Journey of Miracles

“What am I going to do?” Eric wondered. Months earlier, he’d quit his job to keep the Sabbath. Now, his bank account was empty—and so were the cupboards.When a friend invited him to go bowling one evening, Eric wasn’t in the mood. “Besides, I don’t have the money.” “Come on—my treat!” his friend pleaded. When Eric returned home, a new rice cooker sat on his counter, full of freshly cooked rice. The cabinets were full, and a note on the refrigerator read, “Look at the birds of the air …” (Matthew 6:26). “Thank you, Lord!” Eric cried. God was leading Eric on a journey of miracles that began at


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Jackie Tuttle
I believe in miracles because Jesus has healed me multiple times. My Father God gave me a new Liver Transplant as I needed in order to live. After 5 years on the Transplant list one day when I felt my best in days past my Doctors told me I was the next person on the to receive a Transplant because of I now had Kidney failure. Well around 4 hours later I was on the OR table for surgery for my new Liver. Next day after the Transplant my doctors came in my room to send me for dialysis on my Kidney's failure. Well Praise God they could not find anything wrong with my Kidney's . Its been 7 years since my Liver Transplant and to this day my Kidney's are very healthy. I believe God healed my body 100% . 6months after my Transplant I had to have back surgery and the surgery went wrong and the surgeon cut two spinal cord nerves and I was unable to walk and was told that I would not ever walk again because on the injury they caused. I am 100% numb from my knees to my toes in both legs.I was told it is physically impossible to walk again with my L5 and S1 nerves cut by surgery error. Well they dont know my Lord and his power. I am walking again after two years of prayers and physical therapy I am Walking again . The Doctors still tell me its physically impossible and stuck needles in my legs to test for my feelings to my legs. I have no feelings and I am walking. My God is still in the Miracle Healing Blessings. Only trust and believe and anything is possible my fellow Believers. Praise His Holy Name of Jesus.
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Linda Norris
Am anxious to read all I can.
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He is faithful and just and his promises stand forever thank you Jesus and praise your holy name forever and ever.
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keep trusting God Eric. I have seen God provide for me literally on a day by day need, Daily each morning my thing is to eat one fruit first thing in the morning. since losing my job during covid my funds are limited sometimes to get those fruits, so two weeks ago this happened i was out of fruits so I went to church sabbath without having eaten any fruit but after church someone give me two oranges I ate one and had the next one on Sunday morning, on Monday morning my neighbour knock on my door and handed me two bananas I ate one on Monday and the next one on Tuesday by Wednesday God again provided fruit for the rest of that week. GOD PROMISE to supply our daily needs and i have proven that he keeps every one of His promises, (Joshua 21:45) Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken....
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.Tom's Bride of 64 years.
My husband is 86 and diagnosed with cancer. Due to his age and other health conditions he is on a chemo pill, instead of infision, the which has a co pay of $3000 a month. I do not know how long we can sustain. Your comments about provision are a reminder to me that the Lord always has and always will provide. Thank you. We needed that.
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Wow miracles nights is amazing affected nights i want to joining consistently
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God bless your soul and ministry at SALT Eric. Greetings from the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific
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Melody Shelton
Amen! So happy that Eric has found the wonderful truth! Thank you, Jehovah and Jesus!
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How great is our God! He meets our needs through His family of Christians here on earth! Praise God!
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He never fails us, bless His holy name!!❤🙏🏻
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WOW ! !! Eric ! I feel so Happy for you ! GLORY to God ! ! ! 🙏😊😇😁 🙏❤💯❤🙏😁😇😊
Your personal testomony is BEAUTIFUL ! !! 💝
YEA ! What God has done ! ! ! 😁🌺🌺🌺🌺😁
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