The War over Freedom of Speech

By Kris W. Sky | Posted January 18, 2021
Painting of John Wycliffe

“With whom, think you, … are ye contending? With an old man on the brink of the grave?”

On November 17, 1382, at a convocation at the University of Oxford, England, John Wycliffe stood before a sea of clergymen of the Church of England and was denounced as a heretic.

Wycliffe was an English theologian who defended the Bible as the first and only, absolute, indefatigable Word of God. For that, he was made the number one enemy of the Roman Catholic papacy.

“They were the heretics,” he said of his accusers. And his words came to them like the last stroke of the gavel, like the final toll of the bell. “With whom, think you, … are ye contending? With an old man on the brink of the grave? No! with Truth—Truth which is stronger than you, and will overcome you.”

Speak Un-Easy

There has been an increasing focus on the power of language in our country.

On January 13, President Donald Trump was impeached for the second time, accused of giving a speech which “[incited] an insurrection against the federal government at the U.S. Capitol” on January 6.

Over the next couple of days, his accounts were banned from his habitual platforms of communication, among them Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

In response, a mass exodus of users flocked to Parler, a lesser-known app that “billed itself as a free-speech paradise” and which was, within hours of its newfound popularity, removed from Apple and Google’s app stores and Amazon’s hosting service.

Perhaps less noticed, though no less important, was the Supreme Court’s January 12 hearing of Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski, a case concerning a former college student’s right to have shared the gospel in a designated “speech zone” on Georgia Gwinnett College campus in Lawrenceville, Georgia. At the time of this writing, the case has yet to be decided.

And then there’s the U.S. House of Representatives, which began the year by approving a new set of rules involving the use of gender-neutral terminology. Among the changes implemented was the removal of the words “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister,” and so on from the documented set of rules.

What is shown in these instances is the heavy reliance on words as the driving force behind action. The big question seems to be: Who is responsible for what a person does? And implicit in that, who is responsible for what a person feels?

The spotlight is shining on the person who said it—whatever it was. If the person who said it becomes the responsible party, then what a person says becomes the problem. And if what a person says is the problem, then freedom of speech becomes the target.

As a result, people naturally start to get very careful with what they say.

On January 3, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a United Methodist pastor starting his seventh term as a representative of Missouri, gave the opening prayer during the swearing-in of the 117th Congress. He began his petition seemingly to the God of the Bible, even paraphrasing Numbers 6:24–26, yet gave these closing epithets: “We ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and God known by many names by many different faiths.”

Do Christians believe in pluralism, that God is the same as Brahma, Allah, Buddha, and all the rest? That is not the God of Scripture. “There is no other God besides Me, a just God and a Savior” (Isaiah 45:21), said the Lord.

As Pastor Doug Batchelor puts it in his Facebook post, referencing Acts 4:12, “They’re bending over backward and doing all of these verbal gymnastics to prevent from saying the name of Jesus, the only name given among men whereby we must be saved.”

Jesus Himself could not state it any clearer: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

But that’s not all. Cleaver’s denouement really summed it up: “Amen,” he closed, “and a-woman.”

Yes, Cleaver genderized a word that has nothing to do with gender. But more so, he altered a word that is attributed to Christ; Christ called Himself “the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness” (Revelation 3:14). Strong’s Concordance defines the Hebrew term amen as “truly,” a confirmation of what was said. Thus, Jesus Christ is the Truth.

The Capital “T”

The Bible prophesied that in the final days of this world, people “will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:4). We are seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy. The devil is doing his best to “[exchange] the truth of God for the lie” (Romans 1:25). People in powerful places—in the very legislature of our nation—are being influenced to do this. Did you catch what that means?

If Jesus Christ is the Truth, and truth is being changed, then what people are attempting to change is God. While this may sound terrifying, here’s what matters: Truth is truth. It is what it is. We can’t change it; the most powerful creature on this earth can’t change it.

Wycliffe knew that. As he predicted, although he went to the grave, the Truth that he loved lives on: God loves you, and He is returning very soon to deliver those who love Him.

Do you want to know about the truths that make all the difference? Here’s a powerful message by Pastor Doug that teaches “What Is Truth?

Let’s keep Christ’s promise in mind: “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Kris W. Sky
Kris W. Sky is a writer and editor for Amazing Facts International and other online and print publications.

