Harvard’s Atheist President of Chaplains

By Kris W. Sky | Posted September 07, 2021

Can atheists hold a religious occupation? Apparently, in this day and age, they can.

Greg Epstein is a 44-year-old humanist chaplain who has recently been “unanimously elected by his peers” as president of Harvard University’s group of 40-plus chaplains.

Humanist chaplains have been fast cropping up in our educational circles. “Humanism is the belief that you can lead a good life without god,” states the Humanist Chaplaincy Network website.

Epstein, with his 17 years of service at the Ivy League and his several years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his New York Times bestselling book Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe, and his featured contributions to various media outlets, the Reform Jew-turned-atheist has made a name for himself “as a ‘godfather to the [humanist] movement.’”

And if that weren’t perplexing enough, Epstein is also an ordained “Humanist Rabbi from the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism.”

His mission can be condensed to the following remark: “We don’t look to a god for answers. We are each other’s answers.”

Faith in a Not-Higher Power

As a chaplain, Epstein’s passion is primarily for the students. In his time at Harvard, he has been noted as “a very good conduit to all the different faiths,” “more than 20” of which are represented by the group of chaplains he now leads.

Of his worldview he explains, “I saw early on that there was no one right way to be human. … There was no one right way to believe, there was no one right way to disbelieve. The most important thing was that we were all human beings.”

Epstein’s “strong-held faith in community” complements all too well the exodus from organized religion gaining speed among Americans, especially among the dominating generation of Millennials. According to analytics titan Gallup, the last three years saw a 13-percent decline among those who “[belong] to a church, synagogue or mosque.” Additionally, its research found that only 36 percent of Millennials hold church membership in comparison to 50 percent of Gen X, the generation which came before them. It concluded that there are “two major trends driving the drop in church membership—more adults with no religious preference and falling rates of church membership among people who do have a religion.”

Are Gallup’s results surprising when considering the influential position chaplains like Epstein hold in the educational strongholds of our nation? College is a time when the future of America is solidifying the ideologies that will shape the rest of their lives.

“The way Greg talked about humanism was really powerful for my own faith formation,” said a former Harvard graduate student. “It was a faith in humanity and a faith in community and a faith in myself and what I could be, as I contributed to our larger whole.”

How to Be Good

Let’s address what The Christian Post called “a total contradiction in both purpose and logic.” In its article, the faith-based news source cited several definitions of chaplaincy and concluded with the impossibility of melding it to humanism and atheism. “How can you conduct a worship service if there is no God to worship?” its author Michael Brown asks.

It could be argued, however, that the source of worship hasn’t disappeared for a humanist; it has simply shifted to something else. The Bible states that we are built to worship: “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Romans 6:16). Worship is innate to a human being. We’re going to do it, whether we like it or not or whether we realize it or not.

And we’ve seen what a graduate student learned from Epstein, that her faith is not in God but in herself. To a humanist, then, faith is built upon mankind, society, “community,” as Epstein puts it. Man, then, is what is being worshiped, and the dictates of man are what is being followed. The Bible explains that these are they “who [have] exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever” (1:25).

While the game of linguistic semantics seems to be playing out all over society, it is clear, when reading the Bible, that there can be no reconciliation between humanism and the true Word of God, no matter how you put it, state it, or angle it. “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3) and “you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5) are undeniable for the Christian faith. No patchwork can be made out of Christ’s declaration, “No one is good but One, that is, God” (Luke 18:19). No salvation exists except the salvation by the one “name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12)—that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one gospel (Galatians 1:6–8); there is only one God (Ephesians 4:6; 1 Timothy 2:5).

Epstein has, sadly, come to the opposite conclusions. But let us all take heed: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12). There is a path that may appear to lead to ultimate goodness, but no one can be good without God.

Take a walk with Pastor Doug Batchelor through the account of “Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler” to discover how to truly gain what Epstein and other humanists are so longing to achieve—true goodness.

Kris W. Sky
Kris W. Sky is a writer and editor for Amazing Facts International and other online and print publications.

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Clint G.
After reading this article, my first thought is this. We must pray for this man and those he has led away from God. We should pray that they find Jesus before probation closes. Amen.
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David Cáceres
Que triste que un judío, del mismo pueblo del Señor Jesús esté a la cabeza negando la fe, cuando más bien los juicios deberían ser luz a las naciones, esto me pone triste pero seguimos orando por Israel... Adelante Amazing Facts.... Yo estoy orando por el ministerio de ustedes.... No bajen la guardia y sigan en la fe, lamentablemente estamos en los últimos tiempos,, pero tenemos la promesa de que: "el que persevera hasta al fin este será salvo" un abrazo y bendiciones desde Perú.... Los amamos mucho... Sigan produciendo buena enseñanza y material me encanta sus publicaciones actuales... Los amooooo
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Dianne Nicholson
I refuse to except Epstein's thinking about God. Apparently he doesn't understand that through Jesus Christ he will be saved by God's grace and mercy and having faith in him is a glorious gift. We receive salvation from Jesus and eternal life with our Father in Heaven and that my friend is the most important thing in my life. My momma would say " to each his own said the old lady as she kissed the cow ". I will pray for all who don't believe. Being good is good But being good through Jesus Christ and Abba Father is way better. I see young people coming to Jesus Christ more often than not. Maybe someone is not looking in the right places. Thank ya for allowing me to comment.
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Without Christ there can be no hope. This story is so sad because this "chaplain" is following a hopeless belief system. Atheism has never brought peace to a weary and scared soul.
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Edward Stals
This is so sad. We are fortunate to livein Australia. That said though we seem to follow the USA. Normally about two yeaars later. Please can you do all that can be done to stop this man. He does not even deserve to be classed as a chapplin. Edward Stals.
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As a chaplain in training, I find such hypocrisy deplorable and counter intuitive to what we as chaplains should be doing, putting our beliefs aside and leading others to seek a Power outside themselves for healing of both body and soul. How can a "sick" person heal themselves? Yes, doctors can take care of our bodies but the sickness they cannot heal is at the very heart of most illnesses-our sin ravaged minds.
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There is something beyond God, which signals goodness. "Virtue signaling" is a high achievement for people who never met the God of Heaven. With God you learn to look outside of self and it is a frightening moment when you first look in the mirror of the soul.
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I’ve never read one of Amazing Facts articles, this was eye opening! Articles like this will take me out of my little box and help me to see what’s really happening to the seams of our world.

