Can people be born homosexual?

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:9
Are people born gay? Is there a such thing as a gay gene? If so, what would the spiritual implications of that be?
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Caller: “My question is: is it true that some people are born homosexual?” I’ve heard many theories about that.

Pastor Doug: Is it true that people are born homosexual? No. That would be implying that it is a genetic ‘defect’ of course that would makes it very easy for people to sort of point their finger at God and say I don’t need to make any effort to control myself and change because I was born this way.

And a, that’s one reason that there has been a strong ‘pressure’ to accept there was a Doctor that released a study that it’s something different in the ‘genes’. Of course that Doctor is ‘gay’ ‘with’ an incredible bias to prove this. But there has been no,, valid documentation of that. The consensus is that it is an environmental and ‘learned’ behavior. Now there is one thing a person is ‘born’ with that will make them more prone if the environmental ‘things’ are different. There are four 4 temperaments.

You have probably heard of people who are more melancholy, sanguine, phlegmatic, and choleric people are made up of different temperaments, and that is pretty-well established. Those who have a ‘melancholy-temperament, they’re your creative people, they can be more susceptible to changes in the family where there is an absent ‘father’ or ‘mother’ figure and it ‘may’ lend to their being gay, lesbian or homosexual.

And so, no one is born gay, some people are born with a make-up that would be more susceptible to having certain weaknesses in the family. The strongest evidence is, that in the cases for men, if there is a very passive, absent, or missing…father they will at a certain time in their young life, identify with the mother. In a dominate woman figure, sometimes boys will be surrounded with sisters, they may have that. There is, of course, scriptures in the Bible that tells us that this is not appropriate: Romans 1:27, Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, but you are not really asking that question are you?

Caller: Well, I want to know what the Bible says about it. Voice becomes unclear

Pastor Doug: Yeah, well, your phone is breaking up, I don’t know if you are on a cell-phone Caller: yes but can I make a suggestion? We will send you a free book, we don’t offer this very often, but it is specifically on what the Bible says about the issue of homosexuality Caller: Oh wow! Thanks. Call our resource number, the book is called: “Return to Sodom” it’s a pretty strong book “Return to Sodom” by Gary Gibbs? We’ll send it to you, it’s a good study on the subject, and hopefully it will be helpful.

Caller: Okay, well thank-you very much.

Pastor Doug: In summary, there is, of course, that scripture in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that is very clear, “Do ye not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, don’t be deceived, neither fornicators, neither idolaters’, nor adulterers, nor ‘homosexuals’, nor sodomites then it goes on and identifies other things, will inherit the kingdom of God.” Very plain, yet a lot of people try to steer around that.

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