17 Tips for Fighting a Virus!

While flu season is an annual occurrence, the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 infections has drawn more attention to what individuals can do to fight viral infections.

While the following natural health and healing suggestions are not a replacement for professional medical advice and treatment, research has shown these strategies may strengthen immunity and improve symptoms. 

Those with symptoms are being urged to stay at home and utilize telemedicine services to gain a doctor’s advice. 

Even if you’re not infected, be sure to practice the recommended steps to avoid the virus: frequent handwashing, “social distancing” from other people, and staying at home as much as possible.

Dr. Neil Nedley, a physician and president of Weimar Institute, told Pastor Doug Batchelor in a recent interview that taking N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplements can help develop antibodies against the infection. He also suggested zinc supplementation and urged a plant-based diet of foods rich in antioxidants—including broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and garlic, as well as fruits including berries and plums.

Note: Please consult with your physician before utilizing these natural remedies, especially if you have severe symptoms, are on any form of medication, or have a special condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. If you’re concerned about the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 infection, check the advice at coronavirus.gov.

The information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content in this article is for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

1. Take a Contrast Shower

At the first sign of a cold or flu, give yourself a “contrast shower.” The sooner you do it, the more effective it is. This treatment increases the number of circulating white blood cells and can ward off a full-blown infection.

  • Turn the water as hot as you can tolerate (105 to 110° F).
  • After a few minutes, turn the cold water on. Start with a mild contrast. Jumping up and down and rubbing your skin while in the cold water will help. Leave the cold on for about 30 seconds. Never leave it on so long that you actually feel chilled. This will have an undesirable effect (if you feel chilled, turn the hot water back on until you feel warm; then try a shorter application of cold or milder temperature).
  • Repeat this contrast three times, ending with cold. Dry yourself briskly and go to bed for at least one hour. Repeat this treatment 1 to 2 times daily.

Note: If you have diabetes, heart disease, or other circulatory impairment, use only a very mild contrast.

2. Rest!
Continuing your normal level of activity usually results in worsened symptoms and a longer illness. Particularly if you have a fever, go to bed so that your body can do the work of healing without interference.

3. Avoid Antibiotics, if Possible
Colds and influenza are caused by viruses. Antibiotics fight only bacterial infections, such as strep throat. They can also upset the healthy bacterial balance of the digestive tract. Try an herbal preparation such as garlic or echinacea. These can help the body fight infection without harmful side effects. (Use echinacea only when fighting an infection; otherwise, it can lose its effectiveness.)

4. Take Vitamin C at the First Sign of Symptoms
Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold or flu (1,000 mg in the morning, 500 mg in the afternoon).

5. Eat Simply
Avoid sugars and fats and limit juices and fruit, especially dried fruit (citrus fruits are preferable). Eliminate dairy products, which aggravate mucus-related symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids. Water, soups, and broth are all suitable, up to three quarts a day.

6. Keep Hands, Feet, Neck, and Ears Warmly Clothed
Blood flow to the nasal structures falls as the temperature of the extremities falls. Viruses prefer the resultant lower temperature and sluggish circulation of the nasal passages. This is why a chilled person has lowered resistance to upper respiratory infections.

7. Get Fresh Air, but Avoid Drafts
Keep your room warm (68 to 72° F), but not hot. Do deep breathing exercises, preferably outside.

8. Get a Little Sun Outdoors, but Don’t Allow Yourself to Get Chilled
Sunlight boosts the immune response and raises beneficial hormones that will help you feel better.

9. Don’t Be Too Eager to Reduce a Fever
Fever is a defense mechanism the body uses to fight infection. If you feel chilled, you are in the heating stage of a fever. Take steps to warm yourself. When you feel hot and are sweating, you have moved into the cooling stage of the fever. This is often referred to as “fever breaking.”

10. For Nasal Congestion

  • Drink hot broth or hot tea, such as peppermint or ginger
  • Add plenty of garlic and onion to soups and eat while hot
  • Use saline nose drops: Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in 1 cup warm water. Use with a clean eyedropper or nasal spray bottle.
  • Use a water vaporizer with eucalyptus essence
  • Apply a hot sinus compress
  • Use “breathing strips” found in the First Aid section of drug stores

11. For a Sore Throat

  • Gargle with saltwater: 1/4 teaspoon salt to 1 cup warm water
  • Use zinc lozenges
  • Use a water vaporizer, especially at night
  • Apply a hot compress to the throat

12. For a Cough

  • Drink hot peppermint or ginger tea with a teaspoon of honey
  • Honey mixed with fresh lemon juice can also soothe a cough, but use sparingly
  • Use a water vaporizer with eucalyptus essence
  • Apply a hot chest pack

13. Take an Acidophilus Preparation
This may help fight off viral and bacterial infections by ensuring an abundance of beneficial bacteria in the bowel.

14. Reduce Stress
Avoid dwelling on how bad you feel or how much you’re missing. Read light and uplifting material or listen to soothing music. According to research done at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, the more positive your attitude, the less severe your symptoms may be.

15. If Symptoms Are Severe, See a Physician
Severe symptoms include a fever above 104° F or one of 102° F that lasts more than a day, severe or persistent sore throat, ear pain, stiff neck, wet chest sounds, colored mucus or sputum, a cough that lingers more than a week after other symptoms have cleared, etc. These symptoms may indicate a more serious illness. 

Note: The CDC states, if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.

16. Avoid Spreading the Infection to Others
Stay home and use disposable tissue to cover coughs and sneezes and for blowing your nose. Don’t prepare food for others, sit or stand close to others, and wash your hands frequently.

17. When You Start Feeling Better, Don’t Shift Back Into Full Gear
This usually results in a relapse. Stay low (and even in bed) for a few extra days. Make a gradual transition to normal activity.


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