The Great Controversy | Sabbath School Study Hour

The Great Controversy | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: The Great Controversy. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 30 minutes
Program Listings for The Great Controversy

The War Behind All Wars

If God is so good, why is the world so bad? How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist? Why d...

The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?

We will study Satan’s twofold strategy both to deceive and destroy God’s people. What the evil one f...

Light Shines in the Darkness

Yet even in life’s most difficult times, God was continually with His people. They found Jesus, “the...

Standing for the Truth

This week we will look at some biblical principles that motivated the Waldenses and later Reformers,...

The Two Witnesses

This week, we explore one of the most vicious attacks on the Scriptures and the Christian faith. *...

Faith Against All Odds

In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-changing teac...

Motivated by Hope

In this week’s lesson we will examine why the second coming of Christ has filled the hearts of belie...

Light From the Sanctuary

This week we explore Christ’s ministry in heaven. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 22...

The Foundation of God’s Government

The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, and the co...

Spiritualism Exposed

The aim of this lesson is to show that our only safeguard against Satan’s last-day delusions is a pe...

The Impending Conflict

The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study empha...

Earth’s Closing Events

The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal what the prophetic Word says about the closing events and...

The Triumph of God’s Love

In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciting time in...