Will Kanye West Spark a Christian Revival?

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted November 12, 2019

Few singers today have the global reputation that rapper Kanye West enjoys: He’s known everywhere, he’s often in the gossip magazines, and if he’s not yet a billionaire, it appears he’s well on his way.

But something happened this spring that may transform Kanye’s image from a hard-living rapper into a seeker after Jesus, and one who draws thousands of followers to the cross along the journey. His Jesus Is King album has already broken sales records.

West conducted one of his gospel music-themed “Sunday Service” events at the Coachella Music Festival, a rambunctious multi-day event in the California desert. During one song, West broke down in tears; afterward, according to a report in Christianity Today magazine, he declared that he had been “born again.”

A combination of West’s fame and raw musicianship is drawing many listeners who might otherwise never set foot in a church, the Christianity Today account noted: “While many are embracing West’s new God-centered music (some have even skipped their weekly church service to attend the event), others from non-religious backgrounds say that West is their first real exposure to Christianity. Pasha Esmaili has never stepped inside a church before but loves to watch the services online. “[Kanye’s] the only person who can make me like this kind of music. I’m not religious, but even him playing this makes me feel some type of way. It’s weird,” he says.

Not everyone is impressed, however: Brooke Leigh Howard of The Daily Beast savaged West’s Sunday appearance at an African-American congregation in the borough of Queens in New York City, noting that some at the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral had walked out of West’s presentation: “Instead of a form of spiritual revival, it’s more akin to a high concept musical performance masquerading as religious—and all in the name of profit.”

“You Don’t Have to be Perfect”

And in Washington, D.C., West’s surprise service at Howard University, one of the nation’s best-known historically black colleges, drew negative reaction as well. New Yorker magazine music editor Brianna Younger, upset with West’s political stances, said it was “really gross” for the singer to show up “here at Howard where so much was done for the liberation of black people.”

Others were more forgiving, the Post reported: “He’s expanding people’s minds, that religion can come in all colors. You come as you are. You don’t have to be perfect,” Amanda Brundidge, 29, who came in from Alexandria, Virginia, told the newspaper. “And it’s beautiful.”

In September, West brought his Sunday Service to Cody, Wyoming, near where he and his wife, Kim Kardashian West, bought a ranch. According to the Billings Gazette, the hastily assembled event—a venue booked on a Friday for the following Sunday, with minimal publicity—drew visitors from across Montana, Wyoming, and Utah, and as far as Seattle and Denver. At least 3,800 people attended, local officials said.

“It was a very spur of the moment thing for literally everyone,” Levi Meyer, PR and marketing manager for the Buffalo Bill Center of the West told the Gazette. “With that in mind and thinking about how big the turnout really was, that just shows how much people wanted to see a special event like this.”

“The whole crowd was so positive and polite,” Meyer, who grew up in Cody, added in his comments to the newspaper. “I have never heard a musical sound so big in Cody, Wyoming. It was unbelievable.”

Two weeks later, West drew a similarly large number of people to a venue in downtown Salt Lake City—blocks away from where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was holding its twice-yearly church-wide session, held in a 21,000-seat auditorium. It’s not known how many, if any, skipped the Mormon event for West’s appearance. 

According to Christianity Today, West appears to be aware of the conflicting opinions of his recent actions: “I need prayer, not judgment,” West declared. “We need a chance to learn God at our own speed. We’re human beings trying our best, repenting from our sins and learning and growing every day. And we need your hands on us, your prayers on us. Pray for me.”

Reformation and Revival

Is Kanye West’s conversion genuine? Will he always foreswear rap songs for gospel titles? And will the thousands who are reported to have made professions of faith at his Sunday Service events flow into churches and become active members?

No one knows Kanye West’s heart other than himself—and God. We can’t and won’t pronounce his conversion genuine or illegitimate, other than to remember the standard Christian belief that all should be accepted at face value until demonstrated otherwise. Yes, some “wolves in sheep’s clothing” may enter in, but they generally reveal themselves quickly.

 The greater question, perhaps, is what conversion—some might call it reformation—and a subsequent revival mean for each of us. The literal meaning of the word “repent” as found in the Bible is to change one’s thinking, to “re-form” those thoughts. Instead of being self-conscious and scheming, the goal is to be others-focused, loving those around us and those in need.

