger family. Please ask God on my behave to hear my cry and support me financially today so I can feed my young family. Am really sorry for everything and I vow to change. I request God to help me stabilize. I honestly don't know what to do.
Jasper Omoga
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You can do this, Jasper! I was in a very similar situation (except I have no family to feed, sadly) years ago. I am ashamed of how much I have lost, and vowed to never let it happen again. If the temptation enters your mind, what might help you is to force yourself to think of all that good you can do with your money: buy food, pay bills, purchase a home or vehicle, save for emergencies, etc. There might also be support groups that may be of some help in your area. I pray that God gives you the strength to be strong when faced with temptation and resist!

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We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling. You can call our prayer line at 1 (800) 835-6906 if you would like to speak to someone. You can also let us know about your prayer request here:
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Welton Cannon
Pray for me to squint in my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and pray for me to get a job and have a nightlife and follow the instruction of the Lord thank you all very much
Welton Cannon
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This was very eye revealing when looking for reassurances that Gods promise to carry my burdens
He will never leave me weight down with a load I not able to carry. I believe when Jesus went to the cross for us all he lifted our burdens and give us hiself to bare the load. I thank you Lord for baring my heavy load.
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I am surfing the net looking for information to receive more burden for the lost, sick, affected and addicted.
Seems the concern is to separate from burdens rather than receiving them.
How is it that I see the lost, lame and sick everyday and have said, Oh Well. Lord help me out of my comfort zone.
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I believe....amen!!
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Charles summers
Why is it so hard to get someone to send Bible study material to someone in jail, my grandson is in for three months, he used to be an Adventist, is there a way to enroll him in a Bible study, they won’t let me send to him it has to come from outside source. charles summers
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Phyll McCabe
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Good morning and may GOD bless you!
As we go through life as a born again Christian I find myself almost without human contact. I am in church and find socialism in many. I look with my eyes to see and ears to hear and even other Christians have pride in themselves making a statement from The Bible as they post something somewhere and the comments following do not even refer or reflect to The Bible quotes, but refer to how pretty or beautiful they are! The one who humbles themselves also finds themselves vulnerable having others stand before you making themselves look good in prideful ways. I find that trends of the world lead most as sheep to the slaughter. For I continue to pray for others and myself to do the will of GOD, to show discernment to our GOD as well as obedience to JESUS CHRIST as a new creation! Brothers and sisters the weight that we all bear can either make us stronger in THE LORD if we give it to HIM, or by our choice separate us from HIM. I too need encouragement from others, but I do not find many who will. GOD will, GOD can lift you out of any pit. Thank you GOD! Thank you JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR! HE died for us! HE died for our sins and rose on the third day! Hallelujah! Amen! GOD bless all of you and your families! Amen!
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So True felt your passion. Thank you.
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Thank you for your words they are encouraging. I find myself in a similar situation. Christians that are negative about everything and no words of encouragement for anyone. it is our job as Christians to lift up one another and encourage each another. Thank you for your honesty and Thank God for you
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Thank you for your encouraging words and thank God for being just him Lord I love you and I'm trying to do right Stephanie
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Thank you for these Bible Verses. In these troubled times, we need 'em in our everyday lives. I am so thankful for Jesus and His promises through the Word.
His Words give me hope and joy. Whenever I am down or have problems, I will read His Words (promises in the Bible) and I get lifted up in my spirit. These verses really helped me today.
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Thank you and God bless you abundantly for these amazing lines from the Bible.
These verses helped me in encouraging my daughter-in-law and children who got COVID-19 the weekend before Christmas as she hosted a Baby Shower for her friend.
So many families left sick with COVID-19.
Keep them in prayers.
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I have been through a lot since 2018 and my burdens are getting heavier everyday. I am hopeful that God will deliver me! I need your prayers! May God bless you abundantly!
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Paul F.
Whenever we are physically sick, we need His prescence of love along with the Word of God to take away our anxieties and worries so we can be healed. Physical healing comes first when His prescence saturates our souls with His peace. That peace then is the power to heal our bodies and we become whole. The only thing we are required is to believe in His Goodness to receive healing from our soul's burdens and our sickness together. In all this I need His prescence to be calming and nurturing for all this to happen.
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Evil over took me for many years and i thought i was going to loose Jesus and the Holy Spirit whom i long to hear from and not some other voice. Thank you for this teaching and excepting the Lord God Almighty in my life. I want to take a minute to pray for my 3 sons to have Jesus speak to their hearts and heal us of all abuse from the world. We need healing of heart mind spirit soul body in Jesus Almighty Name Amen
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Praying for you Sam and your sons.
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I have always been told that God will not put more on you than you can handle. Recently I have heard that is not what the Bible says. can you tell me where in the Bible I can find reference to this? Thank you
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Amazing Facts
The verse most people think of is more focused on temptations: "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 But the word "temptation" here can be translated into a sin, trial, or suffering.

