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Are the Dead Really Dead?

Are the Dead Really Dead?Lesson 10

Death just might be one of the most misunderstood subjects today. For many, death is shrouded in mystery and evokes dread, uncertainty, and hopelessness. Others believe that their deceased loved ones are not dead at all, but instead live with them or in other realms. Millions are confused about the relationship between the body, spirit, and soul. But does it really matter what you believe? Yes—absolutely! What you believe about the dead will have a profound impact on what happens to you in the near future. There’s no room for guessing! This Study Guide will give you exactly what God says on this subject. Get ready for a real eye-opener!
Adam was created by God in the beginning.
Adam was created by God in the beginning.

1. How did humans get here in the first place?

“The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).

Answer:   God made us from dust in the beginning.

2. What happens when a person dies?

2. What happens when a person dies?

“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Answer:   The body turns to dust again, and the spirit goes back to God, who gave it. The spirit of every person who dies—whether saved or unsaved—returns to God at death.

3. What is the “spirit” that returns to God at death?

“The body without the spirit is dead” (James 2:26).
“The spirit of God is in my nostrils” (Job 27:3 KJV).

Answer:   The spirit that returns to God at death is the breath of life. Nowhere in all of God’s book does the “spirit” have any life, wisdom, or feeling after a person dies. It is the “breath of life” and nothing more.

These four people are four souls.
These four people are four souls.

4. What is a "soul"?

“The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7 KJV).

Answer:   A soul is a living being. A soul is always a combination of two things: body plus breath. A soul cannot exist unless body and breath are combined. God’s Word teaches that we are souls—not that we have souls.

Body(Dust) - Breath(Spirit) = Death (No Soul)
Body(Dust) - Breath(Spirit) = Death (No Soul)

5. Do souls die?

“The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20 KJV).
“Every living soul died in the sea” (Revelation 16:3 KJV).

Answer:   According to God’s Word, souls do die! We are souls, and souls die. Man is mortal (Job 4:17).
Only God is immortal (1 Timothy 6:15, 16). The concept of an undying, immortal soul is not found in the Bible, which teaches that souls are subject to death.

The Bible suggests that King David will be in God’s kingdom, but that he is in his grave now, where he awaits the resurrection.
The Bible suggests that King David will be in God’s kingdom, but that he is in his grave now, where he awaits the resurrection.

6. Do good people go to heaven when they die?

“All who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28, 29).
“David … is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34).
“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13 KJV).

Answer:   No. People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere—but they wait in their graves for the resurrection.

7. How much does one know or comprehend after death?

7. How much does one know or comprehend after death?

“The living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished; nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun. … There is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10).
“The dead do not praise the Lord” (Psalm 115:17).

Answer:   God says that the dead know absolutely nothing!

Though millions think it is possible, the dead cannot communicate with the living.
Though millions think it is possible, the dead cannot communicate with the living.

8. But can’t the dead communicate with the living, and aren’t they aware of what the living are doing?

“Man lies down and does not rise. Till the heavens are no more, they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep. … His sons come to honor, and he does not know it; they are brought low, and he does not perceive it” (Job 14:12, 21).
“Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 9:6).

Answer:   No. The dead cannot contact the living, nor do they know what the living are doing. They are dead. Their thoughts have perished (Psalm 146:4 KJV).

9. Jesus called the unconscious state of the dead “sleep” in John 11:11–14. How long will they sleep?

9. Jesus called the unconscious state of the dead “sleep” in John 11:11–14. How long will they sleep?

“Man lies down and does not rise. Till the heavens are no more” (Job 14:12).
“The day of the Lord will come … in which the heavens will pass away” (2 Peter 3:10).

Answer:    The dead will sleep until the great day of the Lord at the end of the world. In death humans are totally unconscious with no activity or knowledge of any kind.

10. What happens to the righteous dead at the second coming of Christ?

10. What happens to the righteous dead at the second coming of Christ?

“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Revelation 22:12).
“The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout. … And the dead in Christ will rise. … And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).
“We shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye … and the dead will be raised incorruptible. … For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:51–53).

Answer:   They will be rewarded. They will be raised, given immortal bodies, and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. There would be no purpose in a resurrection if people were taken to heaven at death.

11. What was the devil’s first lie on Earth?

11. What was the devil’s first lie on Earth?

“The serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die’ ” (Genesis 3:4).
“That serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan” (Revelation 12:9).

Answer:    You will not die.

12. Why did the devil lie to Eve about death? Could this subject be more important than we think?

Answer:   The devil’s lie that we will not die is one of the pillars of his teachings. For thousands of years, he has worked powerful, deceptive miracles to trick people into thinking they are receiving messages from the spirits of the dead. (Examples: Magicians of Egypt—Exodus 7:11; Woman of Endor—1 Samuel 28:3–25; Sorcerers—Daniel 2:2; A slave girl—Acts 16:16–18.)

