Joe Crews Radio Sermons
Joe Crews Radio Sermons
A classic 15-minute radio program featuring the Bible teachings of Amazing Facts founder Joe Crews. He begins with an amazing scientific or historical fact and follows with a biblical message that will open your eyes to amazing Bible truth!

Duration: 15:00 minutes.

Program Listings for Joe Crews Radio Sermons (Audio)


1000 Years

What is the 1,000 years about in Revelation 20? Where is Christ during this millennium on this earth...

5 Minutes After Death

What happens after you die? Can we communicate with the dead?...

A Decaying World

Modern technology can be a blessing, but sometimes the very things created to make life easier have ...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 1

The atom bomb and weapons of mass destruction are surely a sign of the end of time. There is great f...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 2

How do we handle ignorance about truth? If we do not know a certain Bible truth does God hold us acc...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 3

Are we make the fatal mistake of turning away from light God sheds on our pathway? Resisting and fig...

Accident or Dilemma

Do you know how this world, the sun, moon and stars, and the entire universe came into existence? A...

All These Things - Part 1

Predictions have been made about the exact date of the coming of Christ. But all these predictions h...

All These Things - Part 2

As we continue to look at signs of the soon coming of Christ, we find that one prediction is an expl...

All These Things - Part 3

One of the signs of Christ's coming is famine in diverse places. The population growth of our earth ...

All These Things - Part 4

Pollution in our society is rampant. Air and water pollution is making our planet more difficult to ...

All These Things - Part 5

There is an interest in our society in the occult and witchcraft. The Bible teaches that in the last...

Almost Midnight - Part 1

Christ's coming is soon. Matthew 24 gives clear indicators of both signs of Jesus' soon coming and t...

Almost Midnight - Part 3

There are many signs of Christ's soon return. Daniel speaks that men shall run to and fro. The speed...

Arabs, Israelites and Inspiration

The Bible record of ancient cities and people's has been proven, by archaeology, to have existed. On...

Astrology Today

The world is being drawn into the occult and witchcraft. One way we see this is the interest of many...

Astronomy and The Bible

Astronomy reveals the glory of God. The creation of the heavens shows us an intelligent designer. Th...


This talk speaks about baptism and Jesus' statement to Nicodemus about being born again. What does i...

Baptized Paganism

Are pagan practices creeping into Christian churches today? This study looks at the story of Nimrod ...


Here is the story of Barabbas, a guilty man who was released by Pilate to please the people, and Chr...

Battle for the Mind - Part 1

Since the Garden of Eden it has been Satan's attempts to capture our minds and twist our thinking so...

Battle for the Mind - Part 2

Does it make any difference what you believe? There is such contradictory teachings about the Bible....

Behind the Devil's Hand

Is there a devil? Is evil a myth? Satan is very real just as God is real. He is a supernatural being...

Biblical Myths - Part 1

We often think children listen to fables and falsehoods easily, but many adults cling to the traditi...

Biblical Myths - Part 2

There are many myths people follow based on man's traditions instead of the Word of God. Some of the...

Biblical Myths - Part 3

The Israel question centers around the belief that the promises to Abraham receiving a land primaril...

Biblical Myths - Part 4

Are all 10 of God's commandments still binding? Doesn't the New Testament not speak about one? What ...

Big Lie

If the Ten Commandments are still valid, why is the fourth commandment disregarded by many Christian...

Bigger Barns

This talk is on life and its meaning. People who focus on laying up treasures for themselves put the...

Blood Behind the Veil Part 2

This broadcast discusses the work of Jesus as our great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. Somed...

Blood on the Door

The story of the Israelites preparing to leave Egypt and the Passover story teaches us about the sal...

Blood On the Screen

The door to what the average family watches on TV keeps opening wider and wider. Christian moral sta...

Book of the Ages

There is no other book like the Bible. It is the Word of God that is trustworthy and reliable. The p...

Boredom and the Young

Boredom and the young focuses on youth and a search for happiness. There are many things young peopl...

