Feed My Sheep | Sabbath School Study Hour

Feed My Sheep | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: Feed My Sheep. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for Feed My Sheep

The Person of Peter

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"Whatever his faults, and they were many, Peter was a spiritual man who was ready to follow the Lord...

An Inheritance Incorruptible

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"How can we learn to be more loving? What choices must we make in order to be able to manifest the k...

A Royal Priesthood

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"A holy nation? A royal priesthood? Applied to ourselves, what should terms like this mean in regard...

Social Relationships

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"Why is it important for Christians to be as good citizens as possible, even in less-than-ideal poli...

Living for God

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"Are there some areas in which we need to be in complete unity of thought in order to function as a ...

Suffering for Christ

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"How can we always be ready to face opposition for our faith, in whatever form that opposition comes...

Servant Leadership

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'Humility, rather than pride, should characterize the Christian’s relationship, not only with God bu...

Jesus in the Writings of Peter

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"When you think about the life and death of Jesus and then realize that He was God, what does this t...

Be Who You Are

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"How 'like Christ' are you? In what areas can you do better?"...

Prophecy and Scripture

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"How many people have drifted off into fanaticism and error because they refused to heed the counsel...

False Teachers

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"Why must we be sure to learn for ourselves the crucial truths we believe?"...

The Day of the Lord

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"Why must the Word of God, and not culture or our own judgment or reason, be the ultimate authority ...

Major Themes in 1 and 2 Peter

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This final week’s lesson will look in more detail at five of the themes Peter wrote about: the suffe...