Lamentation on the Texas School Shooting

By Richard Young | Posted May 26, 2022

In the late morning of May 24, an 18-year-old in Uvalde, Texas, went on a rampage that ended with a school shooting and his own death. The massacre left a total of 21 dead, 19 elementary school children and two teachers, though that number could yet increase. Seventeen more were wounded, with most expected to live.

Days after his birthday, the shooter purchased “two assault-style rifles from a store.” About a week later, half an hour before the attack, he posted in a private message on Facebook that he was going to shoot his grandmother, which he did. She is one of the wounded in critical condition. He then posted that he was going to attack an elementary school, which he did.

The man first crashed a vehicle, his grandmother’s old truck, into a ditch near Robb Elementary School, which enrolls about 600 children aged seven to 10. Located about 54 miles from the Mexico border, the school had “roughly 90% … Hispanic” students. After shooting at approaching bystanders who had witnessed his accident, he continued to the school, entering a fourth-grade classroom at 11:32 local time. He then locked the door and proceeded to open fire.

“A typical classroom setting, where you have mass groups of children inside that classroom all together, with nowhere to go,” said Christopher Olivarez, a lieutenant at the Texas Department of Public Safety. “It just shows you the complete evil of the shooter.”

The Bible tells us, “Their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths” (Isaiah 59:6, 7).

The carnage ended with a shoot-out between the shooter and law enforcement. Two policemen were injured before a U.S. Border Protection officer dispatched the attacker. All 21 of his victims were found in that single classroom.

Love Gone Cold

How does one process this? How does one make sense of it?

“In the face of tragedies like this, any combination of words will always seem inadequate,” wrote Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International. “But at the risk of sounding passé and predictable[,] I would encourage believers everywhere to pray for the families of the children and teachers that have had their worlds slammed by this senseless violence.”

As the grim account continues to unfold, as families pour out their grief and politicians grapple, we are watching Christ’s prediction manifest itself before our very eyes: “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).

But there is, as Pastor Doug encouraged, something for us to do in this time of tragedy. “Fast and pray for the families impacted by this horrific tragedy,” he continued. “The compounded prayers of many believers really does make a difference and will be felt by the families.”

Let us weep and mourn and pray—because we cannot heal ourselves. We cannot take the pain away from those fathers and mothers who will no longer hear the sound of their children’s laughter, or hug them tightly before they go to bed, or watch proudly as they graduate from college. But there is Someone who can.

“The LORD God will wipe away tears from all faces” (Isaiah 25:8), the Bible promises. “There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain” (Revelation 21:4). One day, when God has destroyed sin and death forever, when He creates a new earth, all who love Him, all who believe in Him, will be fully and absolutely healed.

Here are several more verses of God’s beautiful promises to those of us who are grieving.

God on the Cross

We have not been left without hope. Though the horrors of sin rage around us, though the devil seeks to drown us, we have a God who is our constant Lifeline. We have a God who knows the depths of human suffering.

“There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.” The saying was often repeated by Christian speaker Corrie ten Boom. And how true it is. “You have lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of corruption” (Isaiah 38:17), Judah’s King Hezekiah was recorded as saying of the Savior.

No matter how profound the hurt, God can reach His right hand of righteousness to bring you back. And He can do so because He did it Himself. He Himself experienced an agony so much greater than any one of us will ever experience. God the Father knows exactly what it means to have His own Son torn from Him by the ravages of sin: “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And His Son, Jesus Christ, “being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but … coming in the likeness of men …., … humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:6–8). God Himself suffered and died. God Himself knows what it’s like both to be the Son executed and to be the Father mourning.

We invite you to learn more about the precious love of God for you in our free book The High Cost of the Cross.

Let us bring our own suffering to the light of Calvary, and there, be healed.

Richard Young
Richard Young is a writer for Amazing Facts International and other online and print publications.

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Lovie Jefferson
My heart goes out to the families of the loved ones. And it's is my prayers for God to give each family member the strength that's needed to ensure that they will recover some kind of normalcy in their lives. Thank you Pastor for the article...