But there is also this verse: "And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 So here God says He will give you strength in your weakness.
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I've been carrying a couple burdens lately humbly ask you God to guide me on the handle these. My marriage my children. Sometimes I feel depressed then I realize you are with me glory be to the god Almighty creator of Heaven and Earth Lord hear my prayer
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I thank God almighty for choosing you to stand and teach us wonderful verses and their meaning which some of us didn't know.God bless you.
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I need your mercy guidance and blessings for my chikdren and myself. Especially re our careers, financial situation, health and wellbeing safety and security ģþ
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Times to clean up the house.
The last four days have been good for me the holy spirit is here(can feel it). I am only 26 and yes I've sinned.
I picked up the bottle and tobacco and marijuana habit when i was13

But before that, I was touched by dirty boys who were my so called friends and my cousin's did it as well.

My dad's a meth addict mums an alcoholic and bipolar schizophric... So growing up wasnt all good but there were great times.

Now he's on heroin but I cannot help him

( can't help those who don't want to help them selfs) love my dad but please God take my pain I want to grow without the weeds.

the way he looks now isn't good my heart's been broken and nobody wanted to help me heal and gain the confidence that I need to grow through life I know God will take care of these burdens I cannot carry what isn't mine I can't feel bad anymore I have to love myself and be strong for my son who is 9 this month.

And yes I am a lil illiterate but can spell just grammar isn't really good I'm an early school leavers
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Thank you for sharing your story and heart. I pray you have given all the things you mentioned over to our Lord. He will take your heavy laden heart and give you His yoke which s easy to bear and full of joy. The secret Paul talked about is to be content in all things by giving it all over to Him. Everything. Praise God and know Michael that you are blessed to be considered one of His children
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Amen 🙏 thank for these very inspirational verses
Guide ❤️❤️
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Nakityo sylivia
I really thank the work of holyspirit in you
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I love reading everything you put on Amazing helps me alot.
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I am encouraged by these scriptures and will save as a reminder. I am burdened now, and always in different ways and areas of my life. Although painful during the experience God strengthens me and has always provided an escape in His timing. Waiting and perseverance is the hard part but God is faithful. I'm grateful for the resources Amazing Facts provide.
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Hi Doug: These verses about casting our burdens on Jesus are so helpful. GOD is loving and kind, holding us close when we are fearful or sad.

It seems that it's popular now to add more guilt to hurting people to say fear in a terrible sin.

If we reread all those passages, and picture GOD holding you in HIS arms when HE's saying don't fear.

Would I yell and be angry if my three year old were afraid? No, I'd comfort him or her. So, I know God is comforting us when HE says, "Fear not for I am with you even to the ends of the earth.
When HE says fear isn't of GoD, that to is said in a comforting, loving way saying that HE doesn't send fear to us. Satan brought fear into the world.