Bridges of Life

Like the Philippian jailer, we all need to ask what we must do to be saved? The answer is in Jesus. ...

Broken Promises - Part 1

What does the Bible teach about the Ten Commandments? Have they been cancelled? Are they out of date...

Broken Promises - Part 2

This is a continued discussion the old and new covenants and the faulty idea that the 10 Commandment...

Brook Dried Up

The story of Elijah being led to the Brook Cherith teaches us about growing spiritually. The brook e...

Business as Usual

People hesitate to their peril to follow God's warning of a destruction to come upon this earth just...

Can Any Good Thing?

How could Jesus, the Messiah, come out of a wicked city? The Bible says, 'Come and see.' Jesus was a...

Christ is the Answer

Who is the greatest person in world history? Jesus Christ. People today still wonder who is Christ? ...

Christian's Secret

What is the secret to a happy life? Why does it seem so many Christians are unhappy? God would not h...

Christ's Covenant

Jesus did not come to put an end to the law of God, but to fulfill the law. Love is the fulfilling o...

Cities of Refuge

Is Christianity easy or hard? Does it take a strong will to have victory? Can God save moral weaklin...

Confessions of Evolution

What do evolutionists know about the origin of the earth. Scientists advance theories, but that does...


Space travel interests many people, but the practical limitations make it seem impossible. There is ...

Cost of Obedience

Though sin has created a difficult predicament for people, Jesus is coming soon and will set us free...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 1

The Sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest and worship was changed to Sunday by the act of man, not God...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 2

Just as hoaxes in the scientific community have fooled people for years, so there are false teaching...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 3

There are Sunday blue laws still on the books in many states in the U.S. Does this make this day hol...

Crumbling Authority

How should we relate to God's law? Has it been set aside? Do we have a responsibility to be obedient...

Dead End Roads

God created us to live forever in happiness and joy. But because of sin we got side tracked onto a d...

Dead Men Leave Tales

Can we trust the Bible? Archaeology has shown that prophecies in Scripture about cities overthrown h...

Death and the Soul - Part 1

What happens when you die? There are lots of different ideas about where people go when they die--he...

Death and the Soul - Part 2

What is a soul according to the Bible? Does it live on eternally and separately from the body? Genes...

Death and the Soul - Part 3

If we are not immortal by nature, will there be a day when we shall be changed into an immortal bein...

Death in the Kitchen part 1

We have a serious problem in the United States with premature disability and death because of unheal...

Death in the Kitchen part 2

God provided us with an original diet that was plant-based. After the flood, when all vegetation was...

Defeated Dictators

Over the last 100 years there have been many political leaders who have attempted to conquer the wor...

Design in Nature

The existence of God is questioned by many, but a study of nature reveals there must be an Intellige...

Destiny of Satan

Is there really a devil? Where did Satan come from? The Bible talks clearly about the old serpent wh...

Destruction and Reconstruction

What is the future outcome of all the atomic power that is being harnessed? Will our world be destro...


Satan has tried to capture this world by spreading the teaching that there is no devil. But the Bibl...

Divine Healing

We live in a time when medical science has made amazing advances in healing. Yet there are still dis...

Divine Prescription

Why is there so much sickness in an age of such great advances in medical science? One is the disreg...

Drugs, Diet, and Death - Part 1

Millions are suffering the side effects of wrong living habits and harmful eating and drinking. Is i...

Drugs, Diet, and Death - Part 2

Most Americans follow their appetites when it comes to eating and drinking instead of using good rea...

Eden to Eden

Is there really a place we may go after death? What does the Bible say about this place called heave...

Eighteen Reasons - Part 1

Were the Ten Commandments abolished? Some feel there are Bible texts which provide God's law was set...

Eighteen Reasons - Part 2

Can we be sure that the seventh-day is the same day in our present time as it was a few thousand yea...

Elijah - Part 1

Elijah was a voice against false worship in the days of King Ahab. The Baal teachers of sun worship ...

