Media referencing the book of Philippians

Chapter 1


Absent From The Body

Philippians 1:20-24 Free Book Library What happens to us after we die? Many people think that 2 Corinthians 5:8 has the answer, but actual...

A Christian's Coat of Armor

Philippians 1:6 Bible Answers Live Knights were also generally the wealthiest of the three types of soldiers. And this was for good rea...

The Restorer

Philippians 1:6 SSSH - The Holy Spirit Mankind was created in the image of God, but sullied that image with sin. The Holy Spirit works to r...

The Widow of Zarephath: The Leap of Faith

Philippians 1:6 SSSH - Background Characters in the Old Testament An unnamed widow during Elijah's time demonstrates the "great controversy" in miniature form....

What is Salvation?, Pt. 3

Philippians 1:6 Bible Talk Jesus saves us completely and totally, but it is also true that we have a role in staying surrendere...

Praying for Discernment

Philippians 1:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Solomon prayed that God would give him discernment. Discernment helps us to use knowledge wisely an...

Chapter 2


From Pride to Humility

Philippians 2:1-11 SSSH - Daniel 2020 'God continues to change lives today. No matter how proud or sinful people may be, in God there is m...

Two Resurrections - Part 2

Philippians 2:10-11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible tells of a thousand years on this earth when the righteous will be in heaven and Satan wil...

What is Salvation?, Pt. 3

Philippians 2:13 Bible Talk Jesus saves us completely and totally, but it is also true that we have a role in staying surrendere...

The Unity of the Gospel - 2011

Philippians 2:2 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Paul's conflict with Peter over reverting to ceremonial Jewish customs shows how important the apost...

The Unity of the Gospel - 2017

Philippians 2:2 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "What issues are more important than unity itself? How do we learn to distinguish between what must ...

God's Word on Family Living

Philippians 2:2-11 SSSH - Families in the Family of God The Bible describes God's ideal for families in a variety of ways....

Jesus Desired Their Good

Philippians 2:3-5 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Jesus loved people more than anything else, and a church that is truly His will do the same."...

Is it Easier to be Saved or Lost - Part 2

Philippians 2:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Forgiveness doesn't change God's attitude toward us, but changes our attitude toward God. The Lord f...

Personal Power

Philippians 2:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There is an inner struggle in the heart of every person, conflicting voices that call one way or ano...

A Step in Faith

Philippians 2:5-7 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission Heaven will be worth any sacrifice we make on earth. There will be sacrifices along the way, but the...

A Body You Have Prepared for Me

Philippians 2:5-8 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption To begin to understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we must understand who and what He was ...

Dying Like A Seed

Philippians 2:5-9 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Molding God's children into reflections of His image first requires them to die a spiritual death to...

Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Philippians 2:9-10 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "What is Christ doing for us in the heavenly sanctuary, and why is it so important for us to underst...

God or Mammon?

Philippians 2:9-11 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "Whether we are rich or poor, how can we make sure we keep the right relationship to the things of t...

Chapter 3



Philippians 3:12 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How far can we take the assurance of salvation? “These things I have written to you who believe in ...

Paul: Mission and Message

Philippians 3:13-14 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "Think about your own faith. On what is it based? What good reasons do you have for it? How might yo...

The Devil's Dungeon

Philippians 3:21 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There will be a time when Satan will be bound on this planet with no one to tempt or manipulate. Thi...

Paul: Background and Call

Philippians 3:6-8 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "More is known about Paul than any other first-century Christian. He is especially remembered for hi...

Paul's Pastoral Appeal - 2011

Philippians 3:7-9 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Paul makes a personal appeal to the Galatians based on their previous relationship and his pastoral ...

Times of Loss

Philippians 3:8 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week, as we continue to look at family life, we will look at it in the context of the various ...

Justification by Faith Alone - 2011

Philippians 3:9 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Exploring the concept of justification by faith helps us understand who God is and why the issue was...

Chapter 4



Philippians 4:11-13 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions While we wait for the promise of paradise restored, pain and suffering are assured in our world of s...

When Alone

Philippians 4:11-13 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week we will look at the question of companionship and loneliness at the various times of life...

Horns and Halos

Philippians 4:13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Sin is like a spell that dazes our minds and takes away reason. Sin clouds our will power. There is ...


Philippians 4:18 SSSH - The Sanctuary "Central to the entire gospel is the concept of sacrifice. In the biblical languages, the words for...

Jesus, Provider and Sustainer

Philippians 4:19 SSSH - Origins "... Jesus continues to sustain the existence of the universe by His power. The universe is not ind...

A Life of Praise

Philippians 4:4-7 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Praising God may not feel natural when life is hard, but the Bible promises that praise in these tim...


Philippians 4:5 SSSH - Health & Healing The Bible strongly endorses temperance, which mean the total avoidance of harmful things and the use...

A Positive Perspective

Philippians 4:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We may take a positive perspective to events in life. Christians always have things for which to be ...

Is it a sin to worry?

Philippians 4:6 Bible Question Archive Is it a sin to worry? It can be. The Bible tells us to not be anxious for anything. Jesus said not t...

God's Abundant Provision

Philippians 4:6-7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Christians ought to trust that God will provide for them. In believing in God's provision for their ...

Battle for the Mind - Part 1

Philippians 4:8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Since the Garden of Eden it has been Satan's attempts to capture our minds and twist our thinking so...

Blood On the Screen

Philippians 4:8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The door to what the average family watches on TV keeps opening wider and wider. Christian moral sta...

Good Thinking

Philippians 4:8 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Since our thoughts are the root of our behaviors, it is important to follow God's advice about the i...

Overcoming Temptation

Philippians 4:8 Bible Talk How is a Christian to live in a world so filled with negative input that are counterproductive to a ...

Pagan Christianity, Pt. 5

Philippians 4:8 Bible Talk What we think about really shapes who we are becoming. The devil has provided a lot of useless and d...

Television Trap

Philippians 4:8 Creeping Compromise The influence of what we see cannot be overemphasized. By beholding we become changed....

What is biblically permissible entertainment?

Philippians 4:8-9 Bible Question Archive What is biblically permissible entertainment? Philippians gives us guidelines to think about things ...