I appreciate your teaching. Thank you for staying true to the GOD'S WORD. God Bless You, Linda Johnson
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Namagembe prossy
I have learnt something in these scripture
Glory be to the lord now am nolonger fear anything 🙏🙏
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Thank God for your resources, Burdens will be lifted as they continue to read.
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Wonderful resource
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Thank you for the Services you provide.
I am thankful to have found this tonight.
L Shanks
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God bless you all.
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I love Amazing facts... I was especially blessed when I listened to the sermon of Rahab titled the world,word and witness...This is undoubtedly God's church.... I'm praying for Amazing facts and The Seventh day Adventist Church... God bless you
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Thanks you amazing facts for your help in my daily Bible study. Pray for me I have applied for employment that God's favour will be upon me and see me through all the process
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Thank you Amazing Facts for all you do to help me grow my relationship in Jesus.
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Please pray for me for I keep having this dream a terrible dream that I don’t want to have
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Please pray for my son Chris and myself. We have been estranged for the past 20 years. That the Lord will provide a breakthrough. Amen.
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God loves us
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God loves us
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My burdens are gone, my doubts in God are gone through the help of 3 channels on YouTube- #1- Ray Comfort with Living Waters -#2- Ron Wyatt with Wyatt Archeological Research,- #3- John Kostik aka ( Dutch Uncle John). Also...... a wise man once said... read the Bible every day!!!! God bless you.
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Thank you, Jesus, for always protecting me from the attacks of the devil through the people of this world.
For anyone reading this post, God has promised to sustain us and protect us. Please stay strong and faithful for he is with us now and forever.
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Valerie Raymond
Praise the Lord for your support.
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I pray that God will remove this huge burdens off myself and my 3 Sons my middle son PJ is under attack and if anyone read this please pray for my sons yes there all adults but I need all of the help I can get through prayers we all shall come together. I need to be lifted up by the blood of Jesus my savior.
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Matthew Herz
I will absolutely be praying for you, sending much love brother! Trust in the Lord in all ways, He is always there to run to and allows us to be able to cast all the burdens to Him. May God bless you
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Thank you for those on time scripture
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In 1985 the GC said it was okay to wear wedding rings, our young pastor just got married and insists on wearing one. This really looks out of place
in our little church. Told us about the GC decision. Are we picking and choosing now what part of EG White to follow, or have we just thrown her
under of the bus. This is something that is a burden in our congregation..
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Gee, I kind-a think I would rather follow what the Bible says about rings in Genesis 24: 22 and Genesis 41: 42. If Rebekah and Joseph can wear them, I would think it's not something to cause a problem. With all the insanity around "our little church", do you think it's time to REALLY indulge in Adiaphorism. No, you just go on and "rightly divide" the words of a fallible human who died in 1915, long before our "modern" world would be filled with all the things that are so accurately described in the book of Revelation. I would rather see a MAN and A WOMAN proudly wearing THEIR RINGS of COMMITMENT to THE LORD, and EACH OTHER in this heathen world, then to have self-righteous folks split their church over such a "none of your business" topic. When you go out to the parking lot, don't talk! Get in your cars and GO HOME!
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Glory to God Almighty
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I've been feeling the burden of my young adult daughter. Reading and meditating on there scriptures brings me peace & assurance that God will not let me down.
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Thank you, to God be the glory
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I thank God for His great love. He gave Jesus Christ to carry the burden of my sins on the tree at Calvary and set me free from guilt. Jesus equally took my infirmities and bare my sicknesses.
Lord thank you and receive my praise and worship.
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Tinu K.
Thank God for this write up! I am recently widowed and for sometime now I've been feeling overwhelmed by the burden of the care of myself and the children.
I searched online for scriptures to meditate on, to strengthen this truth of Christ my burden-bearer in my heart.
God bless the publisher.
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I pray to God for he should take up my future in his hands. He should take up all my plans and i know he will always make a way for me ..
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I Really needed to be reminded AGAIN, by all of these Verses! Thank You, Father, for know Just What I needed for the Beginning of this Week. I Give YOU Thanks, Praise, Honor & Glory for these & ALL Answered Prayers. AMEN...... Thank You ,Doug Batchelor & Amazing Facts.
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I absolutely love Amazing Facts and all you do for your followers and listeners. Thank you for being a light that leads and shines on God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. You are a blessing to me. Thank you.
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Thank you amazing facts for all that's you do to spread the words of god
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. I pray for God to help me through the consequences of my poor choices. I hold fast to the knowledge that He will not forsake me.
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Thanks Amazing Facts for all that you do to strengthen our walk with the Lord. This is Nelia Carpio from Richmond Virginia
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I love these bible verses. It brings
great strength to read these words. Knowing God is always with us and
Giving me strength during difficult times.
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Broken girl
