Free Audio Book Library
Free Audio Book Library

Duration: Varying minutes.

Program Listings for Free Audio Book Library (Audio)


Absent From the Body

Do we go straight to heaven or hell when we die?...

Alone in the Crowd

How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This little book provides enc...

Amazing Wonders of Creation

God's creation or Evolution? Which is it? Learn some interesting facts about creation that cannot be...

America and the Ten Commandments

From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon to ignite ...

Anything but Secret

The rapture has become the prevailing interpretation of Christ’s second coming. It suggests that mil...


Learn how earth's final battle will bring victory to spiritual Israel and the mysterious "kings of t...

Assurance - Justification Made Simple

Grace is for everyone. No matter where you have been or how much doubt about God's love fills your h...

Baptism - Is It Really Necessary?

What do a fire hydrant, a bottle of Coca-Cola, and rose petals have in common? Find out in this free...

Baptized Paganism

This eye-opening investigation explores the pagan customs that have been gradually introduced into C...

Beyond Mercy

The unpardonable sin is lurking like a deadly shark preying on its next unsuspecting meal. Will you ...

Blood Behind the Veil

To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus. Now explore His ministry for u...

Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?

Proof that eternal life does not hinge on a single moment of decision. A great book for sharing with...

Christ's Human Nature

Biblical evidence that Jesus lived His life on earth with a nature like ours....

Colorful Cosmetics and Jewelry

Should Christians wear makeup and jewelry? A study of the Bible verses that establish principles to ...

Compromise, Conformity, and Courage

In a world filled with relativism, how does a Christian stand unmoved and above compromise?...