How Do We Forgive Our Enemies?

By Curtis Rittenour | Posted October 21, 2014

During an extraordinary interview before a live audience this past week, Michelle Knight, one of three women held captive for 11 years by Ariel Castro, talked about learning to forgive even the most brutal kinds of offenses against us. Her powerful message made headlines.

Kidnapped and enslaved

Knight was abducted in August 2002 when she was 21 years old. Over the next decade, she was repeatedly raped and emotionally abused by Castro—who eventually kidnapped two other women. Her captor taunted her that nobody was looking for her, that family and police assumed she ran away and quit searching. When she asked Castro why he kidnapped her, he admitted, “I’m a sex addict, and I cannot control myself.”

Then, in May of 2013, the three women escaped. Castro was soon arrested and was sentenced to life in prison without parole plus 1,000 years after pleading guilty to 937 counts of rape, kidnapping, and aggravated murder. Just a month into his sentence, however, he was found dead in his cell from suicide. It seems the man who imprisoned three women for a decade couldn’t face his own imprisonment after just one month.

Knight says she survived her ordeal by faith and prayer. Though it was difficult, she clung to hope. Amazingly, after therapy and seasons of prayer, Michelle eventually came to the point where she was able to forgive her captor. She admitted that at first she hated him, but came to accept that he was a sick man who needed help. Knight wrote of her horrible experience in the book Finding Me, and she is now a strong supporter of organizations helping victims of domestic violence.

Forgiveness is a choice, of course, but it’s not one that’s always based on feelings. We all struggle to forgive those who hurt us—even those we love. Scripture teaches, “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do” (Colossians 3:12, 13). For Christians, forgiveness is more than a choice; it’s a duty.

Perhaps the key to genuine forgiveness is to recognize how much God has forgiven us. When Christ died on the cross for our sins, He prayed for those who tortured Him by saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

Forgiving Is Not Forgetting

Forgiveness isn’t condoning wrong actions. It doesn’t mean we continue to let people wound us. It's okay to forgive and to set boundaries. What forgiveness does is take the person off our list and put them on God’s list. We trust the Lord will someday make everything right.

As we prepare our hearts and lives for the soon coming of Jesus, we will want to forgive others because of how Christ extended this gift to us. We will not want any “root of bitterness” to spring up causing trouble, “and by this … become defiled” (Hebrews 12:15). Such forgiveness does not come from within, but through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.

We'd like to know your thoughts in the comments below. Could you forgive someone who brutalized you the same way Ariel Castro brutalized Michelle Knight—or how the Romans tortured Jesus? How would such a thing be possible?

Learn more about the power of forgiveness, with this message from Pastor Doug Batchelor. 

How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger? Listen to our Bible Answers Live archive!

Curtis Rittenour
Curtis J. Rittenour is the senior writer at Amazing Facts International. He pastored for 25 years and has authored books, magazine articles, blogs, and seminars.

