Creflo Dollar Says “No” to Tithing

By Kris W. Sky | Posted July 11, 2022

Money makes the world go ’round. And according to the “prosperity gospel,” Christians are supposed to come along for the ride.

Tara Isabella Burton, in writing for Vox, described the prosperity gospel as “a distinctively American theological tradition” dating back to “New Thought, a nineteenth-century spiritual movement. … Practitioners of New Thought, not all of whom identified as Christian, generally held the divinity of the individual human being and the priority of mind over matter.”

Hope Bolinger’s piece for Christian online magazine Crosswalk minced no words: “The prosperity gospel frames financial abundance as the mark of a true believer, and poverty as the sign of a lack of faith.” Bolinger went on to explain, “The prosperity gospel absorbs our modern culture and makes it sound palatable to Christians. We live in a culture that promotes vanity, selfishness, and gain. The prosperity gospel takes these three temptations and adds Scripture to them, so both Christians and the culture accept the message.”

The prosperity gospel posits “that if you give your money to God, God will bless you with more money.” In 2006, Time’s poll found that 31 percent of American Christians adhered to the teaching. More than a decade later, a 2018 LifeWay Research study concluded that 38 percent of Protestant Americans believed the same. 

Look Like a Million Bucks

An individual gives money to God through tithes and offerings—donations given to the church. When an individual gives to a church or ministry that supports the prosperity gospel, however, history has shown that it is perhaps the pastor or head of the ministry who materially benefits most.

Let’s take Creflo Dollar, a fitting name for a non-denominational Christian televangelist who easily makes the top 10 list of America’s richest pastors. At $27 million, his net worth includes “two Rolls-Royces, a private jet,one “mansion in Atlanta,” and one “$2.5 million apartment” in New York City. He is head of Creflo Dollar Ministries and “founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International.” According to the Celebrity Net Worth website, he “earned his net worth through his ministries.” Dollar shepherds a “nearly 30,000-member” congregation; reaches “nearly one billion homes” through his television program, Changing Your World; has authored many books; and has made a name for himself as one of the loudest and proudest proponents of the prosperity gospel. 

In 2007, this multimillionaire landed on the short list of Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa’s official investigation into “the finances of six well-known TV ministers,” which included the likes of Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland.

While “Dollar called his ministry an ‘open book’ and said he would cooperate” initially, he, along with three other ministries under fire, either “did not provide responses or provided incomplete ones.” His salary, paid by the church he pastors, is still unknown. He did state that his “two Rolls-Royces were gifts from congregants.” No word yet on the private jet though. 

God’s Riches

Then, on June 26 of this year, Dollar, in a surprising sermon titled “The Great Misunderstanding,” publicly renounced the biblical doctrine of tithing.

“Religion is sustained by two factors, fear and guilt. And if it’s one subject that the church has used for a long time to keep people in fear and guilt, it is that subject of tithing,” he said. While explaining that he was “still growing” spiritually, Dollar admitted, “I won’t apologize because if it wasn’t for me going down that route, I wouldn’t have ended up where I am now.” Indeed, it was a route paved with dollar bills.

Why would a prosperity preacher reject a practice that made him rich?

As reported by The Christian Post, “[Dollar] is convinced, after studying Romans 6:14, that tithing is an Old Testament concept that has been retired in the dispensation of grace in which Christians should now be living.”

This is nothing new. Time and again, Christ’s “dispensation of grace” has been manipulated into a catchall depository that voids anything standing in the way of willful disobedience to God: If it goes against the life you want to live, just label it as defunct by grace. That is not the meaning of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. That is an abuse of grace.

What all of this really comes down to is how Christians use their money.

The prosperity gospel makes God into a slot machine that hits the jackpot every time. You put something in to get something out—for you. Essentially, the prosperity preacher counsels you to use God to get rich; and he practices what he preaches. The rejection of tithing as a biblical doctrine ultimately brings you to the same end—only now, you don’t have to put in. You don’t use God to get rich; you just keep all the money for yourself.

At the end of the day, the message that is being given to the Christian is that it is all about what you want in this life now: What you really need is money—not God. That is a lie. And God is not a slot machine or a genie or a wealth management tool.

Do you want to know what the Bible really says about tithing? Our free lesson “In God We Trust?” explains it all, including debunking Dollar’s claim of tithing as “an Old Testament concept.” 

Christianity is sustained neither by money nor by “fear and guilt.” It is sustained by Jesus Christ, the “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). Find what those true riches are in “God’s Free Grace” today.

Kris W. Sky
Kris W. Sky is a writer and editor for Amazing Facts International and other online and print publications.

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The topic is relevant, and the person who in this position has made this bibilical claim, of course needs to be referenced and also what their previous belief was, and how God's promises for observing His instructions were fulfilled proving God not to be a liar as some men are. Perfect critique for such a claim which has long been obsolete.

The humility of Creflo must be applauded, as there are also some who claim to know all truth yet have become so proud as not to apologize, neither submit to correction, rejecting the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, as have happened aforetimes, which is not the right spirit. All must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. He is in control, and is even better to us than our own good parents, doing what is best for us to be restored to His unselfish character. So all is good guys. Bless up, you all keep people on their toes. Great interaction.
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In everything, Jesus is asking that our speech be seasoned with grace, that it may bring peace to the hearers including yours truly and that His Name might be glorified. That our words may be as apples of gold in pictures of silver. This includes yours truly. I speak with dual context here as well. Search me, O God and know my heart today. Try me, and know my thoughts I pray and see if....

