God's Word - Sweeter than Honey

Scripture: Psalm 19:8-10, Psalm 119:103
Date: 12/09/2007 
To produce one pound of honey, bees must make 25,000 trips between their hive and the flowers from which they gather the precious nectar. Furthermore, that same pound of honey contains the essence of about two million flowers.
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Hello friends, this is Doug Batchelor, how about an amazing fact? To produce one pound of honey, bees must make 25,000 trips between their hive and the flowers from which they gather the precious nectar. Furthermore, that same pound of honey contains the essence of about two million flowers. In the process of making this honey, bees provide a crucial service to nature. Albert Einstein once remarked, “If bees were to disappear, man would only have a few years to live.” This statement is especially sobering when you consider the recent decimating plague among U.S. bee colonies. Just before the beginning of 2007, beekeepers from all over North America began reporting colonies dying off in unprecedented numbers.

Twenty-four U.S. states reported honey bees are vanishing at an alarming rate, leaving beekeepers struggling for survival and farmers are worried about future pollination of their crops. The mysterious disappearance of bees ranges from thirty percent to seventy percent in some states. Blooming orchards that used to roar with buzzing bees are now strangely silent. One California beekeeper said, “I’ve never seen anything like it, box after box is just empty. It’s like nobody is home.” Experts are exploring several theories to explain the losses, which they’re calling CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder. This includes viruses, mites, pesticide contamination and strangely enough, poor bee nutrition.

The mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder highlights the fundamental role the honey bees play in the natural chain of God’s economy providing fruits and vegetables. Honey bee pollination contributes more than $14 billion dollars’ worth of North American harvest each year. A broad assortment of crops, like apples, peaches, avocadoes, soy beans, pears, pumpkins, cucumbers, cherries, kiwis, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and many more, depend on honey bee pollination. Some experts have even suggested should all the honey bees suddenly die off, it would bring their vital work of pollination to an end.

This environmental breakdown could easily cause an agricultural and economic chain reaction leading to financial collapse and possibly even a national famine. Who would have guessed the work of these little creatures was so important? Maybe that’s why the Bible has so much to say about honey. Stay with us friends. We’re going to learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of “Bible Answers Live.”


Pastor Doug Batchelor: Here we are again friends, back for another live, fresh serving of Bible Answers Live. If you have Bible questions, we have phone lines open. It’s a free phone call. Now is the time to call. We’ll do our best. We don’t know everything but we’ve got Bibles here and we’ll search the Word to find the answers to your Bible questions. If you have a question, once again that number is 1-800-GOD-SAYS. That acronym is 463-7297. Once again, toll-free, 1-800-463-7297. Calling now gives you pretty good chance of getting your Bible question on tonight’s live broadcast.

We’re glad you’ve tuned in friends. We have a lot of offers that we make available during the program so keep a pencil handy. We’ll be giving you phone numbers to request those free books, study guides, offers and even websites where you can download some of the things right away. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Pastor Jëan Ross: My name is Jëan Ross. Good evening listening friends. Welcome again to this edition of Bible Answers Live. Let’s begin with prayer Pastor Doug. Dear Father, once more we ask for Your leading and guiding in this program. We ask that You’d be with those who are listening and be with us here in the studio. Guide us as we open Your Word to finance us, and help us to remember that even though the Bible is filled with truths, all truth ultimately ends in Jesus. We pray that He be lifted up in this program. For this we ask in His name, amen.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Amen.

Pastor Jëan Ross: You began the program by talking about the honey bee. Now when I think of a honey bee, fortunately I’m not very allergic to it but I remember back a classmate who was deadly allergic to a honey bee. I’d think of a honey bee and think of honey and it’s sweet and it’s nice. He’d think of a honeybee and it would fill his heart with terror. But these little creatures are so valuable. We don’t realize how important they are and how much we owe to them.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: That’s right and the Bible has a lot to say, not as much about the bees as it does about the honey. Matter of fact, we looked it up just before the program. What did you find? Fifty-six references to honey in the Bible. Most of the time honey is a symbol for the richness or the sweetness of God’s Word. Some examples would be Psalm 19, verse 8 through 10, “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. More to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter than the honey in the honeycomb.” You can even find Psalm 119, verse 103, “How sweet are your words to my taste! Sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

And of course Ezekiel talks about eating the Word of God and it was like honey in his mouth. Prophecies about the Messiah said, “Butter and honey will He eat,” and it would be speaking of the Messiah, "in His mouth." One of the last things Jesus did before He ascended to heaven, He ate honeycomb and then He opened the Scriptures to the disciples, which I always thought was an interesting comparison. You remember when Jonathan was running through the woods the honey was dripping from the trees there and he tasted a little honey and it lightened his eyes.

The Word of God, it lightens our eyes, it refreshes us and invigorates us; and honey can sometimes give a person a boost of energy and life, and the Word of God does that. Something else I thought was interesting in comparing the Word of God to honey - God says His Word never changes. Honey is almost indestructible, in that they have found honey in pyramids that have been excavated. All they had to do was heat it up a little to reconstitute it. Probably tasted musty but it was still honey. So you can put honey on a wound and it’ll help kill infection. You’ve probably heard about the remedy if you have a sore throat, a little lemon and honey.

So honey is often a symbol for the Word of God. That’s part of the reason that the children of Israel were told they’d enter a land flowing with milk and honey. Maybe our friends have not tasted the sweetness of God’s Word. They’d like to know more about how can I trust the Bible? Where do we find this richness in the Word of God? In the same way that bees are vital to life and agriculture here in our world, so the Word of God is for the Christian life and for the church. We have a free offer tonight that talks about that important resource.