Elijah - Part 2

The world's greatest weather-prophet was Elijah. On Mt. Carmel, Elijah challenged the prophets of Ba...

Empty Garden

Two important gardens are mentioned in Scripture. The first is our parents first home, the Garden of...

End of the Rat Race

How would you like to live in the perfect environment, a place without crime, perfect weather, and c...


Whatever happened to Enoch and Elijah? If John 3 seems to indicate that 'no man has ascended to heav...

Evolution and Nature - Part 3

There is an intelligent design of created things, which proves the existence of a divine Creator. Ti...

Evolution and the Body - Part 1

In either creationism or evolutionism, both are based on faith since no one was around to watch firs...

Evolution and the Body - Part 2

The function of the human lung depicts clearly through intricate design that an Intelligence was beh...

Evolution, Pt. 1

Since the Reformation the devil has been making inroads into God's church. Two movements in more rec...

Evolution, Pt. 2

Evolution has attempted to created theories in sciences like geology and biology and call them facts...

Evolution, Pt. 3

One of the growing forces working against true religion today is humanism, the idea that explains ev...

Facing God - Part 1

When the world comes to an end, when there is a judgment that we will all face, will we be ready? Th...

Facing God - Part 2

What is the judgment day at the end of time all about? Will everyone face their life's record? How i...

Faith that Works

What does the Bible say about faith and works? How do our emotions and obedience relate to each othe...

Falling from Grace - Part 1

Once you have given your life to Christ, can you choose to turn away from the Lord? Can a converted ...

Falling from Grace - Part 2

Is it possible for a person to choose to turn away from Christ after he becomes a Christian, or does...

Famine Coming

The Bible predicts that someday seven terrible plagues will fall upon our earth. When will these fal...

Fate of the Wicked

Most people believe in hell, but what it is and when it happens and how it works leaves many wonderi...

Father and Son

What is God like? There are many misconceptions about the character of God. Jesus spoke against many...

Final Choice

Here is the story of Paul's defense before Felix, a ruler who was curious about what this apostle ha...

Fire Escape Religion

What is the truth about God's law? Was it done away with? Do we need to seek to be obedient to the T...

Fire of God - Part 1

Apollos was a great speaker and theologian well-trained and from Alexandria. But something was missi...

Fire of God - Part 2

The subject of the Holy Spirit is very important. The devil has pushed this doctrine to extremes and...

Five Ways - Part 1

Are you saved? How do you know? The Bible says we must be born again, but how do you know you are co...

Five Ways - Part 2

How do we know whether we are saved or not? We know we must be born again and this results in seekin...

Five Ways - Part 3

Leprosy was used by Christ as an illustration of the effects of sin. It separates us from loved ones...

Force of Will

How do we keep our relationship with God strong? Some people like to emphasize will power. Though it...

Forgery - Part 1

Many see Sunday as a sacred day of worship and believe the Bible provides authority for this change....

Forgery - Part 2

Millions of people believe Sunday is the sacred day of worship and that the Bible supports a change ...

Forgotten Day - Part 1

Many believe the reference in Revelation to "the Lord's day" is Sunday. But a careful examination of...

Forgotten Day - Part 2

The Bible clearly teaches that Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is God's holy day for worship ...

Forgotten Day - Part 3

A common question raised in regard to keeping the seventh day, Saturday, as a day of worship accordi...

Gaining the Victory - Part 1

Many Christians do not have victory in their religious life. They struggle with weakness but do noth...

Gaining the Victory - Part 2

Many people are weak in their Christian experience. We cannot, in our own strength, have victory and...

God is Particular - Part 1

Does it make a difference what we believe? Is God really particular about our beliefs? This talk loo...

God is Particular - Part 2

Is God particular? The Bible has fascinating stories that show we cannot accommodate God's commandme...

God is Particular - Part 3

It is important to obey God and do exactly what He asks of us. We can't interpret His commandments a...