A Solemn Warning
In the near future, Satan will again use sorcery—as he did in the prophet Daniel’s day—to deceive the world (Revelation 18:23). Sorcery is a supernatural agency that claims to receive its power and wisdom from the spirits of the dead.

Posing as Jesus' Disciples
Posing as godly loved ones who have died, saintly clergymen who are now dead, Bible prophets, or even the apostles of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13), Satan and his angels will deceive billions. Those who believe the dead are alive, in any form, will likely be deceived.

All miracle working is not from God, because devils also work miracles.
All miracle working is not from God, because devils also work miracles.

13. Do devils really work miracles?

“For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles” (Revelation 16:14, KJV).
“False christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).

Answer:   Yes indeed! Devils work incredibly convincing miracles (Revelation 13:13, 14). Satan will appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and, even more shocking, as Christ Himself (Matthew 24:23, 24). The universal feeling will be that Christ and His angels are leading out in a fantastic worldwide revival. The entire emphasis will seem so spiritual and be so supernatural that only God’s elect will not be deceived.

14. Why will God's people not be deceived?

14. Why will God's people not be deceived?

“They received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11).
“If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20).

Answer:   God’s people will know from their study of His book that the dead are dead, not alive. They will know that a “spirit” claiming to be a deceased loved one is really a devil! God’s people will reject all teachers and miracle workers who claim to receive special “light” or work miracles by contacting the spirits of the dead. And God’s people will likewise reject as dangerous and false all teachings that claim the dead are alive in any form, anywhere.

15. Back in Moses’ day, what did God command should be  done to people who taught that the dead were alive?

15. Back in Moses’ day, what did God command should be done to people who taught that the dead were alive?

“A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones” (Leviticus 20:27).

Answer:   God insisted that mediums and others with “familiar spirits” (who claimed to be able to contact the dead) should be stoned to death. This shows how God regards the false teaching that the dead are alive.

16. Will the righteous people who are raised in the resurrection ever die again?

16. Will the righteous people who are raised in the resurrection ever die again?

“Those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead … nor can they die anymore” (Luke 20:35, 36).

“God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

Answer:   No! Death, sorrow, crying, and tragedy will never enter into God’s new kingdom. “When this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory’ ” (1 Corinthians 15:54).

17. Belief in reincarnation is expanding rapidly today. Is this teaching biblical?

17. Belief in reincarnation is expanding rapidly today. Is this teaching biblical?

“The living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing. … Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6).

Answer:   Almost half the people on earth believe in reincarnation, a teaching that the soul never dies but is instead continually reborn in a different kind of body with each succeeding generation. This teaching, however, is contrary to Scripture.

The Bible Says
After death a person: returns to dust (Psalms 104:29), knows nothing (Ecclesiastes 9:5), possesses no mental powers (Psalms 146:4), has nothing to do with anything on earth (Ecclesiastes 9:6), does not live (2 Kings 20:1), waits in the grave (Job 17:13), and continues not (Job 14:1, 2).

Satan's Invention
We learned in questions 11 and 12 that Satan invented the teaching that the dead are alive. Reincarnation, channeling, communication with spirits, spirit worship, and the "undying soul" are all inventions of Satan, with one aim to convince people that when you die you are not really dead. When people believe that the dead are alive, "spirits of devils, working miracles" (Revelation 16:14) and posing as spirits of the dead will be able to deceive and lead them astray virtually 100 percent of the time (Matthew 24:24).

18. Are you thankful for the Bible, which tells us the truth on this sensitive subject of death?


Thought Questions

1. Didn’t the thief on the cross go to paradise with Christ the day He died

No. In fact, on Sunday morning Jesus said to Mary, “I have not yet ascended to My Father” (John 20:17). This shows that Christ did not go to heaven at death. It’s important to note that the punctuation we see in the Bible today is not original, but added centuries later by translators. The comma in Luke 23:43 would be better placed after the word “today” rather than before, so that the passage reads, “Assuredly, I say to you today, you will be with Me in Paradise.” Another way to put this verse that makes sense in the immediate context is: “I’m telling you today—when it seems that I can save no one, when I Myself am being crucified as a criminal—I give you the assurance today that you will be with me in Paradise.” Christ’s kingdom of glory will be set up at His second coming (Matthew 25:31), and the righteous of all ages will enter it at that time (1 Thessalonians 4:15–17) and not at death.

2. Doesn’t the Bible speak of the “undying,” “immortal” soul?

No. The undying, immortal soul is not mentioned in the Bible. The word “immortal” is found only once in the Bible, and it is in reference to God (1 Timothy 1:17).

3. At death the body returns to dust and the spirit (or breath) returns to God. But where does the soul go?

It goes nowhere. Instead, it simply ceases to exist. Two things must be combined to make a soul: body and breath. When the breath departs, the soul ceases to exist because it is a combination of two things. When you turn off a light, where does the light go? It doesn’t go anywhere. It just ceases to exist. Two things must combine to make a light: a bulb and electricity. Without the combination, a light is impossible. So with the soul; unless body and breath are combined, there can be no soul. There is no such thing as a “disembodied soul.”