Pastor Jëan Ross: This is a little booklet that, Pastor Doug, you wrote. It’s simply entitled, “The Ultimate Resource,” and it talks about the Bible. So for those who’re listening you can receive it free by calling our resource number. The number is 1-800-835-6747. Ask for the little booklet, “The Ultimate Resource." We’ll be happy to send that out to you. We’ve got two internet questions that has come in. The first one has to do with Christmas. It’s that time of the year. “What does the Bible say about Christmas? How should a Christian handle this holiday?”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, occasionally I’ll get this question in July, but usually this time of year we get a question about Christmas. Very quickly friends, we almost know for certain Jesus was not born during this time of year. Three references really quick. The Bible tells us shepherds were in their fields watching over their flocks. The climate here in Northern California is almost identical to Israel and right now its white frost this morning. Shepherds would not be in their fields this time of year.

Secondly, a census was issued by the governor, by the Caesar. You usually did not have a census where people would have to travel in the most inhospitable time of year. That would have been done in the fall when there was food in the fields for gleaning. Thirdly, the Bible tells us that Jesus died in the spring. We know He ministered for three and a half years, meaning, He began His ministry in the fall. And it says He began His ministry around His 30th birthday. So all the evidence points to Christ being born probably sometime September, October, we don’t know the date.

So December 25th is probably as good as any date; but we should be intelligent about it that the reason this date is so popular is many of the Christians in Rome wanted to make their Christianity attractive to the pagans. December 25th is the shortest day of the year, or it’s actually right after the shortest day of the year, when they noticed the days beginning to get longer. It was always a big celebration through many pagan cultures. The Christmas tree came in. It’s not a Christian tradition and we’re not here to try and disparage people who do these things.

There are a lot of traditions that there’s no moral problem just because they’re not Christian traditions. There's nothing in the Bible about wearing a tie around your neck but it’s certainly not a sin to do it. So, Paul says in Romans 14, “One man regards one day above another: another man regards everyday alike. If you’re going to regard the day do it for the Lord." I think Christians should exploit Christmas for the Christian benefit and to play down the Santa Claus, elf aspect of it. But there’s no requirement in the Bible to recognize this holiday, nor does it say remember His birthday. That’s a quick overview of that. We don’t really have a Bible study that deals with Christmas, but hopefully that will answer your questions.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright. Our next question, it’s a fascinating question...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: It wasn’t a very quick overview, was it?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Well no, it was a good one though.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: [Laughing]

Pastor Jëan Ross: Important topic. Here’s a question I like. Some of our listeners might be wondering, "Man, I’ve never heard this before." "Why do some churches practice foot washing," you might want to explain what that is, "in connection with their Communion service?"

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Alright. Now I think most people know when we talk about the Communion service we’re talking about the bread and the wine. Some churches do it once a year, some churches do it once a month, some churches do it quarterly. I went to one church and every week they would celebrate the Communion service. And I think that’s probably too often; the idea of the bread being a symbol for the body of Christ, the grape juice being a symbol for His blood. But in the same story where Jesus established the new covenant of the Communion, in John chapter 13 it says that He laid aside His garments, verse 4. He rose from supper, laid aside His garments, took a towel, girded Himself, poured water in a basin, began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded.

Then after He completed washing their feet, He said, “I have given you an example that you should do as I have done.” Verse 14,”If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you ought to also wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you.” The Lord’s mandate to commemorate that Ordinance of Humility and foot washing was just as explicit as the part about the grape juice and the bread. And so many fundamental churches, my church--I know the primitive Baptists and a number of other churches--they practice foot washing. Some have wondered even in the Catholic Church I think once a year the pope washes the feet of twelve cardinals.

So it is biblical, and basically it’s a mini-baptism. When He came to Peter, Peter said, “Lord, how can You wash my feet? You’re my Lord!” And the Lord said, “If I don’t wash you, you have no part with Me.” And he said, “Lord, not only my feet, but my hands and my head.” The Lord said, “No, he that is washed save needs only have his feet washed.” Your feet in your Bible represent your walk. It’s a symbol for having a renewed baptism in your walk with the Lord. I think it’s appropriate for churches when they celebrate their Communion service to have a foot washing. Typically the men do this with the men and the women with the women.

Pastor Jëan Ross: It’s also got an added a side product probably; or it does draw people together, to kneel down in front of someone and wash their feet. Everyone is the same…

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah. Pray with them.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Pray with them.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: It’s got a humbling element to it.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s right. We’re all equal in God’s eyes.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah, good point. I’m glad we had that question tonight.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright, we’re going to go to the phone lines. Our first caller tonight is Robert listening on the internet from Frankfurt, Indiana. Robert, welcome to the program.

Robert: Thank you for hearing me and thank you, Doug Batchelor, for all your work and the light you brought into my life with Amazing Facts.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, praise the Lord.

Robert: Yes, praise the Lord. He brought me out of Babylon.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Okay, how can we help you?

Robert: Yes, my question has to do with the kings of the earth referenced in Revelation 17:2 and then later on down in 17:9 John just writes “kings.” And then he comes back in the latter part with the 10 horns are kings as well, but then in 17:18 he goes back to “kings of the earth.”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Okay.

Robert: I think what John is saying, he is representing two powers here, like in Daniel 7:17 when he refers to the four kings are kings of the earth. They’re earthly or secular, not religious. When referring kings in 17:9, he’s referring to religious powers or kings.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: So maybe you could summarize the question because I won’t have time to cover all of Revelation 17.