Also let us remember that we are wrestling indeed, but not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places, principalities & powers & the prince of darkness of this world. He is our common archenemy. We attack the issue without censoring the person. Jesus' example condemns the sin, not the sinner. John 3:16. It is the spirit of humility to acknowledge that this is where I used to be and where by God's grace I am not or have departed, and where I am yet to be. The disciples walked with Christ for 3 and a 1/2 years & were still learning, so are we all. May God grant all the world He came to save including those who truly seek His righteousness, total release from the enemy's ranks and deceptions. Jesus is man's deliverer from satan's imprisonments, and his layers of false teachings. God has promised to tear away the refuge of lies and reveal the true beauty of HIS HOLINESS. So Pr says 2 learn more, this link is the way forward, so we move to see the shedding of light on the tithing doctrine, & until then, we are still in darkness until added light has shone through the guidance of the sweet Holy Spirit our teacher, another gift from Christ. Through this gift the Daystar will arise in our hearts. We must not forget that Abraham & Job were just some of the rich faithful friends of God. God's economy plan carried them through and still does, which is vastly contrary 2 the oppressive effects of worIdly policies.
It may also be that behind the scenes permission was also granted to use this illustration / more is known / admitted. You all have great discussion points.
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Bhebhe MM
Tithing as an act of the law. Every law has a curse that follows if broken. Therefore, if one teaches tithing and encourages it, you are simply risking and subjecting your hearers to curses that come with breaking the law of tithing. The tithe teaching appears to override the work of Jesus on the cross. Think about it
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Hi MM. Great discussion. Jesus always used the OT as a reference for His teachings. God's care for His children is wholistic, even in Economics. Who knows better about our returns on the silver and gold we are using here as short staying stewards on earth? The owner, of course!
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wow nice article!
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I actually watched the entire sermon you are referring to and you are totally taking out of context what he said. Why? I see Jesus walking about doing good, healing, prospering, restoring, multiplying and then He tells us as we submit and follow we will do the same works and even greater. I will never understand why some of you seek to destroy instead of build up.
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Creflo has preached some good Bible, IMO. I believe he is like most of us who follow and love Christ- he is in the lifelong process of growing. And, frankly, I neither care nor envy his jet planes, net worth, Rolls-Royce's, etc. That's none of my business and his life is between God and himself, as is mine. I follow a few preachers and through God's mercy and grace am benefited. Sure, there are some out there that are filthy rich who seem to meld New Ageism with Christianity. But, then again, I surely don't know their hearts as God does. Opinions are one thing and not always aligned with truth/reality.
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This so true.He never said not to give he said to give out of your heart or how God lead you to give...
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Yes!...albeit a JOYFUL heart. I think that comes from honest gratitude for what God has done for us.
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Did he study his Bible before teaching on the subject? How many of his teachings are false if he was wrong on the tithe?
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May be Mr Dollar with this new false revelation can give all his gains back to those that gave in misunderstanding
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"Will a man rob GOD"??
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At our church here in South Carolina it has 1,500 members. Sermons on tithing and missionary work is given quite a bit. Recently we were told and did donate to help build another church 10 miles away. This is all good. But the last few years the pastor told us he bought a new home and a new pontoon boat. A very large home and boat too. Then we found out that the assistent ministers each got a 50,000 dollar bonuses. I quit tithing to the church but now we sponsor a child through Compassion International and we support K- Love However once in a while I do donate to the church. We are on social security and retirement incomes. I pray and ask God to put in our hearts if qhat we do is right or should we just tithe to the cherch as we used to. All I can do is pray and do what God call us to do. I see what a lot of Televangelist such as Joel Olsteen and other live and it saddens me.
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Have you ever checked the salaries of the K-Love employees. No where in the Word does it say your Pastor and staff has to be poor or not prosper. The Word says when you give it shall be given unto you pressed down running over, the widow gave her last was supplied for three years and saw her son raised from the dead. Joel Osteen doesn't even take a salary from Lakewood. The mindset of ministers having to be poor is very disrespectful towards God. It's ok to go to college, get a degree, work your way up the ladder, become wealthy and show up to church on Sunday, but a minister of the Gospel can't prosper from applying the Word to their life...really?
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Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.
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Thank you!
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We are called to be GOOD Stewards of what GOD has blessed us with. Which includes supporting you home assembly....
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the Sad issue this discussion is happening in many church's, just wanting to do as I see fit, that God will bless my heart
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Addie Patterson
My name is Addie Patterson I really enjoy and feel the holy spirit Please keep sending the word of the Lord Thank you so very much
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Tithing is to support the church's infrastructure and the pastor. Its other use, more important than the first two, is to support the community. Whether locally or down the street, that support includes physical, emotional, and spiritual health for all who seek it. If we are giving the tithe to ensure our own personal gain, versus the aforementioned gain for others, we are doing it for the wrong reasons. Period. Doing it for the former is purely a business deal. Jesus never made business deals. He gave of His own volition with no expectation of reciprocation. I'm curious if Pastor "Dollar" is giving back the millions he garnered by convincing others what a great deal tithing was? Great article!
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Very well stated!
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Mich Carr
Well stated. Acts 20:35