An Exciting TV Comeback!

An Amazing Fact: Gregory “Pappy” Boyington was a World War II fighter ace who shot down 28 enemy aircraft.  In January 1944, after downing his last enemy plane, Boyington, outnumbered by Japanese Zeros, was shot down and crashed into the Pacific Ocean.  The world mourned his death, and his mother received his posthumous Medal of Honor.  You can imagine the surprise when he appeared very much alive after the war.  He had been found floating in the ocean by a Japanese submarine and survived a year and a half in a POW camp!

We are all inspired by a great comeback story.  And now you can help make a comeback for the proclamation of the Lord’s truth!  I’m writing this urgent letter because we have a renewed opportunity to place God’s last-day messages in people’s homes on a very big TV network—INSP!

We suspect that a few years ago, the enemy shot us down from INSP (formerly The Inspiration Network) because some of our messages were, well, a little too direct.  But now we believe that God has opened a new door for us to broadcast the three angels’ messages once again to a larger audience looking for Christian programs—Sunday mornings at eight!

Solomon said, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  Amazing Facts broadcasts will now return to this giant network that reaches into the homes of more than 130 million people.  Incredibly, the time slot is even better than the one we had before—right after the popular Turning Point Ministries with David Jeremiah and right before another huge Christian program.

But this superb prospect came after our 2025 budget was put together.  Our team has prayerfully considered this gospel opportunity, and we believe God has opened this door right now for a reason.  By faith, we have decided to move forward with this unbudgeted expense and lock this spot in before it was snatched up by someone else.  Our faith is in God’s providence—and your co-laboring faithfulness.  So, please respond quickly, as the Spirit moves on your heart, with a gift so we know to stay on this new network and help more people know Christ and His life-changing truth!

Joshua and Caleb were ready to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.  But they had to wait 40 years before making a comeback.  Then, at the age of 85, Caleb told Joshua that he would fight the giants in Hebron, saying, “Give me this mountain!” (Joshua 14:12).  The timing was right: “Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb … as an inheritance” (v. 13).

God blesses those who go forward boldly in faith.  Through the faithless spies, the devil cast doubts in the minds of God’s people about returning to the Promised Land even though the Lord promised victory to Israel in Canaan—but Joshua and Caleb believed that God’s power would overcome the enemy.

Likewise, you and I stand again at the Jordan.  We are called to cross over at this unprecedented time of change in our country and the world.  Will we move forward, trusting in God’s leading?  Faith sees openings and moves forward based on Jesus’ command to “go into all the world,” trusting in God’s power, not human rationalization.

I believe the timing is right to share the simple Bible truth with this massive new audience.  A one-year broadcast commitment to INSP costs a little over $800,000—that’s a lot, but Sunday morning is perfect to reach people who are looking for good Christian programs when they aren’t able to attend church.

As many as 120,000 people watch INSP at this time each week!  It will cost less than 14 cents per seeker to share the plain truth each Sunday.  Your compassionate gift of $100 could help more than 700 searching hearts receive lifesaving truth through this station.  A kind gift of $25 will provide the Word to almost 200 souls.  And a comeback gift of $500 or $5,000 or more could make it possible to broadcast essential saving truth on INSP all year and help thousands receive Christ as their Savior.

Whatever size gift you send today, I know God will multiply the eternal difference it makes through all Amazing Facts programs.  When you send your loving gift, in deepest gratitude, I’ll send you my message "Seeing the Invisible World".  I believe it will kickstart a revival in your heart!  Just mark CD or DVD on the enclosed reply card and—along with your prayer request—return it with your gift.

Roger “accidentally” turned on Amazing Facts on his TV one Sunday morning and is now a faithful viewer.  “The lesson I heard hit me right on!”  Of course, God’s timing is never an accident!  Will you bring truth to more lost souls right now? The timing is right.

Give me this mountain! 

Pastor Doug Batchelor

President, Amazing Facts International

P.S. INSP has invited Amazing Facts back onto their giant network on Sunday mornings!  You can reach thousands for Christ with last-day truth every week when you support TV evangelism.  This prime timeslot is when many are searching for Christian teaching.  It’s time to uplift truth to more people in our dark and broken world.  Thank you!



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