Robert: I just want to make this distinction. I think John is making the distinction that "kings of the earth" and "kings" are referring to two different powers, one secular or political, and the other one religious.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, just to give a backdrop to this question, there are some prophecies that seem to have a layer of interpretation. Some have call it a dual interpretation, there’s no conflict. This is one of those cases. When it talks about the woman sitting on the beast with the seven heads and the 10 horns; the angel says the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. Well these seven mountains, it’s also identified that they’re seven powers. Well it is true that there is a great woman, and that would be Rome, that sat over the kings of the earth. When John even wrote Revelation he was imprisoned by Rome.

Rome is known as the City of Seven Hills and so...

Robert: Seven hills.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: ...yeah, there’s no question. You just go in the encyclopedia, type in “Seven Hills,” and it’ll say Rome. I can’t pronounce all the Italian names of those hills. But then there’s an additional depth to it. The church of Babylon sits upon seven kingdoms that have persecuted and occupied God’s people. It’s not talking about every nation that the children of Israel battled with but there were seven nations that really occupied them that even took them captive. And that would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Rome. Now, you notice it says "five are fallen"...

Robert: I know Doug Batchelor, but in Revelation 13:3 these heads have blasphemy on them as well.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah.

Robert: Is that the same power in 13 and 17, or same power, perhaps in different time eras?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well yeah they are the same power.

Robert: They’re the same power but they have blasphemy on them. God never attributed blasphemy to those powers of Babylon. He never did label blasphemy to them until He comes to the small horn. The little horn comes out of the 10. Do we see blasphemy in Daniel?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well in Daniel or Revelation 17?

Robert: Well they’re connected. They’re the same book or they not?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah, well when it says he...

Robert: We were told they’re same book by our prophet.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: When it says, “He speaks the same great words against the most high,” there in Daniel, those great words are words of blasphemy. Oh Robert, we’re trying to get a few more questions in before our break. I hope that helps a little. You have asked big questions, Daniel and Revelation 17. I mean, many sermons could fill that.

Pastor Jëan Ross: You know Pastor Doug, this is an important topic here in Revelation 17. We have a study guide dealing with it called, “The Other Woman”...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: That’s right.

Pastor Jëan Ross: ...that deals with Revelation 7, this woman sitting upon this scarlet colored beast that is...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Robert sounds like he’s read that before but there may be others.

Pastor Jëan Ross: I’m just thinking there are other people wondering, "What is this all about?" Well, that’s a great resource. To receive it, call our resource number 1-800-835-6747. You can ask for the free offer, “The Other Woman,” which deals with Revelation chapter 17, going into it in more detail. Our next caller is Wilbert and he’s listening on KJIT from Bismarck, North Dakota. Wilbert, welcome to the program.

Wilbert: Yeah, thank you. Demons and fallen angels, are they one and the same?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yes. That’s probably the shortest answers I’ve ever given.

Wilbert: Thank you, and proof, proof.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Okay, if you go to Revelation 17--and this may not be the specific proof that you’re looking for,--not Revelation 17, I’m sorry, Revelation 12. I had my Bible open in Revelation 17. It talks about the war between Michael and the dragon. It says the dragon and his angels were cast out of heaven. And that would be verse 9, “That great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan.” So notice three words are attached to this one power: dragon, devil, Satan. They’re all one and the same; oh, four, serpent. So, it shouldn’t surprise us that these demons are the fallen angels. Different names are used to apply to them.

If you look it says that, “He cast a third of the stars to the earth.” Well, the Bible theologians believe that in this rebellion of Lucifer, one-third of the angels followed him that fell and they were all cast to the earth the same time Satan was cast. In the beginning of Revelation it says that stars represent angels. So you do a little comparison of A and B and C as you bounce around in the Bible and I think you can quickly build a case that these fallen angels, in the same way Satan was an angel that fell but now is the devil, these fallen angels are now called “demons.”

They are the minions, the imps of Satan that, in the same way the good angels do the bidding of Jesus, the bad angels, the fallen angels do the bidding of Lucifer or Satan or the devil.

Wilbert: Okay. Well thank you, Doug.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Alright, thank you; and you know, obviously when it comes to angels, you don’t have a third category. You've got the good ones and the bad ones. There are no neutral angels.

Pastor Jëan Ross: No neutral angels. We have a study guide entitled--I’m trying to think Pastor Doug, not “Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?" That one is on the subject of what happens when a person dies. But we do have one that speaks about the origin of evil.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Oh yeah.

Pastor Jëan Ross: "Did God Create"--yeah, that’s what it is. “Did God Create the Devil?”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: “Did God Create the Devil?” That’s right, where the devils came from.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That explains a little bit more about that. To receive it, call the resource number again, 1-800-835-6747. Ask for the study guide, “Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: You know, there is...

Pastor Jëan Ross: No, not that one. You can ask that one, but “Did God Create the Devil?” That’s the one.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: That’s it, yeah. There is one other too. I don’t think we’ve offered this, but I just opened up my library on my computer here and we’ve got that book called “Satan in Chains” by Joe Crews. “Satan in Chains” talks about the millennium but it talks about the demons being bound during the millennium, along with Lucifer. So that might help as well.

Pastor Jëan Ross: “Satan in Chains.” You can ask for that when you call the resource number. Our next caller this evening is Lilia listening on KARM from Tulare, California. Lilia, welcome to the program.

Lilia: Tulare, California, yes.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Okay, welcome.

Lilia: Yes, how are you this evening?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Tulare, yes you’re on.

Lilia: Yes, my name is Lilia Ramos, thank you. My question is 1 Kings 20:35-37 sir. I was wondering, it says that this gentleman asked somebody else to hit him.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yes.

