Rest In Christ | Sabbath School Study Hour

Rest In Christ | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: Rest In Christ. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 30 minutes
Program Listings for Rest In Christ

Living in a 24/7 Society

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Acknowledging Jesus as the Lord of our lives also involves taking seriously our responsibility to ma...

Restless and Rebellious

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Though it’s always easy to be critical of church leadership, at any level, how much better would our...

The Roots of Restlessness

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The Roots of Restlessness...

The Cost of Rest

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This week we look briefly into the life of the man after God’s own heart to find out how he discover...

Come to Me

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Why is living a life of obedience to God’s law one of more restfulness than one in which we disobey ...

Finding Rest in Family Ties

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This week we turn to the story of Joseph and his family ties in order to watch God at work bringing ...

Rest, Relationships and Healing

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This week we will look at forgiveness and what it can do for restless human hearts. Without forgive...

Free to Rest

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God wants to cure us on the inside first. Sometimes He chooses to bring us immediate physical healin...

The Rhythms of Rest

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During this week, we will study God’s wonderful invitation to enter into a dynamic rest, again and a...

Sabbath Rest

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Sabbath is a celebration of freedom from all the things that keep us in bondage. On Sabbath, we are ...

Longing for More

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How can you help others find rest in Jesus when they think that their sins have been too grievous, t...

The Restless Prophet

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This week, let’s look at Jonah and what we can learn from his restlessness and lack of peace....

The Ultimate Rest

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This week, we look at how we can rest in Jesus in the face of global unrest and our own personal unk...