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What was the matter when Satan whatend the body of Moses
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I spent 25 of my 54 years married to a narcissist and endured constant trauma until I got hit again and hid under my car and choose myself and called 911. He got out and filed for divorce immediately and began destabilizing me in every way imaginable and it still continues. I was suicidal and was about to give up but through counseling I’ve learned that I have extensive mental health disorders
as a result of him. PTSD, dissociative disorder, even Stockholm syndrome. Through it all, I pray I can get to a point that I can forgive and put this behind me.
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Forgiveness is not one of the easiest things for me but it must be done, Christ is our example he demonstrated forgiveness on the cross , so we ought to do the same, I am asking God to help me to truly forgive all my enemies, so that there is no hinderance in my path. I want to live for Christ so that the world will know Him.
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Melody Baker
By the grace of God, I've been able to forgive. My four year old daughter was killed due to negligence of two people in a motor vehicle accident. Prior to that she was molested by her dad. I pray for the people involved every day. My youngest son was molested by a person who was the head elder of the church when I married him. The most of the church members still stand with the perpetrator, even after reading his police interview where he talked about a small pat of the above. Also my 9 year old son was able to tell the police what happened. I forgive this man and I'm working on helping my son forgive him too. I was raised in a physically abusive home. I was also verbally abused by my dad. I was molested several times as a child and thought it was my fault until my niece was born and I saw how innocent i was between the ages of 3-9. I have also survived two marriages with physically and mentally abuse, I mean bruises, my children being threatened. This is only some of the things. But there's a God in heaven and I gave my life to Him at age 9. He has never left me or forsaken me. I pray for those who have "hurt" me. Wasn't Jesus spit on, beaten and crucified for me? If He's my example, I will follow Him. He fills all the holes in my life. He loves me before I loved him. He says "Father forgive them for they know not what they do".
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Starr Regan
I have had many people in my life wound me over the years. I did feel bitter and anger towards them but through Christ I chose to forgive and move on. Holding onto to anger just takes to much energy and I’m not perfect, but God has forgiven me. So, how much more should I do to another. I don’t like the person I was when I was feeling that resentment and I don’t want to feel that towards anyone. I pray that I will see others through God’s eyes and not my own.
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This story brought tears to my eyes. I have been married for 32 years and I told my husband to leave because he has been unfaithful. After I forgave him and took him back he continued. I forgave him again, and he did it again. Even, though we are not living together, I told him I forgive him. I still treat him kindly. But I will not reconciled this marriage. Even though he said he's seeking God because that's what he said last time, and I believed him because he cried to me. Mind you, he was and says he's a Christian with Master degree on Theology and Master degree of Social Work with the license. He's forgiven, but access denied. I can't be on this vicious cycle.
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Forgiveness does not have to be reconciliation.
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Darrel Nash
When Christ died on the cross for our sins, He prayed for those who tortured Him by saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).
Yes, he forgave the Roman soldiers because they had no idea what they were doing.
The pharisees and the sadducees knew exactly what they were doing. They were not forgiven.
So, how would we apply that to ourselves and forgiving others?
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Melody Baker
By forgiving we feel free from the past and any shame we feel for what has happened. Having been molested as a child ages 3-9, I thought I had something about me that caused them to molest me. God showed me that it wasn't me. Now as an adult I know that it wasn't me. But the guilt was there until I was able to forgive and give it to Jesus.
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Elsa Agree
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Thank you for this. My son canceled us over choosing a political side different than his. I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to forgive him. A sister also hurt me and I needed to forgive her, but was having trouble ridding the bad feelings. If those people & Jesus could do it then I can with the help of the Holy Spirit. Thank you!
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Michelle, Amanda and Gina were kidnapped in my hometown. Amanda's mom was an employee of mine. It was a horrific ordeal that these girls and their families endured. Amanda's mom never gave up looking for her daughter, she unfortunately passed away before Amanda was rescued. Praise God for that sweet soul who helped the girls. I'm sorry but his name escapes me. I'm so proud of Michelle for keeping and building her faith in our Lord. God Bless You for forgiving that monster.
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Forgiveness is not easy but with the help of God it becomes possible. I sometimes still cant forget and that hurt still enters my mind. I ask God to help me forget and not dwell on the negative. Thank You Lord Jesus for forgiving my terrible sins by dying for me.
