The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant | Sabbath School Study Hour

The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 58:30 minutes
Program Listings for The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant

What Happened?

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The biblical account of the Creation of humanity is one filled with hope, happiness, and perfection....

Covenant Primer

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This week is a quick summary of the whole quarter, as we take one day each to look at the early cove...

All Future Generations

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In what ways is God’s grace revealed in the covenant with Noah before the Flood? What does the coven...

An Everlasting Covenant

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God called Abraham into a special relationship with Him, one that would reveal the plan of salvation...

Children of the Promise - 2021

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What is the greatest of all the covenant promises? What effect should God’s promise of a new earth h...

Abraham’s Seed

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Our study this week focuses on the identity and role of God’s true Israel in every age, including ou...

Covenant at Sinai

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Whatever God asks us to do, our relationship with Him must be founded upon faith. Faith provides the...

Covenant Law

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God’s law was an integral part of the covenant. Yet, it was a true covenant of grace. Grace, however...

Covenant Sign

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Where does the Sabbath have it origins? What evidence proves that the Sabbath existed before Sinai? ...

The New Covenant

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The “new covenant” is, in a sense, a “renewed covenant.” It is the completion, or the fulfillment, o...

New Covenant Sanctuary

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The old covenant-sacrificial system was replaced by the new; instead of animals being sacrificed by ...

Covenant Faith

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Why must salvation be a gift? Why could only Someone equal with God ransom our souls? How can we ma...

The New Covenant Life

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Why should we feel joy? What is it about the covenant that should free us from the burden of guilt? ...