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SSRI antidepressants black box warning
Antidepressants, should be banned, these drugs have a black box warning.

Probably the shooter was on some prescription medication that altered his thinking,

The authorities now seal medical records of these killers so the public stays in the dark,

Columbine for example, Harris was taking meds, The other killer, Dylan ,medical was sealed. We know he was depressed, was he too on meds?

The meds are scary, they altered kids minds, making them kill, until big pharma is denied selling these drugs, expect more people prescribed these drugs to become killers.

The common link found at most of the homes of these killers has been prescribed drugs by physicians of psychiatric practice.

Of course Biden knows this , as well as the other political parties who use pharma dollars to fund their campaigns,

It’s not the guns.
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Oh please! Guns are a huge temptation to those whose feet are eager to do evil. We have no NECESSITY for guns.
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Really? So you think that it makes more sense for the criminals and the government to be able to defend themselves but not the populace? If the police fail you when someone breaks into your home what will you do? Reason with them? Offer them tea and crumpets? How will the people be able to defend themselves against a corrupt and rogue government? Please think a bit more deeply about what's happening.
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Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
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I'm saying the public does not have any need for guns. I didn't say anything about stripping law enforcement. In end times the law enforcement will be us against us too though, food for thought.
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Neither did I say anything about stripping law enforcement. My point is, what happens when law enforcement doesn't come to the rescue such as in the situation regarding this school shooting. They stood back and allowed those kids to be killed when they could've done much more, much sooner according to multiple news accounts. Or what happens when a government gets power drunk and starts mandating things that infringe upon your basic rights?

If the public has no way to defend themselves, that government will go power mad because they know that the public cannot resist them since they have the weapons and have successfully disarmed the populace.

The criminals will never give up their guns. So how is it better for a power hungry government, lackluster law enforcement, or unscrupulous criminals to all have the ability to defend themselves, but the public does not. What do you think that scenario will result in for the general populace? Please, I implore you ... think this thing through more deeply. A totally disarmed populace is the goal ... it will be much easier to control people that way.

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

  • Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
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Psychologists seem to refuse the truth that these shooters are mentally disturbed and blame society and weapons instead. There are thousands of guns in the hands of our citizens who have never fired a gun at someone (I am not a gun owner) nor is this a political statement. Society at large is becoming more and more violent (Holy Scripture says this is a sign of the approaching return of Jesus). But does this mean we should say "Oh well" and reach for another beverage? Absolutely not! Violence is glorified in movies, TV. and video games. We become what we feed our minds. Jesus said "By beholding Me, you will be changed into My image". (Paraphrased). Parents must be aware of what their children are filling their minds. Very difficult I know in this PC Era but so very important! And guns keep tyranny in check. This was the real reason our founding fathers wrote the Second Amendment. And history has proven them to be correct.
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You all of these prayers I loving felt. And I pray for the families also. And I have faith that God will answer these prayers. But what are we gonna do to stop this horrible tragedy that’s occurring in our country. We don’t wanna violate peoples rights so we say. We want to do what’s biblical so we say. But what is biblical do we allow tragedy continue and do nothing about it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that the more guns we have on our street in our homes and in our lives the more tragically it’s going to become to live. What are others right they have a right to live also without guns. Look at other countries that has laws that control guns you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see the difference between our country and other countries even violent countries don’t experience the tragedy that we do. I pray I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ saved us from our sins I believe that he’s coming back again and he’s going to bring justice and he’s going to bring peace but until then got allowed our government to be in power to protect us not adhere to a few people‘s so-called human rights.
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Look at other countries you say. A 2019 report listed the United States at number 11 on a list of countries for the number of "mass murders" per capita. So, yes look at other countries...most that have very restrictive gun laws but still have more "gun violence" than the US. If the millions of lawful American gun owners were a problem it would be very obvious.
And, tyrants must always disarm the populace of a country before they can take full control.
Please, read some history.
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God Bless Love Bruce Pittman Silvestre 06/02/2022 4:14 PM CST
I feel sory for those in need prayer to God Jesus The Holy Spirit for what had happened thank you for that FYI because I needed that Pastor Doug so I would not be scared of it coming to here but I am so hurt by such achrocity in which took place I am morning and crying inside my heart and inside of me and I will continue to pray for them