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Forgiveness does not really come easily but putting the matters in Jesus's hands it becomes possible.
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Forgiveness is a gift 🎁 given to us by Jesus. It heals our wounds and gives us hope for all humanity to be free from the hurt and pain of anger. Without forgivness we would all be condemned to a life of suffering. SO I THANK OUR LORD FOR GIVING US THE ABILITY TO FORGIVE.
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I was in AA and was working the 12 steps. I had to make restitution and forgive some people in my life that I could not forgive. I had to fall on my knees and told God that if He wanted me to forgive, He would have to give it to me because I did not have it. That Jesus He gave it to me. I have been able to forgive. God is faithful that when we come to Him and ask He will give it!
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I can understand why Michelle choose to forgive her captor. Imagine walking around with this bitterness, hatred and anger it would be like living in the same situation she escaped from, only a different place. Choosing to forgive only helps to move on and grow in Gods grace.
Only yesterday I was accused of waving a knife at some who was ready to call the cops on me . This person called me all kind of names verbally abused me threatened me . I thank God for the Holy Spirit which led me to this reading this morning and I choose to forgive this woman , but I will set my boundaries with her.
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heres my issue.
i honestly cant think of anyone i need to forgive.
in my case, IM the one who needs forgiveness.
i have pretty much squandered the life that God gave me which at times gives rise to thoughts of why did He?
Ive done all the hurting and offending.
ive reached out to all i can.
ive asked God for forgiveness.
i dont need to forgive anyone. all have been loving and caring to me.
im the ine who never reciprocated.
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Melody Baker
Please remember that Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. He lives and forgives. He's forgiven me, He will forgive you too.
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Glenor Baptiste
It’s a hard thing to forgive when you know that you didn’t do anything wrong to the individual. But on the contrary when we look at ourselves and the suffering of Christ on the cross, one who knows no sin. Yet gives him self of no reputations for me and the Falling world. (That’s is love,) In the power of God mighty mighty name by his divine name and through his grace. we have to forgive those who hurts us. If no, then how can we get forgiveness from Our Heavenly Father.
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Article comes at just the appropriate time in my life. I am experiencing serious abuse, what I can term serious wage theft from the company that I work for such that my family is now living in poverty and I am unable to meet their needs, let alone pay bills and school fees for my children. I have learnt to rid myself of the bitterness and anger against the perpetrators of this abuse, which saw my salary reduced by a massive 89%, but at the same time my dire circumstances always remind me of the injustice of my situation. I have learnt to commit my situation in God's hands, hoping for his deliverance.
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Gwen B.
I have recently been looking at myself and praying for God to help me get rid of the bitterness inside my heart. This article came at the perfect time. I feel I have forgiven but I was afraid because of still being reminded of the things done I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to. I still need to work on forgiving, but I now feel like I can do this. God is amazing!
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Some German Christian
I think forgiveness has little to do with feelings (though in my experience, the feeling of having released something does come eventually). It's rather a conscious decision NOT to take revenge or pay like with like, and to leave the matter up to God. That we're made capable of doing, even if our feelings yammer in our ears to get even. But ignore that yammering and keep looking to Christ. We're even commanded to bless our enemies, and we should do that no matter what our feelings say. Just as the word "love" ("agape") in the verse "love thy neighbor" has nothing to do with warm feelings for everyone, it's an action verb. Meaning, if your neighbor has lack, give to him; if he needs help, help him, and so on. That's how you love your neighbor; emotions have nothing to do with it. And so it is with forgiveness. Refuse to take revenge yourself, bless them and turn them over to God, then you've fulfilled that command. I think we look at our emotions far too much and listen to our feelings more than to God, and make our emotions the measure of whether we've done a thing or not. Don't fall into that trap.
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Melody Baker
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Great points!!
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When you don't forgive, it leaves a stain on your character and a portion of your mind that will never be at peace.
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Ann J. P.
You have confirmed what I have been practicing about forgiveness. But I had apprehension because of counsel given to me which said differently, "Forgive and forget." I do set boundaries with them. The perpetrators are perplexed. I am kind, courteous and gracious to them because God has relieved me of the hurt and has shown me the better way. I can associate with them without malice in my heart despite the injustices they have done to me.
