Education | Sabbath School Study Hour

Education | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: Education. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 30 minutes
Program Listings for Education

Education in the Garden of Eden

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True education will lead to true knowledge, the knowledge of Christ, and thus not only will we becom...

The Family

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What does the Bible say about education in the family, and what principle can we take away from it f...

The Law as Teacher

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This week we will study the role of God’s law in the whole question of Christian education. As part ...

The Eyes of the Lord: The Biblical Worldview

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As human beings, we never look at the world from a neutral position. We see it, always and only, thr...

Jesus as the Master Teacher

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In sending His Son to this planet, the Father sent the Master Teacher on a mission: to show humankin...

More Lessons from the Master Teacher

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True Christian education must be about pointing us to the only solution for our rather dismal state....

Worship in Education

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Worship, proper worship, is so important that, in fact, it becomes central to the issues in the last...

Education and Redemption

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Learning to know God is our foremost response to His grace. We cannot earn such grace, but we can le...

The Church and Education

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If the church is to be a place of education, it must provide the space for genuine dialogue to occur...

Education in Arts and Sciences

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This week we will look at some principles involved in how we can teach the arts and sciences from th...

The Christian and Work

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Christians need to learn how to work God’s way. Work is more than an economic necessity. Rightly und...

Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God

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Jesus wanted to emphasize that the Sabbath should not be a burden. It was created as a unique opport...

Heaven, Education and Eternal Learning

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We are promised that we will be given an understanding of things that, for now, remain hidden to us....