That might be the greatest measure of West’s religious experience: How will it carry through in other areas of his life? It’s a bit early to tell, but at the same time it is unmistakable that West’s celebrity and global platform are bringing a Christian message, however slight, to people who might not hear it otherwise.

In one message, Pastor Doug Batchelor noted, “Repentance represents a sorrow for sin and a willingness to turn away from it. It's very important that if we have sinned, for one thing that we're aware, and the other is that if we are aware, we regret.” 

And for those seeking to live righteously, Pastor Doug’s message on “Defeating Demons, Devils, and Evil Spirits” offers insight on how God can help us walk as He would desire.

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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Whenever there are great revivals Seventh-day Adventists need to remember several points. First, they (SDAs) must be secure in what they believe as Adventists; that means that they must know the teachings of their church. So, whenever there's a revival outside of their church, they must always remain faithful to their church. We are not called to join any other organisation, even if half the world goes after that revival. Secondly, we must remember our purpose in the world, and that is to preach the everlasting gospel as it is in scripture, as we teach it and believe. This means the final messages to the world, the three angels' message. This is the equivalent of Noah's message to a condemned world of his time. We step off this platform at our own peril. Why? Because as we near the end there will only be two classes of humanity on this earth! Those that follow the commandments of God and those, eventhough Christians, that do not. Never lose sight of this. Therefore, regarding revivals of any type, do not be tempted to jump ship! Hold firm to your doctrine as come down from God through His word. Pray and thank God that the godless are coming to Him, and ask that they be led deeper to the everlasting gospel which only SDAs have. God may use anyone to bring others to Him, but He uses SDAs to take everyone to the closing scenes of earth's history. Only we have that knowledge as God wants it. Now, we may not all live up to it, but God has his faithful that are living up to it. And finally, never lose you cool or equilibrium eventhough half the world is converted. Pray to be a light to those newly converted to show them the continuing relationship and knowledge that are in Scripture. Don't jump ship but steer you boat through the crowd blowing your trumpet as God will have you without fear or favour. We have already been warned, compromise only to your own peril. We are living in exciting times. Intense persecution is in the wings, but a glorious future is ahead. God bless you.
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A huge block of text is difficult to read, and many won't read it. You may want to divide your text into manageable paragraphs. I used to write the same way until I took writing classes in college.
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Ron’s text is clear to read.
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The bible warns us what to look for in false prophets. We need to look for the signs and heed them. The devil will transform himself into an angel of light and if possible deceive the very elect. God is not mocked. We are not to judge yes, but we can react based on a thus saith the Lord.
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nice article
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CON-YE is working for Satan! He signed to support the 2030 United Nations 🇺🇳 Agenda for 2030 in 2018 & prior to that he met with the Pope in 2016. His record company Def Jam records is the same one that produced his old blasphemous albums!!! All his songs on the album were previously secular songs they have added Christian type lyrics to!
He had the eye 👁 of Horus ( Pagan god ) & a ritual circle at each perfect! He’s preaching a non biblical, anything goes Jesus & preparing hearts for the Anti-Christ, infact one of his songs this past Sunday at Joel Osteen’s ( false pastor or the prosperity gospel, new age & man centered gospel) was a song on American Horror Story last year! He has the full support of the Church of Satan for this new album! People WAKE UP!!! His fruit is ROTTEN 🐍
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Finding My Way Back to God
Would you have been so judgemental if he had not started of as a famous person? It is the Holy Spirit that convicts. Remember when the diciples told Jesus of others that were preaching the word. Leave them alone, if they are not against us, then they are for us. For us in what you may ask? Lifting up Christ! The bible says, ' If I He be lifted up', He will draw all man to himself. We as christians, are being transformed as we draw near to God. Kanye has not asked to be lifted up. He is using his limited knowledge and skills to lift Jesus! Reserve your judgement and observe, Concentrate in strengthening your faith in the Lord, that you may not be a part of the "Falling Away". May God be with you.
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YES, Kanye will start the great harvest of the bride ........ Kanye could also lead the 5 foolish to the great FALLING away in the end . Never ever doubt how smart and deceiving SATAN is !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jules, christians like you are the reason why people hate christianity. You are so judgmental, you infuriate me.
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Psa_119:165 Great peace have they which love your law: and nothing shall offend them.