God or Man?

The Bible gives 300 prophecies about a coming Messiah to Israel. Jesus fulfilled these prophecies. H...

God's Answer - Part 1

The theory of evolution has swept the world. Three principles of this theory that are foundational a...

God's Answer - Part 2

In this second of a two-part series discussion the evolutionary theory, this talk will focus on God'...

God's Free Grace

God created laws to govern mankind in relationship to Himself and others. Unlike the laws that gover...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 3

This talk continues a discussion on law and grace in the Bible. The most important question we can a...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 4

Jesus died for all, both before the cross and after the cross. We may be saved by faith in the right...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 5

Some people believe that because of the grace of God we are freed from keeping God's commandments. B...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 6

By what standard will man be judged? Does God have a different standard for people in the Old Testam...

Grace or Disgrace - Parts 1 and 2

Are you living under law or grace? Or perhaps you are living under disgrace. Many people profess to ...

Great Controversy

Our world is in a mess. The situation cannot ignore that there is a cause. It's the law of sowing an...

Happy Home - Part 1

What are the secrets of a happy home? The Bible talks about principles of having a better home and m...

Happy Home - Part 2

What does the Bible teach us about raising children? How should we discipline them? We ought to teac...

Heart of the Home - Part 1

There are so many unhappy homes in our world today. God intended our homes to be a little heaven on ...

Heart of the Home - Part 2

Trust is missing in many marriages along with faith. We need to seek to trust and believe in another...

Heart of the Home - Part 3

One of the areas that needs strengthening in our homes is the parent-child relationship. Home govern...

Heaven Discovered - Part 1

Where is heaven? What is heaven? The Bible tells us many things about this wonderful place. There ar...

Heaven Discovered - Part 2

Will we know one another in heaven? Will we recognize each other in Paradise? The Bible describes he...

Heaven Split Open - Part 1

The Bible has much to say about the 2nd coming of Jesus to our earth. It is real, it will be visible...

Heaven Split Open - Part 2

The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to this earth. But how will Christ return? There are many d...

Homes that Fail - Part 1

Christians need to know how to raise their children in the nurture of the Lord. There are predictabl...

Homes that Fail - Part 2

Teenagers are sidetracked in unhappiness. There are factors in the home that feed that. A lack of co...

Hope of the Ages

In an age of pessimism, we as Christians can look forward to the blessed hope and not live in fear. ...

Horns and Halos

Sin is like a spell that dazes our minds and takes away reason. Sin clouds our will power. There is ...

How Evolution Flunked Science - Part 1

Does the theory of evolution merit the support that would silence all opposing ideas? Spontaneous ge...

How Evolution Flunked Science - Part 2

Evolutionary theory has failed the scientific test in many areas, including natural selection and mu...

How Shall We Escape?

Nothing will be hidden from God. Someday at the final judgment all things will be revealed. Our sins...

How to Make Wives Happy

The American dream of a happy home has turned into a nightmare for many couples. Growing numbers of ...

I Have a Question - Part 1

Bible questions are answered on this broadcast. One question is, "What do you think is the cause for...

I Have a Question - Part 2

This talk covers some questions sent in by listeners to the broadcast. The first question is, "Why d...

I Have a Question - Part 3

This talk answers questions sent in by listeners. The question is, "Can you tell me how to overcome ...

I Have a Question - Part 4

This broadcast continues in a series answering Bible questions sent in by listeners. The first quest...

I Have a Question - Part 5

This broadcast covers more Bible questions sent in by listeners. The first question is, "If God is a...

If Jesus were Pastor

What if Jesus were our pastor today? Would we have followed Him and done anything He asked us to do?...

Inflation and Free Gifts

In an age of inflation and increasing prices in the cost of living, the Bible teaches us the greates...

Is Conscience Safe?

Is your conscience a safe guide to follow? Can we always rely on our own inner sense to lead us in t...

Is it Easier to be Saved or Lost - Part 1

If the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, then church members should be filled with the Lord...