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Yes "forgive and forget" is not what we're called to do. Forgetting negates forgiving. I'll try to explain what I mean. Let's say that you slap me on my face on Monday. I forgive you and by some amnesiatic miracle completely wipe that memory from my mind. You come to me on Tuesday and apologize and my reply is 'For what?'. I haven't forgiven you, I just literally have no recollection of what you're talking about. This is not reality and in this scenario, forgiveness is not needed on my part.
Forgiveness is, I go to God on my knees and ask Him to give me the power to forgive you, despite the fact that my cheek still hurts from your slap and that I can still vividly remember you slapping me. So when Tuesday rolls around and you say "I'm sorry for slapping you yesterday", I can say "I forgive you".
Now I will have to remind myself of that forgiveness, probably every time I see you. This is where character development happens. Despite the fact that you've hurt me both physically and emotionally, by the grace of God, I choose to exercise the power of forgiveness and not give in to bitterness. Because of this, you and I are still able to interact with each other as reasonable adults. Otherwise, this would not be possible.
So please, anyone that reads this, don't fall for the forgive and forget deception. You won't find this in the Bible. When all is said and done and sin is no more, then the former things will not be brought to mind.
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Lord let your Holy Spirit help me to forgive my enemies. Help me to remember it's a process that could take some time and that Ishould not give up on the process.In Jesus name,Amen.
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Chris- I can not tell you how my Mother did it-but at the age of 4 she taught me to forgive. My Father met a man I believe he was working at the same company but I am not so sure of that-however he had fallen on hard times and he opened our Home to him-with 8 children in the home and a Mother of course. He molested me and after it was all said and done and Parents had been told as we had been told not to tell or he would kill our whole family, My Father went to confront him. He fell just as he got to him running away. My Father got hurt bad enough he ended up in the hospital, so the man got away. All I can remember was that she had told me that he was sick in the head and we should pray for him to get better so he wouldn't hurt anyone else. I didn't quiet understand but did pray for him-however as I got older I knew I was no good as what had happened ruined me and no man would want me to take home to meet his mother, so I became rebellious, later when I met Jesus I knew that it was the right thing to do. As I held no hate in my heart for him and for others that hurt me etc. Then Phillipians 4:8 I learned and realized God says to focus on the good as it is the Devil trying to destroy you with hate just as he hated Jesus he wants us to learn to hate. God always takes the curse of the Devil and turns it into a Blessing. I have ran across so many young women that needed to hear how to stop them is to forgive them and pray for them-unless truly converted by God they will only continue. It has helped so many even 84 years later still sharing the testimony given me. It will only destroy you if you don't and God wants you to be Saved Healthy and whole. It is a process but once learned can always be counted on in any situation no matter how hard-but they are not free of their punishment that is up to God and if they truly converted then a different punishment. Sorry for the rambling but only way I know to tell it. God Bless and Keep it up!
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Melody Baker
When my son was molested, I went to court and fought for the perpetrator to get 20 years. He got 20 years. I forgive the man and pray for him, but these no documented case of a pedophile ever changing their behavior and I wanted other children to be safe as long as possible. His release date is on 2028.
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It’s very hard to say “I have forgiven you” if I was in Jesus situation or Michelle’s. I’ve had my feelings hurt many times by people, even by my loved ones, and I still find myself asking God to give me the heart of forgiveness towards my offenders. It’s a process! But what I can say when the times comes to face what had happened I’m open to forgiving because I don’t like holding on to so much hurt, it’s not good for your body and your relationship with Christ. I always say “time heals all wounds” and I love that I have a relationship with Christ today because I have a easier time forgiving than I did 10 years ago.
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Its marvelous reading you from Spain; very pleasant
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It's okay to forgive and to set boundaries. What forgiveness does is take the person off our list and put them on God’s list. We trust the Lord will someday make everything right. I really like this above statement. As for me, to forgive someone is very easy since my Dad showed me how to forgive when I was growing up. But it has always been a struggle to forget what the other person did or said. This statement, take the person off your list and put them on God's List is a great suggestion.
Thank you Pastor.
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It’s very hard to forgive someone that hurt 😞 so bad
But like she said if we looked how much Jesus has to go through for our forgiveness, then we must forgive those
Who do you wrong . Let the Holy Spirit abide in you and
Every day will be different.