4. Does the word “soul” ever mean anything other than a living being?

Yes. It may mean also (1) life itself, or (2) the mind, or intellect. No matter which meaning is intended, the soul is still a combination of two things (body and breath), and it
ceases to exist at death.

5. Can you explain John 11:26: “Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die”?

This refers not to the first death, which all people die (Hebrews 9:27), but to the second death, which only the wicked die and from which there is no resurrection (Revelation 2:11; 21:8).

6. Matthew 10:28 says, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Doesn’t this prove that the soul is undying?

No. It proves the opposite. The last half of the same verse proves that souls do die. It says, “Rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” The word “soul” here means life and refers to eternal life, which is a gift (Romans 6:23) that will be given to the righteous at the last day (John 6:54). No one can take away the eternal life that God bestows. (See also Luke 12:4, 5.)

7. Doesn’t 1 Peter 4:6 say the gospel was preached to dead people?

No. It says the gospel “was” preached to those who “are” dead. They are dead now, but the gospel “was” preached to them while they were yet living.

Quiz Questions

1. The Bible speaks of death as (1)

_____   A sleep.
_____   A change to a different form of life.
_____   An inexplicable mystery.

2. The "spirit" that returns to God at death is (1)

_____   A person's real inner self.
_____   The soul.
_____   The breath of life.

3. A person who dies goes to (1)

_____   Heaven or hell.
_____   The grave.
_____   Purgatory.

4. A soul is (1)

_____   A person's spiritual nature.
_____   The undying part of a person.
_____   A living being.

5. Do souls die? (1)

_____   Yes.
_____   No.

6. When are the righteous rewarded? (1)

_____   In this life.
_____   At death.
_____   At the second coming of Christ.

7. Why does Satan try to deceive people by telling them the dead are not dead? (1)

_____   So they will believe his miracles and be deceived and lost.
_____   Because he feels sorry for them.
_____   Because he is just mean and wicked.

8. Individuals who "communicate" with the dead are actually talking with (1)

_____   Immortal souls.
_____   Holy angels.
_____   Evil spirits impersonating the deceased.

9. In Moses' day God commanded that all who taught that the dead are alive be (1)

_____   Made priests.
_____   Honored for their wisdom.
_____   Killed.

10. How can a person be sure he is safe and right? (1)

_____   Ask God for a special sign from heaven.
_____   Do what the preacher or minister says to do.
_____   Study the Bible prayerfully and carefully and follow it.

11. When a person dies (1)

_____   His spirit, or soul, remains alive.
_____   He is able to observe the living and contact them.
_____   He is dead in every way--the body dies, the soul ceases to exist, and no contact with the living is possible.

12. Are miracles proof that something is of God? (1)

_____   Yes. Only God can work miracles.
_____   No. The devil also works great miracles.

13. I am grateful for the Bible, which tells us the truth on this sensitive subject.

_____   Yes.
_____   No.
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Thanks You Team at Amazing Facts :) God be with you all.
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No the wages of Sin is (internal Death) but the free Gift of God is internal Life, The death Bible speak of here is not just the normal death that we mortal experience as a result of Sin, its speaking here of the death that one will not be raised from :(
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Take this page down before my wife whose father just died sees it. You are wrong. My wife's father is with her and she talks to him everyday. How dare you say it is the devil talking to her. I took that horrible page to 2 priests and a pastor and they ripped it up. What a horrible thing to say that my wife's father does not remember her and she is talking to the devil. And you will probably not post this because it is against your beliefs which are disgusting and this is not spam - Catholic priests were shocked at what you said about my wife's father's soul.
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i will pray for you and your family :( God knows your heart.
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Priests does not have any authority to determine what is right and wrong. The bible speaks for itself.
You have just exposed how narrow minded
and ignorant you are
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Some of these scriptures are taken extremely out of context. For example, Acts 2:34 doesn't simply say, "For David did not ascend into Heaven." If you're going to use scripture, you need to use the entirety of the scripture and give the context of which it was written in. The scripture then goes on to quote a reference from Psalm 110:1. ("34- For David did not ascend into Heaven. But he says, 35- 'Adonai said to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."'" - Acts 2:34-35) What v. 34 is doing is proving the prophetic words of David in Psalms as he did not ascend into Heaven to see Jesus sitting at God's right hand when he wrote Psalm 110, yet David's words are prophesying to the death and resurrection of Messiah and Him taking His spot on the throne (which was a promise from God to David - that his descendant would sit on the throne, which is mentioned in Acts 2:30). You can't just pick specific pieces from the text of God, you have to take the entire text and its content into account.
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When my mother died in 2005 knowing the truth about death according to God’s word was so comforting to me. I highly recommend you share this study with anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one. Montina in Monroe, GA
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If the wages of sin is death. Does that mean the dead have paid their price. If so, will the people who died with sin have a chance at eternal life?
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:) No the wages of Sin is (internal Death) but the free Gift of God is internal Life, see my first comment as it wont let me paste it here :(
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Victory in Jesus
When you are saved having accepted Jesus as your savior and at death you have no sin because you’ve been forgiven when you sinned and then died. If you die without Jesus as your savior you will not get another chance at salvation. Only those who go through the tribulation and not receive the mark of the beast can receive salvation and eternal life.
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Auroa Borealis
Yes and Yes.
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Thank you for the helpful articles. Regarding the "punctuation problem" in Luke 23:43, where Jesus told the penitent thief that they would be together that day in Paradise. I suggest an "Occam's Razor" solution that can accept the punctuation "as is". One definition of "paradise" from Strong's Concordance is:

"3) the part of Hades which was thought by the later Jews to be the abode of the souls of pious until the resurrection: but some understand this to be a heavenly paradise".

Jesus also used the word "paradise" only once, in Luke 23:43, in the context of His death. However, He used "heaven" many times, in relation to His Father's abode.

A simpler interpretation of Luke 23:43 is found by comparing numerous phrases in the Old Testament that speak euphemistically about death, i.e., being "gathered unto (his/my/their) people". When Jacob though Joseph was dead, he said he would go DOWN to the grave mourning (Gen. 37:35). Then, in Gen. 49:33, Jacob says this: "And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.". Isaac was also "gathered unto his people" (Gen. 35.29) and Aaron, also (Num. 20:25). There are many variations of this phrase that made the temporary state of sleep seem like a happy family reunion.

It's a simpler interpretation, but I believe Jesus was paraphrasing this OT expression by telling the penitent thief that on that day they would be gathered to each other - and their people - in Hades.
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After reading the Bible Study on line.How do answer the question online?
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Judith colgan
Do you believe if yiu accept Jesus and ask FORGIVENESS
you go to Heaven? Judith Colgan.
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Amazing Facts
Hello Judith, though I believe that God honors our choices and will respect our decision if we later choose to rebel, the new life in Christ does involve assurance (Heb. 10:19-22). Our salvation was secured by the most decisive divine act in history: Christ's death and resurrection. We know that He who has begun a good work in us will not leave us to struggle alone. “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6. We know that, so long as we put our trust in Him, He will hold us by a hand that will never let us go. However, He designed us with the freedom to choose. Daily, we make choices that lead us into a closer relationship with Him, or further from Him. Here is a short audio link where Pastor Doug answers this question:
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I try to answer the questions after the study but I am unable to do so on my laptop.
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Where do we enter our answers, where do we check how we did in the quiz, regarding are the dead really dead please?
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To take the quiz you'd have to enroll in the online Bible school here:
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    The Bible uses the term "asleep" or "sleeping" when referring to the physical body of the believer at death. It is important to note that the term is used solely for believers. The dead body appears to be asleep when it is separated at death from the spirit and soul of the believer. The spirit and soul, which are eternal, are united with Christ at the moment of the believer's death (2 Corinthians 5:8). The body of the believer, which is mortal flesh, perishes, or "sleeps" until the day it is transformed and reunited to the believer at the final resurrection
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You say that souls don't go any where but the grave, then why did the beggar Lazurs was in Paradise with Abraham and the rich man in hell. And the rich man asked Abraham to have Lazuras to cool his tongue, and Abraham said to the Rich man on earth you was comforted and Lazarus not but now Lazuras is comforted and you are in torment if the dead are still in their graves?
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I read that and also disagreed with the statement.
“Absent from the body, present with the Lord.
Jesus told the thief on the cross, “today you be with me in paradise.”
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Matthew T

The ancient Greek texts did not use punctuation as we use them today. When Jesus said that to the thief on the cross in Luke 23:43, He was telling him that particular day, as in: I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise. The mistake of placing the comma before the word “today” is attributed to the writers of the King James Bible in the year 1611. Also, if you look at it logically, Jesus died and was buried in a tomb. He did not ascend to His Father until after the third day (Sunday). He tells Marry: “Touch Me not, for I am not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say unto them, ‘I ascend unto My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God’” (John 20:17, NKJV). In this text we read that He (Jesus) has not yet ascended to meet His “Father” (God), so it would be impossible for Him to have already gone to Heaven before this moment.
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2 Cor 5:8 does not say “Absent from the body, present with the Lord." It says, "Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord." This is merely a statement of location preference, as if I said that I would rather be away from California and at home in Florida. There is no time clue in that verse to indicate how long after his death it will be before he is with the Lord.

