
Media dealing with Practical Christianity


A Body of Believers

The New Heart Video How do we thrive in church life?...

A Cold Confession

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Do you have deep dark secrets? Something that you haven't shared with anyone and you wond...

A Cold Confession

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video When there are things in your life that are out of balance, whether it's substance abuse o...

A Community of Servants

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'Both evangelism and the desire for justice spring from recognizing God’s love for lost, b...

A Family of Families

Families in the Family of God Video The family has its origin in the Garden of Eden. Our spiritual family, the church, is comp...

A Positive Perspective

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We may take a positive perspective to events in life. Christians always have things for wh...

A River of Influence

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video A Christian life, from birth to the end, should be a river of positive influence....

A Time for Every Purpose

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Life is full of seasons. Being able to accept and embrace the cycles of life is very impo...

A True Friend

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God made us to be social creatures. People need people. Loneliness is a large epidemic....

A Woman, A Baby, and a Dragon

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon begins with a brief discussion of Christmas and its roots and how Christians m...

A Wonderful Work

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Though we are not saved by works, God created work to be a blessing to mankind. Since the ...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at John 15 and Jesus' words about vines and branches. Some important les...

Above the Crowd

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video If you are going to follow Jesus don't follow afar off. You want to be as close as you ca...

Above the Crowd

Millennium of Prophecy Video What does it mean to live above the crowd? Is it safe to just go with the flow? How do we...

Above the Crowd

Storacles of Prophecy Print God equips His people to live above society’s pressures and expectations....

Adjusting to Darkness

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Jesus is the light of the world. He illumines us through the Word and we are to walk in th...

AFY Question-and-Answer Panel

Stand: Unshakeable Faith Video Question-and-Answer Panel...

Alone in the Crowd

Free Book Library Print How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This little book pr...

Alone in the Crowd

Free Audio Book Library Audio How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This little book pr...

Am I a Pharisee or Publican?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The parable of the Pharisee and Publican teaches us that God looks up to those who bow dow...

An Age of Honor

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video One of the keys to living to an old age is to respect old age. God tells us that if we wa...

An Overview of Discipleship

Discipleship Video Jesus calls His followers to a life of discipleship. The Bible clarifies what this means....

Are we accountable for what we don't know?

Bible Question Archive Audio Are we accountable for what we don't know? Well, it depends on whether we turned away from...

Arecibo Observatory

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Built in 1963 by Cornell University, the Arecibo Observatory dish is one of the largest cu...

Arming for Victory

Growing In Christ Video "Every believer must be personally and individually armed as we each find ourselves immers...

At Home in the Presence of the Lord

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon discusses the Bible's teaching on the presence of the Lord....

Backslidden People

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'The seventh-day Sabbath was, and remains, a powerful means of helping keep faith alive in...

Be Who You Are

Feed My Sheep Video "How 'like Christ' are you? In what areas can you do better?"...

Behind the Mask

The Book of Proverbs Video "Everything that Christians do should be as transparent as the sunlight. Truth is of God;...

Being and Doing

The Book of James Video "Salvation begins by seeing who we really are, not who we imagine ourselves to be."...

Being Kingdom-Conscious

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video It is important to understand the nature of the kingdom of God. What does it mean to have...

Blessed by Association

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video You receive a blessing, or a curse, depending on how you associate with others....

Blessed is the Man

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The scripture sermon focuses on Psalm 1. It simply lays out the path of life and death, th...

Blueprint for a Better World

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'How important is it to you that God is a God who sees the suffering of people in the worl...

Bowhead Whale

Amazing Facts of Faith Video The bowhead whale is an extraordinary underwater behemoth—but also part of the menagerie o...

Brightest Light in the World

Amazing Facts of Faith Video The brightest manmade light in the world resides atop the famous Luxor Hotel and Casino in...

Broken People

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video We are never too little for God to use, but we might be too big for Him to use....

By Their Fruit

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Jesus promises that all His true followers will receive the Holy Spirit and bear fruit in ...

Called to Discipleship by Jesus

Discipleship Video Learning about the initial call of the twelve apostles teaches us how to respond to Christ...

Can Christians be perfect like Jesus?

Bible Question Archive Audio Do we have the option to be 'perfect' like Christ? Is it even something to be considered t...

Can I Break the Sin Cycle?

Most Important Questions (MIQ) Video How Can I Have Purity, Peace, and Power?...

Candid Camera

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God sees all. Nothing is hidden from the Lord. We become too concerned about what people s...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video Did you know Fiji was once known as Cannibal Isle? In this not-quite palatable edition of ...

Causes of Disunity

Oneness in Christ Video "We are all fallen beings, and if left to our own devices, if left to follow the inclinati...

Changed by Beholding

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video You become like what you look at. Most of what enters our mind comes by our sight. What w...

Changed by Beholding

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We become like what we look at. When we focus on the Lord we become like Him....

Christian Living

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "What kind of example do you present? Would you feel comfortable with having others, parti...

Church Organization and Unity

Oneness in Christ Video "Our acknowledgment of Christ as the Head of the church helps us remember to whom our ulti...