I just took an overdose of sleeping pills with an aim of sleeping forever for the burden I'm carrying right now is too heavy I cannot do it anymore. As I wait for the pills to kick in, I stumbled on these. Goodbye Ya'll
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Judy Kidd
I pray she did not die. I pray God helped her before these pills took her life. You can have so much on your plate at times you just want it all to go away. You don't really want to die but you want the pain to stop, the memories to go away, Satan telling you, that you are not going to ever be saved and loved by God. Your days look dark and you can't see passed you prison. I tried twice to take my live . I think God I got help. I went to the hospital and I just told them I was afraid of myself. I was scared I would take a overdose. Through all this I got closer to God. I know He loves me and wants what is best for us all. Wanting to die is a very dark place. The sun can be shining bright but in your mind all is dark. Turn to God before it is too late. Let Him love you and hold you. He will love like no other. Some adults were treated very bad growing up. Turn to God and let Him be your Father, He will not miss treat you. I hope this helps, When I read that this child of God took this pills I cried I so hope she did not go through with it. Judy Kidd
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Yes, indeed I am hoping and praying the same for this young person. Just came upon this reading been feeling perplexed too lately. But I know that God has plan we have to learn to exercise faith and wait on Him for He who hath promised is faithful.
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I was just scrolling the comments and read yours and I pray even now by the mercies of Jehovah that He will deliver you from the bottomless pit … and May the light of God shine through in your life that you may see His goodness and call upon the name of the Lord in faith and be saved🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Give your troubles to Him, He will carry you through💕
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Please do not give up god will ease your burden he loves you please do not give up it will get better in time remamber what jesus did on the cross that's how much he loves you when it seems hopeless he is always right there with you that is his promise you can trust him...
Amazing Facts
Thank you for reaching out! I’m very sorry to hear that you suffer from a burden too heavy to bear further. I can say with assurance that it would not be God’s will for you that you take your own life. He loves you with a deeper love than you can even imagine, and wants to give you “abundance of life”. Sometimes our feelings can seem overwhelming, but no matter what your emotions are telling you, the truth is that God has a definite place and work for you to do in this life. Cling to Him in your moments of depression, and He will carry you through. Psalms 23 is your personal assurance that the Good Shepherd will never let you down. The next time you are suffering, remember that you are not alone. Jesus is there, at that very moment, and He has the most intimate intuition as to exactly what you are feeling. Remember, there is no plight that we face that Jesus did not also encounter while on earth. Jesus felt excruciating pain while tortured and crucified. He knew the bitter depths of rejection (even in His hometown and among His closest friends), loneliness, and temptation. Jesus came to live as man, so that He could fully experience life as we experience it. He knows what it is like when you feel pain. He knows what it is like to be in difficult circumstances and tempted to give up. But He also knows what it takes to rise above the circumstance, and His Word and the Holy Spirit will guide you in how you can do the same. Here is one of my favorite quotations that has always been of encouragement to me in difficult times: Worry is blind, and cannot discern the future; but Jesus sees the end from the beginning. In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief. Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service and honor of God supreme will find perplexities vanish, and a plain path before their feet. {Desire of Ages, p. 330}
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You are deeply loved by our Father in Heaven! May He bless you as you grow closer to Him.
Amazing Facts
We are so saddened to hear that you have reached a point where you feel there are no other options. Please know that there are! Not only are God’s promises there to strengthen you, there are many avenues of varying types of help. Please call one of the numbers here, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 and our Prayer Line, 800-835-6906. You are in our prayers dear child of God.
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I know God is good, always there for me. Especially when I'm going through the most difficult time of life. Right now I feel shameful, miserable, my heart aches for something that I discovered. First thing I wanted to do was go down on my knees and seek help from God.,but there is this voice telling me, "Shame on you, you only look for him when you need him" is so true. All my like been struggling with my spiritual life. You would think I'd be spending more time with him especially through everything that is going on in this world. I know he is coming soon. There is time I think that I might not make it to heaven with my family, It scares me so much, don't know what to do. I feel I fail as a mother. There is this tremendous burden on me. I came across this verses. it brings me some comfort, if you read my comment please pray for me and my family.
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Christ is the true burden bearer we can run on to, He will never forsake and He does not grow weary in doing good, for that matter He shows no partiality, He is not a respector of persons everyone that call on His name He hears.
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God promises are reliable and dependable, we just need faith to enjoy his security in this perilous time
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It's so wonderful to comprehend that God of the universe cares for our burdens. Jesus did all for us by crucifying Himself so we can have eternal life. He even wants to carry our burdens when we become weight down. He took our sins on Himself and wants to be take our burdens too. I'm so touched by His caring and loving heart. The Lords compassion is so deep. Brothers and sisters let us encourage our hearts that the Maker of our souls cares for us. Thank you Lord for your tender loving heart towards your children.
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Jesus is faithful. Time after time He has come to help me just when I needed Him most. It’s always safe to confide in Him and lean on Him with all your weight. He has never let me down! Even now finding this website and these verses!! He will do the same for you.
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I come here Lord Jesus & ask You to take my heavy burdens, free me of this 50 year load I’ve farro for far too long of life with a narcissistic man. The husband that I chose not You!
