The Vatican’s Globalism Push

By Kris W. Sky | Posted December 15, 2020

Pope Francis is a busy man. First, on December 7, came the announcement of his upcoming March 2021 visit to Iraq, “the first ever by a pontiff.” Originally supposed to have taken place this year, the “historic” trip comes as no surprise for a pope who “has made boosting ties between Christianity and Islam a cornerstone of his papacy.”

Next was the first meeting of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican on Dec. 8, “a new partnership” between Pope Francis and Fortune 500 companies. According to its website, “the movement” is described as “an historic collaboration of CEOs and global leaders working with the moral guidance of Pope Francis to harness the power of business for good.” Familiar names such as Bank of America and Mastercard are on board “to create a more inclusive, fair and sustainable economic landscape by taking pledges toward sustainable development goals focused on areas such as climate action, peace and justice, quality education and gender equality.”

And not to be left out, released on Dec. 1 was the pope’s newest book, Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, Francis’ solutions to the current state of the world in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These headlines all broke within a week of one another.

A Giant Stumbles

So, as 2020 comes to an end, perhaps now would be an appropriate time to take a look at the world stage.

Francis’ recent maneuvers took him further into the realms of foreign policy, finance, and “controversial topics such as military spending, abortion, police violence, the treatment of migrants and refugees, protest movements and the role of women.”

Sometimes you actually have to remind yourself that this is a religious leader, albeit the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, a number surpassed only by the 1.7 billion Muslims (an interesting fact given the pope’s upcoming trip). Indeed, it is no secret that Francis’ interests range far and wide. And yet it is made very plain that the pope injects his faith into each of these projects.

“[Facing] the future through the peaceful and shared pursuit of the common good on the part of all elements of society, including the religious,” is Francis’ plan for Iraq.

“The fact that different religions need to come together on all matters is just the crying need of the times in our world,” commented Ajay Banga, Mastercard’s CEO, in the Council of Inclusive Capitalism’s opening remarks.

The pope is not just a man who waxes grandiose from an upper window in St. Peter’s Square; he is a man who is making quantifiable strides toward bringing the world together under his particular brand of socialist ideology—uniting the economy with the environment, the environment with social justice, social justice with gender equality, and gender equality with Jesus, and Jesus with Muhammed. It is “Time to Act,” urges the final section of his book.

And in his immediate crosshairs is that staggering behemoth, the United States of America.

Do you know what media headline has haunted the superpower this year? “The world watches in horror as …”

“Europe Watches with Horror as the U.S. Rushes to Reopen,” declared The Daily Beast in April concerning America’s reaction to the pandemic.

“World watches America protests in horror,” decried Gulf News, the United Arab Emirates’ most popular newspaper, in May.

“Hundreds of millions of people are watching what’s going on in the U.S. with alarm and disgust,” HuffPost stated back in June.

“The world watches with dread and disbelief,” lamented The Washington Post in November over the U.S.’s Thanksgiving travel surge.

How timely for the pope, often an outspoken critic of American fundamentals. He took the opportunity in his book to criticize the nation, from its “abuse of power … in the … killing of George Floyd” to its “arms trade,” which makes “[his] blood [run] cold.”

America, you are on the brink of collapse. America, you are on the edge of a cliff. America, you need a savior! But do not fear. Pope Francis has the solution to all your ills.

The Harlot of Revelation

A Deadly Dance

There’s a common phrase in business slang: “getting into bed with.” When a company “gets into bed with” another company, it means that they work very closely together—even merging into one.

Did you know the Bible uses this same descriptive language to illustrate the ultimate merger at the end of time? In the book of Revelation, the apostle John is given a very detailed vision of a “great harlot …, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication” (17:1, 2).

In other words, this harlot will get into bed with a lot of “kings,” or earthly powers—indeed, with the entire world. She is described as a “woman” (v. 4) named “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS” (v. 5).

As the mother of all harlots, she is undoubtedly an expert in these mergers. She’d be able to reach across the aisle to anybody, any entity, any kind of group—Muslims, Fortune 500s, even the most powerful country in the world.

In the Bible, a woman symbolizes a church (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18).

But did you know that Scripture has a lot more to say about this woman? For a deeper understanding, go through our free, online Bible study “The Daughter’s Dance” and a corresponding message by Pastor Doug Batchelor called “The Daughter’s Deadly Dance.”

The Bible’s predictions are unfolding as we speak. Know the Word; determine your future.

Kris W. Sky
Kris W. Sky is a writer and editor for Amazing Facts International and other online and print publications.