Is it Easier to be Saved or Lost - Part 2

Forgiveness doesn't change God's attitude toward us, but changes our attitude toward God. The Lord f...

Jews and the Future - Part 3

The Jews were chosen by God to carry His great message to the nations. But the promises of prosperit...

Job's Comforters

The story of Job teaches us some very important lessons in our Christian life. A very wealthy man wh...

Jonah - Part 1

The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living has been pointed to by skeptics of the Bibl...

Jonah - Part 2

Though many question the veracity of the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living, the B...

Judgment - Part 1

This broadcast discusses Daniel 8 & 9 and the Great Judgment Day. No one can escape the judgment. We...

Judgment - Part 2

In this second part of two broadcast on the longest time prophecy in the Bible (Daniel 8:14) we look...

Judgment Scene

One of the most solemn scenes spoken of in all the Bible is the final judgment. Everyone in every la...

Keys of the Kingdom - Part 1

The discovery of King Tut's tomb remind us about another young man who was destined to be king of Eg...

Keys of the Kingdom - Part 2

Unless we forsake all, we cannot follow Christ. Moses was a Bible character who gave up personal com...


It's easy to talk about kindness but hard to practice it. This broadcast discusses what the Bible sa...

Last Chance - Part 1

Signs of the times are all around us that we are living at the end of world's history. Signs in natu...

Last Chance - Part 2

Is the book of Revelation a closed book? Is it sealed and full of mysterious symbols that we can nev...

Life Line to Heaven

Prayer is a lifeline to heaven. It is not intended just for crises, but a daily need. The disciples ...

Limiting God

Can we limit the great God of the universe? This broadcast looks at Psalm 78:41 and the background t...

Living Fossils

In a day when higher criticism and modern skepticism has cast doubt on the Bible, archaeology has re...

Looking to Jesus

People try to break running race records every year. The Bible speaks of the Christian life as a rac...

Lot's Lingering

Society tends to encourage a victim mindset by hesitating to call sin by its right name. But iniquit...

Marching off the Map

The things we see taking place in the world today have never been witnessed by any previous generati...

Marriage Failures

We live at a time when millions of marriages are falling apart. Perhaps the saddest aspect of this i...

Merging Churches

The ecumenical movement to combine all churches into one is being pushed by many in the name of Chri...

Messengers of Light

Light travels at incredible speeds, but the Bible speaks of beings that travel much faster than that...

Minutes to Midnight

People may be alarmed by mankind being destroyed by weapons of mass destruction, but not many recogn...

Missing Links

What is the origin of life on our planet? If science is really true then how can the Bible also be t...

Mixed Up Values

We live in a time of mixed up values. People place greater priority on things that do not last. Are ...

Modern Prophets

Many people choose a church based on feeling and don't really know what their church believes. There...

Most Amazing Man

Jesus Christ is the greatest figure in history, the God who became man. More books have been written...

Mystery of Love

Why did Jesus die for me? It is difficult to understand God's tremendous love for our rebellious pla...

Mystery Solved

What happens when a person dies? This broadcast looks at what the Bible says about the subject of de...

New Birth

The Bible tells us that we must be born again if we would see the kingdom of God. Some believe this ...

No Place to Hide - Part 1

One of the most sobering questions asked in the Bible is, 'What shall the end be of them that obey n...

No Place to Hide - Part 2

Where is hell and how big is hell? The Bible talks about the reality of hell at the end of the world...

No Place to Hide - Part 3

The topic of hell is not an easy or pleasant doctrine in Scripture, but a necessary one to look at. ...

Noah and Today

Jesus is coming soon. Most people are more concerned about being conformed to the world than in prep...

Origin of Sin

Is there a devil? Many people do not believe there is a devil. But what does the Bible say about the...

Paganism in the Church - Part 1

Has paganism crept into the church? There are only two powers in our universe, the power of God or S...

