1st Quarter 2023
Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). I’m so grateful for the river of kindness flowing from your heart as you join hands with Jesus and Amazing Facts International to seek the lost in every part of our broken world so that more precious souls can have everlasting life.
I’m excited to share some of the ways God has used your thoughtful sacrifice to affect so many, including Angela, who experienced the most essential of reunions because of the Amazing Facts resources you provided. God bless you!
Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts International
Engulfed in loneliness, Angela sank into the couch. “Maybe something on TV will distract me,” she thought. She clicked the remote again and again—a sitcom, a reality show, a Hungarian voice, the news … wait! Angela quickly switched back a channel.
She’d never heard her native language, Hungarian, on American television before! It was a report about Christians handing out audio Bibles to the blind in Hungary. The familiar language soothed her.
As that program ended, Pastor Doug Batchelor began speaking—and as Angela watched, conviction soon struck her heart. Through your loving gifts for Amazing Facts programming, the Holy Spirit broke through to Angela!
Off Track
Angela was in elementary school when her family moved from Hungary to the United States. They settled near a Sabbath-keeping church, and Angela and her brother attended services. “I met my second mom at that church,” Angela writes. “She became a mentor in my young spiritual journey.”
At age 10, Angela was baptized after the church hosted an Amazing Facts Revelation seminar. “That series gave me knowledge and a foundation,” she shares. When she was 14, her family moved again and she lost track of her second mom—and her faith.
But God didn’t lose track of Angela.
Over time, her brother would occasionally share Amazing Facts sermons from YouTube. “I watched politely,” she recalls, “but I didn’t get too deep.”
Yet when the pandemic exploded, Angela remembered her faith. On a lonely afternoon, when she was finally ready to listen, God led her to Amazing Facts. As Pastor Doug preached, she was convicted. “I felt like God was speaking to me directly,” she writes. Filled with gratitude, she experienced a reunion with her Savior.
Together at Last
As Angela’s faith grew, she prayed for Christian fellowship and a reconnection with her second mother. Soon, after watching Amazing Facts’ A New Heart revival series with her daughter, Angela saw It Is Written’s Hope Awakens, an evangelistic series recommended by Pastor Doug.
Amazingly, as a result of the series, Angela’s prayer to reconnect with her old mentor was answered. “We are closer than ever,” Angela writes, “and Amazing Facts helped make it possible. I have a sense of peace I never knew before. Without Pastor Doug’s revival series, I wouldn’t have found fellowship and my second mom.”
Thank you for helping Angela and so many others gain the most important union—or reunion—in the universe, the one that leads to eternal life!
Amazing Impact!
Launching on Fox Business News
You helped broadcast Bible truth on the top-rated Fox Business News channel—so more viewers can find essential truth and hope for the times we’re living in! Beverly writes, “I listen every Sunday morning, and I’ve heard explanations of coming events I’ve never heard in churches.”
Quenching Thirst in Mexico
Thanks to you, thousands of thirsting hearts came to the Well of Life in Mexico! More than 150 precious souls were baptized, and 100 more are interested in baptism. Frederico, who traveled 793 miles to attend, writes, “I’ve always fled from religion that seemed to be a cult. Then I discovered the best biblical teachings through Pastor Batchelor. For the first time, EVERYTHING made sense!”
Debuting New Revelation Devotional
Your kindness made the new Revelation Verse by Verse daily devotional a reality—one that’s changing hearts for the kingdom! Over 33,000 copies are now bringing God’s last-day message into daily life! Patsy shares, “For years I wouldn’t allow myself to read the book of Revelation; it scared me. Now when I read the Bible, I’m able to understand it. I really enjoy worshiping!”
* You brought lifesaving truth to more than 4,000 hearts, with 388 making decisions for Christ through baptism, during Bible prophecy seminars held by our seven evangelists in locations across the country. Stephanie says, “I asked God to teach me how to read the Bible. The next day, my church advertised an Amazing Facts series. After attending the meetings, I was baptized!”
* Thanks to you, despite Chinese government crackdowns on religious liberty, 278,328 people watched translated sermons on our Chinese-language website, with many asking Bible questions, beginning to worship on God’s Sabbath, and joining the church! Mr. Gu writes, “Recently, I discovered the Amazing Facts website. I want to get baptized!”
* Your sacrifice enabled more than 400,000 YouTube subscribers in many parts of the world to find life-changing presentations in these dark times. Samuel writes, “I was backslidden, but watching your programs on YouTube gave me strength and guidance. I want to attend a Sabbath-keeping church here in Aberdeen, Scotland. Thank you!”
* You blessed more than 450,000 truth-seeking visitors on amazingfacts.org every month from every major country on Earth! Tina writes, “My husband often puts Amazing Facts programs by our bedside to give us peace, comfort, and truth. This ministry deepens our faith. We can’t thank Amazing Facts enough!”
Friend, through your faithful alliance with Amazing Facts, you are providing the Living Water to parched and thirsting souls around the globe. Because of the compassion and love flowing from your heart for precious truth, thousands more like Angela are being transformed for eternity. Thank you!
The Quarterly Ministry Report is a publication of Amazing Facts International.
P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678 | 877-506-1751 | amazingfacts.org