Thank You for taking this load off me Lord!
Please forgive me of 50 years of thoughts of hatred, suicide, murder, cursing, hating hating him, my life my all, wishing him dead, asking you to take him, to take me .... Amen 🙏
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the scriptures are a blessing, and really ministered to me at a crucial time.
Thank you
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I want to ask God for help all the time latley. I come and go in my relationship with the Lord. I take him for granted and only seem to turn to him when I need him most. I now feel reluctant to ask God for anything as I feel like an undeserving sinner. Life has become so busy and hectic between a 2 year old, a pandemic, loss of Job, loss of loved ones and a suicide attempt I am at a loss latley.
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God loves you all the same. Go to God even if you feel that you're undeserving because that's what grace is all about. Tell God exactly how you feel, that you feel you only go to Him when things get tough and that you feel undeserving. After that read the Bible about Jesus' life here on earth and know, be assured that all that He did and especially His death on the cross was for you. You are special and you are loved more than you'll ever know. God is not done with you until He completes His work on you and makes perfect that which concerns you. Keep leaning on Him and keep going to Him.
Amazing Facts
Dear Michael, we truly hear the sadness in your words and understand the struggles. This time in earth’s history, the pandemic and so many other factors have affected everyone world-wide in a way we had only imagined would occur just before Jesus returns. The trials of God’s children are real, they are sometimes frightening but please know that God is right there with you even when it feels as if He is not. Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5 Do not lose hope, all of us, every single one of us, are undeserving. However, His compensation is great enough for all if we just turn to Him. Michael, forming a relationship with God and creating a bond with your Savior will prioritize and balance the chaos and will give you an advantage over the barrage of the devil; do turn to Him and ask Him for help all the time, He is waiting. Daniel 6:16-23 tells a wonderful story of a seemingly hopeless cause, our God, Who is able to shut the mouths of the lions is the same God that is there for you, right now today. Please know we are praying for you.
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As I give the Lord our God my burdens, I feel Him but as I walk and feel the burdens of the worldly people trapped in satan's hate, I ask Him who sent me out into the world, am I doing good enough to spread His love that I never knew before I started to study His word of truth..
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I've been feeling anxious of what the future may bring lately but just reading the word of God makes me feel great!
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I am a Christian, but I seem to have lost my way. But, after reading God's promises, I am encouraged. I am enlightened. I am hopeful to return fully to HIM.
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This word is really encouraging, ive been burdened about school and whose gonna sponsor me the fear of being a school drop out has eaten me up, so many sleepless nights but i will cast it all unto Jesus for his is the authour and the finisher
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mark 11.23 speak to the problem or mountain / wetake authority AZnn my wife has back pain after a fall.... her name is Ann..........thank/Bob>
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We’re sorry to hear about your wife. Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about your prayer request by writing us here:
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Thank God for these uplifting verses , each day we really God and l love what God says that we should cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us, it get me to think that anything or anyone we rely upon cannot remove our burdens except JESUS CHRIST
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Thanks for sharing these great verses.
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Need help with work, pay, and marriage please.
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Can you emphasize more through my email address below, but before you email know for sure that marriage is from God ,He blessed it and sanctified it(holy).Work and pay ,we will discuss on that too
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I want to stop starving myself thin.
I want to be healthy and strong. I will strive for this.
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My mom pass June 1st, dad in Rehab I had surgery and family death of Covid.
Pray keep me in prayer
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Lord, I know you're watching after our militaryspousepray. I'm praying for them tonight. God bless them and hold them.
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Gary Colon
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I want to ask for prayer, but having read some request I feel I can offer up to God the prayers of some of these request I’ve read. I know God moves daily in my life and I am grateful and thankful. God is amazing, where I’m weak he is made stronger. I’ll thank him for the blessings I’ve received. he has kept me for 62 yrs plus and blessed me this AM, he woke me. i have prayer request because I will always need the Lord, however, he knows my needs and the concerns of my heart. This morning I just want to praise him and lift those who are feeling hopeless and unloved. please God show them a new way that they know you as standing on your word, sitting high, but looking low on your sheep. Show them your light and I pray that someone lift them with new encouragement with reminder to keep the faith. God will change their situations and with faith, even a little bit as small as a mustard seed will bring God’s blessings to all that seek with their whole heart and a little faith too will go a long way and be pleasing to God. We’ve all dealt with devastation as we will. God said there will be rain and storms in our lives along with the good, but through it, he will be with us. I would say hold on to that and believe Hod for his words d he will not forsake you. This I know for sure. God bless you all, he is your banner and If nobody offered up love...sister or brother in Christ, I love you. i have some prayer needs too but today I am just going to be thankful for this new day that the Lord has blessed us with. Somebody did not wake up today, somebody is all alone, sick and unable to walk/ and somebody has been diagnosed with liver cancer but she is full of hope and faith, that somebody is my sister. stay hopeful, God has you...believe him as your faith in him is his joy. my sister is full of faith and has been an example of strength and faith in God that has kept her fighting and believing God. She knows God did not give her a spirit of fear, but of peace.