As for what Jesus told the thief, most translations insert a comma where there is none in the Greek. By doing so they destroy the idiom that Jesus used as a preface to his response. He used a common idiom of his day that is also found throughout the Bible. Luke 23:43 begins with the idiom “Truly I say to you today” to emphasize the importance and assurance of what comes next - "you will be with me in Paradise." Again, there is no time clue.
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Hello, I had a concern about human souls still existing.
If souls are not aware after death (in response to answer #8), then what about the verse about Samuel being summoned from the dead to speak with Saul? And Samuel was very aware of his surroundings and what the Lord was going to do. 'Finally, the woman said, “Well, whose spirit do you want me to call up?” “Call up Samuel,” Saul replied. When the woman saw Samuel, she screamed, “You’ve deceived me! You are Saul!” “Don’t be afraid!” the king told her. “What do you see?” “I see a god coming up out of the earth,” she said. “What does he look like?” Saul asked. “He is an old man wrapped in a robe,” she replied. Saul realized it was Samuel, and he fell to the ground before him. “Why have you disturbed me by calling me back?” Samuel asked Saul. “Because I am in deep trouble,” Saul replied. “The Philistines are at war with me, and God has left me and won’t reply by prophets or dreams. So I have called for you to tell me what to do.” But Samuel replied, “Why ask me, since the Lord has left you and has become your enemy? The Lord has done just as he said he would. He has torn the kingdom from you and given it to your rival, David. The Lord has done this to you today because you refused to carry out his fierce anger against the Amalekites. What’s more, the Lord will hand you and the army of Israel over to the Philistines tomorrow, and you and your sons will be here with me. The Lord will bring down the entire army of Israel in defeat.”'
1 Samuel 28:11-19 I don't believe this was a demon at all. And it's true that demons can impersonate peoples' voices and personalities, but there is too much physical evidence of living people communicating with actual dead spirits, not just demonic entities. This is one verse that is very difficult to interpret any other way, unlike verses Job 14:12, 21, where its merely just speaking in terms of their dead bodies no longer being able to perceive and know.
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Hello Mihai,
I'm not a theologian, nor Bible expert, but I'd like to encourage you to continue studying on the state of the dead. According to this Bible lesson (and my own studies over the last 30 years), people do not have a separate, immortal soul. Genesis 2:7 states that man BECAME living soul, God did not put one in him. Only God is immortal. According to the Bible, Satan's first lie to Eve was that she would not die if she ate the fruit. We know that isn't true because she indeed did pass away. As far as the Lazarus account in the Bible, you have to remember that that is a parable Jesus told, it was not an actual event. The Devil is more than capable (and his demons) of impersonating dead loved ones, and appearing to people as your dead father, mother, sister, brother, aunt or friend. This reason this is so important is because in the end times, Satan will use spiritualism to deceive people, appearing as dead loved ones, encouraging them to believe his lies rather than the Bible. As far as King Saul going to the witch of Endor to contact the dead prophet, God warned his people NOT to consult with mediums and spiritists, and try to contact the dead because the dead do not communicate with the living. Only Satan does that (Deuteronomy 18:9-13; Galatians 5:19-21; Isaiah 8:19). King Saul was actually communicating with one of the demons, impersonating Samuel. As far as physical evidence of people communicating with actual dead spirits, of course that is true, but they are demons impersonating a loved one. Will you go by the experience of a fallen, erring, human being, or what the Bible says? Jesus Himself says the dead are asleep in John 11:11-14. So, please continue to study and keep your heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I know God will answer your prayers to this important question. God bless you.
(Genesis 2:7; Genesis 2:7; 1 Timothy 6:15-16; Acts 2:29,34; Psalms 115:17; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6; Ecclesiastes 9:6, 10)
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Seems they really dont know what they're talking about. When the bible speaks of thr dead without love hate thought and not knowing,it is the deceased physical body ,not the soul. Dont buy into the soul cant work because it needs a body and the breath of life. The breath of life is not necessary for a conscious soul. Only the physical body. Yes im completely on your side to your question.
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Elisia Minton