Cliff Young

Amazing Facts of Faith Video An Australian potato farmer proves that it's not how you start a race, but how you finish ...

Clothed In Christ

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Video Hiding our weakness under Jesus, overcoming sin and being restored to the kingdom of heave...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video The coconut is a virtual "tree of life." Pastor Doug Batchelor explores this versatile, st...

Colorful Cosmetics & Jewelry

Creeping Compromise Audio Every point of our faith and doctrine should be based soundly on doing God's will. We sho...

Colorful Cosmetics and Jewelry

Free Audio Book Library Audio Should Christians wear makeup and jewelry? A study of the Bible verses that establish prin...

Common Swift

Amazing Facts of Faith Video For years scientists have known that the great Frigatebirds can stay on the wing for sever...


The Christian Life Video God created humanity to be social, and church provides a valuable social environment for H...

Compromise and Conformity

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The devil is constantly working to make Christians make compromises on truth and principle...

Compromise, Conformity, and Courage

Free Book Library Print Pastor Doug Batchelor delivers thought provoking information in this outstanding pocketboo...

Compromise, Conformity, and Courage

Free Audio Book Library Audio In a world filled with relativism, how does a Christian stand unmoved and above compromise...


Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video Having confidence in God is crucial to establishing a love-relationship with him....

Conformed or Transformed? Part 2

EYEdentity Video Your brain's been taken captive! With honed and sharp skills, technology traps us and medi...

Conquering Inner Space the Last Frontier

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video You are what you think. You will never be a successful Christian until you conquer the las...

Consider the Ant

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible encourages us to consider ants and learn from them. Ants are diligent workers. T...

Corregidor Island

Amazing Facts of Faith Video The island of Corregidor in the Philippines was a major flash point in the Pacific Theater...

Count Your Blessings

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We must learn to be thankful for what we have and not focus on what we do not have. In wha...

Country Living - Part 2 with Doug Batchelor

Amazing Facts Documentaries Video Why is there a mad scramble right now to secure rural, country properties? Why are people ...

Courage, in the Face of Discouragement

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How to have courage in the face of discouragement. God promised He will never leave us....

Creation Care

Glimpses of Our God Video "No question, this world is coming to an end it will not last forever. And yes, Jesus is c...

Culture and the Christian

Free Book Library Print What should you do with the culture around you? What we say, dress like, listen to, eat, a...

Deadly Distractions

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What does the Bible mean when it speaks of the cares of this life?...

Dealing With Bad Decisions

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'The Bible gives us formulas for practices that will keep us grounded in God and are desig...

Debt: A Daily Decision

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Video "Managing money requires wisdom, budgeting, and discipline."...

Deeper with God

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How can we develop a deeper relationship with God?...

Deliverance From Debt

Free Book Library Print Pastor Doug Batchelor provides a biblical perspective about the dangers of debt and practi...

Destroying Your Witness

Creeping Compromise Audio What do we think about the most? What subject is so important to us that we talk about it...

Determining the Will of God

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How do we determine the will of God in our lives? Some things are clear, such as our salva...

Disciples Making Disciples

Families in the Family of God Video As Jesus taught His disciples to make disciples of their own, parents are called to train ...


The Christian Life Video A disciple is a lifelong learner of the teachings of someone else. Christians are called t...

Discipleship Then and Now

Discipleship Video Discipleship predates the Christian era, and its principles apply to us today....

Discipleship Under Pressure

Discipleship Video Disciples of Christ often face trials, both from within themselves as well as from the wor...

Discipleship, Drifting, and Desertion

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What made so many, in John 6, decide to not follow Jesus? When we decide to no longer to f...

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the will of God? How do you discover God's will and carry it out in your life? Thi...

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the second of a two-part series on discovering and doing the will of God. Here are...

Divided or United

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The devil’s strategy in attacking God’s people over the course of history has been to use ...

Does the Bible say we should judge sin in other Christians?

Bible Question Archive Audio What does it mean to judge? 'Thou shalt not judge' is a verse that is probably quoted mo...

Double Standard Exposed

Creeping Compromise Audio If we endorse any kind of modest dress principle, how can we condone a bathing suit as acc...

Dying Like A Seed

The Refiner's Fire Video Molding God's children into reflections of His image first requires them to die a spiritua...

Education in the Garden of Eden

Education Video True education will lead to true knowledge, the knowledge of Christ, and thus not only wil...

Embracing Humility

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The supreme motive of hell is selfishness and the highest motive of heaven is love. Humili...

Enduring Patience

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on the issue of enduring patiently. It is introduced through the story...

Escape from the World’s Ways

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Video "What do you pray for? What do your prayers tell about your priorities? What other things ...

Exhortations From the Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Video "Throughout the book of Hebrews, passages about Christian faith alternate with passages ab...

Experiencing Discipleship

Discipleship Video The gospels describe different groups of people and their experiences with discipleship to...

Falling Spiritually

Bible Answers Live Audio Experts say the survival rate for a personal falling from a three story building is only a...