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Jules, your post is very disturbing to me... how judgmental you're being. The article was correct in saying we don't know his heart and need to take him at face value until demonstrated otherwise. Consider that your post could actually draw people away from the church and Kanye draw them to it. You simply don't know that your post could be aiding Satan. Young people don't read things like what you said and become galvanized into a fire for Christ. They read read that and feel the opposite because all most people want is to know that God is love and that God will forgive them and they'll be washed clean and be accepted and be loved because of all the sin they've committed in their lives is a burden and they want to be set free from that weight that's holding them down. What an incredible story to tell that someone like Kanye West could be set free and young people could say if God can forgive him he can certainly forgive me. That's why King David is my favorite Bible character. He was a man after God's own heart and just look at all the sin he committed!
The point is that we shouldn't condemn people. That'd God's job to judge the world. Our job is to show the world that God is love. And we're not showing that by condemning and judging others. I think that if Kanye's conversion is real and God uses him as an imperfect vessel than it could be an extremely powerful tool to draw people to Christ. I think we should all be praying for that to be the case and pray for Kanye and Kim. And pray that the gospel be spread around the world by any means necessary.
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David, Jules said nothing that is condemning--he seemed to be exposing Kanye's fruits. Were he condemning him, he would have pronounced judgment in that he was going to burn in hellfire because he would never repent.
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David, I do not disagree that we should not judge people, but we are to judge their fruits. I am concerned as to the true nature of this "revival". These services spend no time in God's Word and as Jules pointed out, keep the same sinful, yes sinful secular music with a few lyrics with Jesus in them..... Please note that the syncopated beats, reverse God's original design of music and appeals only to the lower nature. When we worship God, we are NOT in a discotheque and should not be bringing in worldly music (used by Satan to excite the lower nature of sex, not worship) into worship. If he is and I pray that Kanye does repent, his music will TRULY change and focus on melody and harmony, this is the original structure and design of music that God created.
Blessings to you for your forgiving spirit and may we all come in spirit and in truth, given to us in the Bible.
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Pray pray pray. We have to pray for Kanye . Holy Spirit pour your truth and wisdom in Kanye life . May you guide Him to all truth including the Sabbath . In Jesus name I pray Kanye’s feet will be lead to the Seventh Day Adventist church , In Jesus name Amen 🙏🏽
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Christ needs to be in everyone's thoughts and minds and if Kanye is doing it through his music and bringing people to Christ then that is what GOD has led him to do. Changes in life can be unexpected and unknown. It is what is in a Person's heart that is revealed. GOD loves a cheerful giver. Love and guidance is
all GOD asks of us. If we follow Him in our hearts and minds then He will keep us from destruction
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I think it’s real. A number of things in his conversion remind me of mine, like: the sudden change of personality & direction, the extreme change of political positions & lifestyle choices, the rejection of former corrupt rap music, the passion for Christ, being “all in”, etc...
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Ok let Me get this straight. I have heard this man say several times that “He’s God” hmmmm BLASPHEMY. If I correct that’s an unforgivable sin. The only reason people are showing him support is because he’s a “star “ and it’s a concert. He has no clue about the scripture. I no Joe Crews would definitely defend Christians with this issue of the man known as “YESUS “ . People please wake up and think “ we have Christians like Tim Tebo and other true Christ followers that could hold a revival. Kanye is losing it because he knows he screwed up with his “Blasphemy “. I pray we wake up Christians as a nation and watch out from false prophets.
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It blaspheme against the Holy Spirit that cannot be forgiven, otherwise all the people that are Hindus or pantheists that were converted would be considered lost.
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Great if Kanye is introducing people to Jesus . . . I find one of the song titles “Closed on Sunday” to be an interesting choice!
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Interesting indeed. "Closed on Sunday" basically means the SUNDAY LAW..
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I doubt Kayne knows anything about a Sunday law. He may mean it like we would say, "closed on Sabbath."
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I like that the article didn’t outright attack or try to discredit the mans potentially genuine conversion. But, Kanye although insanely popular, exhibits the behavior of someone with mental issues. His thoughts are often convoluted and erratic. To make him a spokesperson for Christianity makes me
nervous. Regardless he has an interesting history. Time will tell how this all plays out. By their fruits, you shall know them.