My friends you r mistaken. The Bible is very clear if you read the scriptures with understanding ,that's listed in the study guide . The dead are dead. Gen 2:7 says body/dust + breath , the breath of life that comes from God or the spirit = a living soul. )the Body/dust - the breath of life/spirit = death . We are mortals. When your dead you know nothing. Read what the Bible says Eccl. 9:5,6 10. Only God is immortal. When Jesus raised Lazarus , He was dead and in the grave. Read John 11 Jesus said death is like a sleep. When we sleep we are in an unconscious state until we wake up. When Jesus raised Lazarus he did not come back from heaven, hell , reincarnation, pergatory. He raised him from the dead. Lazarus was dead in a grave. Just like the scriptures says. When Jesus returns the dead in Christ will rise first and those that are alive and remain shall be caught up . The mortal will put on immortality.
1 Thessalonians 4; 1 Corinthians 15. Why is Jesus coming back to get us? To get his children that are dead and living. Satan and his evil angles, along with people who worship Satan, who practice in the occult can impersonate the dead. Jesus told us that in Matthew 24:24 ;2 Corinthians 11:3. Witches and Palm readers are false prophets. Along with those who teach and preach false doctrines like the dead go on living. We are immortal.
Only God gives life and those who are truly Gods children operate in Gods Holy power to raise the dead. But for the most part Jesus is the only one that will raise the dead ln the first resurrection that died in the Lord to go back to heaven with him when he returns. There are some people in heaven. But as stated the dead in Christ will rise first and those that are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. John 5:28,29 all in their graves that died in the Lord will hear his voice and come forth. We must be willing to believe the truth of Gods word over error and not b deceived Elisia Minton
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Can you please explain the meaning of the "last Great Day" found in book of Leviticus I would gladly appreciate if you do so?thanx in advance
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It would be nice if I could download these for ministry the way I can the Joe Crews booklets...
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Robert Tua
I like your page and I’m in agreement with all what you said about death Praise the Lord
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MAT 17:2 Jesus on the mount before the crucifixion and is seen with Moses and Elijah (who didn't die) ...according to AF Moses shouldn't be seen there?
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Hi, Charles. Thanks for your comment. Pastor Doug explains this here:
You can also read his "The Two Witnesses" available in our free book library.
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Some of what you say is wrong.
John 11:23–27
23 Jesus told her, “Your brother will rise again.”
24 “Yes,” Martha said, “he will rise when everyone else rises, at the last day.”
25 Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life.* Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. 26 Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”
27 “Yes, Lord,” she told him. “I have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who has come into the world from God
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Matthew T
When Jesus said that “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26), He is saying that the righteous will not die the eternal death of the wicked. All of the original 12 disciples died believing that Jesus was coming back to bring us all home to Heaven to be with Him. They did not die the eternal death, but are resting until being called from their graves. The dead will be resurrected on the final day of earth’s history.
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I was reading the article "Are The Dead Really Dead?" and in it was stated that the dead does not go to Christ upon death, but rather it is in waiting until His return. Please answer this scripture that I've heard quite often lately that states " be absent from the body is to be with Lord..." 2 Corinthians 5:8
Also, The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:14-31) seems to denote one may enter into Hades after death, before the 2nd Coming of Christ.
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Hi Christy, I'd like to respond as well. When you look carefully at the text "to be absent from the body...." ready it carefully.
"6 So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."
He is saying here that while we are alive, we are at home in our present, earthly, imperfect, bodies, and of course that makes us physically absent from the Lord. We are not with Him right now. That is why we "walk by faith, not by sight." But then he says that we are "....well pleased RATHER to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." He is saying that although we are not with God now, we would much RATHER not be here in this earthly body, but to be present with the Lord. People have misquoted this verse for decades, using it as proof that to be absent is to be present with God. That is not what it says at all. Read it again, it does not say "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
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The misquote of 2nd Corinthians 5:8 is a very serious error and should be called out every time it is shared. I hear the misquote from highly esteemed theologians three or four times a week on my local Christian radio station. Paul was not giving a handy "formula" for instant heaven, but traditionalists who deny that dead means dead and perish means perish are desperate and must resort to adding and taking away from the scriptures in order to maintain their false teaching.

