Sharing Hope in Troubled Times (Dwight)

Date: 11/14/2023 
All his life, Dwight was a fighter. He’d been through so much—living with an abusive father, and struggling with suicidal thoughts. He used sports to fight back and was soon known on the football field for breaking bones. After high school, he took that rage with him and enlisted in the Army. But by God’s grace, his life began to change dramatically when he discovered Amazing Facts. However, just as he was welcomed into a new church home, he lost his job. Soon he was living on the streets. He shares, “I was sleeping under bridges. I’d take showers at the gym and show up for church clean and dressed in a suit. No one knew that just a few hours before, I’d been sleeping next to a dumpster.” Yet even though he experienced such hardship, Dwight still felt blessed. “I was growing closer to God through those trials, learning to trust Him even in the worst moments of my life.” Today, Dwight has a job and he and his wife also have a door-to-door ministry. “Once you realize just how powerful God is, the unlikely becomes possible—even probable.”
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