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Amen guys. Since my saving, I have forgiven my father for re-marrying someone I don't know. It is hard, and I didn't do it alone, but through the Holy Spirit. And through God's love and mercy. God wanted to show us sinners who He was and that He loved us. Jesus may have died, but through Him, many more are saved. You may feel helpless and undeserving, but even though you feel those things, doesn't mean that God and His Son doesn't love you. I hated God for a long time, not realizing it, but still hating Him. But one day, I was reading a book (and mind me that I was trying to run away from Him, but had a little tiny bit of hope), and God spoke to me through the words I had read. And through that hope, I was saved from an eternal loss to the devil. There is so much joy, that I hadn't realized was there, that I'm astounded. From now on, I can do no more than serve and praise Him because He saved my life. God bless every one of you!
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A Blessing to Read :)
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So many of us want to forgive and forget as Jesus does. Forgiving others at times can be hard when they continue to repetItively hurt you despite boundaries. I pray for them and everyone in this world. But we must forgive if we are to be forgiven. God will have vengeance on those who have hurt us (being the list). Alongside forgiveness is mercy. We must be merciful to receive mercy. As Jesus told Peter we must turn the other cheek. Many do not forgive and live in constant emotional distress. But as so put Jesus asked for there forgiveness because they knew not what they know what they do, to those who persecuted him and hung him on the first altar (the tree). I believe the same is being done today Jesus is asking for forgiveness for us for we don't know what we do. Amazing story!!! Wow she was a strong woman. Hate turned into understanding of his addiction and knew he was sick. God never left her nor did he forske her. Amen to that!!! Thank you Father in heaven for interceeding on our behalf. Even when we fall short of your glory. Repent and turn from your evil ways. Easier said then done but as it is written Phillipian 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, which strengthen me.
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Forgiveness can be very hard sometimes ... thankfully Jesus gives us the power to do it - no matter how deep the wounds go. Here's an article from our Inside Report magazine that deals with the power of forgiveness:
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Hello. Thank you SO much for this message. I needed to read something about how to forgive someone that I used to be associated with. Knowing that Michelle could forgive someone who did all of that to her made it a lot easier for me to forgive. I know that my associate has grown up with a mother who has taught her bad behaviors and I am taking them both and putting them on God's list and will not be talking to them again but I WILL pray for them. When any "root of bitterness" springs up about any memories, I will pray for the Holy Spirit to cut them down. Also, God knows I need forgiveness for my ways, so I will remember that whenever others do me wrong.
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We're happy to hear that you were blessed by the message. Here is another resource on forgiveness that you're sure to be blessed by. Its a compilation of Bible verses about forgiveness -
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I have step mom and she lives with my dad and my 2 lil brothers.. She hates my lil brothers, once I come to visited them and I was sleep with my brothers and I saw her kick my brothers while they're sleeping, I was mad and I can't control my emotions so I told her if I see u hit my brothers again I will call the police! She always doing that over and over again. She's use my brothers to hurt me.. 😭 I never told my mom about that cuz I don't want to make the situations more difficult . How can I forgive her if she's always doing that over and over again???????
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The verse quoted as Hebrews 11:15 should actually be Hebrews 12:15
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Thank you, Porsha! We made the correction. God bless you!
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I have two beautiful children by the same man. However, in between our kids he got a married woman pregnant with their own daughter. Its been 9 nine years now we're still living together. After reading the commentary above I realized I have not fully forgiven David, the father of my 2 children. I know this because every time he goes aside from me to answer his phone a hateful feeling comes upon me and I behave in a hateful kindda way towards him. Up till this very morning I refused to talk to David, to call him to breakfast, to bid him goodbye even though he said his before living the house. Every day I pray and ask God to help me forgive him and the other woman, but deep down I still hate them and plan to have my revenge on David, to make him pay for what he did and the pain he caused me.
This commentary and the comments that followed has really pierced my heart and I am ashamed of myself for all the hatefulness I allowed in to my heart. I have realised that I can not change David or the past but I can change myself by surrendering all to Christ my Saviour.
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Yes, it is wonderful to experience this forgiveness with you - it's hard for us to comprehend the fact that, the act of adultery is no different in the eyes of God, from breaking any of the other 9 commandments, for all evil doing is sin.
Last night i found out that one of my friends is grieving the loss of her husband and suddenly i realised just how little time we have to forgive and in turn, to be forgiven...
It is of note to remember what king David said (after his encounter with Bathsheba, a married women, whom he got pregnant) in his prayer, recorded for our enlightenment in Psalm 51 "Against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight;"
