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The Glorious Kingdom

The Glorious KingdomLesson 8

After Solomon was established as the new king of Israel, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee." 1 Kings 3:5. The young king could have requested money, fame, or long life, but he didn't. Instead, he asked for wisdom to justly govern God's people. In answer to that humble and heartfelt prayer, the Lord gave Solomon tremendous wisdom and perception surpassing every other human. On top of that, God also blessed him with fame, riches, and long life.

During Solomon's reign, Israel enjoyed unparalleled peace and prosperity. Precious metals were so abundant in Jerusalem during his time that silver was considered as common as stones (1 Kings 10:27). In addition to the magnificent temple of marble and gold that Solomon built for God, he also constructed a lavish palace and courtyard plus entire cities to house his chariots and horsemen. Splendid flowering gardens with rare trees graced every town. Monarchs, nobles, and royalty came from around the world to visit and bring gifts. They longed to hear the profound wisdom that God had put in Solomon's heart (1 Kings 10:24).

Among the many regal visitors was a rich and beautiful queen from the far-away land of Sheba. She wanted to see firsthand if the reports about Israel's king were true. The Queen of Sheba tested Solomon with many hard questions and was stunned by his brilliant answers. Everywhere she looked, her senses were dazzled. But even Israel at its zenith was as nothing compared to the glorious kingdom God has prepared for you!
1. What did Jesus promise His people?

1. What did Jesus promise His people?

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2. What do we know about this place Jesus is preparing?

2. What do we know about this place Jesus is preparing?

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NOTE:   Talk about amazing! God has prepared for His people new heavens, a new earth, and a new holy city. The righteous will inherit a glorious mansion in the city built by Jesus (John 14:2), plus a fabulous country home on the new earth that they will build themselves (Isaiah 65:21).

3. What more do we know about the holy city?

3. What more do we know about the holy city?

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NOTE:   The holy city is square, and the distance around it is 12,000 furlongs, or 1,500 miles (a furlong is one-eighth of a mile). It comes down from heaven to the new earth and will land where the Mount of Olives now stands (Zechariah 14:4). Each of its 12 gates are made of a single pearl (Revelation 21:21), and the city's jasper walls are 144 cubits (Revelation 21:17) or 216 feet wide (a cubit is 18 inches).

4. What does the Bible say about the city's water and food supply?

4. What does the Bible say about the city's water and food supply?

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NOTE:   An inexhaustible, pure river of water flows out of the throne of God, and the tree of life yields a different fruit crop each month. This fabulous fruit and its leaves provide the antidote of death and perpetuate eternal life. In addition, God's saints will raise their own food at their country homes (Isaiah 65:21). The diet of God's people will be what it was before sin entered the world--fruits, grains, and nuts (Genesis 1:29, 31). The taste will be indescribably delicious, and the nutritional value will be perfect.

5. How will living in heaven be different than living here on earth?

5. How will living in heaven be different than living here on earth?

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6. What kind of bodies will the saints have?

6. What kind of bodies will the saints have?

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7. Is Jesus' body real, or is He a spirit?

7. Is Jesus' body real, or is He a spirit?

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NOTE:   Jesus' body after His resurrection was real, with flesh and bones that you could touch and feel. The disciples at first thought He was a spirit when He appeared suddenly to them, but after they felt Him and watched Him eat (Luke 24:40-43), they knew that He was real. Forty days later, Jesus led them out to Bethany and ascended to heaven (Luke 24:50, 51). The angels who appeared to the disciples said to them, "This same Jesus [of flesh and bones] ... shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." Acts 1:11. Since His incarnation, Jesus is forever linked with the human race, as well as being divine.

8. What other encouraging promise is found?

8. What other encouraging promise is found?

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NOTE:   Praise God, every glorious thing that was lost by the entrance of sin will be restored in God's new kingdom. All people will genuinely love, trust, and support each other. As a result, there will be no more violence (Isaiah 60:18), and no more betrayal, abuse, disloyalty, dishonesty, backbiting, insecurity, depression, danger, disappointment, or heartache. It will be joyful, happy, contented, abundant living for eternity.

9. Will sad or painful memories from this life trouble people in heaven?

9. Will sad or painful memories from this life trouble people in heaven?

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NOTE:   The words "come into mind" are better translated "move upon the heart." The Lord is here promising that the sorrows of earth will not bring sorrow to His saints in heaven.

10. Will people from earth recognize each other in God's new kingdom?

10. Will people from earth recognize each other in God's new kingdom?

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NOTE:   We will indeed recognize each other by our appearance, walk, mannerisms, speech, etc. Our abilities to discern each other will be improved in heaven. Heaven will be an utterly fantastic family reunion.

11. What other thrilling promises does God give us regarding His coming kingdom?

11. What other thrilling promises does God give us regarding His coming kingdom?

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NOTE:   The saints will be able to fly like angels at speeds faster than light. Since they inherit all things (Revelation 21:7), they may visit other worlds, taking only moments to get there. According to Scripture, God has made other worlds that are unfallen (Job 1:6; Hebrews 1:2; 11:3).

12. Can we adequately describe God's new kingdom with words?

12. Can we adequately describe God's new kingdom with words?

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NOTE:   You and I in our present state are not able even to imagine the wonderful things God has prepared for His children. No words, thoughts, or even dreams can truly picture the fantastic joys and bliss of heaven. No matter what we may suffer on earth, being in heaven will outweigh all of earth's trials (Romans 8:18).

13. What is the highest reward of God's new kingdom?

13. What is the highest reward of God's new kingdom?

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NOTE:   Believe it, and stand in awe! God will actually live in the new earth with His people. Nothing can compare to this for sheer delight and glory.

14. What will exclude people from God's heavenly kingdom?

14. What will exclude people from God's heavenly kingdom?

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NOTE:   Sin defiles and cannot be allowed into heaven, else rebellion might start all over again. (See Supplement entitled "The Kingdom of God.")

15. What can I do about sin?

15. What can I do about sin?

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NOTE:   If I ask Jesus to forgive my sins, He forgives me and cleanses me from sin and makes me His child.

16. What did Jesus say is the formula for success in this life and the next?

16. What did Jesus say is the formula for success in this life and the next?

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NOTE:   This is exactly what King Solomon did when God asked, "What do you want?" His first thought was for God's kingdom and His righteousness. In return, the blessings of a glorious kingdom followed. This will happen for us too when we seek first God's kingdom.

17. Recognizing that God is in full control of earthly events, are you willing to let Him have full control of your life?

17. Recognizing that God is in full control of earthly events, are you willing to let Him have full control of your life?

_____   Answer
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