Paul's words in 2 Cor. 5:8 "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, AND to be present with the Lord. That is, for two separate happenings: (1) to be absent from the body AND (2) to be present with the Lord.

Eliminating part of what Paul said and changing an important word ("and" to "is") violates the serious warning in Revelation 22:

Rev. 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

The popular misquote you shared both adds and takes away from Paul's inspired meaning . Although there is debate over whether Revelation 22:18-19 is about the entire Bible or only the book of Revelation, we see a similar warning in Deuteronomy:

Deut 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
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Sorry someone hasn’t gotten to this for you Christy, Luke 20:38 States that even the dead live unto God. Because death is a sleep, even to us it would be but a moment and we would be with God. There may be other answers as well. There’s also the aspect of a prophet being in vision and being in heaven yet his body is here. I don’t think that applies here yet I’m not sure.
As far as rich man and Lazarus, This was a story that Jesus told to bring a point. The point was that if someone did not believe the Writings of Moses, they would not believe even if someone came to them from the dead. And the fact that he used the name Lazarus is interesting as well. Lazarus was the one who was raised from the dead and right after that they planned the death of Christ. Also many rose from the dead at Christ’s resurrection and went into the city to testify, yet that was not enough evidence to convince those who did not believe Moses.
The story has to be figurative because Abrahams bosom is not Heaven therefor it is figurative. Must’ve been a story that the people could relate to. If we knew the culture and perhaps some of the traditional stories of the time we might have a better understanding of why Jesus used that story as a parable.
Lastly, the Bible is written so that we exercise faith in the weight of the evidence. If one text of scripture seems to be out of place with nine others on the same topic, it would not seem honest to bend all the other points to fit that one that seems to say something different. Our Human hearts can be quite tricky. What we want to believe, it takes very little scripture to prove, but what we don’t want to believe, that takes a whole lot more scripture to convince us. And if the Holy Spirit is not working, even that will not suffice. You seem to be honest in your questions I hope this is been helpful.
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hi, why can dead from hell can posses people on earth and they can give their names ?
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The dead do not possess people here on earth. The dead are asleep in their graves. It is the demons of Satan that do the possessing. Not dead people.
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Can you explain why Jesus gave that Parable of Lazarous and the rich man in heaven? People often say the dead are being tommented as we speak
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hi, many people get caught up on this subject, doug batchelor gives a really good sermon on this subject (seach youtube) but basically it was a story to prove a point, eg do we really think people stay on abrahams bosom?.
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If the spirit (Breath of life) returns to God and the body dies and the soul cease to exist then who or what goes to hell of the wicked?
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Hi Lori,
Hell as most people believe, does not exist right now. The dead (both the righteous and sinful) are all asleep in their graves. Hell is reserved for Satan and his angels, along with the dead who did not die in Christ at the end of time. God is not the type of God who would torment, and keep people alive for the sole purpose of tormenting them for endless ages, millions of years, and on and on and on. How would we be able to enjoy heaven, knowing our loved ones who did not believe are being tortured and burned while we bask in the 'Lord's goodness? God is a merciful God, and although He hates sin, when Christ finally returns, He will clean up the earth of all sin, burning it with fire and brimstone, BUT it will not go on endlessly. It will all come to an end. Sin, sinners, the devil and his angels. They will be no more. Then the righteous will live with Him forever and ever. Amen!
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In Luke chapter 23:43, Jesus said to the criminal;"Most assuredly I tell you,today you will be with me in Paradise." what is the meaning of this? whats is paradise? Is it another name for heaven?
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Also, when Jesus returned to life, he told the woman he had not ascended to god in heaven yet. This means that while in the body of a human, Jesus died and his consciousness ceased to exist for three days until the Father renewed his life. This is why God was so distraught when Jesus died, because part of him was truly gone. The point is that Jesus was not in paradise, so the thief could not have been with him the literal day they died. Like was stated before, have to alter the comma placement.
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Hi Sneha -
May I give you my layman's understanding of this passage?
Ask yourself what did the thief ask of Jesus? It was to remember him WHEN He came into His Kingdom.
The comma is not in the original text but put there by translators. Remove it and read the question through to the end of Jesus' answer.
Personally, I understand Jesus to be assuring the thief that he did not have to wait and hope Jesus remembered him in the future, but was telling him that moment, that very day as He hung on the cross, that he (the thief) would be with Him in Paradise. No hoping or waiting to see. Done deal.
Another thing to consider is the fact that Jesus did not go to Paradise that day. He told the religious leaders that He would give them only one sign - that of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man would be in the heart of the earth (grave) 3 days and 3 nights.
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I know this is a tough question, but I have to ask: How do we know the bible is not man made and it's God's word? I tried clicking the contact us button but cannot do so I asked my question here.
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Simply put, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. No man alone can accurately predict the future. And the Bible was written by many different prophets, many of whom were alive during different ages. So they couldn't have conspired together to predict the future. God told them what would happen, and they simply recorded it. Furthermore, The Bible contains over 1000 prophecies. 700+ of those prophecies have already come to pass, and with perfect accuracy. You'd have to do your research on the specific ones. I could sit here and give you other reasons, but that alone should be sufficient in proving that the Bible was inspired by the word of God. Not by man.
P.S. Some people, who are uneducated on the matter, also claim Christianity was formed by a single group of people who conspired to create the religion in hopes of controlling people to benefit their own personal agenda. But, this is also disproven by the fact that the Bible was created based on the trials of many different generations and prophets. Over hundreds, even thousands of years. So I would ask, what would the point of been for one group of men to fabricate Christianity when they wouldn't of even been alive to witness the result of it? And lastly, there is also historical and archeological evidence of many events which happened as described in the Bible, through many different ages, so this also confirms the bible could not of been "made up" by a single group of people.
