12:00 AM Strength: Physical and Spiritual Health Other Amazing Facts Amazing Doctrines
1:00 AM Time Prophecies That Point to Our Day John Bradshaw It Is Written Answers in Prophecy
2:00 AM From Adventism to Adventist: Formation Pastor Aron Crews Amazing Facts Trials to Triumph
3:00 AM Prophecy and the Assault on the Family Scott Ritsema 11th Hour Dispatch Second Beast Rising
4:00 AM Should Christians Keep the Feast Days? Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts Pastor Doug's Weekly Message
5:00 AM Is Jesus Kosher for Jews? Pt. 2 Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts Ministry Projects
6:00 AM "The Book of Mark" 5- Miracles Around the Lake Eric Flickinger It Is Written It Is Written Sabbath School - 2
6:30 AM 7 Churches of Revelation, Pt. 2 Adam Ramdin Lineage Journey Lineage Journey, Season 3
7:00 AM A Body of Believers Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts The New Heart
8:00 AM Forgiveness Breaks Barriers Mark Finley HopeLives365 Various
9:00 AM The Final Kingdom Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts Most Amazing Prophecies
10:00 AM Final Events - Millennium, Pt. 1 Kenneth Cox Kenneth Cox Ministries The Revelation of Jesus Christ
11:30 AM The Holy Spirit Comes Various Starting With Jesus Starting With Jesus 2024
12:00 PM An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 1 Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts Pastor Doug's Weekly Message
1:00 PM The Rich Man and Lazarus Stephen Bohr Secrets Unsealed Misunderstood Texts on the State of the Dead
3:00 PM Theory of Evolution 1 - Fundamentals (Session 4) Steve Wohlberg White Horse Media Various
3:30 PM Still Compelled by His Love? Part 1 - Jym Tayag Various Sacramento Central Receiving the Word
4:00 PM Last Sunday's Episode Doug Batchelor and Jëan Ross Bible Answers LIVE- AF RERUN Bible Answers Live
5:00 PM The Only Safe Shelter in the Last Days Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts Pastor Doug's Weekly Message
6:00 PM "The Book of Mark" 5- Miracles Around the Lake Eric Flickinger It Is Written It Is Written Sabbath School - 2
6:30 PM 7 Churches of Revelation, Pt. 2 Adam Ramdin Lineage Journey Lineage Journey, Season 3
7:00 PM A Body of Believers Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts The New Heart
8:00 PM Forgiveness Breaks Barriers Mark Finley HopeLives365 Various
9:00 PM The Final Kingdom Pastor Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts Most Amazing Prophecies
10:00 PM Final Events - Millennium, Pt. 1 Kenneth Cox Kenneth Cox Ministries The Revelation of Jesus Christ
11:30 PM The Holy Spirit Comes Various Starting With Jesus Starting With Jesus 2024