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The Coming King

The Coming KingLesson 3

Athaliah, the ruthless queen of Judah, was even more wicked than her mother Jezebel. When her son Ahaziah died, she quickly seized control of the kingdom by executing all of her grandsons who might reign in her place. "But Jehosheba, ... sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and ... they hid him ... from Athaliah, so that he was not slain. And he was with her hid in the house of the Lord six years. And Athaliah did reign over the land." 2 Kings 11:2,3.

For six years only a handful of trusted people knew that the royal child was living and hidden in the temple of God. Jehoiada, the high priest, loved and trained young Joash as his own son. For six years Jehoiada planned and prayed for the best moment to present this rightful heir to the people. Finally the old priest secretly summoned trusted captains in the army and showed them that the youngest son of Ahaziah was still alive.

They decided to wait until Friday evening, when all of the faithful people would come to the temple for Sabbath worship, to present the young king to them. With hundreds of armed soldiers on every side, Jehoiada brought the heir of David's throne before the crowd and introduced him. At first the people were astonished, but when they saw the royal crown placed upon his head, "they clapped their hands, and said, God save the king." 2 Kings 11:12.

Now when wicked Athaliah heard the noise of trumpets and all the people rejoicing, she came running into the temple only to discover that her reign of terror was through. That day she and her followers were slain, and Joash was given the kingdom.

The Bible tells us that another son of David will soon emerge from the heavenly temple amidst the blowing of trumpets to receive His rightful kingdom and to destroy the wicked.
1. Who is this king who will soon emerge from the temple in heaven?

1. Who is this king who will soon emerge from the temple in heaven?

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2. Will Jesus come quietly when He returns?

2. Will Jesus come quietly when He returns?

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NOTE:   "Tempestuous" means "turbulent and stormy." The second coming of Jesus will clearly be noisy beyond description. There will be nothing secret about it!

3. What other physical evidence will accompany Jesus' return?

3. What other physical evidence will accompany Jesus' return?

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4. Who will see Jesus when He returns?

4. Who will see Jesus when He returns?

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NOTE:   This is too clear to misunderstand. Every person alive, wicked or righteous, will see Jesus return to earth. A secret gathering, or "rapture," of God's people is not described in the Bible.

5. Who will be with Jesus when He returns in the clouds?

5. Who will be with Jesus when He returns in the clouds?

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NOTE:   The brightness of the Lord's return will, by comparison, make the brightness of a hydrogen bomb pale into insignificance. At Jesus' tomb, the brightness of one angel caused all the Roman guards to fall to the ground as dead men (Matthew 28:2-4). The brightness of all heaven's angels will make Jesus' second coming too bright for anyone to miss. Added to this will be the fantastic glory of Jesus and the Father (Luke 9:26). Jesus' second coming will be like lightning flashing from one horizon to the other (Matthew 24:27).

6. What will the brightness of Jesus' coming do to the living wicked?

6. What will the brightness of Jesus' coming do to the living wicked?

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7. What will happen to the righteous who are dead at Jesus' coming?

7. What will happen to the righteous who are dead at Jesus' coming?

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8. At this point, what will happen to the living and resurrected saints?

8. At this point, what will happen to the living and resurrected saints?

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NOTE:   No one except God has immortality now (1 Timothy 6:15, 16). But it will be given as a free gift to the righteous at Jesus' second coming. Their bodies also will be changed into heavenly, incorruptible bodies, like that of Jesus (Philippians 3:20, 21).

9. After being changed, what will happen to the righteous?

9. After being changed, what will happen to the righteous?

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NOTE:   God's saints will meet the Lord in the air. Jesus does not touch the earth at His second coming, so He will not appear on the earth, as many believe. His second coming will be a sky appearance, not an earth appearance.

10. What solemn warning does Jesus give about His second coming?

10. What solemn warning does Jesus give about His second coming?

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NOTE:   Satan will impersonate Christ's second coming by appearing upon the earth as a glorious being, and he will deceive billions. Jesus has warned us that He will not touch the earth at all at His second coming, but rather will remain in the air. The dazzling deceptions of Satan will be so convincing that most people will be deceived.

11. What will prevent the righteous from being deceived?

11. What will prevent the righteous from being deceived?

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NOTE:   God's people will not be deceived, because they will know from a study of God's Word just how Jesus will come (Acts 17:11). Any appearing that is not in agreement with Scripture is a counterfeit and must be rejected. Jesus forewarned us.

Matthew 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.

12. Would it be safe to go see a false Christ?

12. Would it be safe to go see a false Christ?

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13. What can we know about the time of Jesus' return?

13. What can we know about the time of Jesus' return?

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NOTE:   Only God knows the exact time of the second coming. All date setting is out of harmony with the Bible. But Jesus made it clear that when we see the signs of His coming fulfilled (Matthew 24:4-51; Luke 21:8-33; and 2 Timothy 3:1-8), we can know that His coming is very near--even at the doors.

14. What will the angels do at Jesus' second coming?

14. What will the angels do at Jesus' second coming?

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NOTE:   Your guardian angel (Matthew 18:10) will probably be the first to greet you at Jesus' return. What a blessed thought! No wonder the Bible calls the second coming the "blessed hope" (Titus 2:13)!

15. Since we are living just before Jesus' second coming, how should we relate to this solemn, glorious event?

15. Since we are living just before Jesus' second coming, how should we relate to this solemn, glorious event?

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16. How will people be rewarded at Jesus' second coming?

16. How will people be rewarded at Jesus' second coming?

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NOTE:   People will be saved by grace but rewarded based on their conduct, not on their profession (Matthew 7:21-23).

17. What will the wicked say when Jesus returns?

17. What will the wicked say when Jesus returns?

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NOTE:   During this horrendous final earthquake, the wicked--petrified with fear--will prefer for the rocks and mountains to fall on them rather than to face King Jesus unprepared.

18. What will the righteous say when Jesus appears?

18. What will the righteous say when Jesus appears?

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19. What is the prime purpose of Jesus' second coming?

19. What is the prime purpose of Jesus' second coming?

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NOTE:   Jesus' most thrilling purpose in returning to earth is to take His children to the glorious home He has prepared for them. No more tears, woes, heartaches, or illness forever. But rather, joy and peace unspeakable forever.

20. Jesus is coming in the clouds very soon. Will you plan now to be ready to meet Him?

20. Jesus is coming in the clouds very soon. Will you plan now to be ready to meet Him?

_____   Answer
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