Amazing Adventure |
Video |
How would it be to spend a whole day with the King of the universe? This study guide for k... |
Three Cosmic Messages |
Video |
What can we do to more fully allow the Holy Spirit to transform us to be
more like Jesus... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
God made us with senses, and if we get too much sensory overload, we can crash spiritually... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Chapter 4 speaks of observing special days and such as 'beggarly elements'. If this is th... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
This is the second in a series on common misunderstandings regarding the teachings of the ... |
Free Book Library |
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From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon ... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Are all 10 of God's commandments still binding? Doesn't the New Testament not speak about ... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
If the Ten Commandments are still valid, why is the fourth commandment disregarded by many... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
How can we know if we're bowing to Babylon or not? Are we standing faithful like Shadrach... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
The Sabbath day that God gave to Adam and Eve, and He put in the Ten Commandments, is the ... |
Millennium of Prophecy |
Video |
Moses is a type of Christ who delivers us from slavery. As in the days of Moses, God is ab... |
Storacles of Prophecy |
Print |
As slaves in Egypt, the Israelites were forced to labor nonstop, making bricks without str... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
According to Isaiah 66, New Moons and Sabbaths will be observed in the new earth. What doe... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
Changed Calendars and Lost Days... |
The Book of Luke |
Video |
Satan has worked hard to destroy the Sabbath, turning it into a heavy burden, striping it ... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
The Sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest and worship was changed to Sunday by the act of ma... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Just as hoaxes in the scientific community have fooled people for years, so there are fals... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
There are Sunday blue laws still on the books in many states in the U.S. Does this make th... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
In the new earth, 'all flesh' will come to worship God on Sabbath. Does this include angel... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
Shows that God's law and His grace do not work in competition with each other, but in perf... |
New Revelation |
Video |
What does the Bible teach about God's day of worship? Many believe in ideas that are follo... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Can we be sure that the seventh-day is the same day in our present time as it was a few th... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
There's one truth about the Ten Commandments that Satan's taken pains to hide. Uncover the... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Many see Sunday as a sacred day of worship and believe the Bible provides authority for th... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Millions of people believe Sunday is the sacred day of worship and that the Bible supports... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Many believe the reference in Revelation to "the Lord's day" is Sunday. But a careful exam... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
The Bible clearly teaches that Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is God's holy day fo... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
A common question raised in regard to keeping the seventh day, Saturday, as a day of worsh... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
This study of Genesis focuses on the creation of Sabbath and its purpose.... |
Byron Spears |
Audio |
God set the Sabbath aside as holy at the end of Creation Week. But what day is the Lord’s ... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
Avoid the spiritual delusions that will cause so many religious people to be lost. An impo... |
Prophecy Code |
Video |
An issue at the end of time will focus on worship. The beast of Revelation 13 seeks to for... |
Time is Ticking Away |
Video |
The longest commandment begins with the word "Remember" and the devil has been attacking t... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
The Sabbath is a weekly celebration of our loving Creator. Mankind has tried to change H... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
The seven-day weekly cycle has remained constant throughout history, is a strong argument ... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
God has given us clear divisions of time, including our 24-hour days, so keeping the Sabba... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Does the Bible say anything about how to keep the Sabbath? Is it a holiday or a Holy Day ... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
Most Christians agree we need a day of rest but is the Sabbath a holiday or a holy day?... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
The first of a two part series on how to keep the Sabbath. The devil seeks to erode our co... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
The second of a two part series on how to keep the Sabbath. The purpose of the Sabbath is ... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Though we are under grace, freed from the penalty of the Law, we still need to keep God’s ... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
The first day of the week has no special significance anywhere in the Bible, and it is not... |
Biblical Answers to Relevant Questions |
Video |
Here's my response to Pastor Greg Locke calling Sabbath keeping a demonic doctrine.... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Many people who broke commandments will be in heaven because they didn’t understand God’s ... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
Examines every Bible text which refers to Sunday.... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
There are many differences in Christian church doctrines. Some are more important than oth... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
There are many differences in Christian church doctrines. If there is anything that is mos... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
