Caller: My question is, What does the Bible say about eating meat?
Pastor Doug: Just eating any kind of meat or unclean meat?
Caller: Well, like unclean meat, or any kind of meat, really.
Pastor Doug: Well, first of all, the original plan—you’re asking what does the Bible say—it says quite a bit. The original plan, for God, for man, before there was sin, man was a vegetarian. And if and when we get to heaven we’ll be vegetarians again because there’s no more death there. Right?
Caller: Right.
Pastor Doug: But after sin, especially after the flood when all the vegetation was destroyed, man had to either eat kelp or resort to eating some animals, so God had specified for Noah that if he was going to eat meat he was to eat the clean meat.
Caller: Okay. Hamburger meat, or hamburgers, is that okay to eat or…?
Pastor Doug: Well, first of all, I think in today’s culture I would stay away from fast food. Some people are suing McDonald's for their fast food, and other fast food establishments. It is a fact, and I just need to say this, I’m a vegetarian, but I’ve got to be clear that the Bible does not say that you have to be a vegetarian.
Everyone in heaven will be, but if you’re going to eat meat you need to eat what the Bible calls clean meat, and that would be animals that have a cloven hoof and chew the cud—they need both characteristics. Cows were considered clean, goats, sheep, deer, elk, because they’re cloven hoof and they chew the cud.
But then you’ve got animals that are cloven hoof, like pigs, but they do not chew the cud, they’re scavengers, and they’re considered unclean by not only Bible Christians, Jews, Muslims, they all understand those are unclean.
So, you know, the best thing I could do is send you the study guide we’ve got on health, if you like. Matter of fact, I’ve got a book by Joe Crews that is very specific, it’s called Hogs and Other Hazards. Hogs and Other Hazards—it’s humorous and it’s interesting.
Co-Host: If you’d like a copy of that, call the resource operators at that number I’ve been giving tonight. It’s 800-835-6747. Call that number and ask for Hogs and Other Hazards and they’ll send it to you tonight.