Paganism in the Church - Part 2

A second in a series on paganism creeping into the church, this broadcast traces the roots of false ...

Paganism in the Church - Part 3

This is the third of three broadcasts on false worship and pagan practices creeping into the church....

Pains and Pills

Cancer is a deadly disease attacking many people. Stopping smoking would eradicate much of this terr...

Pearl of Great Price

This broadcast speaks of Jesus' parable about the pearl of great price. Like the man who sought this...


Our society is mixed up and full of confusion, apostasy, and degrading morals. Is religion still rel...

Personal Power

There is an inner struggle in the heart of every person, conflicting voices that call one way or ano...

Pilate - Parts 1 & 2

The most pathetic story in the Bible may be the life of Pontius Pilate. He hated Jews and was loyal ...

Point of No Return - Part 1

Like bombers in World War II who sometimes went beyond the point of no return, can people in their r...

Point of No Return - Part 2

This broadcast continues a study on the unpardonable sin, the sin which we refuse to confess. Judas ...

Point of No Return - Part 3

The last of a three part series on the unpardonable sin and grieving the Holy Spirit. The question c...

Prayer Power

Man's ultimate quest of the ages is peace with God. Prayer is the greatest resource for bringing us ...

Predicting the Future

Mankind was not always as certain about the future as he seems to be today. How do people know the f...


What is the close of probation? God calls us to seek Him while there is hope. Will there ever come a...

Prodigal Son

This broadcast tells Jesus' parable of the prodigal son. In a powerful and beautiful way the story i...


Was the Prohibition amendment in the United States a failure. This broadcast discusses the distortio...

Proof of God

Because people cannot see God, they deny the Lord's existence. Yet, the heavens declare God's glory....

Prophecies of Christ

The Bible prophesied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would come to our earth. Many prophesies for...

Protestant Failure - Part 1

Protestantism in America seems to be failing in the United States. Why is that? The Bible gives us a...

Protestant Failure - Part 2

What is truth? The Bible defines truth as the word of God. Many people turn away from the Bible and ...

Protestant Failure - Part 3

Since the time of the apostles the church has wandered away into superstition and man made tradition...

Quest for Peace

Peace seems to be an elusive thing on our earth where war almost always seems to be occurring on our...

Questions and Answers - Part 1

In this broadcast on questions sent in, the first is, 'Is it not true that all the Jews will be gath...

Questions and Answers - Part 2

The second in a series on Bible questions that have been sent in, this broadcast deals with the ques...

Questions and Answers - Part 3

This broadcast continues on a series on Bible questions sent in by listeners. The first question is,...

Questions and Answers - Part 4

In this continued series on Bible questions sent in by listeners, the first question is: "Will you p...

Questions and Answers - Part 5

This is a continued series on questions sent in by listeners....

Questions and Answers - Part 6

In a series on questions sent in by listeners, this broadcast begins with this question: "You have s...

Questions and Answers - Part 7

In this broadcast questions are being answered that have been sent in by listeners. The first questi...

Radiant Health

The vast majority of people today suffer poor health. Is this God's plan for mankind? The Lord has p...

Reasons of Ritual

The Bible teaching of baptism celebrates the birth, marriage, and death of a person giving their lif...

Repentance - Part 2

One of the hardest confessions for the average human being to make is to say, "I'm sorry." We are na...

Rich Man & Lazarus

One of the most controversial texts in the Bible is the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. People as...

Riches of Grace

This broadcast considers how Jesus looked at people. What does Christ think of human beings when He ...


When Jesus was crucified, the soldiers gambled for Christ's robe. Today people gamble away Jesus' ro...


There is no remission for sin unless there is death to pay for transgression. This broadcast looks a...

Saved by Grace - Part 1

The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith. Some believe before the Cross people were saved ...

Saved by Grace - Part 2

We have learned in the previous broadcast that people in the Old Testament were saved by grace just ...

Science and the Bible - Part 1

Science claims to "know", yet many scientific theories have been cast aside over the years. The Bibl...