Lilia: Maybe you can read it sir, then we can...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Alright. “And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said unto his neighbor in the word of the LORD, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man refused to smite him. Then he said unto him, because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, behold, as soon as you are departed from me, a lion will slay thee. And as soon as he was departed from him, a lion found him, and slew him.” Would you like me to try to explain that a little bit?

Lilia: Yes sir. Why was he asking him to hit him? And then the poor guy died because he didn’t want to hit him.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, alright. First of all, the one who asked him was one of the sons of the prophets. They wore clothing similar to the clothing of Elijah and John the Baptist, and that said these were prophets. You notice it says he said, “In the word of the Lord." He says, “I’m giving you a command from God, smite me,” and he said, “I’m not going to do it.” And he said, “Well you have disobeyed the word of the Lord,” and so he died. It was very serious. He finally found another one. He said, “Smote me,” and he smote him.

Then this prophet goes to Ahab the king. Now, the reason for this whole event was God had told Ahab to destroy the Syrians, but Ahab, he wouldn’t do what he was supposed to do and the Assyrians ended up afflicting the children of Israel for years after that.

Lilia: Yes, that’s true.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: So the prophet was acting out what God was going to do to Ahab because Ahab did not do His will with the enemies of God’s people. It came to pass later that the Syrians, they attacked Israel and the Northern Kingdom and plagued them for years.

Lilia: Yes I read that, yeah.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: I know it sounds strange that...

Lilia: It is. It is kind of strange.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well those Old Testament prophets used to act things out, and Ezekiel laid on his side 40 days. They did some pretty strange things. Jeremiah went and...

Pastor Jëan Ross: But everything had a purpose, right?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah. They were trying to illustrate what God was teaching the people.

Lilia: So I don’t want to take a lot of your time; and yes, I called at one time for you to pray for me. I don’t know if you remember, probably not.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, the name sounds familiar and I recognize, I think, your voice a little bit.

Lilia: Sir, will you pray again for me please? I need that protection.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Alright, we’ll do that right now Lilia.

Lilia: [Inaudible 24:24], do it for me please.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Let’s pray right now. Father in heaven, we just ask that You would send Your Spirit and Your angels to be with Lilia. I pray that You’ll watch over her and comfort her, and help her to sense Your peace in her life. In Christ’s name, amen.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Amen, alright. Well Pastor Doug, I think we have four minutes left before the break. Let’s see if we can get another caller in. Harry is listening on KFIA from Concord, California. Harry, you’re on the air with Pastor Doug.

Harry: Hi, thanks for taking my call.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Sure.

Harry: Yeah, I just had a question. I understand that the term “antichrist” is actually used in the New Testament. I didn’t know that and I was curious. If it is used, what is the context and could you elaborate on that verse?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah. People are shocked to learn that the word "antichrist" does not appear in Revelation. Everyone thinks that’s where it is. It’s actually in the 1st and 2nd letters of the apostle John. The first reference is 1st John 2, verse 18, “Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now there are many antichrists; whereby we know it is the last time.” Now that’s the first reference. Of course, you've got the word "antichrist" and "antichrists" there. The word "antichrist" means “against Christ.” "Anti" means in opposition to, or in place of, Christ. John was saying that the work of antichrist, it’s not one individual at the end of time as it is popularly portrayed by many Christian movies. There will be an ultimate power at the end of time, but people who have taken the position of Christ, to impersonate Christ, or to oppose Christ, that has been ever since the time of Christ.

And again, the other references are 1st John 2, verse 22, “He that denies the Father and the Son is antichrist.” Matter of fact, I’m not quoting that exactly, “Who is a liar but he that denies Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denies the Father and the Son.” That’s another definition Harry. Then he says, “Every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is not of God, and that is the spirit of antichrist.”

People who denied the incarnation of God in Jesus, that was the antichrist. Then the last reference of the five is, “Many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” So, the definition biblically for antichrist is broader than some single, evil individual in the last days.

Harry: Well, I think that’s great. Thanks for elaborating on that. I appreciate that.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Hey you know, you’ll be missing out if you don’t accept the free offer we’ll send you. There are no strings attached, but we’ve got a lesson called, “Who is the Antichrist?”

Harry: Yeah I’d love it. Yeah.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: You just have to make one more phone call. They’ll send it to you.

Pastor Jëan Ross: And it’s a free phone call, 1-800-835-6747. Ask for the study guide, “Who is the Antichrist?” and we’ll be happy to send that to you. It deals with that theme as it's revealed in Revelation as well.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah, your question is on the cover.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s right. It’s just a great resource. Well, should we try one more, Pastor Doug, before we go to the break?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Uh, we've got one minute. That might just hurt someone’s feelings, so...

Pastor Jëan Ross: Well, you know what? Maybe we’re just going to have the music cut us off here in a minute.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well we could talk about stuff [laughing].

Pastor Jëan Ross: For one minute.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: What do you want to talk about? [Laughs]

Pastor Jëan Ross: [Laughs]

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, we always like to tell you, friends, remind you, that we do have our website and it’s new, new and improved as they say and it really is. So if you'll go to the Amazing Facts' website--we just praise the Lord that we were able to register AmazingFacts.com, .net, .org, .tv. Just type in "Amazing Facts" in Google and I think we’re on the first few pages there. You’ll see all the resourceswe have to help edify you in your personal relationship with Jesus.

If you’re giving Bible studies to others and sharing your faith, we’ve got a lot of resources there for you to also use, to share your faith and do missionary work. We’ve got people from all over the planet. Everywhere in the world there’s internet, they’re using the Amazing Facts' website. So maybe you haven’t discovered this Tree of Life, just type in Amazing Facts.

