Public School Prayer: A Threat to Religious Liberty?

By Milo Jones | Posted March 13, 2023

“Don’t tell me about no separation of church and state,” spoke New York City Mayor Eric Adams at an annual interfaith breakfast on February 28, 2023. “State is the body. Church is the heart. You take the heart out of the body, the body dies.”

Earlier in his speech, the mayor used another metaphor to express the same sentiment. He explained why, as a youngster who enjoyed boxing, he would lose a fight every time he stepped into the ring. “Eric,” his trainer would say, “the problem is you leave your best fight in the gym, and you’re supposed to take it into the ring with you.”

Then, to the raised eyebrows of the civil libertarians in his audience, the mayor brought his metaphor home: “The synagogue is the gym. The church is the gym. The Sikh temple is the gym. The mosque is the gym. … You’re not there to leave your best worship in the gym. … When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools.”

School Prayer and the Culture War

Although Adams is a Democrat, he was not shielded from the ire of his fellows in the Media. “His rhetoric yesterday,” wrote Steve Benen, “was indistinguishable from the messages pushed by far-right televangelists and their GOP allies who still see school prayer as a culture war issue.”

Benen stressed the point that voluntary prayer was never removed from public schools. Students have always been able to pray on their own, even though court rulings have required teachers to remain neutral in such matters. “What Adams, many Republicans and the religious right movement prefer,” Benen continued to write, “is the old model: a system in which … public school officials intervene in children’s religious lives.” 

Which is exactly what the mayor alluded to in his speech. Reacting to the notion that “we need to build a world that’s better for our children,” he said, “No, we need to build children that’s better for our world.” And that means “instilling in them some level of faith and belief.” What Adams was proposing, therefore, is having teachers fulfill a parental role.

Yes, it’s disheartening to see children “stopping at the local bodega” to buy cannabis-laced gummy bears on the way to school because parents have abandoned their roles. But is government-sanctioned prayer the solution? Should teachers be required to begin each class invoking a deity? What would that sound like if led not by a Christian, but by a Jew, a Sikh, a Muslim … or a secular humanist? Or, to use Adam’s boxing metaphor, what would happen if every faith left its gym to enter the public school ring? Who would win that fight? 


In an interview with a local news anchor the following Monday, the mayor attempted to clarify some of his comments. He said that government should not dictate what happens in churches, nor should churches (he also mentioned mosques and synagogues) dictate what happens in government. But when questioned about his school prayer statement, he appeared determined to address “the faith of our children,” stating that only a “wholistic approach” will save them from society’s ills.

Protecting Religious Freedom

The problem with public school prayer—not the kind in which classmates gather voluntarily—involves more than different faiths competing in the ring. Prayer is an act of worship, and using the state to enforce one kind of worship over another has always resulted in religious persecution. It happened for more than 1,000 years under Roman Catholicism in Europe. And it happened during the 1600s under the Protestant Church of England, which is why many colonists came to America.

But not until Roger Williams clashed with fellow puritans in Massachusetts Bay did America itself begin to respect liberty of conscience. In his book The Bloody Tenent of Persecution, Williams argued that the duties of civil authorities involve “the commandments of the second table, which concern our walking with man,” but not those of “the first table … which [concern] the worship of God.” This is how he understood Romans 13, for after the apostle Paul states that “the governing authorities … are appointed by God” (v. 1), he restricts their reach to the last five commandments (v. 9). 

Williams’ ideas on the separation of church and state—including his argument that “a civil sword in religion makes a nation of hypocrites”—undoubtedly shaped the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Religion Clauses state, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from instituting one creed over another, while the Free Exercise Clause protects people’s right to worship as they please.

In fact, the Free Exercise clause allows children in public schools to bow their heads over lunch trays or gather in Jesus’ name at recess, while the Establishment Clause prohibits school officials from getting involved.

The day is coming, however, when the freedom to worship God according to one’s conscience will come under the boots of a global, state church. And America, repudiating its constitutional principles, will play a leading role. Revelation 13 portrays this nation as “a lamb” that speaks “like a dragon” (v. 11). Using deceptive signs (vv. 13, 14) and, ultimately, the threat of death (v. 15), “he causes all”—people from every world religion—to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” (v. 16).