Science and the Bible - Part 2

Mankind is fascintated with astronomy and space. In a desire to travel great distances, people are l...

Second Baptism - Part 2

Baptism signifies a death and burial of the old life of sin. True baptism is both an outward action ...

Seduction of the Innocent

Speculations garbed in scientific language are swallowed as truth. Theories of evolution are taken f...

Seeds of Truth - Part 1

Is God interested in every person on our planet with equal concern, or is the Lord only interested i...

Seeds of Truth - Part 2

God has preserved the unique message of the Bible down through the ages. The Lord intended Israel to...

Seven Last Plagues - Part 2

The book of Revelation speaks of a close of probation, a time when all decisions will have been made...

Seven Seals - Part 1

It was about the year 96 A.D. that John the Revelator was exiled to the lonely little Isle of Patmos...

Seven Seals - Part 2

One of the most thrilling pictures portrayed in the book of Revelation shows the development of the ...

Signs - Part 1

Just as a sign was given to Belshazzar, king of Babylon, that the end of his empire was soon to take...

Signs - Part 2

The accumulation of wealth seems to be happening more and more these days. What does this indicate? ...

Simplicity of Religion

Conversion is actually a very simple process that sometimes gets burdened with lots of difficult lan...

Sin Nobody Admits - Part 1

What is the sin nobody wants to admit? We can think of big sins that many have admitted to, but what...

Soaring Statistics

Though life in the United States is one of the most luxurious in the world, the moral decline in our...

Social Gospel

Christianity is facing its greatest crisis. Many of the historic beliefs of Christians are under ru...

Soul in Conflict

The spiritual conditions of mankind at are a low ebb. God is calling people to respond to His will. ...

Sowing and Reaping

Sometimes laws have been enacted in our country without a penalty. But the Bible teaches that breaki...

Space Age and Death

Will the great strides in science eventually conquer death? Many things have been accomplished that ...

Space Travel to Paradise

In an age of space travel many people have wished to leave this stressful and broken world of ours t...

Spirit Voices - Part 1

Many people are leaving their churches to find answers to the frightening world we live in. Some loo...

Spirit Voices - Part 2

Modern spiritualism had its beginnings in 1848 with mysterious rappings in a house in New York. Was ...

Spirit Voices - Part 3

Some people believe that you will never die, that when you are dead a part of you continues to live ...

Square Circles and Carnal Christians Part 1

Some words just don't go together like a square circle or a round triangle. How about the words 'car...

Square Circles and Carnal Christians Part 2

Is the experience of Paul struggling with sin in Romans 7 something that took place before he was a ...


The Bible tells us in the last days that people will love themselves more than God. Christians who o...

Successful Guide for Living

Jesus came to give us an abundant life. The law breaker thinks he is living freely, but is really in...


Is suicide the end of all your problems or just the beginning?...

Suicide of a Planet

Many say that our materialistic society is failing fast. Major issues in our culture are shaking peo...

Surrender of Self

Many people want to live a Christian life but struggle to completely surrender themselves to Jesus. ...

Temptation - Part 1

Many Christians battle temptation. It is a problem in the lives of many. How do we deal with moral c...

Temptation - Part 2

This is the second of a two part broadcast on dealing with temptation. Everyone faces temptation. Ho...

Ten Commandments

We live in a lawless age with permissive psychology. What is the basic cause of the moral decline in...

Test of Prophecy

There are people who claim to predict the future. Do these people have supernatural powers to predic...

The Bible

Different men have claimed that someday the Bible will be a book of the past, yet it still stands to...

The Challenge of Evolution

The broadcast discusses the Scopes trial and the issue of creationism and evolutionism. Science cont...

The Fatal Word

Sometimes the fate of empires and the destiny of individuals rests on a simple word. Profound decisi...

The Golden Rule

There is a moral decay in our society today that reveals how little people are moved to help others ...

The Jews and the Future - Part 1

For the first time in the history of the world there is within the hands of man the capability to de...

