Does Romans 14 teach that the Sabbath is done away with?

Scripture: Romans 14:5
Date: 01/01/2002 
Verse six seems to indicate that we don't need to regard certain days. And verse 5 seems to say that we just need to be persuaded for ourselves.
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2 Peter 3:16 NLT “ speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.”
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There is no scripture specifically stating Paul was only talking of Jewish ceremonial feast or days. That's no where to be seen in Roman's 14. In all honestly Paul may have been including Sabbath or not. He doesnt go into specifics.
As to the point that sabbath breakers were put to death and now it doesnt matter. Why are sabbath breakers not out to death now? Obviously the law has changed. We wear linen and cotton and other materials together, we dont cast out chairs women who are on their period have sat or things they have touched. We dont cast out men who have had sexual intercourse with their wife for the day because they are unclean. The law has changed. Just because the sabbath was in the 10.commandments doesnt mean it was subject to change when the high priest was changed to the order of melchizedek. To me the Sabbath pointed to our eternal rest in Christ. The savior from sin and death. The sabbath in the 10.commandsments pointed back and forward. Back to when christ saved the israelites from egypt and forward to when he would save the world from sin to all those who believe! I dont need to work salvation, Christ offered rest to the burdened. But if you believe the Sabbath is needed. Then do it to God and let none of us judge either way. You are in christ either way.
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Pastor I Greet You In The LORD'S Name: Am Richardson from Kampala Uganda. Please My Concern is Romans 14 I want to know the right way of explaining it to people because have always got many questions about it
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It is clear in Romans 14:1 that Paul talks about ""doubtful things" in this chapter. That means that the issue of what to eat and not what to eat and about keeping of the sabbath as clearly discussed in the other parts of the bible are not what Paul had in mind.
Caller: My question refers to Romans 14:5, and I was wondering if that refers to the Sabbath?

Pastor Doug: Let me read this: One man esteems one day above another another man esteems every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Also reading verse 6: He that regards the day regards it unto the Lord He that regards not the day, to the Lord he does not regard it. He that eats to the Lord, he eats and gives God thanks, he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not and gives God thanks. Paul is speaking, addressing Romans who are converting to Christianity.

What of the Jewish laws are still intact? The Jews had a number of ceremonial holy days that came on a yearly basis and it was not required for converts to Christianity, the new converts, to be circumcised or practice the ceremonial aspects of the Jewish law because they were shadows that pointed to Jesus. But that’s completely separate from the ten commandments, and the Sabbath was a weekly commitment. So Paul, I think, is very clearly addressing the ceremonial laws and holidays. A modern comparison for this would be there are Christians who want to remember the birth of Christ during Christmas there are some who say ‘I don’t believe that’s when He was born, so I’m not going to have anything to do with it there are some pagan trappings’.

I think everyone needs to be persuaded in their own mind. You can’t imagine God telling Moses that someone should be stoned for breaking the Sabbath in one part of the Bible , and then you go to another part of the Bible and He says “Well, if you want to keep it, go ahead, if you don’t, that’s up to you”. That would be pretty inconsistent. He’s not talking about the Sabbath command here, he’s talking about the Jewish holy days.

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