The Great Controversy | Sabbath School Study Hour
Quarterly: The Great Controversy. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
Duration: 30 minutes
Program Listings for The Great Controversy
The War Behind All Wars
If God is so good, why is the world so bad? How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist? Why d... |
The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?
We will study Satan’s twofold strategy both to deceive and destroy God’s people. What the evil one f... |
Light Shines in the Darkness
Yet even in life’s most difficult times, God was continually with His people. They found Jesus, “the... |
Standing for the Truth
This week we will look at some biblical principles that motivated the Waldenses and later Reformers,... |
The Two Witnesses
This week, we explore one of the most vicious attacks on the Scriptures and the Christian faith.
*... |
Faith Against All Odds
In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-changing teac... |
Motivated by Hope
In this week’s lesson we will examine why the second coming of Christ has filled the hearts of belie... |
Light From the Sanctuary
This week we explore Christ’s ministry in heaven.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 22... |
The Foundation of God’s Government
The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, and the co... |
Spiritualism Exposed
The aim of this lesson is to show that our only safeguard against Satan’s last-day delusions is a pe... |
The Impending Conflict
The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study empha... |
Earth’s Closing Events
The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal what the prophetic Word says about the closing events and... |
The Triumph of God’s Love
In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciting time in... |