Families of Faith - 2006

Families in the Family of God Video Christian families face cultural barriers to living a Biblical family life everywhere in t...

Fence Posts

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Do you ever wonder if you have a purpose in life? Even if you're looking for greener pastu...

Fig Trees and Pharisees

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We are judged by our "fruit" - by our actions....

Fig Trees and Pharisees

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Thou shalt not judge. What does that mean? Does it mean that if we see someone doing wrong...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video Flags have been around for centuries, and over the years they have meant different things....

Force of Will

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio How do we keep our relationship with God strong? Some people like to emphasize will power....


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What does the Bible teach about forgiveness? Does God really expect us to forgive those w...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Does God require complete forgiveness of people who have deeply hurt you? Is there ever a ...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

Reclaim Your Faith Video The devil makes sure that people will hurt us and let us down. How do we deal with that wh...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Sometimes there are people in the church who are sick and they do mean things. Don’t take...

Forgiving Your Enemies

Bible Answers Live Audio Before Louis VII became King of France, he suffered terribly through treatment and indigni...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In order to have a good foundation you need to go deep. That's true of your life and true ...

Friends Forever

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "Paul continues to praise the Thessalonians for the good things he sees in them and to enc...

From Ears to Feet

The Book of Proverbs Video "Training in wisdom consists in hearing proper instruction and in following and obeying wh...

From Slaves to Heirs - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video Jesus Christ offers us freedom in the gospel, so Paul says turning back to a system of obe...

From Strays to Spiritual Leaders

Bible Answers Live Audio Dogs have gone to war for a thousand of years but, during the First World War, one clever ...

Gender and Discipleship

Discipleship Video Though not as well known as many of the men, Jesus had several female disciples as well....

Giant Mirrors

Amazing Facts of Faith Video In October 2013, Rjukan installed an array of three gigantic 550 square foot mirrors on a ...

Give Us Patience... and Hurry!

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video None of us is born with patience. We come into this world thinking about ourselves and hav...

God Chooses Ordinary People

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God chooses ordinary people. Some of us may think the Lord can't use us. We may not know ...

God's Mystery: The Universal Fellowship

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video Paul describes the mystery of how a diverse group of people can become one through the blo...

God's Word on Family Living

Families in the Family of God Video The Bible describes God's ideal for families in a variety of ways....

Going Deeper

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Do you want to have a stronger, deeper relationship with God and have peace in your life?...

Grasshopper Mouse

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Have you ever heard a mouse howl? Well, what do you expect would happen when a little mous...

Griping or Gratitude

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the purpose of life? "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." We live for t...

Halfway to Hell Club

Amazing Facts of Faith Video What does the Halfway to Hell Club have to do with the Golden Gate Bridge? Everything. Lea...

Hearing the Voice of God

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What could be more important and more precious than hearing from God? How do we know when...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video The Bible tells us that when Jesus comes we will be caught up to meet Him in the air....

Help Wanted: Workers in the Vineyard

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Is God fair? Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. This program is about the fairness of God....

Holy and Wholly His

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What does the Bible tell us about the word "holy"? God is holy, the angels are holy, and s...

Home From a Far Country

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Some people grow up in the church but haven't yet had a personal relationship with God....

Homes of Peace and Healing

Families in the Family of God Video Christian families are not exempt from problems, but the Bible gives advice to resolve the...

Honest To God

04 Revival Video Is it possible to lie to God? We'll examine the Bible story from the book of Acts of Anan...

Hope for the Sincere Hypocrite

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We have all been hypocrites, pretending to be what we are not. God wants us to be genuine ...

Horns and Halos, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video We understand very well about those dark and unmanageable things deep down inside us that ...

Horns and Halos, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Have you heard the name Kata Rongusa? Have any of you ever heard that name? Let me tell yo...

How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger?

Bible Question Archive Audio How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger? Turning the other cheek deals with int...

How does a person fast?

Bible Question Archive Audio How does a person fast? Don't go without water. Talk to your physician. There are differen...

How far should a Christian go to forgive?

Bible Question Archive Audio How far should a Christian go to forgive? We should forgive no matter how someone responds...

How important is it to seek Godly counsel when making decisions?

Bible Question Archive Audio Proverbs chapter 11 speaks of the safety in having a multitude of counselors. Doesn't God...

How Perfect Should a Christian Be?

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video When we think about perfection and Christianity there are a lot of misconceptions. While s...

How Perfect Should a Christian Be?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How perfect must a Christian be? How much will God forgive? We need sincere repentance a...

How Shall We Wait?

The Role of the Church in the Community Video "How are we waiting for Jesus to return? That is, what are we doing in our lives that reve...

How to Find Deliverance from Debt

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How can we find deliverance from debt, and avoid debt to begin with? What do we owe to Go...

How To Find Deliverance From Debt

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Does God care how we manage our money? The Bible has over 500 verses about finances and pr...

Humble, and Proud of It!

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pride is often what causes the problems in relationships, at work, and even in church. Pr...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video The hummingbird has an incredible metabolism, learn how impressive this little creature tr...

Hunger and Thirst

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God wants us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. We are promised that the Lord will fi...