Anything goes in this country/world including degrading God to the level of sinful, selfish, weak man.
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Hi Roxie, my name is Peter and I am a retired college and university professor. Even when I began teaching back in the 1990s there was already a serious resentment of Christians on faculty, and this was in Texas, a Conservative state in the "Bible Belt." With the flood of Secular Humanist personnel and the increasing implementation of their ideas into curriculum and other facets of college life, my syllabus quickly grew from 2 pages to 35, finally weighed down with page after page after page of such notices as: "If you are an LQBTQ single parent suffering from AIDS, there is a special support group for you meeting in room 204 of the Political Science building every Tiesday at 6:00 p.m." Also there were many required notices that encouraged a sense of victimhood among those whom these messages targeted. Prior to these changes, professors' syllabi had disclosed a class calendar, course material, required reading, guidelines for doing well in the course, and nothing more. When we began dutifully following these Humanist fancies, everything became so cumbersome and unmanageable that the main purpose of these institutions, education, seemed ro be hopelessly lost. As far as my personal experience goes, Men like Greg Epstein have truly thrown a wrench into the progress and functionality of education while very sadly helping to rob scores of young people of eternal life. We all need to be praying for students and also for teachers of every level. I believe that even professors like Greg Epstein can come to know Christ if we persist in praying for them.
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Dianne Nicholson
I truly appreciate and thank ya for your comment. Though it knocked a wrench in my noggin and after I shuck my head at the thoughts of this mislead man I felt compelled to pray for him and that he will know that it begins in the heart, mind and soul. I'm torn and my heart hurts knowing that my first grandson doesn't believe in God though he listens to me speak of Jesus and Our Father and I pray for him, he said that he believes alot of people got together and wrote the Bible and we said YES, according to God, he doesn't believe and it breaks my heart and I'm not fond of the word " but ", he will come to know Jesus and I will see him in Heaven with the rest of the family. I pray for all who don't believe in God and that one day they will. For the love of Jesus Christ and Abba Father and to have the Holy Spirit walk through this, our journey in this life is so glorious. Dianne Nicholson
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Kenneth Darling
This isn't necessarily shocking in today's society... What is rather interesting is the fact both Harvard and MIT would appoint an obvious "privileged" white man to any kind of power with a title.
It goes to show that whatever those on the far left scream and cry out the loudest about tends to be the very thing they honestly don't believe in themselves. Proving once again that behind all the virtue signaling in this generation is just hypocrisy at its worst (or best maybe). Nothing like good ole fashioned Hypocrisy to cause a rise in our fellow Americans, thats if we as a God Fearing people actually feared the one true Living God of the Bible. And since we don't and invent our own God's out of the image of ourselves we will continue down the path of which People call Evil, Good and Good, Evil.. Who substitute Bitter for Sweet and Sweet for Bitter... Who substitute Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness.

What I truly think this is... Just more of the push for the One World Secular Religion ran by a Watered Down False Biblical Catholicism with Global Warming, Social Justice, Racial Division, Diversity, Destruction of the Individual, Transhumanism, Equitable Outcomes,, etc etc etc.
Proverbs 16:6
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.
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Dianne Nicholson
Your comment was good until I got to " privileged white ". Why must it be " privileged and or white "? Why does it have to be racist remarks ? That's racism. Color me flesh. WE are God's rainbow of different shades. God's colors. Like the coat of many colors. Not angry just blessed. I pray you are as well.
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I think Kenneth used the term “white privilege” to show the hypocrisy of humanism. Humanist invented the term “white privilege” and teach that it is used to oppress and hinder those who lack such privilege. They also teach that privileged whites can’t really help themselves or see their situation as harmful to others. Since this chaplain has “white privilege” according to humanist definition, Kenneth is pointing out that the college is going against their own belief system by allowing this man to be a leader over others.
Secular humanism constantly labels and divides people and encourages suspicion and separation. But we know that there is one Father who created all people of one blood. The difference that matters is whether we choose to be children of Satan or children of God.
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ISAIAH 40:7, 8>>> The Word of the Lord Stands Forever
…7The grass withers and the flowers fall when the breath of the LORD blows on them; indeed, the people are grass. 8The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”
1 Corinthians 3:10-11
According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
JOHN 15:
5I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers. Such branches are gathered up, thrown into the fire, and burned.…
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Dianne Nicholson
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Amen! God's words are truth and stand forever.