Moving Mountains, Spreading Truth

An Amazing Fact: Dashrath Manjhi’s wife died needlessly after a fall because access to the nearest hospital was blocked by the same mountain from which she fell. When the government declined to help, Manjhi decided to carve a road himself through a ridge to shorten the route from 34 miles to 9. Using only a hammer, chisel, and shovel, he dug a path 30 feet wide through 360 feet of rock. It took him 22 years!

Richard, a Pentecostal pastor in Uganda, was in a quandary. He’d heard profound Bible teaching and felt convicted. But what would happen to his congregation and how would his wife respond if he got baptized? The crisis loomed before him like a dark, unmovable mountain.


I praise God for how you open pathways for seekers facing spiritual mountains in places like Africa and the Philippines. When attempting to visit the church in Thessalonica, the apostle Paul wrote, “We wanted to come to you … time and again—but Satan hindered us” (1 Thessalonians 2:18). But even though Satan tries to block those longing to hear the life-giving messages of Scripture, God has used your faithful labor of love to carve away the obstacles.


For instance, when you give to Amazing Facts’ evangelism work, you raise up an army of men and women with mountain-moving faith—gospel workers who are doing powerful evangelism through our AFCOE training programs in Africa and the Philippines.


These are some of the most difficult fields of labor, but your generosity has made it possible for thousands to joyfully respond to the lifesaving messages and resources shared by these Amazing Facts workers.


In fact, let me tell you how you helped Pastor Richard break through his own spiritual mountain …


The Last-Day Gospel Breaches New Territory

When God led a small team of AFCOE-trained Bible workers to witness in Kitgum, a vast district in Northern Uganda, there was only one Sabbath-keeping church in the whole area. But that was about to change when the disciples you sent arrived and began door-to-door studies.


After they spent a month preparing hearts for truth, an Amazing Facts evangelist presented a public Revelation seminar that covered the foundations of the faith. During these meetings, a Pentecostal youth pastor was persuaded by the bold proclamation of God’s Word.


And as the woman at the well did, this pastor rushed back to his village to tell his senior pastor the many new and beautiful things he’d heard.


This senior pastor, Richard, decided to attend the meetings himself—hoping to disprove the teachings! Yet when he heard the presentation about the millennium, he was awestruck. Listening to prophecy explained with such clearness, Richard knew in his heart that God was leading him to conviction.


Determined to Learn the Truth

News about the seminar spread throughout Richard’s village. Many were curious to hear the teachings for themselves—and soon, a group of six souls began attending with Richard and the youth pastor.


But the group didn’t have access to a car, a bus, or even a bicycle. Instead, these earnest seekers walked six miles to Kitgum just to hear the messages. Then, after the services, they walked six miles back home in the dark. How many of us would walk 12 miles roundtrip to do … well, anything? These hearts were so thirsty for this truth, neither distance nor darkness could keep them away!


After the meetings ended, Pastor Richard faced a difficult decision. He would have to reject truth to keep his attachment to his church and prestigious position—or forsake those things to follow Jesus.


I’m thrilled to report that with God’s help, he did not shrink from that spiritual mountain, and neither did the rest of the group. They treasured the truth they’d discovered, and all eight were baptized into God’s last-day church—along with 50 more!


Persecuted for Truth

News of Richard’s decision spread fast. When his wife heard, she threatened divorce. Church members accused him of being bribed. Some even wanted to banish him from the village.


But even when his church leaders pressured him into recant, this servant of God didn’t flinch. He was convinced the Lord had spoken, and he would remain loyal no matter the consequences.


In fact, Richard then invited the very same AFCOE team and Amazing Facts evangelist to hold Bible meetings in his village. Since they no longer had a church, they met under a tree. And at the end of those meetings, 40 more souls were baptized—including the pastor’s wife!


Bearing Fruit in Africa and the Philippines

I wish I could tell you all the incredible stories of how the Holy Spirit is using your gifts in Africa and the Philippines, two powerhouse training centers turning out bold witnesses for truth. But let me sneak in just a bit more ….


Through Philippines AFCOE, you recently helped give more than 7,000 Bible studies and led 4,400 souls to attend 38 prophecy seminars—resulting in 662 baptisms. You also helped plant six churches and train 482 students.


Your loving gifts have also recently helped AFCOE Africa workers give almost 17,000 Bible studies, plant six churches, and baptize nearly 1,000 souls into the body of Christ. I give all glory to God for this tremendous work!


Moving Mountains

Friend, God has used your compassion to blast away mountain-sized obstacles, opening the way for His final message to reach and save people even in the remotest corners of the globe. Only in heaven will we fully know the full impact you have made in leading souls to Christ.


Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations. Will you please join me in training more Bible workers worldwide to multiply the number of bold witnesses who are not held back by roadblocks or trials? Your gift of $25 will give five people Bible studies in Africa. A gift of $100 will train two students to share their love for Jesus effectively. And a mountain-moving gift of $250 will make it possible for two individuals to study the Bible, attend an evangelistic series, and be baptized—praise the Lord!


Whatever size gift you can send this month, I’m grateful that you trust Amazing Facts to make as much of an eternal difference as possible through our many outreach efforts. You will open new pathways to truth!


Richard, now a former Pentecostal pastor, boldly took a stand for truth. He and many others have planted a new church in their village. Would you help move mountains today and bring the light of God’s Word to more people like him?


Moving mountains together by faith,


Pastor Doug Batchelor

President, Amazing Facts International

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Thank you for this good news for help me tell the world about Jesus more. GOD bless us.