You can also go through a series of Bible studies online and get your degree as an apostle of prophecy by going through our advanced study guide series, that’s going to BibleUniverse.com, Bibleuniverse.com. You can go to the Storacle Bible study lessons. Okay, time for our break and then we’ll be right back.


Pastor Doug Batchelor: We’re back friends, and in just a moment we’re going to go to the phones and take more of your Bible questions. We’d like to also remind you Amazing Facts not only does this live radio program, it’s live Sundays; many are doing the rebroadcast various times of the week but most of what we do is television. We’re on television all across the country, everything from The Family Channel, to BET, to 3ABN, and Hope Channel, and Safe TV.

So check your listings, or you can just go to the Amazing Facts' website and find out where we are. And, you know, so many people now are watching TV, Pastor Ross, on the internet. They can find the Amazing Facts' programming on YouTube, our "Final Events of Bible prophecy." They’ve got the chapters all divided up right there on YouTube now so type in "Amazing Facts Media" and you’ll see a lot of our TV programs as well. We have a number of websites on some of the more popular questions that come in. We get those questions on truth about death.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Truth about death, um-hmm.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Hell truth.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Hell truth. We have one on Sabbath Truth.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: And these are .com.

Pastor Jëan Ross: .com, just filled with tremendous resources. Here on the program we get just three minutes per question, or whatever, but there it goes into detail. It’s got the Scriptures. It’s got additional study material.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: We have a lot of questions on Mary Magdalene when that “Da Vinci Code” book was at the peak of its wave, and we’ve got Mary truth. We’re going to actually expand that website so it not only talks about Mary Magdalene but we’re going to talk about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. So we’ll have a lot of resources there.

Pastor Jëan Ross: And of course, one more that comes to mind, there’s more, but “Prophecy Code” is a great website…

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Oh, yes.

Pastor Jëan Ross: …for those who want to dig a little deeper in God’s Word. It deals with some of the prophetic truths of Scripture, and there is also a place where they can actually click and watch a whole series on Bible prophecy right on the website.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: The whole Prophecy Code series.

Pastor Jëan Ross: It’s a great resource. Alright, we’ll go to the phone lines. Our next caller is Frank. Frank is listening on KJSL from St. Louis, Missouri. Frank, welcome to the program.

Frank: God bless you gentlemen. I've called before. I’m blind. I have another friend who is blind and deaf. He does the, whatever you call it, internet witnessing to people like--and they do that. Anyway, we’re both of the Fivefold ministry, been confirmed. And I don’t like to talk about it much, but my friend is unfortunately saying some words, spewing out of his mouth that are slang for cuss words. I reproved him and told him to watch what he says; you know, Mark 4:24, Be careful what you say, be careful what you hear. We’re called to a higher calling. We have to really stay clean. Anything we hear can really just mess us up.”

So, you know, he has been saying some stuff and he’s like, “I don’t know. You seem to know it all,” and I said--well I’m only 42 and he’s 59--and I said, “Well, you know, I asked for spiritual wisdom beyond my years." A lot of people can’t believe for a guy who doesn’t read the Bible that I know so much. But I don’t know anything and...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, let’s summarize your question, Frank.

Frank: The question is what chapter, what verse, what whatever can I give to this guy that would reprove him in, good taste, that would set him straight to watch what he says? Another verse besides that, there was something about something coming off of our lips?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, in Matthew chapter 12 Jesus said every idle word that we shall speak we’ll give an account thereof; for by our words we’ll be justified and by our words we’ll be condemned. That could be one reference you’re thinking of. Then, of course, there are several references in the Bible about honesty. Jesus said in Matthew--is it Matthew chapter 5? Jesus said, “Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay.”

Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, there’s a verse, 2nd Peter chapter 3, verse 11 where Peter writes, “Seeing then that all of these things shall be dissolved, "speaking of the second coming, "what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and Godliness...?”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Ah, there you go. That’s a good one.

Frank: You guys believe in the rapture or ever preach any of that?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: We got a whole book we’ll send you on that, if you’d like.

Frank: Yeah, that would be great.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Frank, we’ve got a book. It’s called, “Anything But Secret,” if you call the resource number. It talks about the rapture, the tribulation and covers that all.

Pastor Jëan Ross: There might be some other folks wondering about that subject. Call the resource number, 1-800-835-6747, and ask for the booklet, “Anything But Secret” and we’ll be happy to send that out to you. Emmanuel is listening on the internet from Chicago, Illinois. Emmanuel, welcome to the program.

Emmanuel: Hi, good evening.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: How can we help you?

Emmanuel: I have a question.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Okay.

Emmanuel: At the close of probation, like, for example, when the Sunday law will be implemented, is that the close of probation for Seventh-day Adventists?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Your question is about the close of probation. Let me explain for our listening friends. The Bible talks about a period of time just at the end when probation closes, but life goes on. An example would be when God brought Noah into the ark and He shut the door.

Life went on outside the ark for several more days after probation had closed for the people who were in the world but did not get on the ark. When the seven last plagues begin to fall, Revelation indicates that the lost are lost at that time, the saved are saved. Is that Revelation 22, “Let him...

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s right Revelation 22:11.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: You got it there?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Yeah, let me read it.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well read it.

Pastor Jëan Ross: “He that is unjust," by the way, this is Jesus speaking as you find from the next verse. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: he that is holy, let him be holy still." And then verse 12, “And, behold, I come quickly,” so it’s Jesus speaking, "and my reward is with me, to give every man according to his work.”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Now, I think part of what Emmanuel was asking is, does probation close earlier for the church than it does for the rest of world? Well the very concept that once probation closes that means people cannot be saved into the church or lost out of the church, it would seem that God is not doing something different at that time. Judgment begins at the house of God.