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My poem, Lingering, written for myself, may describe the reasons why so many Christians fall to temptation. I hope it will help the reader to understand why we are all in or we will be left out.
Why do I linger, why do I wait
To enter through that Narrow Gate?
This world’s not my home. It is above
Am I just waiting for a gentle shove?
One day I run on through that Gate
Next day I stand there reviewing my fate.
If not forward, will I turn back
To that old familiar wayward track?
Help me Lord to move ahead
And not down the road of “the living dead”.
You hear my cry but I still hesitate
And keep my feet planted just near that Gate.
I don’t want the Broad Gate for it wounded me
But I still look back though forward I flee
Rapid at first but then I slow down
As weeds of sin still hang around.
Stops and starts! When will they end?
Tell me Jesus, my dearest Friend.
The Judgment’s been set and my life’s in review
Come Holy Spirit and my heart renew
No longer to stand so near the Gate
Jesus, pull me forward before it’s too late.
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for those talking about violence. a peaceful protest is not violence. no one called for these people to come and commit violence. that is the point of the article. freedom and liberty and being falsely accused and suppression of free speech and our people on the left falsely accusing a person who not once called for violence as creating violence. that is wrong.
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I believe we, in America, have been given over to judgement for our collective sins. We have become as in the days of Noah and our hearts and thoughts are always evil continually. Therefore we will see our once great nation fall, power will be given over to the beast and Christ's return will be next.
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"God loves you, and He is returning very soon to deliver those who love Him." Beautiful! Amen. Let's hasten the day by spreading this truth to the world in different ways that we can and called to do.
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best written article so far on amazing fact web site. clear and concise. too the point and most of all not "politically correct"
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Humble Servant
It always amazes me to see that people are seeking from man salvation that can only come from God. The answer is not political and no man will have the answer. Only God has the answer. You cannot justify yourself by being a republican, democrat, conservative, liberal, independent or any other moniker of human government. You will only be justified in the truth that is God, his word and your living in accordance to his word. Obey God's commandments and stop looking for man to be the answer to your prayers lest you become subject to an answer from satan when the antichrist appears and says "here I am."
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i don't think people are looking for a man. we already know what you write. we still have to vote. we still pay attention to the signs of the times and current events. and we cant help but notice certain sides are more unapologeticallly corrupt. we had a fairly decent person in office who stood firm on liberty of conscience as well as law and order and over all good policies for america. mostly the article is pointing out that our liberties and free speech are being removed. and that a person was falsely accused and circumstances mis construed to blame and make that person as if they were inciting an insurrection. just like will happen to Gods bible believing followers in the very end. it is something we should take note of and pay attention to and it helps demonstrate some of the things we believe that were written in the GC re end times and how people will be treated who stand for Christ and for the right.
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2020 was a very unique and difficult year with a Pandemic killing many, BLM and other "pacific protests" destroying private property for weeks and even for months in some places. 2021 has just began with a major threat of free speech in the "most free and democratic" country in the world. We can not be naïve. If big tech companies can control what the president of the most powerful country in the world can say, then who really has the power? who is controlling? what about our children and grandchildren? Do we the parents control them? Good to remember that God is still in the throne and our lives are hidden on his hands.
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Yes, the signs, or many, seem to be there for the last days, but I caution myself. Many generations since Christ's resurection have imagined themselves to be in the last days. So I am left, as all of you are. as an observer waiting for more clues. I read sites like this one to educate myself not only about the Bible, but about our times and to find where or if Christians fit in this modern day. I am appalled at the lies that come from the same mouths that say others are lying. I am appalled that our Capital was under siege. Mostly I am appalled that there seems to be no room for a middle ground. And this is found between all sides of this country. Between left and right, Black and White, Christian and non-Christian. While in the days of the old Testament, God sent his followers armies against others, the new Testament asks us to forgive and grow to understand the non-believer, but not become them. Difficult to say the least and getting harder everyday. Today we can't even agree on what a man or women or alien or even a marriage is! Likewise the other side, despite all their talk of inclusion, do not wish to include Christians.
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well said
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Wow, thank you for this teaching. All Christians need to hear this to help understand what is happening. Yes, this was a very timely message.
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I'm crawling inside my Bible and staying focused on Jesus. He will deliver.
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Freedom of speech does have parameters, just like all of our other freedoms. When a person, whether a president or whomever, constantly makes false accusations of election fraud, inciting a riot to disrupt the electoral process, the line has been crossed. It is treason, and we would expect that in Communist countries, not in America.
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all common moral sense leads one to see and believe that election fraud occurred. wether you agree or not many believe it did and have the right to state what they believe and so did the president. the accusation are not false and it did not incite a riot. the leadership on both sides of congress and the extremely childish, unchristian, immature and plain demonic behavior we have seen form the left the past four years and the continual resistance and then the complicity of those on the right to cower was what lead to the riot. they made their own decision and plans outside of the president. he should not and is not to blame. and anyone who blames him is actually behaving as the false accuser. the treason and the communistic behavior is clearly coming from the left at this time in history.