The Bible truly is, without a doubt, the inspired words of the one true God. The evidence of his presence is everywhere. We just need to learn how to see. Open your eyes, and listen carefully. Seek God and he shall find you. Or remain ignorant, rejecting him based on your own understanding and worldly logic, and you will be judged for it. To be saved, turn away from your sinful life and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Reject the unholy thoughts that cloud your mind and be washed clean of the guilt and shame that consume you. But you must take the initiative to do so. Do not wait on God. Because he is the one waiting on you.
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I have an acrostic I use to remind me why I believe the Bible is inspired. Acrostic is SCRIPTURES. S stands for science in archaeology. Show much could be sad about this but I will pass it by for now. C stands for the cross which is the central theme throughout the whole Bible. The plan of salvation is permeated through all of it’s writings and stories. R stands for Rationality. No other book or religion gives more reasonable answers for all the big questions of life. No other religion shows how God can be merciful and yet just. Etc. I stands for Inspiration. There is an inspiration that changes the direction of our thoughts as we come in contact with the Word. P stands for prophetic. The prophecies of the first advent of Christ identify him without question, even the year he was to be baptized found in Daniel 9. Prophecies concerning the antichrist, the last days, the distruction of Jerusalem, the fall of Babylon naming Cyrus the general and how he would accomplish it. Many other such things. God declares in the Bible this is one of the ways that he reveals himself as God by declaring “the end from the beginning”. T stands for testability. Here I have my own list of ways and times I’ve tested God‘s promises and found them to be true. One in particular I like is “call upon me in time of trouble and I will deliver you. “ Even as a nonbeliever, I called on the power of God and had him miraculously deliver me. U stands for understanding. It increases your understanding of many things, and when you choose to believe what God says in his word he gives you wisdom and understanding that you didn’t have before. R stands for Resilience. The Bible has been resisted and persecuted. While it’s persecutors passed from the scene, the Bible has lived on and has survived all the attacks against it. E stands for effects. The affects that the Bible has on the life of people who truly believe that it is inspired is measurable. The people I know seem to developed some of the same characteristics as if they were of the same family. Lastly we have S which stands for satisfies. Can also stand for sanctuary. Nothing satisfies the soul like the teachings of the Bible, the gospel of God. The teachings and services of the sanctuary, if study careful he can point to no other than Jesus Christ and him crucified.
God asked us to come and reason together, and to taste and see for ourselves. Our experience is the final test. God doesn’t play hide and seek, he promises if we seek him we shall find him. Probably preaching to the choir. Hope this will be useful information. It has helped me.
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Hello, Jan! We have a Study Guide about this: Thanks for your question, and God bless you!
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Hi AF. Can you please explain the meaning of Mark 12:27, in which Jesus describes His Father as God of the living, referencing Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
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Hi! I think the whole point of that verse resides in the first part where Jesus states that the dead rise. Restating that God is the God of the living reaffirms the resurrection. He is their God, and they will rise from the dead, not stay dead. Thank You.
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why does the rich man request Lazarus to warn his family members of the impeding do we describe that timing between the dead and the living? were their souls conscious?
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As far as rich man and Lazarus, This was a story that Jesus told to bring a point. The point was that if someone did not believe the Writings of Moses, they would not believe even if someone came to them from the dead. And the fact that he used the name Lazarus is interesting as well. Lazarus was the one who was raised from the dead and right after that they planned the death of Christ. Also many rose from the dead at Christ’s resurrection and went into the city to testify, yet that was not enough evidence to convince those who did not believe Moses.
The story has to be figurative because Abrahams bosom is not Heaven therefor it is figurative. Must’ve been a story that the people could relate to. If we knew the culture and perhaps some of the traditional stories of the time we might have a better understanding of why Jesus used that story as a parable. U
Lastly, the Bible is written so that we exercise faith in the weight of the evidence. If one text of scripture seems to be out of place with nine others on the same topic, it would not seem honest to bend all the other points to fit that one that seems to say something different. Our Human hearts can be quite tricky. What we want to believe, it takes very little scripture to prove, but what we don’t want to believe, that takes a whole lot more scripture to convince us. And if the Holy Spirit is not working, even that will not suffice. You seem to be honest in your questions I hope this is been helpful.
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It saddens me greatly that people pick and choose verses to uphold their personal doctrines. All the parables Jesus spoke were stories with made up characters, but the parable of Lazarus is to be taken literally when doing so conflicts scripture. The dead know nothing and their thoughts cease, remaining so until a quickening presence, aka god only who possesses immortality, brings them back.
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Hi, Flora! Thank you for your question. Here are some Bible resources regarding this parable of Jesus: You can search our Scripture database here: — or contact us here to get an answer to your Bible question from Amazing Facts staff: May God bless you as you study!
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Are Cain and Abel twins as some churches teach and that the sin in the garden was satan and eve having sex and that satan is cain's father and that adam is abel's father and they are twins.
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No - it says Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and had Cain.
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There is a purgatory..
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There is no such thing as purgatory. it is an unbiblical, man-made doctrine contrived to frighten the ignorant into paying money into the church.
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Nope, certainly wrong.
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Purgatory was created by the roman catholic church as a way to get money from the surviving loved ones. The family would pay the church in order to shorten the time in purgatory.
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what does the soul or spirit do once it gets with God?
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according to the Bible study "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7. So if the body is dead the soul is not conscious. The breath of God returns and when we are to be raised, he gives it back to us and gives us life. This is why Jesus referred to death as a sleep.
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James say’s “… the body without the spirit is dead,..” James 2:26.
Spirit is the life, and that is what God breathed into Adam, (not just
breath) otherwise he would have just remained a corps.
The spirit is from God who gave it, thus it is eternal in Genesis 2:7, and physical
life begins when the two were united, and this physical life ends when
the two are separated, as we have no control over our spirits, they,
according to Psalm 90:10, at death, just “fly away”, returning back to
its origin; "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:7. Basically, our bodies are at rest, but we, being a spirit, (as man is a spirit) are with the lord, as absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8.