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Manuel Vasquez stated the NWO would be headed l by the new age movement from what I remember and here we go the covid quarateen showed the planet worshipers that resting the planet improves the environment and the pope is capitalizing on the idea of shutting down one day a week and no surprise it's Sunday and eventually fines will be given for non compliance and eventually other worship days will be band
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Robert Christian
I read on the internet that there is Quantum Dot Vaccination with nanochip luciferase as the main component. Take note: 'lucifer'. Does this ting a bell on you?
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Judette from Trinifad
Is it true that the SDA Church is a part of the Fortune 500 Club?
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Thank You for your Update. Please share the prophecy update weekly
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I wish my church family would have open d iscusions on these things
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Hi James, amazing facts, 3abn, hope channel, breath of life (with Carlton Byrd) are all awesome church channels where you can get your questions answered and learn more about our Lord and his soon coming. I hope this helps 🙏
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Jesus said “I am the way, the Truth, and the Light.”
But billions believe He is not right
And have many backroads to get them where
Jesus is waiting for them way up there.
But there are no backroads-just only one way
And eternal death on that Judgment day
Who have thought their road would get them through
And found how wrong was their World view.
Pagans and Jews before Jesus came
Now there are thousands, just pick a name
Who believe theirs’ is the road we all must take
While turning deaf ears to those they call fake.
The roadmap is clear. There is only one Way.
Find it now, before Judgment Day.
If we call ourselves Christians, we must respond to Jesus’ question as Peter did in Matthew 16, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (v. 16). There is only one Jesus of 
Nazareth: God the Son, the second Person of the Trinity—not a created being—the Savior of humankind who paid the ultimate price for our sins so that we could “have 
everlasting life” (John 3:16). And only He is the Way to glory!
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I pray these coalitions happen soon; I'm SO tired of this wicked world! Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus as we await His second coming.
God be with us all!
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Helping to keep all believers informed of these rapid developments is crucial. Pastor Doug and his team are doing a wonderful job but now is the time for us all to band together in love and unity by being informed and to inform. I pray the Church and it’s people seek repentance and Gods Holy Spirit so as to truly be prepared and to prepare. God Bless us all.
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Thank you for your article. This would make a good tract . to be handed out or mailed like the sgns of the times.GOD BLESS AND KEEP OF YOU at amazing facts.
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Sunday law is imminent
COVID HOAX is from Jesuits.Be
Prepared for the lord's return. Be aware of vaccination do not take any vaccine.
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Chandra, no "boogie man" was behind any of the COVID vaccines. You may be in great health but there are literally thousands who need and will benefit by the vaccines. Also, look at the statistics and then decide if COVID is someones fantasy. Pay no attention to anything but the facts.
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Relly - Little Star
I am so thankful that as God gently leads us to the end of this sin-sick world, He is continuing to make all things plain and clear to us through the Bible, Mrs. Ellen G. White's writings, the Internet(TV, Radio, Online messages), personal relationships, and through dreams . Yes, Jesus' coming is sooner than we think! Events are happening faster and faster - Jesus with all of His holy angels, are just waiting and ready to come down to meet us in the air! It is true - many have, are, and will experience more difficult trials in the days ahead. The enemy is hitting us hard with illness, death, financial distress, and other forms of suffering. We may even ask, "Where is God? Does He hear, see, or feel our anguish, our needs, and our helplessness without Him?" Furthermore, we might be saying, "Have we not been believing and relying on Him from our childhood to our old age? Have we not been serving Him most of our lives? Have we not been following His commandments, His will, and walking with Him all the way?" We may say that "Yes" is the answer to mot of these questions - and if so, what shall we do? We could cling tighter to Jesus as we watch the events of these days pass before our eyes, as they affect us, and as they try our faith in Him who is eager to take us with Him! We can encourage each other to focus more fully on Jesus through our emails, cell phones, zooms, letters. We can pray for each other, especially for those who re going through hard times spiritually, physically, financially, socially and mentally or emotionally. We know that these things are coming - so let us all go under the safety of His wings and huddle there together until such experiences are over - for we shall have pure and unrivaled joy, peace, security and everlasting life thereafter! Just quietly reflect on these thoughts, my friends! Please do not let the concerns of this life let you loose your hold on Jesus! )
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Well done, it really makes me feel happy and he honor God more and more every day.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
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Relly- Little Star,
What you wrote is so encouraging! Yes, must keep our eyes on Jesus. That is the only way we will make it through until He returns to rescue us. Thank you for sharing.
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Most relevant
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Very encouraging
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Now who would have ever predicted that!
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Sol's mom
The pope has already spoken on the phone with Biden, also.
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We are truly watching prophecy being fulfilled. Knowing about something is going to happen is not the same as realizing that it is. May the good Lord protect all who choose to follow through with their conviction to obey the Word of Life, Jesus Christ our Redeemer as the closing scenes on earth come about swiftly.
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David omondi
Very encouraging
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David omondi
So encouraging