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Hi Johanna,
I just found out he's bi-bolar, which may explain how he acts.
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Did you see Kayne's interview with President Trump? Kayne was talking or rapping so fast that Trump never said a word--he just listened. That's pretty bad when someone just hogs the conversation. It was like Kayne was trying to impress just by the quantity of words he spoke!
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My only statement to this is, Be sober be vigilant for your adversary like a roaring lion walketh about seeking who he may devour 1 peter 5:8. Remember this, he was in 34 million dollars of debt before this, has been professing to be a christian since 2014, and now with the influx of money to clear that debt. Just be sober, btw he has his own religion Yeezianity, and he is known as Yeezus.
The worship session have no praying, no preaching, just singing, his wife states that herself.
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I think it's just a false religion that claims Christ.
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Amen Amen we need to start a true Revival 🤔
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ONLY GOD KNOWS...Instead Keep praying that other people will hear and be converted to the truth.
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GOD uses imperfect people!
Moses was a murder, Solomon had many concubines, apostle Paul persecuted his own people...if you never met Kanye...don't judge him!🤷‍♂️
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Yes but none of them confessed themselves being Jesus. He has said it he’s Jesus more then 4 times
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I looked online for that but all I could find was him comparing himself to Jesus. Do you have proof of that?
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Sunday service? To whom? The devil?
Exodus 31:15
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Sunday service? To whom? Gods observance day is HIS SHABBAT, please read the scripture
Exodus 31:15
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That is true, and who knows if he will be used unknowingly by Satan to influence Sunday worship over the true Sabbath, BUT, he doesnt know what we know as Adventists and is really trying to change his ways before the Lord, and he may come to find the truth about the Sabbath of he continues. So dont judge just yet!
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Anyone, even Kanye West, can find God and be born again. Weather this is genuine or not, remember What’s done in the dark will come to light. So over time we’ll see if this is for real or not, ye shall know them by their fruits. Let’s pray for West and his family instead of throwing stones.
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Pastor Doug, I have a question. First on YouTube prior to his “conversion” Kanye is on record, on film, testifying to the crowd that he has sold his soul to Satan, second he continues to give authority to the antichrist. I am SDA and recognize present truth. Is there any way Kanye could, even by repentance, get past this blasphemy and somehow “get out” of his prior agreement? I might see that out of half the angels that rebelled, only one third did not repent, sooo????
PS, you and Bohr are my absolute favorites, Thank You!!!
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@DrRocknRoll I doubt Pr. Doug will answer on this format--but Jesus says all sins may be forgiven except one--blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: Matt_12:31 "Why I say to you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven to men." This sin is ignoring the pleadings of the Holy Spirit to give up their sins, and be converted and stay that way--in other words, to get right with God. The unpardonable sin is committed when the Holy Spirit decides that further pleadings are useless, and He leaves that person
No one can really judge Kayne aside from God Himself. As some have already noted here, time will tell. And besides, Jesus also said the wheat and the tares will grow together until the harvest--we are not to uproot those we suspect to be tares, because with our limited human judgment, we are sure to make mistakes.
Pr. Bohr and Walter Vieth are my two favorites.
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Yes and I have seen out of his mouth brother and can send you the videos of him saying “ IM GOD” Blasphemy. Doesn’t matter what we think it’s in the word
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If he said "I'm God"then I agree with you that it's blasphemy. I've never been any kind of follower of Kayne or his wife either for that matter--I just had not seen anything he's said or done aside from his Sunday services.I certainly would never attend one of those either, me being a Sabbathkeeper and Adventist. Thanks for the update!
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Greattt question!
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It will be interesting to see whether or not Kanye attends the summit called by the Pope next may
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Kanye meeting at Joel Osteens church 11/17
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Nice post.
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Interesting ‘blog thoughts’! I appreciate this quote: “West’s celebrity and global platform are bringing a Christian message, however slight, to people who might not hear it otherwise.”
I recall that we serve THE GOD that’s been known to list names and deeds in the dirt!! I am thankful that He also controls the wind and rain to wash away the names!!!