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Above the Crowd

Above the CrowdLesson 24

Peter loved Jesus, but he also loved the approval of the crowd. During the last supper when Jesus warned the apostles that they would all forsake Him, Peter jumped to his feet and brashly vowed that even if all others would be offended, he would never forsake Him. Jesus replied, "This night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." Verse 34.

Peter meant well, but he did not recognize the pride in his own heart. Later that night when the mob came to arrest Jesus and all were watching, Peter pulled out a sword to defend His Master. But just a few hours later at His trial, as Peter was being mocked by the enemies of Jesus, he denied three times that he even knew Him. Each time Peter became more bold, until he finally denied Him with swearing and cursing (Verse 74).

Then the rooster crowed. At that very moment, Jesus was in the judgment hall, being beaten by the guards. Peter saw Jesus turn and look at him with love and compassion, and it broke his heart. "And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter went out, and wept bitterly." Luke 22:61, 62.

From that day forward, Peter was a different man. He no longer lived to please the crowd, but was determined to please only God. After his conversion, when brought before the Jewish council and threatened with beating if he continued preaching about Jesus, Peter fearlessly answered, "We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29. Peter forever proved his loyalty and love for Jesus when he chose to be crucified upside down by the Roman emperor Nero rather than to deny his Lord again.
1. How does God determine whether or not we are on His side?

1. How does God determine whether or not we are on His side?

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NOTE:   It is a simple principle that our loyalties are determined by who we listen to. If we say we are servants of God but take our instructions from the devil or the world, we are deceiving ourselves.

2. When the commands of God and men conflict, whom did Peter say we should obey?

2. When the commands of God and men conflict, whom did Peter say we should obey?

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NOTE:   After Peter was converted and fell in love with Jesus, he told the Jewish council that his first allegiance was to God. We have learned that in the last days, the laws of the beast and the world will conflict with the laws of God. We must choose now to obey the laws of God--regardless of the consequences.

3. How do we best demonstrate our love for God?

3. How do we best demonstrate our love for God?

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NOTE:   The best demonstration of a person's love for Jesus is to do His will, and the law of God is the most perfect expression of His will (Psalms 40:8).

4. According to Jesus, why did the hypocrites act religious?

4. According to Jesus, why did the hypocrites act religious?

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NOTE:   The Bible tells us that "man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7. A genuine Christian will be much more concerned about what God thinks of him than what the world thinks.

5. Is it generally safe to follow the crowd?

5. Is it generally safe to follow the crowd?

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NOTE:   History seems to indicate that the crowd almost always makes the wrong decisions. It was the crowd that wanted to stone Moses and go back to the slavery of Egypt (Numbers 14:4-10). It was the crowd that cried out, "Crucify him, crucify him." Luke 23:21. And it will be the majority--not the minority--who receive the mark of the beast in the last days (Revelation 13:16).

6. How does Jesus feel when we put the traditions of men before the commandments of God?

6. How does Jesus feel when we put the traditions of men before the commandments of God?

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7. Will true Christianity be popular in the last days?

7. Will true Christianity be popular in the last days?

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NOTE:   In the last days, Satan and his followers will wage an all-out war against God's genuine, Bible-believing children.

8. Is it possible to serve both God and the crowd?

8. Is it possible to serve both God and the crowd?

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NOTE:   In this battle between Christ and Satan, there is no neutral territory. It is impossible to ride the fence as a spectator. If we are not cooperating with Jesus, we are in fact helping the devil.

9. Is it safe to love a friend or family member more than Jesus?

9. Is it safe to love a friend or family member more than Jesus?

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NOTE:   Jesus indicates here that the best way to help reach and save our loved ones is to put Him first in our lives. It is always a tragic mistake to put our natural affections for family or friends before our first obligation to our Saviour and Creator.

10. Is it wise to put a prosperous career or earthly treasures before Jesus?

10. Is it wise to put a prosperous career or earthly treasures before Jesus?

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NOTE:   The belief that happiness and security comes from a good job and nice things is a deadly deception. On the contrary, Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Mark 10:25.

11. Is it safe to continue disobeying God's will after He has shown us the truth?

11. Is it safe to continue disobeying God's will after He has shown us the truth?

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12. What will happen to those who persist in rejecting the truth?

12. What will happen to those who persist in rejecting the truth?

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NOTE:   The Scriptures teach that Jesus is the truth (John 14:6). To accept or reject the truth in any degree is to accept or reject Jesus.

13. Will those who persecute God's people in the last days believe they are doing the right thing?

13. Will those who persecute God's people in the last days believe they are doing the right thing?

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14. How did Peter describe those who have learned the truth but refuse to follow it?

14. How did Peter describe those who have learned the truth but refuse to follow it?

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15. Does following Jesus involve some struggle and self denial?

15. Does following Jesus involve some struggle and self denial?

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16. Is it safe to procrastinate or postpone a decision to follow Jesus?

16. Is it safe to procrastinate or postpone a decision to follow Jesus?

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NOTE:   The best time to listen to God's voice is when you are hearing it, and the best time to do God's will is when He is showing you His will. Satan's favorite trap is to deceive people into thinking that they have plenty of time to make this decision. The devil knows that the convicting voice of God's Spirit will grow quiet if ignored. Untold millions will be lost who were sincerely planning to follow Jesus someday in the future, but "someday" never came.

17. What benefits come as a result of accepting and following the truth?

17. What benefits come as a result of accepting and following the truth?

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NOTE:   Tremendous peace, security, and freedom come into the hearts and lives of those who receive and obey the truth.

18. What question did Jesus ask Peter three times?

18. What question did Jesus ask Peter three times?

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NOTE:   This is the most important question when it comes to a full and complete surrender to the will of God. Do you love Him?

19. The truth will never be popular in this sinful world, and the crowd will almost always take the easy road. But Jesus has shown His incredible love for you by giving His life to pay the price for a

19. The truth will never be popular in this sinful world, and the crowd will almost always take the easy road. But Jesus has shown His incredible love for you by giving His life to pay the price for all your sins. The Lord has a great plan for your life. This is why He has revealed His truth to you. Will you now return that love by giving Him all your heart, by choosing to accept Him as your Lord, and by following where He leads?

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