I See, I Want, I Take

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Video "It’s hard to imagine anything in the human character that is less reflective of the chara...

Idols of the Soul (and Other Lessons from Jesus)

The Book of Matthew Video "The gospel needs to penetrate the heart, to go right to the idols of the soul, and whatev...

If I Were Young Again

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Doug Batchelor shares wisdom he has gained during his adventurous life....

If we are living in the last days, should I stay in school?

Bible Question Archive Audio If we are living in the last days, should I stay in school? We can know Jesus is coming so...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video Iguana's come in a great spectrum of colors. They can be brown, green, blue and their skin...

Images of Unity

Oneness in Christ Video "The New Testament uses different metaphors to illustrate both the nature and mission of t...

International Dateline

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Have you ever worried you don’t have enough time in your day? Have you ever wanted to add ...

Investing Our Talents

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What do we do while we wait for Jesus to return?...

Is it ok to go to a college of different faith?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is it OK to go to a college of different faith as long as you are solid in your own faith?...

Is it wrong to receive blood transfusions?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is it wrong to receive blood transfusions? Christians are clearly commanded to not eat blo...

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Do we know that our Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the "actions" and ...

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Do you know if your Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the actions and fo...

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Do you know if your Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the actions and fo...

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Do we know that our Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the "actions" and ...

Is Nudity Modest?

Creeping Compromise Audio What is modesty and immodesty? This question has probably been the most sensitive area in...

Is Obedience Legalism?

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio People often feel it’s okay to violate a minor traffic law or perhaps to cheat a little bi...

Is Obedience Legalism?

Bible Study Guides Print If we are saved by grace through faith, why should we obey God’s law?...

Is seductive dress in church good?

Bible Question Archive Audio What do I do about seductive dress in church and my pastor? Should I talk with him about i...

It's All About Time

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Time is the stuff that life is made of - a theme that is found throughout the Bible....

James, the Lord's Brother

The Book of James Video "Why is humility so important in the Christian life? That is, in light of the Cross and wh...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video In the Philippines, the king of the road is the "Jeepney." Find out how that came to be an...

Jesus on Community Outreach

The Role of the Church in the Community Video "What role should you be playing in the whole process of winning souls, as opposed to the ...

Juliane Margaret Koepcke

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Juliane Koepcke was a German Peruvian high school senior student studying in Lima, intendi...

Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 1

The Role of the Church in the Community Video "One can't imagine a worse witness than those who are too busy 'worshiping' God that they ...

Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 2

The Role of the Church in the Community Video "Light, water - both of these are images used to talk about what God can do through us to ...

Keeping Rank

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Is it important for the church to "keep rank" and hold together? The devil tries to divid...

Keeping the Church Faithful

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "Even with all the grand and glorious promises for the future, we have to deal with daily ...

Keys to Family Unity - 2006

Families in the Family of God Video Christ's principles and example should heal the physical and the church families, but this...

Keys to Victory in the Battle With Temptation

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video We all struggle with an internal battle with temptations to go against the will of God. T...

Learning From Eagles

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There are around 34 references to eagles in the Bible. Pastor Doug covers 12 things we ca...

Learning from the Eagles

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on lessons we can learn from eagles in the Bible. God has characterist...

Legalism or Love

Creeping Compromise Audio Satan nibbles away at the standards of God's people. The power and effect of truth is dil...

Lesson 7 is not available. Please enjoy this sermon in its place.

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video Please accept our appologies, lesson #7 is not available. In its place we present "How Pe...

Lessons From Would-be-Disciples

Discipleship Video Many people in Christ's day wanted to follow Jesus, but refused to do so with their whole ...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video What is it that people find so enchanting about lions? Is it their speed, their claws, the...

Living as Children of God

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video John discusses what it means to be 'sons of God.'...

Living by Faith

The Book of Proverbs Video "So many voices call to us from so many directions. How do people know what is right and ...

Living for God

Feed My Sheep Video "Are there some areas in which we need to be in complete unity of thought in order to func...

Living in a 24/7 Society

Rest In Christ Video Acknowledging Jesus as the Lord of our lives also involves taking seriously our responsibi...

Living the Advent Hope

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'How can and should the hope and promise of Jesus’ return impact how we live now, especial...

Living the Gospel

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'We can accept that God loves people other than just ourselves. He loves those we love, an...

Living the New Life

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video The new life Christ calls us to lead is not an improvement on the old life, but a transfor...

Living with Lambs

Families in the Family of God Video Becoming a parent means taking on a special stewardship role, since God claims children as...

Lord of Our Body Temples

The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Video Christ is both our Creator and Redeemer, and as such claims Lordship over our bodies....

Lord of Our Desires

The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Video Christ as Lord means yielding our passions to Him so we may desire the things He desires f...

Lord of Our Speech

The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Video Christ as Lord means using our gift of speech to the glory of God....

Lord of Our Thoughts

The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Video Christ as Lord means bringing every thought into captivity so He may sanctify our minds....

Loud Voices and Ocean Sounds

Bible Answers Live Audio Humans and birds are not the only creatures that sing; whales sing, too. In fact, the song...