God bless you and give you strength as you cannot change yourself, similarly, by surrendering to Jesus, you make a choice to accept His willingness to forgive you in the same way you forgive others :-)
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Dear God,
Please forgive me for I know not what I do! There is so many family members that have wrong me! I was left for died and suffered for over 3 days in my own bed! The devil was allowed to make me look like a fool for years and he won! I hate everything about him! Sabotage is some fallen angel that needs hell and so does terror! I do believe that his name! I am so glad the irvine amphitheater is being take apart! God bless the world with indwelling of the Holy Spirt! God please comfort these hurt people that have written all of these testimonies! I did read that there are over 60-70 evil angels that stay with people! God Bless Ivor and his Christian art of war book! Amen
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A number of years ago my husband left me to go live with his girlfriend. This was the most painful experience in my life and I was devastated. I knew I needed to forgive him, but I just couldn't. I would pray, "Lord, I forgive him." Than 2 seconds later I was back to crying and wanting revenge on him for the pain he was causing me. Finally, one day as I was on my way to work, crying as usual, I prayed, "Lord, I know I need to forgive him, but I can't. Please, help me." Instantly my prayer was answered. The Lord had just been waiting for me to stop trying to do it on my own and let Him do the work instead. It wasn't the last time I had to forgive him, but I now knew the secret and would instantly turn to the Lord in prayer.
The story doesn't end there. Because I was able to forgive him my husband was able to see that forgiveness is possible and before he died he was finally able to forgive those who had hurt him and find peace in his heart. And I have the joy of knowing that his heart was right with God and that when Jesus comes he will be resurrected to a new life, healthy, happy and at peace with his fellow man.
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When I became a Christian 16 years ago at the age of 39, I was a few years out of my first marriage to a wife that became a crack addict and took all our money and all our furniture and left because she had a crack addict boyfriend. I was far from perfect either, but I felt great animosity toward her and truly hated her for what she'd done to my life.
Enter Jesus. I was a smoker, 3 1/2 packs a day, and one day I decided to try to quit for the who knows how many times. I was an atheist, but always wondered if there was a God. Maybe agnostic is a better description. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I asked God to help me quit smoking, and threw my cigarettes out the truck window. (I drove tractor trailers for a living) Two weeks later I realized I had not had even one "nicotine fit" which I'd always had in the past. They would give me the shakes and my mind would be fuzzy and all I could think about was cigarettes, but not this one time out of the literally hundreds of times I'd tried to stop over the twenty seven years I smoked. I then realized I'd asked God for help and knew that He did exist. Long story short I bought a Bible and a friend told me to pray before I read it, and I understood it and it convicted me and I gave my heart to the Lord. I also became an Adventist because they teach straight Bible truth. Pastor Doug's videos back in the 90's taught me how to interpret scripture and prophecy. I now had a long laudry list of changes to make and I had to forgive people that had wronged me, because Jesus taught that you have to forgive to be forgiven. Once I did it was like a dark cloud had lifted off my soul and I was free of this burden of hate and anger. My spiritual life has become the best part about my life. I met my current wife in church, and after 11 years I love her more and more all the time. Lifting the burden of hate and taking Christ's yoke, which is light , has been the greatest blessing of my life.
Could I forgive someone for the atrocities committed against Michelle Knight? Yes! Because I know Jesus has forgiven me for 39 years of denying him!
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Praise God for your wonderful testimony, i've shared it with some friends and they are gobsmacked by it - It has great impact for the saving grace of Jesus and shows the entry point and how God is always there and makes a difference even when there seems to be no hope :-)
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Amen! May God continue to shine his light in the right direction for you. Amazing experience!
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Truly wonderful :-)
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I was sexually abused by my father from age five until I was eleven. I was angry for a long time but God freed from the anger by His grace and mercy. God showed me through the Bible and His great love how to forgive. Jesus forgave me of my sins. He died on the cross to forgive us of our sins. Praise God!
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My family needs this right now.someone has done something to really hurt all of us but especially my son. And the thing is that she and her parents are Christians and active in the church. This just happened within the last few days and I'm trying to process how people can claim Christianity and behave a certain way and yet do such devious things. How they can try to destroy other people's lives. Please pray for this woman and her family the God show them the error of their ways and redeem them. Please pray for my family, some of them are not Christians, that may find find understanding and forgiveness. And also for those of us who are Christians we may turn this over to God and leave it there. Thank you and God bless.
