Do we really have a free choice in life?

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4
If God has a plan for our lines,do we no longer have a free choice? The Bible tells us we are to choose the Lord. That means we have the choice not to choose. The Lord's foreknowledge does not remove our freedom to choose. Love must be an intelligent free choice.
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Do we really have a free choice in life? Choice would seem to imply there must be at least (2) things to choose from

  1. God created the "tree of knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL" and God forbid Adam and Eve to eat from it.

  2. If there was only Good or Evil but not both would Adam and Eve still have a choice?

  3. Must GOOD AND EVIL EXIST for Adam and Eve to have a choice?

  4. Would Adam and Eve need FREE WILL if NO CHOICE EXISTED?


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God does have a plan for each persons life HOWEVER, WE have FREE WILL meaning we can choose to follow that plan OR make our own plans, but God is not obligated to make plans of our own design succeed. God's plan is always the same - Your SALVATION: The DETAILS may change (Job, Marriage, Kids, Health Etc.) but the plan remains the same. If you allow it, God will guide you in ALL matters but you must remember that his ultimate plan is to get you ready to enter the kingdom, so any setbacks you experience may be to show you your weaknesses or to get you to change direction NOT to punish you, but to help you to become the person you are meant to be.
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I am dealing with the same question that's why I can't understand Romans 9. If you could give explanations I wll appreciate it
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God asks us to choose several times on the Bible, both old and new testament.
Joshua 24:14,15 - choose you this day!
Mk 10 - as Doug said in the clip, Jesus offered a man who would choose no, the choice to join.
What kind of man or God would go about asking people to choose when they really have no choice?
God wants everyone to be saved (1 Tim 2:3,4)
Consider that their can be no love without freedom. Rape is not love because it was forced.
Further there can be no freedom without choice. If you could never choose differently you had no choice at all. Children are not free to be born.
As for Romans 9, briefly
Jacob I have loved but Esau I have hates
This verse does not tell you why God loves Jacob and hates Esau. For that you have to read Genesis. The NT is impossible to fully understand without the OT. Paul is assuming you are familiar with the story. This is just a historical reference.
If you read Genesis you see that Gods choice if Jacob and rejection of Esau is wrapped up in their own choices. Esau preferred this life to Gods life and wanted his fathers possessions more than the blessing of God.
Further. Hate in the Bible is not to be understood the same way we hate in modern times. The same as love is misunderstood today as well.
Consider that Jacob "hates" Leah. She gets well cared for though and ends up buried in the same tomb as him. It is simply reflecting that Jacob preferred Rachel to her.
Jesus says we should "hate" our father and mother (luke 14). He is the same who said we should honor our father and mother. Is Jesus confused? God forbid. He is, again, simply saying we should prefer God over our own family.
Jesus also says we should "hate" our own life (John 12). He is the same who told us not to kill, which would include ourselves.
Rom 9:15 is a quote from Ex 33:19 and, I believe, should be understood in that context. In that verse Moses is asking for special favor from God, to see Gods glory.
In this context God is saying I will show favor to those whom I choose. He isn't saying he wouldn't save anyone who wants to be. After all, the Bible records Jesus saying he can to die for "whomsoever" in John 3.
But . . . though we choose to follow or not, it is Gods prerogative to choose who He wants for special favor, like prophets, elders, teachers, etc.
God did this with Moses and it is not an injustice the the rest of us who have not had such honor as Moses did. This is not unrighteous and that is Paul's point.
None should fear that they can't be saved, butbit is God's wisdom alone which chooses the instruments that accomplish his purpose.
Rom 9:18
God is represented in the Bible as hardening peoples hearts. Famously Pharaoh.
But did you know? In Ex 8:15,32 and others it says Pharaoh hardened his own heart.
In addition to Ex 4:21 and 7:3 which says Pharaohs heart was hardened by God
In the Bible God is often represented as doing that which he doesn't prevent.
This is a potential risk stumbling block. It is good to remember all the other verses where it seems clear God wants us to choose Him back. He already chose is but there can't be real love unless both parties choose.
Study more. If you have other questions I will try to come back and check

Caller:  I was talking to a person the other day and they believe that God created - has such a plan for everything.  Everybody has a particular purpose.  And that would rule out any kind of choice that you might have.  That would be my question:  Do people really have a choice or is everything pre-ordained?

Pastor Doug:  Well I'm of the belief - I'm not one of these people who believes that you don't really have a choice.  I believe that we do have a choice that's why God asks us to choose.  He says, 'Choose ye this day who you will serve.'  Christ said to the rich young ruler, 'Come and follow me.' And He actually asked him to be an Apostle.  No one will ever know what the history would've ever been but God's plan for that young man - and this is in Mark chapter 10 - was to be a follower.  And he went away.  He chose not to because he loved his money more.

So we can choose to follow the Lord.  We can choose not to follow Him.  I'm of the opinion we definitely have a choice.  Now because God knows everything, some people think that He's making it happen but just because someone knows something doesn't mean that they're forcing people to make choices.  God gives us freedom to choose.  He may know what we're going to do, but that doesn't mean He's making it happen.

Caller:  So that would be God's mercy and love for you to make your own choice.

Pastor Doug:  Yeah.  Well you cannot love without freedom.  In other words, you cannot choose to love God if He pre-programs us and makes us love Him.  That's not love.  That would be like your programming your computer to make it say 'I love you, I love you, I love you' and that's not love.  Love must be an intelligent, free choice.

Caller:  And my interpretation was that if everything was planned out to the tenth degree then, if I'm born into sin, then I'm going to hell.

Pastor Doug:  Yeah if that was true, you would be right but see I believe that there's a big difference between God planning everything and God knowing everything.  God's plan for everybody is to be saved.  Now let me give you some Scripture:  God who will have all men to be saved - that's 1 Timothy 2:4. And then God says in 2 Peter chapter 3 He's not willing that any should perish.  So that's God's perfect Will but we know many will perish because they don't choose.

And there's that verse that says many are called but few are chosen - and what that means is that many are called but few choose to respond, in the original translation - and so we all have freedom of choice.  That's why Jesus invites everybody in The Great Invitation: whosoever will, let him come.  Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden.  And not all will choose.  Judas chose to turn his back on Christ.  Jesus knew what Judas would do, but He didn't make him do it - do you see what I'm saying?

Caller:  Yes I do and, thank you very much.

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