Love and Law

Redemption in Romans Video Paul offers practical advice about living life as a living sacrifice to God....

Loving Brothers and Sisters

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video John explores what it means to love our brother in practical terms....

Loving Vengeance

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon deals with the topic of vengeance. Have you been tempted to give retribution f...

Major Themes in 1 and 2 Peter

Feed My Sheep Video This final week’s lesson will look in more detail at five of the themes Peter wrote about:...

Many Members, One Body

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We are more powerful for Christ as we work together....

Mighty Men of God

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Pastor Doug gives Bible-based principles on how today's men can be men of God, faithful hu...

Mind Control

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Everybody's mind is controlled by something or someone. What controls your mind? Some reli...

Ministry in the New Testament Church

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'If you were to pass away, would your contribution be mourned and missed like the ministry...

Mission and Commission

Discipleship Video Jesus calls His disciples to train others to be disciples as well....

Mona Lisa Smile

Amazing Facts of Faith Video The most famous painting in the world is Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, painted sometime b...

More Lessons in Discipleship

Discipleship Video A review of additional lessons about discipleship that Jesus offers us....

More Praise in Your Days

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon speaks of praise in the Scriptures. Praise is spoken throughout the Bible. Pra...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Scripture share that there are many stories in the Bible that speak about mountains. T...


Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video When you decide to be a Christian, you are saying “I’m going to take my cross and I’m goin...

Music and Moods

Creeping Compromise Audio No study of Christian standards would be complete without considering the influence of mus...

MUST WATCH before moving to the country. 'Country Living' with Doug Batchelor

Amazing Facts Documentaries Video There is something about the country that brings peace and serenity. Pastor Doug Batchelo...

My Testimony - The Richest Caveman - 2009

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story...

Napoleon and the Arc de Triomphe

Amazing Facts of Faith Video The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most iconic monuments in Paris. It was commissioned by ...

Nelson Mandela

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Every now and then in the panorama of history, we hear about individuals who go from the l...

No Compromise

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at the story of the three Hebrew friends of Daniel who were thrown into ...

No Turning Back

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There are times in our Christian life in which we should never turn back. There are bridge...

Opening Our Homes to Christ

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Are we inviting Christ into our homes and into our churches and developing a relationship ...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Batchelor looks at the concept of opportunity in the Bible. God sets before us open...

Our Enemy - the World

Creeping Compromise Audio Satan is directing subtle forces which are designed to destroy us spiritually....

Overcoming Evil with Good

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "If you knew for certain that Jesus was coming next month, what would you change in your l...

Pastor Doug Sells His Airplane

Amazing Facts Documentaries Video Pastor Doug and Karen Batchelor talk about their decision to sell their airplane....

Patterns of Discipleship

Discipleship Video A recap of the main points of the quarter's lessons on discipleship, focusing on patterns ...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Perseverance can have incredible results....

Please Pass the Salt

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon is on the concept of being the salt of the earth. Salt has a flavoring influen...

Port Royal and Lewis Galdy

Amazing Facts of Faith Video In the late 1600s, Port Royal in Jamaica was known as the "Wickedest City on Earth." Built...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Our God is all-powerful, but there are both good and powers at work in our world today. W...

Power in Purity

Here We Stand Video If we are genuine followers of Christ, we will seek to be pure and holy like Jesus....

Practicality and Everydayness (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Everyday life has its challenges, even in the small things. Join Pastor Doug and Pastor R...

Praise and Prayer

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video Paul was a man of praise and prayer, and he commends the Ephesian church for being the sam...

Precious Memories

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We can sometimes have a hard time remembering things. God wants us never to forget Him. No...

Preparation for Discipleship

Discipleship Video Discipleship can be tough work. Jesus prepared His disciples with principles we can follow...

Preserving Relationships

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "True evangelism leads to relationships that can stand the test of time."...

Pride and Humility

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Do you struggle with pride? Do you wish at times that you were more humble? What does the ...

Pride Before a Fall

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon speaks of pride and how it is the opposite of the character of God which is ba...

Pride Before a Fall

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Christ teaches that in order for us to have Him living within us we must recognize our nee...

Purity In Power

04 Revival Video What is the difference between Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification? We'll exa...

Real Repentance

The New Heart Video What is real repentance?...

Receiving and Sharing Forgiveness

The New Heart Video How do we receive forgiveness? How do we forgive others?...

Remember the Alamo

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Have you ever heard the saying, “Everything is bigger in Texas”? That might actually be tr...

Restless and Rebellious

Rest In Christ Video Though it’s always easy to be critical of church leadership, at any level, how much better...


Families in the Family of God Video God's perfect plan for marriages and families was distorted by the curse of sin, but Chris...

Restoring Dominion

The Role of the Church in the Community Video "We have been called by God to be a light and a source of healing and hope in our communit...

Returning Thanks

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on thanksgiving and giving thanks to the Lord. The story of 10 lepers ...

Running the Christian Race

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1983, a 61 year old sheep and potato farmer named Cliff Young decided to participate in...

