Doug Batchelor - Be Patient With Me

Date: 10/22/2015 
Be Patient With Me, original song written and sung by Pastor Doug Batchelor.
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Thank you for sharing your beautiful song. It was just what i needed. I hope to hear more of the same. In these times Im finding i need more gospel music to keep my heart soft and strengthen my faith.

I didnt realize how powerful it can be for ive just started listening again after moving in with my parents and having different routine. It seems i had just enough time for daily worship but im finding time again to listen to af during meal prep.

It feeds me , encourages me, gives me joy, and reminds me whats important... to keep my eyes fixed above. Ive been praying also about donation.

Our prayer meeting tuesdays prays for afv.

God cover protect and strengthen and bless your ministry.
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Rachel Goodell
Simply beautiful!
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sharon kimani
so beautiful and uplifting , pastor Doug. More please!!! God bless you and your family
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This is definitely a song on my heart as well thank you Lord you are so so patient with us. Thank you Pastor Doug just beautiful
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Thank you Pastor Doug for such a sincerely,  sweetly  as angel voice in musically praying 
to God.
I had kept following your guidance to understand God words through your team efforts in this best way of sharing good news to others.
May God continuous to bless all missionary, their works, and the family who had done wonderful jobs everyday in every corners of the world. Certainly, we really got lot of rewards from what we had done.
Thank you for all SDA church members mostly from USA, Phillipines, Chinese ......who had come to support and help Thai people many many years, My family were in medical missionary fields in Thailand.

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