That principle, though, has gone from the time of Christ. Even when Jesus was there in the temple He said, “Preach first to the lost sheep at the house of Israel.” So God’s church has always had thefirst opportunity; so“To whom much is given, much is required.”

So in a sense, judgment begins with those who have the greatest opportunity first, but when probation closes and the plagues fall, He’s not going todo that in phases. I believe when it happens, it happens. You can’t be saved into the church or lostout of it. Hopefully that will help a little Emmanuel. Let’s see who we've got next in line.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright. We've got Jim listening on K220TX. I’m not sure which station that might be but it’s The Dulles in Oregon. Jim, welcome to the program.

Jim: This is Jim. Thank you, Doug.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: How can we help you?

Jim: This Revelation 14:13, an interesting scripture.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Okay.

Jim: Now I study mostly by myself. People don’t want to get into it, but working hard on Daniel the 12th chapter. Now, when I take that--14:13--it says, “From now on,” now I settled on the year ’93 and I go back 1,260 years, that puts me at 1167.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Alright, tell you what, before we go any farther Jim, let me read this verse to our listeners because not everybody driving in a car even knows what we’re talking about.

Jim: Yeah.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: It says in Revelation 14, verse 13, “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, sayeth the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” So what was your question about this verse?

Jim: Okay, that seems, what I get out of it is that’s the dividing line, you know, from old covenant to new. And 93 A.D. isn’t a little off-the-wall date.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, you know what, if you look in verse 14, I’m just going two verses ahead...

Jim: Yeah, go ahead.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: ...it says, “I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.” And then it talks about Jesus coming to reap, He’s coming in the clouds. This is the second coming in verse 14, right?

Jim: I think He’s taken up His throne.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well it’s talking about reaping the harvest of the earth and the wicked are being punished, and so I don’t know how you could jump from 93 A.D. to the second coming in one verse. I think the context of Revelation chapter 14, verse 13 is talking about the end of time, not back in the age of Christ.

Jim: I’m not getting it that way. I’m getting that this is when Jesus takes--you know when God was in power, it was generation to generation and then Jesus, when He comes, Psalm 72:8, it’s from sea to sea in the river.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: You know what? I think you would really appreciate our study guide that we’ve got on the second coming. It’s called, “The Ultimate Deliverance." Matter of fact, we have a study guide that goes through the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s right.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: And that's...

Pastor Jëan Ross: That would be ideal.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah, some of that is in the study guide “The Ultimate Deliverance" I believe, especially focusing on Revelation 14. I’d recommend that Jim. We'll send it to you for free. We may not agree, but we’ll still be friends okay? Appreciate your question.

Pastor Jëan Ross: In order to receive that Jim, call our resource number, 1-800-835-6747. These two study guides we suggest that you get. The one is, “The Ultimate Deliverance,” talking about the second coming, and then, “Angel Messages from Space,” dealingwith the three angels’ messages. Both are great study guides, a lot of Scripture that explains...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: That’s the one I was thinking of, “Angel Messages from Space,” Revelation 14.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s the one study guide dealing with Revelation 14 so you’d want to look it up and get that. Our next caller is Joseph and he is listening or calling with his cell phone from Savannah, Georgia. Joseph, welcome to the program.

Joseph: Hi Pastors.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Hi. How can we help you tonight?

Joseph: Alright, here’s my question. If a person makes a promise or to make a promise for the Lord or promise to the Lord to sacrifice something or make a sacrifice, and then you realize afterwards that you actually made a mistake and you were deceived by the devil into something that you really did not have to do, are you still required to keep that promise?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well I think, of course, a Christian should always keeptheir word. Now I want to qualify what I’m saying because I’ll explain in just a second. Sometimes we make promises that are inconvenient and we should keep our word. Let me give you a Scripture on that. In Psalm 15 it says, "Who will abide in his tabernacle? Who will dwell in his holy hill?" And it lists, "He that walks uprightly...He that does not backbite with his tongue.” And finally it says, “He that swears to his own hurt, and changeth not.”

In other words, you make a promise that’s going to end up costing you, you make a vow and then you don’t change. But in the same vein, I know people that said, “Pastor Doug, when I was 17 years old I made a promise to give my soul to the devil if he’d make me successful. Am I required now to keep that?” And I say, “Absolutely not."

Joseph: Exactly right.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Then there are things. There was actually a law in the Bible that--I always get in trouble for saying this but you'll have to take it up with the Lord, it’s in the Bible. If a woman made, a married woman, if she made sort of an impetuous vow or promise, her husband could annul it. It could have been done under the heat of emotion without really thinking about the consequences. So we should always keep our word, but sometimes you need to use wisdom. Obviously, if you make a promise to sacrifice your child to the devil [laughing] or something, you should tell the Lord, "I’d rather suffer the consequences for lying than for murder."

Joseph: Yeah, I see.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: That’s the only way I want to qualify that. But I’ve made promises before where I thought, “Oh, man, I wish I hadn’t done that but now I’ve got to keep my word,” and it cost me to do it.

Joseph: Right. So how about situations in which the devil really did deceive you into making a promise, are you still required to keep those promises?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, I don’t know where you’re going with that. Do you want to be more specific, or is that awkward?

Joseph: Okay, well, for example, my own life. I made a promise to do something, and I made a promise to sacrifice something, or to never--it’s actually a video game. You know, I don’t worship video games but this particular video game is really special to me. But I told myself, or something told me, to sacrifice it to the Lord, you know, to never play it again. So I sort of made that promise and then afterwards I realized, “Oh no, I was just deceived into doing something I should not have done or I didn’t have to do,” but yet I made a promise.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, let’s just analyze that for a second Joseph. So you basically made a promise to the Lord. You said, “I’m never going to play this video game again.”