Sabbath School Special: Being a Sweet Christian

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Pastor Doug draws some parallels between honeybees and Christians in the church....

Sabbath School Special: Meekness in the Crucible

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Meekness if often overlooked and undervalued in today's society, but Jesus promises heaven...

Salt of the Earth

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Christians should have a healing, preserving influence on others, to be the "salt of the e...

Sanitizing the Sanctuary

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Church isn't a building, God wants us to know Him and to share Him. He doesn't want us to ...

Saved by Salt

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. These are two ways t...

Scuba Diving

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Go deeper in your faith and prayer life with Pastor Doug Batchelor as he explores the incr...


Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Video In a world that seems intent on breaking down self-esteem, God offers a perspective of hum...

Servant Leadership

Feed My Sheep Video 'Humility, rather than pride, should characterize the Christian’s relationship, not only w...

Seven Facts Concerning Christianity

Byron Spears Audio Has paganism crept into the church? How can we identify and avoid it?...

Seven Steps To Experience the Presence of God

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video We have been separated from God because of our sin. God created us to be with Him. The p...

Seventy Times Seven

04 Revival Video How can we forgive someone who has deeply hurt or harmed us? We'll examine the Bible para...

Should a Christian Vote?

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Should Christians vote in political elections?...

Should a Christian Vote?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Christians and politics. Do the two mix or are they diametrically opposed?...

Should You Break a Promise to the Devil?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We are told to keep promises and vows, but what if you've made a big mistake when making t...

Sister Gaby's Spell

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Sister Gaby seemed like the ideal person to have around at first. But time revealed the d...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video I'm here at a reptile park outside of Durban South Africa. I'm holding my friend here who ...

Social Relationships

Feed My Sheep Video "Why is it important for Christians to be as good citizens as possible, even in less-than-...

Soldiers and Suicide Missions

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible shares many stories of battles in Scripture where God's cause looked hopeless, b...

Some Things Are Sacred

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There is a risk in our day and age that we can lose appreciation for those things that God...

Spiritual Priorities

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video It's human nature to focus on trivial things and miss the big picture. That can happen for...

Square Circles and Carnal Christians Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Some words just don't go together like a square circle or a round triangle. How about the ...

Suffering for Christ

Feed My Sheep Video "How can we always be ready to face opposition for our faith, in whatever form that opposi...

Suicide Missions

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This message is about the attitude of soldiers who are willing to lay down their lives for...

Taal Volcano

Amazing Facts of Faith Video Once the biggest volcano in the world, now the Taal volcano is considered one of the small...

Taming the Tongue

The Book of James Video "If you recorded all your spoken words in a single day and then played them back to yourse...

Television Trap

Creeping Compromise Audio The influence of what we see cannot be overemphasized. By beholding we become changed....

Temper Tirades

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon is about anger. For a Christian it is very costly to lose your temper. Anger i...

Temper, Temper

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video It is good for us as Christians to review the foundations of our faith. This sermon looks ...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video Communication today has been transformed by the use of SMS Texting. Did you know that the ...

Thanks and Giving

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at the topic of thankfulness. Is it possible to go to heaven if we don't...

That They All May Be One

Oneness in Christ Video "Jesus said that eternal life is to know God. What does it mean to know God? How do we dem...

The Apostolic Example

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "By revealing what the true motive in ministry must be, Paul can help us all to examine ou...

The Blessings of the Righteous

The Book of Proverbs Video The book of Proverbs tells us that wisdom is righteousness, and "righteousness" means to w...

The Care and Feeding of Your Conscience

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The subject of your conscience focuses on understanding your self and what your values are...

The Care and Feeding of Your Conscience

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The message covers your conscience, what it is, why God gave us a conscience, and how to c...

The Challenge of Self-Denial

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We are naturally selfish and must learn self-discipline to change the direction and focus ...

The Christian and Christmas

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The topic of this sermon is the Christian and Christmas. It's been a political flashpoint....

The Christian Life

Growing In Christ Video "Anyone can call himself or herself a Christian. What, though, does that mean in practica...

The Christian Walk

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video While exhorting the Ephesians to live a life by the Spirit, he gives several reasons to do...

The Christian's Coat of Armor

Bible Answers Live Audio The medieval knight was one of three types of fighting men during the medieval ages: knigh...

The Church Without Walls

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video Outside of Christ, humanity builds walls to alienate its various groups, but Christ erases...

The Church: In Service to Humanity

Growing In Christ Video "'We should remember that the church, enfeebled and defective though it be, is the only ob...

The Controversy Continues

Rebellion and Redemption Video "How can we learn, even amid the most discouraging and seemingly impossible situations, to...

The Cost of Discipleship

Discipleship (2014) Video "The rewards of discipleship may likewise be measured through comparison with the costs. ....

The Cry of the Prophets

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'Throughout the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, one of God’s responses was to sen...

The Discipline of Discipleship, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Jesus calls us to go into all the world to make disciples. What does it mean to be a disci...

The Discipline of Discipleship, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second of a two-part series on discipline and discipleship. Jesus calls us to have ord...

