Caller: If it’s a sin to work on the Sabbath, wouldn’t that be a sin also not to work on the first day? I think it, you know, would be kind of hard to work on the first day unintelligible this day and age. If you work more than 40 hours a week then you get overtime and –
Pastor Doug: Well let me give you a Bible definition. You know I don’t mind people’s short questions. What I worry about is Manuel is my long answers ?
Caller: I didn’t really give you a chance to answer.
Pastor Doug: That’s ok. The Bible says sin is the transgression of the Law. There’s no law that tells us not to work on the first day and so obviously, it’s not a sin. See what I’m saying?
Caller: We’re not commanded to?
Pastor Doug: There’s no commandment in the Bible to honor or worship on the first day. A lot of lovely people do it – and you can worship God every day of the week – but there is nowhere in the Bible the first day is called the Sabbath.
Caller: My thing is, you know, if I’m required to work on that day. That’s my question basically.
Pastor Doug: If you’re required to work on the first day?
Caller: Yeah – if it’s not a sin.
Pastor Doug: Well it’s certainly not a sin, because like I said, there’s no Bible injunction.
Caller: But if I don’t work, am I under condemnation?
Pastor Doug: No, No. If you decide to take off two days because you need a day for the family, that doesn’t mean it’s a sin either. It’s just not a Bible issue is what I’m saying.
Caller: It’s the way businesses operate you understand where they give you two days off and….
Pastor Doug: Yeah. You know, we have a lesson that deals with that a little bit. If you’d like it, we’d be happy to send it to you for free.
Caller: All right – could you give me the name of it because I probably already have it.
Pastor Doug: Well it’s called “Things Are Not As They Appear”.
Caller: If it’s one of the study guides, I have them all. I have all 27 of them.
Pastor Doug: Yes. You have them all? Ah then if you read those, you’ll be smarter than me, ok?
Caller: All right.
Pastor Doug: Ok.
Caller: God bless.
Pastor Doug: God bless you.
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