Joseph: Right.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Alright, now the consequences. If you are making a promise to God and you break that vow, the consequences of breaking that vow, compared to the consequences of playing the video game, seems to me it would be safer to just say, “How much is a video game worth?

Joseph: Yeah, you’re right. I absolutely agree. I absolutely agree.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: I’ll tell you where I thought you were going with this. I knowpeople that have gotten married, and this is real serious, where they’ve made a promise, they’ve made a vow to someone. Then after the girl or the guy gets married they find out they were still married to someone else. And they come and said, “Pastor Doug, what do I do now? I promised to love and to honor and be joined to this person and they weren’t even annulled from their other marriage.” And I say, “Well, their dishonesty and their vow, it’s nullified.” So the video game, Joseph, we’ll pray for you. Let it go.

Joseph: Yeah, I understand. I don’t worship video games or anything like that. I mean, I like them but I don’t worship them. It’s just this particular video game is really special to me but, you know, I just realized afterwards I made a mistake; but it’s definitely not that important to me, you know, that I would risk, you know.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah. It’s not worth it. So, I'd just say if you made a promise to God, better off keeping it and take up another hobby. Alright, God bless Joseph. We pray the Lord gives you wisdom.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Our next caller is Robert listening on WMCA from Bloomfield, New Jersey. Robert, you’re on the air.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Good evening.

Robert: Yes, good evening Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross. My question is concerning the tithe. Are Christians still beholden to pay the tithe? I’ve come across some information that says that basically the tithe was really beholden upon the people from the Old Testament. However, not everybody even there was supposed to beholden to pay the tithe. It’s only like landowners and certain other--I think it was Levites or somebody to that extent--and Malachi, where it says in Malachi, I think its 3:8 in Malachi where it says that...

Pastor Doug Batchelor: “Bring all the tithe into the storehouse,” yes.

Robert: Right. And from what I was reading this paper that I was reading also said that there’s no New Testament command for us to pay the tithes and really everything is supposed to be a free will offering.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Well, yeah, let me see if I can address that. I understand where you’re coming from if you don’t mind by jumping in here.

Robert: No, absolutely.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: I would respectfully disagree with anyone that says that returning tithe to God is not an obligation for New Testament Christians, because tithe is so much smaller than what you find in the New Testament. In the New Testament you read in Acts chapter 4 it says, “No man said that ought," that means anything, "that he had was his own; but all men had everything in common.” Well that’s a lot more than 10%. Then you read in Acts chapter 4:35 it says the disciples were selling their land and bringing the proceeds and laying it down at the disciples’ feet. And Ananias kept back part of the property that he sold--this is Acts chapter 5 now--and his wife, and they dropped dead so...

Robert: But that was for deceit, right, not for just not paying a tithe?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Correct. Yeah, you’re right. But my point is that the level of sacrifice in the New Testament was much more than 10%. So as a basic minimum, tithe for the New Testament Christian, in my opinion, is kindergarten. There's a Scripture in the New Testament. Sometimes people say, "Well there’s nothing in the New Testament."

That’s not true. If you go to Matthew 23:23, when Jesus is talking to the scribes and the Pharisees, He says, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin," those were herbs in their garden, "and you have omitted the weightier matters." He’s not saying the tithe didn’t have weight. He said some things are weightier.

“You have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith." Notice how Jesus ends this, "These you ought to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” He says, “Don’t neglect to be faithful in your tithe, but don’t forget the weightier matters of judgment, mercy and faith.”

Robert: May I ask something about that, Pastor?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Sure.

Robert: He’s particularly talking to the Pharisees and people who are strong in the law right? Now, I understand something is said about the tithe in Hebrews. I’m not exactly sure of the quotation.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Right. Alright, let’s talk about it for a second.

Robert: Alright.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: The purpose of tithe, when God originated it in the Bible, was to promote the proclamation of the Gospel to underwrite the work of the Levites. The job of the Levites was to not only minister in the temple--that was just the sons of Aaron that were the priests--but the Levites were the ministers throughout the land of Israel that would teach the Word of God in all the tribes. That’s why Levi did not receive an inheritance. They were to diffuse among all the tribes. The need for ministry to be sent out, missionaries to be sent and pastors to be employed has not diminished.

Another way you can sometimes decide whatlaws are still intact, certain ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross. Those laws almost always can be traced back to Moses in the wilderness, but tithe goes back before that. The Bible says “Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek,” and that’s what quoted in Hebrews.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Hebrews 7:1, 2

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Right, do you have that verse there?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Yeah, it says, “For Melchisedec, King of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; and Abraham paid him a tithe, a tenth of all that he had.”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Right. And then Jacob, the Bible says that he promised the Lord, "If You safely bring me back of all that You give me, I will return a tenth," that means tithe, "to Thee.” So the principle of tithe predates Moses. So...

Robert: Is it beholden upon Christians?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: I believe so. I mean, why wouldn’t a Christian want to return a tenth for the spreading of the Gospel?

Robert: Yeah I agree.

Pastor Jëan Ross: The idea of spreading the Gospel we find in 1st Corinthians 9:13 where Paul writes, “Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which the gospel should live of the gospel.” So those who preach the Gospel, those who are involved in ministry, they receive their resources. They pay from the gifts, the tithe of the church members.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah, and you and I are pastors but we pay tithe too.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s right.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: So, you know, even though Levites pay tithe...