What's the difference between the Mosaic Law and the Ten Commandments? Is the Sabbath a c... |
Three Cosmic Messages |
Video |
The theme of the Bible’s last book, Revelation, is this: Jesus Wins, Satan Loses. The hear... |
The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord |
Video |
God is actively seeking true worshipers.... |
Glimpses of Our God |
Video |
"The seventh-day Sabbbath, in every way, points to Jesus, our Creator and our Redeemer." S... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
One of the Most Important Memorials of History... |
Prophecy Alerts |
Video |
Prior to his September visit to the United States, Pope Francis has laid bare his deep dev... |
The Christian Life |
Video |
Sabbath is not only a sign between God and His people, but it also provides rest and physi... |
The Book of Matthew |
Video |
'This week, as we continue our study of Matthew, we will look at a few of the Sabbath cont... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
The Sabbath is a subject that causes some dispute. There are a number of Christians and c... |
The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need |
Video |
'God created the Sabbath as the final act of the Creation week. It has been said that on t... |
Origins |
Video |
"God is calling people to worhip Him as the Creator, and nowhere in the Bible do we find a... |
Bible Answers Live |
Audio |
On January 10, 1954, a British-built de Havilland Comet, one of the first commercial jet a... |
Education |
Video |
Jesus wanted to emphasize that the Sabbath should not be a burden. It was created as a uni... |
Bible Answers Live |
Audio |
Sooty Terns are large, common seabirds with white under parts and dark black upper parts; ... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
We don’t need to accept man-made rules added to Sabbath observance, but Bible principles d... |
Ministry Projects |
Video |
Doug Batchelor and Steve Gregg of "The Narrow Path" discuss whether or not Christians shou... |
Most Amazing Prophecies |
Video |
The Bible speaks of God sealing 144,000 at the end of time. Who are these people? They are... |
Three Cosmic Messages |
Video |
In this week’s lesson, we will begin a detailed study of Revelation 14:6–12, but will do s... |
Three Cosmic Messages |
Video |
This week we will explore the deeper themes of the judgment in relation to the great contr... |
Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides |
Audio |
Did you know there is a very important day in the Bible that almost everyone has forgotten... |
Bible Study Guides |
Print |
The Sabbath is the fourth commandment and stands as a memorial to Creation.... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Real love requires spending time together. That is why God created the seventh day of the... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Imprinted on the very fabric of time is a 24-hour period of rest for every human on the pl... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
The Missing Text... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
The Missing Text, Pt. 2: Truth or Tradition ?... |
Revelation Now |
Video |
The Rest of our Work... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Real love requires time. That is why after God made the world in six days, He made one mo... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Real love requires time. That is why after God made the world in six days, He made one mo... |
Here We Stand |
Video |
What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? Why do most Christians worship on Sunday? Is th... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Why won't Bible Christians take a stand? So many Christian movements have come out of the ... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Why won't Bible Christians take a stand? So many Christian movements have come out of the ... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
We should worship God every day. What is different about Sabbath? What is "Sabbath rest"... |
The Teachings of Jesus |
Video |
"The same God who created humanity with the need to rest also provided the means to rest: ... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
The longest commandment begins with the word “Remember” and the devil has been attacking t... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Time is the stuff that life is made of. God tells us in the Bible to show our faith in Hi... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
The Seal of God... |
Doctrines That Divide |
Video |
How important is it to keep Sabbath?... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Though we’re under grace, we’re obligated to keep the Ten Commandments out of love for God... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
The Sabbath is not a time for buying and selling. See how you can follow the example of Je... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Although the seventh day comes at different times in different parts of the world, it is c... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
On Sabbath, we should set our regular work aside and spend quality time with God. Works of... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
One of the most perplexing questions facing the religious world today is the question of t... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
The Bible teaches that Jesus kept the Sabbath day on Saturday. But what about Christ's dis... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
This is a continued broadcast on the topic of the Sabbath day and reasons given in Scriptu... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
Some time ago I held an evangelistic crusade in the city of Newark, Ohio. I had just compl... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
Now friends, please come back with me to Galatians chapter three and verse fifteen. Now th... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
It’s clear the Christian church began to gradually compromise and adopt pagan customs such... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
The fact that the New Testament is silent on the subject of the Sabbath is the loudest arg... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
A classic and inspiring look at the Sabbath - God's loving but urgent attempt to keep the ... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
It depends on your understanding—but once you understand truth, you need to honor it. The ... |
The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need |
Video |
'True worship is not just something that happens during a religious ritual. True worship i... |