The Jews and the Future - Part 2

God's first church were the Jews who are called God's "church in the wilderness." Committed to them ...

The Last Night

The story of Pompeii being covered by a volcano teaches us about being ready for another day which m...

The Man God Tried to Kill

There is a Bible reference about a man God sought to kill. This broadcast looks at this strange Bibl...

The Sin Problem

Some people can resist anything except temptation. This broadcast looks at the three cardinal weakne...

The Sower

Jesus used many parables built around the activities of farmers. One story is about a sower casting ...

Three Thousand Years Ahead

Many people who have attacked the Bible have thought it would sink into oblivion under their critici...

Three Worlds

The tragic news in our world today disturbs us as we see crime and lawlessness in almost every corne...

Time of the End

Is civilization progressing? Did we begin as a tiny germ and advance through an evolutionary process...

Translation of Elijah

This broadcast discusses the translation of Elijah into heaven and what the Bible says about death a...

Trials, Pt. 1

This broadcast focuses on the problem of human suffering. Why has God permitted difficulties to come...

Trials, Pt. 2

Difficulties are a blessing. Trials can help us grow. But we don't typically embrace these ideas in ...

True Church

Is there a true church on the earth today? Is it visible or invisible? What tests should we apply to...

True Church Today - Part 1

There are so many voices and denominations claiming to be the true church. God does not want us to b...

Two Resurrections - Part 1

What will happen when Jesus comes again? What happens to the dead in Christ, the wicked who are dead...

Two Resurrections - Part 2

The Bible tells of a thousand years on this earth when the righteous will be in heaven and Satan wil...

Understanding The Bible

Unless we know the Bible for ourselves, we will be led into false doctrine and teaching. We are livi...

Unfailing Word

Many books and famous people have come and gone, but the Bible remains the most inspiring and powerf...

Voices From Heaven

When will the end of the world come? The Bible tells us that the gospel will be preached to all the ...

Way of the Transgressor

One of the frequent complaints made by young people about religion is, "I can't have a good time. I ...

Weighed in the Balances

One of the most tragic stories in the Bible is of Belshazzar who held a banquet in defiance of the P...

What is Time Worth?

Time has value. We can calculate with figures the value of our time. We can spend our time for thing...

What Must I Do? - Part 1

What is the most important question in all the world? A rich young ruler once asked Jesus this quest...

What Must I Do? - Part 2

What must we do to be saved? This broadcast continues a study of God's plan of salvation. We are all...

When Christ Returns

The greatest event of the ages is about to transpire. So many are distracted they are unable to real...

When God Said Remember - Part 1

One of the most perplexing questions facing the religious world today is the question of the Sabbath...

When God Said Remember - Part 2

The Bible teaches that Jesus kept the Sabbath day on Saturday. But what about Christ's disciples? Wh...

When God Said Remember - Part 3

This is a continued broadcast on the topic of the Sabbath day and reasons given in Scripture for kee...

When Satan Dies - Part 1

The Bible speaks of a time when Satan will be cast into a bottomless pit and bound for a thousand ye...

When Satan Dies - Part 2

This broadcast continues a study on what the Bible says about the millennium spoken of in Revelation...

Whispers (Gossip)

What is the cruelest word in all the Bible? This broadcast looks at what the Bible says about the wh...

Who Is Christ?

This broadcast discusses the most incredible Man who ever lived. Jesus Christ was not born into weal...

Wild Oats

The most glorious days of history are before us. Jesus Christ will soon return. There is a great wor...

Wonders of the Sky

Astronomers tell us one of the marvelous things about the heavens is their perfect precision and obs...

Worn Out World

Our world is filled with so many natural disasters and man-made disasters. This is not the world as ...

Youth and Home - Part 1

The declining morality in our country continues to plunge to all-time lows. The Bible predicts that ...

Youth and Home - Part 2

Our nation is morally degrading more and more each year. Christian parents are called to help prepar...