But if we are not allowed to speak the Truth, as any parent of a vaccine injured child knows because we are silenced "for the greater good" of humanity (yet the industry is not held liable or accountable for product safety, and the "safety science" is bought and paid for to show specific results and hide others) - so now all humanity is being told vaccines are are savior. No, they are not. The Truth is being called a lie, corruption and fraud is not even being investigated, and "the News" is not the Truth that humanity can rely on as they are reading the teleprompters to get a paycheck from a well-organized system that has now has a global control agenda. God sees all, and He demands honest scales and balances. Integrity matters. Freedom of speech goes for each individual and is to protect individual God-given inalienable rights - not to protect our government institutions right to enforce power over all.
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I agree that we have a right to free speech.
But Violence shouldn't accompany truth & Truth shouldn’t accompany violence. Am I correct here?
God doesn’t give us permission as Christians to use violence does he?
Maybe I’m a bit confused but Doesn’t it say: “thou shalt not kill”
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no one told them to go and commit violence. the article clearly does not promote violence. the president did not promote violence. they are trying to claim he created it and trying to say falsely that he incited it. his free speech to his own belief that there was election fraud is his God given right to state and believe. that is what liberty of conscience is about. there are obvious and extreme signs that the president is correct and after what we saw for four solid years any thinking american would expect they were going to resort to cheating. which is exactly what appears to have happened. people have the right not to believe that and state it but so do people have the very God given freedom to believe what they see as truth and state it. even the president.
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Humble Servant
I don't think you're wrong at all. Jesus didn't kill anyone although he could have, nor did he instruct us to kill anyone. He told us to flee when peril comes upon us. We are his sheep, not his wolves. Jesus made it clear that he could call down legions of Angels if need be. He even said some of us would be killed for his sake in the last days. But we must endure to the end. For the sake of this, I have chosen not to kill even if in self defense.
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no one instructed anyone to kill anyone and the article never points to that. neither did our president. what exactly is your point. these people went and chose to do what they did and no one is taking up for them in the article. the capitol police is the one who killed someone who was unarmed.
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Humble Servant
Violence is unjustified in any circumstance and this is demonstrated best by Jesus himself through his words and actions. This is a hard teaching for some because they have been led to believe that some violence is okay, but that is not what Jesus has taught us. Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek and not to resist an evil person, and he demonstrated this by being slapped, spit upon and beaten without retaliating.
Matthew 5:38-42 NKJV
[38] "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' [39] But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. [40] If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. [41] And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. [42] Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Some may say, "it's okay as long as I am using violence to protect my family, but what did Jesus say about this? First, he made it clear that it is better to leave your family for his sake, and to add to this he also said that "those who try to find their life will lose it, but those whom are willing to lose their life for my sake will find it." Jesus teaches that we should be willing to lose our lives and be willing to forsake our families for his sake. To me, this means that it is better to follow God's teachings than human instinct which is to protect your family by violence.
Matthew 16:25 NKJV
[25] For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
Matthew 19:29 NKJV [29] And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
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A) What President Trump said did not incite violence. He said that they would peacefully, (or peaceably), walk to the Capital Building.
B) There were extremists, in the crowd who left before the speech to get the tools that they would use to get inside the Capital Building. (They left before his "inciteful" words were uttered).
C) Whether the people who attacked the Capital were Christian, or conservative, or Antifa, or generic left/right wing agitators, they were in the wrong to do so.
D) The media and the Left, (i.e. Democrats and Establishment/RINO Republicans), in their hatred for President Trump, made it seem like President Trump's words incited Patriots to attack the Capital. As the article implies, they are going to push this false narrative to dimish our free speech rights and vilify Patriots/conservatives in order to silence us.
E) So Pat, my answer to your question is, that I agree that we should not use violence, other than to defend ourselves, home, family, and neighbors. The other part of the answer would be that maybe those who attacked the Capital Building were not with the Patriots/Christians/Conservatives who were there peacefully protesting the theft of the Presidential election.
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You are perfectly right in all points of your comments . God bless you.
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we are responsible for our own actions
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Thank God for AF- the world needs to hear clear messages. God bless nm j,
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Bible is true and the truth
GOD is not blind or deaf
He sees everything
He knows everything
The last days are here and I
My SAVIOR my GOD is about to be
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Amen.......We are definitely living in the last days and Prophecy is quickly moving forward.The Pope is preparing his quest for power with his encyclical and supporting actions "Fratelli Tutti".
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How crazy this world is getting. We almost don't need to believe in our message anymore because we can see it with our eyes. Our faith is becoming sight. The apostasy mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2 that brought about the man of sin is being repeated as his deadly wound is fully healing
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Awesome study!
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Praise the Lord and Amen!! Truth will prevail in these last days. Thank you for this timely post!!