Want proof that the United States is the beast that enforces a counterfeit liturgy just before Jesus comes to take His true worshipers’ home? Watch Pastor Doug’s presentation “The USA in Bible Prophecy.” 

Milo Jones
Milo Jones is a writer and editor for Amazing Facts International and lives in College Place, WA.

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C. Howell
Well Said! Ellen White also talked about the "leading churches" using their influence on the state to sustain their institutions. This is in reference to private religious schools that inherently indoctrinate to recieve state funds. This is what is beginning to materialize in our nation. Just google it....... This is a very crafty way to remove the wall of seperation of church and state. It is the parents responsibility to pay for "religious education", and not the state.
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When the Bible and prayer were removed from public schools teachers began to experience students raping, stealing, doing drugs, and then the mass murders started at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999. I lived in Colorado then and still do. Student academic success spiraled downhill after removing Jesus from the public schools. Before the Bible and prayer were removed from the public schools teacher experienced talking in class and chewing gum as the worst offenses. American high school students competed well on international testing in math, science, and reading before 1960. Now American high school students rank 20th to 30th in the world on international testing. They perform poorly.

Now the religion of the public schools is Satanism. Sexual immorally is taught to children or the LBGJ agenda. I read the bills in Colorado and opposed them by writing to the Democratic leadership that is wrecking a once great state. God gives us choice and doesn't force His will on us but these are the facts.

Separation of church and state doesn't mean Christians stay out of the public arena. It means Christianity will not be the state religion, like the Church of England became. Thus, what choice do we make? Do we like the results of removing Bible and prayer being removed from the public schools? We need to use wisdom in the application of prophecy and the beast.

I worked as a public school teacher. My parents were fabulous educators but in the 1980s several good public school teachers witnessed student behavior in decline. If students do not behave they will not learn. These are facts. This is the truth.

Do we want students exposed to Jesus in the public schools or do we want them exposed to Satan? I know first graders exposed to Jesus will thrive. I taught first grade in the public schools.
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C. Howell
Hello Dan, My relplies are backwards. At any rate, I wanted to say that when the teacher could no longer invoke prayer, the lack, of religion in the home was exposed. Today there are many parents are running to politicians to correct this problem.
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C. Howell
......But the parents failed to act the part that God had assigned them in diligently teaching their children, so that they might have been intelligent in regard to the works of God in leading his people through the wilderness. Had the parents been true to their trust, the children would have seen the mercy and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ; but the parents neglected the very work that the Lord had charged them to do, and failed to instruct them in regard to God's purpose toward his chosen people. They did not keep before them the fact that idolatry was sin, and that to worship other gods meant to forsake Jehovah. If parents had fulfilled their duty, we should never have the record of the generation that knew not God, and were therefore given into the hands of the spoilers. May 21, 1895, para 8
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C. Howell
Hello Dan,

I do understand your argument but, you overlook the fact that majority of the christians in this nation do not even have family worship. Many do not teach their children immorality. They are charged more with negligence. In the book of Judges when a generation arose that knew not God, it was because of the parents negligence. The same is the cause today though this has expanded. The removal of praye by a the teacher who is an "agent of the state" was forbidden. However, nothing can prevent a child from praying to his/her God. Below is quote from a favorite writer of mine:

The reason why the children of Israel forsook Jehovah was that the generation rose up that had not been instructed concerning the great deliverance from Egypt by the hand of Jesus Christ. Their fathers had not rehearsed to them the history of the divine guardianship that had been over the children of Israel through all their travels in the wilderness. The Lord Jesus had given special instruction from the pillar of cloud, bringing before parents the responsibility of teaching their children the statutes and the commandments of God. They were to present to their children tokens of the power of God, and to perform ceremonies that would provoke inquiry, and give them an opportunity of repeating the works of God in dealing with his people.....Quote continued.....
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Wow, just WOW! I remember even having a "moment of silence" before the start of the school day, so kids could silently pray. Kids were much more focused and respectful then too.