The Dynamic Christian

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The dynamic Christian is continually making progress in growing in Jesus. Christ was dynam...

The Environment

Health & Healing Video The environment, as God created it, is full of healthful benefits, even after millennia of...

The Experience of Unity in the Early Church

Oneness in Christ Video "The early church experienced rapid growth because Jesus’ disciples intentionally prepared...

The Eyes of the Lord: The Biblical Worldview

Education Video As human beings, we never look at the world from a neutral position. We see it, always and...

The Family Tree

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video When Jesus was born into this world it showed that there is real hope for us to be part of...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Faithfulness is the action of working according to a person's faith. As with all the fruit...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Because the word "good" is used so flippantly by so many, the only way to measure what is ...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Happiness is caused by favorable outward circumstances in life, but true joy comes from kn...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Love

The Fruit of the Spirit Video The word "love" is used rather loosely in our modern day, but divine love is altogether di...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Patience

The Fruit of the Spirit Video The Bible says that patience is an attribute of God, and comes by the grace of God as He w...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Christ won an everlasting peace for His followers, but the Bible says this peace must be s...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control

The Fruit of the Spirit Video Self-control is both a free gift from the Spirit of God as well as a daily exercise we are...

The Fruit of the Spirit: The Essence of Christian Character

The Fruit of the Spirit Video All the fruits of the Spirit come as a result of following Christ's command to "seek first...

The Glory of Seeking

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first question in the Bible is, "Where are you?" The first question in the New Testame...

The Gospel and the Church - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video The actions we sow result in a harvest, either for good or evil. This happens both in our ...

The Habits of a Steward

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Video "Of all the good habits a Christian could have, seeking God first thing every day would ha...

The Harvest and the Harvesters

Discipleship (2014) Video "God could have commissioned angels, unassisted by human beings, to broadcast the gospel. ...

The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom

The Book of James Video "Only a person humble, meek, and aware of his or her utter need and dependency is open to ...

The Joy of the Lord

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on a passage in Nehemiah 8 that teaches us there is a connection betwe...

The Key to Unity

Oneness in Christ Video "How can we have unity even when we don’t always agree on everything?"...

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 1...

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 1...

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2...

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2...

The Least of These

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'Jesus’ teaching is practical, focused on what it means to live as a follower of God. As s...

The Necessity of Hospitality

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The subject of this sermon is on hospitality. The spirit of hospitality is necessary in th...

The Power of a Positive No!

Free Book Library Print Holiness is not a passive transaction in which we sit back and allow God to separate us fr...

The Power of Choice

Health & Healing Video God gives us freedom of choice, but with that freedom comes the consequences of the choice...

The Power of Little Things

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The topic for this sermon is the power of little things. The Bible speaks of the power of ...

The Power of Plodding

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Christian life is not so much a sprint as a marathon. It is not always a mountaintop e...

The Power of Praise

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible story of Israel repelling an attack with a choir singing to God teaches us the p...

The Power of Words

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Words are powerful for good or for bad. They have the power to build up and encourage or ...

The Pride Of Life

05 Revive Video The Bible has a lot to say about pride. Its what caused Lucifer to rebel in heaven and ult...

The Prince and The Paupers

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The essence of salvation is Jesus trading places with us. Using Mark Twain's story as a la...

The Results of Stewardship

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Video "How often might we intellectually believe in God and in His love and care for us, and yet...

The Richest Caveman - 2014

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story...

The Role of Stewardship

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Video "This week we will look more at the roles that stewardship plays in Christian life. We wil...

The Royal Love Song - 2006

Families in the Family of God Video The Song of Solomon reminds us that healthy sexual intimacy in a marriage is part of God's...

The Sincere Hypocrite

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Some of the strongest statements that Jesus made were about hypocrisy. When we grasp the ...

The Surrender of Self

Free Book Library Print A reminder that God has given us all a powerful weapon in combating the self nature....

The Thief on the Cross

The New Heart Video How are we saved from sin?...

The Two Great Motives

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video You know that you're getting where you're supposed to be as a Christian when it's not just...

The Two Great Motives

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The two great motives in Scripture are found in the great controversy between Christ and S...

The Voice of Experience

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In spite of the fact that there are more older people than ever before, there seems to be ...

The Why, How and When of Thanks

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is a Thanksgiving sermon on being thankful. There is a connection between holiness an...

The World - A Love/ Hate Relationship

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video It is a challenge to be a Christian when the culture of the world is moving downward. Sha...

There's Something about Babies

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There is something about babies, even in the Bible. What does the Bible say about babies? ...

Thinking Ahead: Bad Servant - Good Example

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How important is it for a believer to plan ahead and think about the future?...

Thou Art The Man

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Should we ever judge others? Does the Bible teach that we should never pass judgment on an...

Tiny Troublemaker

Free Book Library Print Is gossip poisoning your family relationships—is it crippling the gospel message of your c...

Tips For Resisting Temptation

Free Book Library Print Get solid, biblical advice for overcoming the perils that threaten your relationship with ...