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Depend from what reason was. If it is for our faith, ok. But we must defend when we need it. "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolfves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men......". Matthew 10:16-17
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I grew up in a 7th day Adventist home. The brutality that I suffered at home, and at 7th day Adventist schools till I was 18 was unbelievable. My 20's were severely brutatual also. Until I was in therapy I could not identify physical abuse and even then suffered greatly. I married at 28 and had 2 children. Until the past two years I've been finally able to realize what verbal abuse by my spouse is and am hAving a hard time realizing how to cope with it and stay married. I'm 59 yrs old and I've never lived with out abuse of some kind. In my 20s I was raped 3 times and through counseling was finally able to realize what had happened to me because I lived in So much physical and verbal abuse I could not identify it al all. I'm bi-polar, PTSD and have 10 different personalities. I am working with a Christian counselor to intergrAte these personalities--so far 6 and the way is very difficult especially with the verbal abuse that is going on in my home. I always believed that Jesus was the Son of God, that he died for my sins and that God raised him from the dead.....but what I did not realize that believing this was what saved me Romans 10:9. In October of 2010 I finally understood this. I was overjoyed!!!!! Even though my husband had told me he didn't love me and I was in deep distress.....I was overjoyed with knowing Jesus loved me and that I was going to be able to be in heaven with Him. I Praise Jesus for being my Saviour and for helping me with each difficult day and for a Christian counselor and for the abuse crisis center and for the friends that I've made at church. Jesus is absolutely the ultimate and he is constantly helping me with my life and I pray and read about Him very much. How can I not praise Jesus both in the good times and in the bad times. He loves me and my family who do not believe in Him and I believe nothing is too hard for Him to do....He is sovereign and in charge of everything.....He knows exactly to do for me and bring my loved ones to Jesus.
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I praise the Lord for her healing! I have been on a journey involving forgiveness too. Harassed by a man at church for 3 years which eventually caused depression. I praise the Lord that I had a friend at church who was a therapist and helped me walk through it. But it was the love of Jesus (I began memorizing many Bible verses on how He values me), love of family and true friends who brought healing to my heart. God helped me write to the man tormenting me and tell him I forgave him. But I did have to move to a new church to experience growth and finally move on. I learned through it all that forgiveness doesn't mean you accept what they did to you was okay. It doesn't mean that they shouldn't be held accountable for what they did. But for yourself, you will allow Jesus to take care of them and you will not hold onto bitterness, resentment or revenge. Praying for them really helps you forgive.
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It's true because Jesus set the example for us...Such forgiveness does not come from within, but through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. I believe that's sanctification...becoming more and more like Jesus Christ through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. I believe this is very possible because this is what Jesus did...put Himself under the full control of the Holy Spirit. He had to since He had a body like our own. Remember that He voluntarily forfeited His Godly power and fully relied on His Father.
Sin as choice...Christ, sinless character in fallen nature...Righteousness by faith: Justification and sanctification...Moral perfection possible. Jesus showed us how.
Thank you, Pastor Dennis E. Priebe..."Face to Face With The Real Gospel."
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So beautiful!!! God is just amazing and so good! There are no words to fully comprehend what Christ has done for us! Moreover if we let Him..if we truly give ourselves over to the Holy Spirit He will bestow upon us Jesus's that is mind-blowing. May our prayer everyday be to become like Christ not for our glory but so the Father can shine bright!
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I was sexually molested by my step-father and then blamed by my mother and family. I left my home when I was 16yrs old. I grew up in Seventh Day Adventist home. I carried so much anger inside of me for so many years. I blamed God first, "how come he let something so horrible happen to me?" That anger and blame kept me from coming back to the Lord time and time again. Today I have forgiven the man who took an innocent childhood and marked it forever (I have never seen him again). I have forgiven my mother and both of us serve the Lord today. Today I am no longer angry at God (the path of reconciliation with my Lord can't even be put into words..But is He is so good to us and His love and Mercy beyond human understanding) but know that my testimony He will use it to bring other souls to the feet of the cross. Today am free because Jesus forgave me first...
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Melissa, You are a very brave woman... I know that forgiving is and can be very difficult for one specially in your situation. I am sorry that you had to go through all of these. Regarding all of these you have forgiven the man and your mum!!... Now you can see and know that there is something ahead that is very special that you had to put all of these behind and move on with your Christian beliefs for you will reap your reward at the end of all these!!... May God bless you and your mum...
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Thank you friend! Only through the power of Jesus :)