The Book of Luke | Sabbath School Study Hour

The Book of Luke | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: The Book of Luke. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for The Book of Luke

The Coming of Jesus

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"Luke places the story of Jesus in history - real people, real times - in order to dismiss any idea ...

Baptism and the Temptations

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"Repentance is not just a theoretical notion. It is a way of life. The word comes from the Greek '...

Who Is Jesus Christ?

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"Who is Jesus Christ? This question is not a philosophical or a sociological gimmick. It gets to th...

The Call to Discipleship

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"Being a disciple energizes the spirit, challenges the mind, and demands our utmost in our relations...

Christ as the Lord of the Sabbath

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Satan has worked hard to destroy the Sabbath, turning it into a heavy burden, striping it of so much...

Women in the Ministry of Jesus

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"Luke's Gospel is sometimes called "the Gospel of Women" because, more than any other one, it makes ...

Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Prayer

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"Fully divine, equal with the Father and the Spirit, Jesus in His humanity left us an example in reg...

The Mission of Jesus

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"If we were to write a mission statement for Jesus, we could not do any better than to repeat His ow...

Jesus, the Master Teacher

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"The mission and ministry of Jesus, His forgiving heart and embracing grace, did not exclude anyone ...

Following Jesus in Everyday Life

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"Jesus introduced a new dynamic to human relations: fulfillment comes not from power but from servic...

The Kingdom of God

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"The same Jesus who defeated sin and Satan on Calvary is soon to return to begin the process that wi...

Jesus in Jerusalem - 2015

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"The last week of Jesus' earthly life unfolded in Jerusalem. What tumultuous events marked that week...

Crucified and Risen - 2015

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For all else that it entails, the Cross is also the great divider of history....