Robert: Is there any material on that?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yes we do, we’ve got a lesson on that. It’s called, “In God We Trust,” and it’s a good study on the subject of tithe. We’ll be happy to send that to you Robert.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Call the resource number, 1-800-835-6747, and, Robert, askfor the study guide, “In God We Trust.”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: One more thing, I always think of it afterwards but if Robert is still listening, if you go to the website we have that booklet, “Thieves in the Church” by Joe Crews. That’s a classic. “Thieves in Church,” you can read it for free or even request it.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Just go to the Amazing Facts' website, you’ll be able to get it there. Hector is listening on the internet from Danbury, Connecticut. Hector, welcome to the program.

Hector: Thank you Pastors. How are you doing?

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Very well. How can we help you Hector?

Hector: Yes. I’ve been studying prophecies. I’ve been listening to many preachers in many denominations. Everybody talks about that we are in the time of the end. I would like to know where are we right now in the time of the end, or if there is any website over there that cracks these things, like, "Okay this prophecy was fulfilled." "This sort of prophecy was fulfilled from the book of Daniel and Revelation’s point of view," and so on and so forth.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: We actually do have a booklet, Hector, that talks about “The Bride Of Christ,” and it tracks the history of God’s church from the first coming of Jesus to not only the present time but beyond. Now, I’m going to answer your question very quickly, but if you’re looking for something that will kind of go across the panorama of history, “The Bride of Christ” will do that.

Pastor Jëan Ross: And of course, “The Final Events of Bible Prophecy.”

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Oh, yes.

Pastor Jëan Ross: It just really covers that.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: We’ve got a DVD called, “The Final Events of Bible Prophecy.” I don’t know why I didn’t think of that first. Matter of fact, they can watch much of that just on YouTube, if they type in “Final Events” or "Amazing Facts." But to quickly answer your question, I do believe we are in the last days and part of the reason for that, Hector, is because of the confluence of all the fulfillment of prophecies at this time. You look at things like it says in Daniel chapter 12, “Many will run to and fro and knowledge will increase.” Well there is no generation in the history of the world that has experienced the exponential increase of knowledge that we have today.

Just the fact that Pastor Ross and I are sitting here in Sacramento and as we talk, our voices are bouncing off of satellites and through the internet all over the planet within a matter of seconds; and Jesus said the gospel is going to be preached in all the world and then the end will come. That’s Matthew 24:14 I think.So, the increase in knowledge, the proclamation of the Gospel, people going to and fro more than they ever have before, people are traveling around the world, the natural disasters that we’ve seen, an acceleration of earthquakes, and Jesus said there will be earthquakes indifferent places. There are so many signs that are accelerating that I just like to remind people, Paul compares the second coming to a deliverance of a woman who’s having a baby.

When the labor pains get more intense and they get closer together, you know the baby is about to come. We’re at that time in history where the signs are becoming more intense and closer together; so hence, I think Jesus is coming soon Hector. Does that make sense?

Hector: It makes sense. There is another part in the Bible that it says that when we see all this, it’s the beginning of, like you said, the beginning of labor but it’s not the end yet.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Yeah, well that was speaking about the time of trouble during the Dark Ages. You know that lesson that we offered on “The Bride of Christ”? That talks about that tribulation of the Dark Ages and the last-day tribulation are two separate things. So please request that and we’ll send it to you.

Pastor Jëan Ross: You Know Hector, if you have not seen “The Final Events of Bible Prophecy” I would really encourage you to do that. It’s divided up into different sections that deal with some key areas like the seven last plagues, close of probation, very helpful.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Matter of fact, I think that’s going to be offered in Reader’s Digest this coming month.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That’s right. There will be an ad.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: The Final Events.

Pastor Jëan Ross: To learn more about how you can get your Final Events DVD, you’ll need to go to the Amazing Facts' website, just www.AmazingFacts.org. And that resource Pastor Doug mentioned, “The Bride of Christ,” to receive that dial 1-800-835-6747 and ask for the study guide, “The Bride of Christ.” We’ll be happy to send that out to you. Our next caller is Conkerd listening on the internet from Brooklyn, New York. Conkerd welcome to the program.

Conkerd: Yes, good evening,

Pastor Doug Batchelor: Thank you for waiting. We just got a couple of minutes so why don’t you state your question real quick?

Conkerd: Alright quick, my question is on Proverbs 1:24 to 29. I just wanted a real quick breakdown of what it wastalking about.

Pastor Doug Batchelor: It says, “Because I have called, and you refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But you have set at nought all my counsel, andwould none of my reproof: I will also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh.” It’s speaking principally here about rejecting the wisdom of the Lord, rejecting the counsel of the Lord.

Then when we get into trouble we can’t cry out to God and say, “Oh Lord, I realize I didn’t listen when You warned me, now save me.” And so God is giving a very sober warning that, if we neglect when He’s stretching out His hand and He’s making every effort to save us and prevent calamity, then, you know, we can’t act like we don’t know what’s happening when we don’t get a response.

In verse 29, the last verse, “For they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD.” Because they rejected the warnings that God gave and the counsel that God was sending, then judgment came. You know even in Revelation, when it talks about the wicked at the end of time, they’re going to be calling out for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him on the throne because they rejected the truth and there is no redemption. At some point, the door of probation closes.

Oh, and I think our probation is closed for this program anyway. Listening friends, we’re just about out of time. Keep in mind that this is, again, a faith ministry. We’re supported for you, by you, to bring glory to God and we pray that you will let us know you’ve been listening. One of the best ways to do it is just go to the website at Amazing Facts. You’ll see a button right there on the homepage, it says Contact Us. If nothing else, drop us a note, send us your questions. And keep in mind, the reason we do this, most amazing fact of all is, Jesus is the Truth that will set you free.


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