God Bless

Love Bruce Pittman Silvestre
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Our prayers go out to all the families, I pray that GOD will hold and keep each one and that this time of morning will the HOLY SPIRIT grow each ones hearts and guide ones mind
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Gross mistakes were done before the shooter entered the building:
The shooter was shooting for a good 10 minutes outside the school before he entered. Did anyone hear the shots? We know that there was not an officer at the school at the time. Where did the Principal and the Assistant Principals were at the time? The front office secretaries? Why no one grabbed the central intercom microphone and announce that we heard shots outside and urge the school to be under lockdown and close all doors? There are a myriad of questions to be asked. It seems that a lot of people were complacent during this time of need. Basic protocols were not followed before the shooter entered the building. How about that teacher who exited the building and entered leaving the door open? We all need to learn what happened. Why so many people were indifferent before the shooter entered the building? All the warnings were there!
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A gross mistake our country has made to allow a 18-year-old to buy a devastating weapon without any provisions for anyone else’s safety. What are we gonna do? Are we going to continue to allow more guns to enter our society enough is enough enough it’s too much we have to realize it didn’t start at the front of the school started in the hearts of men we need a heart transplant we need a nation transplant we need a God’s transplant.
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Amen! Help us lord Jesus with them dear father comfort them .
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Milan T.
The infatuation of vice, the wanton taking of life, the terrible increase of intemperance and iniquity of every order and degree, should arouse all who fear God, to inquire what can be done to stay the tide of evil. GC 585. The closer we come to the Second Coming, the greater the blackness of evil. I hope that this time, American legislators actually do something.
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Thank you for this. It makes a lot of sense and gives hope. We cannot explain the depths of evil any more than we can explain the depths of God's love, but it is so nevertheless. We can only wonder and stand amazed , so better to stay focused on the love of God and let His love fill our soul rather than to focus on the evil and let it's horror engulf and destroy our very soul. Thank you Jesus for demonstrating the kind of faith that looks heavenward no matter how much evil surrounded the cross - the faith of Jesus is our victory!
Gal_2:16  Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Gal_3:22  But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
Rev_14:12  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
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Our hearts and love are with the families and friends who lost a love one! - Rodney
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Well written
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there are anomalies and inconsistencies being reported and revealed already, as with many other, false events ("many will be deceived"). how could an illegal alien student be able to purchase any firearms, and where did he receive the money
to purchase, in one report, a gun for $5ooo dollars, and many other anomalies. "be wise as a serpent, innocent as a dove"


"How did an 18 year old living with his grandmother have 2 BRAND NEW Daniel Defense AR15 rifles, worth almost $5000 USD, plus ammo, plus optics with body armor AND a $70,000 F250 pickup?

"I'm still confused. If the Texas shooter was an illegal alien, how could have ever passed three background checks to buy firearms? And by the way, those were expensive weapons...where did he get that kind of money? Something smells here..."
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  1. He was white
  2. Background checks aren't required in Texas
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Actually Renee, the shooter, Salvador Ramos, was Hispanic as are the rest of his family members.

And as someone already pointed, Texas does require background checks.

Hope that helps.
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background checks are a federal requirement for all.
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May GOD forgive your intolerance of white people
JESUS never brought the color of the skin into a conversation
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They brought up "white" to let you know he was not an "illegal" immigrant. He was a white American.
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Just as a matter of clarification, Jackie, Salvador Ramos, the shooter, was Hispanic.

This is not to condemn any race, I’m simply providing a fact.
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Lesley A.
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We should not follow the crowd that screams "He was white"
JESUS never excluded anyone
JESUS never judged anyone based on their color
We are followers of JESUS
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Rose Livingston
My condolences to all the families