To Love Mercy

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need Video 'If it is real, our faith will cause us to die to self and live more for others. Our faith...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video Tortoises are some of the most interesting animals on earth. They are the longest-living ...

Turning Hearts in the End Time - 2006

Families in the Family of God Video As Christ's return approaches, prophecy promises many hearts will be turned back to God....

Uncommon Sensitivity

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We need to pray that God will help us to guard against our spiritual senses numbed. We sho...

Undaunted Courage Opening Session

Undaunted Courage Video Undaunted Courage Opening Session...


Creeping Compromise Audio What happens when male and female roles are blurred?...

Unity Amid Diversity

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video The midpoint of the epistle shifts in focus from unity to the Christian life....

Unity and Broken Relationships

Oneness in Christ Video "How can we learn to forgive those who have hurt or disappointed us? At the same time, why...

Unity in Faith

Oneness in Christ Video "How is an appreciation of our forgiveness and justification in Christ a basis for our fel...

Untamed Tongue

Bible Answers Live Audio You might be surprised to learn the most deadly animal in Africa is not the lion or the cr...

Violating the Spirit of the Law

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'We need to be careful not to let rules and regulations become an end in and of themselves...

Voice in the Wilderness

Storacles of Prophecy Print Learn how God’s people are able to live distinctly from the world....

Walking in the Light: Renouncing Worldliness

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video John further defines 'walking in the light' as renouncing the world and its ways....

Walking in the Light: Turning Away From Sin

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video 1 John opens with a description of God's holiness and a call to 'walk in the light.'...

Walking the Walk

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The conditions of our world are worsening and Jesus is coming soon. Knowing how soon shoul...

Walking With God

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This New Year's sermon calls us to resolve to deepen our walk with God. Is your life entir...

Walking With the Lord

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How do we walk with the Lord?...

Walking with the Lord

The New Heart Video How do we walk with the Lord?...

Wasting Nothing Good

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God doesn't like waste. We should be careful not to squander the precious resources that H...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We need to be watchful prophetically during these last days. There are many Bible referenc...

Weep and Howl!

The Book of James Video "How do we work, as Christians, to help alleviate the problem of extreme poverty? What th...

What a Blessing!

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video We have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we miss out on blessings right in front of u...

What Do You Think?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video No earthly body is going to Heaven. The only thing that will go to Heaven is "who we are"...

What Hath God Wrought?

Bible Answers Live Audio On May 24th, 1844, Samuel Morse sent the first, electric telegraphed message from Washingt...

What Have They Seen In Your House? - 2006

Families in the Family of God Video A Christian's home life can be a powerful evangelistic tool....

What is biblically permissible entertainment?

Bible Question Archive Audio What is biblically permissible entertainment? Philippians gives us guidelines to think abo...

What Is the Main Thing? Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video You can't obey God if you don't love Him. The essence of the Christian life is summarized...

What Is the Main Thing? Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Don't do anything that will hurt someone. Don't do anything that will hurt something. Don...

What Shall I Wear?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The topic of this sermon is, "What shall I wear?" The Bible has much to say about what we ...

What You Get Is Not What You See

The Book of Proverbs Video "Why is it important to understand the reality of human free will and free choice, even if...

When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 1 of 2...

When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 1 of 2...

When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 2 of 2...

When Conflicts Arise

Oneness in Christ Video "One of the most difficult tasks of any Christian community is to maintain unity when diff...

When the Devil Goes to Church

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship....

When to Leave the Cities

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon deals with the topic of when it would be wise for Christians to leave the citi...

When You Fast

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Batchelor deals with the Bible subject of fasting. Jesus had much to say about fast...

Who Am I?

Most Important Questions (MIQ) Video Who Am I?...

Who Do You Think You Are? - 2004

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video "Who do you think you are?" is the topic of this sermon. Many people do not know the answe...

Who Gets the Credit

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The battle between good and evil was instigated when Lucifer wanted the credit, he wanted ...

Who is the Greatest?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Who is the greatest? Sin is in our world because of this question. The seeds of sin began ...

Who Needs the Church?

Reclaim Your Faith Video Do you have to go to church to be a Christian?...

Will getting tattoos keep people out of the kingdom?

Bible Question Archive Audio Will getting tattoos keep people out of the kingdom? Some people have come to the Lord who...


Amazing Facts of Faith Video More and more of the world is turning to renewable forms of energy to power their needs. B...

Wise Words for Families - 2006

Families in the Family of God Video The book of Proverbs contains much practical advice for Christ-centered family living....

With the Rich and Famous

Discipleship (2014) Video "Christ neither resented nor revered the social elite. The Savior recognized that financi...

Witness, Worship and Wardrobe

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What should a Christian wear? Pastor Doug shares principles from the Bible on how to choo...

Women and Wine

The Book of Proverbs Video "How can we make sure that we don't neglect the practical aspects of faith as we seek to f...

Words of Truth

The Book of Proverbs Video "It is not enough for the student to listen or even to understand intellectually, what is ...

Words of Wisdom

The Book of Proverbs Video "A person's character is measured less by wisdom or even religious commitments than by rea...