My Testimony - The Richest Caveman - 2009

Scripture: John 3:16
Date: 10/30/2009 
Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story and how he learned about joy in God. Recorded in the Time Is Ticking Away series in Australia.
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Pastor Maurice
Can I have your doctrinal statement please. Thank you very much. God bless
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Pastor Doug you have inspired me beyond words. It is very clear to me by hearing you preach & reading your biography, that the LORD is capable of any & all great things! I am a recovering substance abuser myself and I too have lived as a hermit. & I have recently, after hearing the truth in your sermons, converted to Seventh Day Adventist, from Freewill Baptist! Glory Hallelujah, I see the light now & I pray blessings on you sir, & your family. You truly are a miracle from God! - Samantha Cowan
Asheville NC
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Mary ann
Praise the Lord God Almighty.
I thank God to come across a youtube video of Pastor Doug Batchelor. Although i call myself born again christian, i have realised I am not because I don't fully live according to the will of God according to His Holy Word! I have repented and asked God to give me a new beginning filling me with His Holy Spirit.
Please pray for me for God's divine intervention, that I may live a life pleasing to Him only in Christ Jesus..
Please pray also for my two daughters and my son to receive a mighty touch of God through His Holy Spirit. One of my daughter dropped from university doing law and now she is taking marijuana and smoking and she is antisocial.
My husband left me and married another wife and together we had bought some properties. he doesn't want to give me anything even taking to me.
May our merciful gracious heavenly Father revive me and restore me in His loving kindness.
Thank you for your testimony Pastor!
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Belia Bernadac
I was crying listening his testimony and how God rescued him.

I have to sons and I pray daily that God touch them and give them a purpose🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Linda I
I saw your show today, ( I watch your show all the time ) and u mentioned your son who u lost. It made me cry. I lost my son April 23 /21 to suicide. I had a ruptured brain aneurysm January 23/22. It has been a tough journey. Then I turned to God and he's been by my side ever since. The doctor says i im blessed to still b here. God is my Savior. I believe theres a reason why im here.
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I have the same experience related to when Pastor said about the option of dying since there isn’t really anything that make me happy growing up. Until now, I could not find the happiness and I believe it is because I continue on committing sins despite the fact that I am also continuing to find the truth. The only thing I realize now is that every time I felt that sadness in my heart, I think that there is God that is there to accompany me. I do hope someday I can find my true purpose in life.
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Amazing Facts
We're sorry to hear you're struggling. We encourage you to read Pastor Doug's booklet "Determining the Will of God". You can read it free here: Let our prayer team at Amazing Facts know about any prayer requests by writing us here:
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Adventist Christian
I like this please make more of these it inspires me!
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Adventist Christian
I like the testimony is their any way to download it for free? Keep up the good work!
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Unfortunately we only offer the audio download for free. If you would like to purchase the video DVD you can buy it here:
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I loved his testimony. Only one thing. At the end when he says “would you like to know Jesus?” I said yes. But the video cuts off. I believe an AMAZING opportunity was missed. I said YES & I imagine others did too but there was nothing to lead us to Christ. (I know Christ but I believe others may not. Is there away to include the invitation to pray to receive Christ at the end of his POWERFUL testimony? I loved his testimony. It was a blessing to hear.
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My son just left to see his friends without asking either mine or my wife's permission. This is after being out yesterday for more than 12 hours. Then Lord God pointed to your story within 20 minutes through the Holy Spirit. Though I am familiar with amazing facts for more than 5 years, I never knew Pastor Doug's early life times. I know there is hope through Jesus The Christ and now Lord revealed directly to me in a very short time this amazing fact. 01/23/2022 7:10pm pst.
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I want to listen to the entire testimony of Pastor
Bachelor where is it?
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You can watch it at either of these links. One is from Landmarks of Prophecy: and the other is from The Prophecy Code:
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It was interesting that I met you at the Ramona Park do you remember when the pastor from Centinal Bible Church pastor and his wife was there? In the city of Hawthorne where I grew up as a child and went elementary school in the 80's. I am greatful for you coming to visit me and that Church where my Grandfather William Thomas Perry Jr. Had his memorial. Much Love, Your Brother-in-Christ, Stephen T. Perry
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This level of honesty and loveableness makes Pastor Doug one of the most effective evangelists today. I love the ending- chasing money, fame, etc, can never get anyone anything and when you depart this world you don't take them with you! Pastor Doug has a way with words which is just more than mere poetry- this is just beautiful, spiritual food and keeps us searching for more. God bless
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Madelon.....Loni (nickname)
Bless your heart!!! Just discovered you on T.V. I am almost 90 and I get so thrilled hearing how the Lord i the lover of our soul!!! pursues us and we are so loved. Thank you for your testimony. Madelon
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Mike M
Thank you for sharing your caveman testimony. I'm always amazed how God's relentless love never lets go of us, even in our darkest hours. I praise God you hung around long enough to become a miracle, to fulfill his ultimate awesome plan in your life. Praying for your ministry, that God will continue to use you as a powerful message of his hope.
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Nancy _ The _ Hollaback_ Girl
Hi, I'm new to Amazing Facts.
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my name is Delica I'm in dire need or someone to talk to.. I'm suicidal and I'm convinced that I need to end it all.. and to ensure i don't survive this time..... i hope i get a response
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Delica what does suicidal mean but before you think your nothing no one cares about you remember God loves you the most!
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Nancy _ The _ Hollaback_ Girl
You can talk to me.
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Hello, Delica. We're praying for you, but we hope you will call the National Suicide Lifeline at 800-273-8255 to seek help.
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Thank you for your prayers.
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Hi Delica, the reason you survived before is because God has a plan for your life- a plan to bless you, to give you a great future. He has a lot of good things in store for you. LIVE Babe!!! (Jeremiah 29:11)
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thanks, and that's what everyone keeps saying, but there is always this voice at the back of my head saying that I'm not good enough and that I'm a burden .... Saying that I should just end it. that it'll be better for everyone.
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Ana Ramirez
I hope you're okay. I'm praying for you. I know God has a plan for you.
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hey that voice is satan tempting you to do something god does not want you to do
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Hello there Delica,
I can only hope that you are doing better. If you are, that is great! However, remember satan is always waiting to speak in your ear and tell you life for others would be better if you (we) were not around. It is not the truth!!
I don't know how to tell you everything and I am not good with words, but I can tell you that if you are a sensitive and caring person, satan will tell you that others would be better off if you (we) were not here. He will tell you things that are not true. I too have had these thoughts or voices in the back of my head for many years and still do. I fight this by finding a sport or activity. I enjoy running or lifting weights or riding my motor cycle or snow mobiling. That helps.
I can only say that if you were to take your life the devastation will last forever. I have lost friends to suicide and I am not the same. My husband lost his good friend to suicide and it has left a scar on a very strong man. My husband is still devastated to the loss of his friend many years ago.
The world is NOT a better place without you and there will be people that will miss you but the worse part is that based on my belief, WE DID NOT PUT OURSELVES HERE AND WE DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO TAKE OURSELVES OUT OF HERE. If I had driven my care off the bridge like I envisioned several years ago, I would have missed out on so many beautiful moments and the wonderful man I now am married to. Yes, there is always sadness and heartache. But, there are so many GOD moments that I am so thankful to have experienced. I am praying for you right now.
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I am searching for a list of prophetic words, symbols and numbers, if anyone has a list. Also, someone shared with me a picture of the cross with a lot of symbols on it that signified God at the top, the law, Christ, I believe the ArK of the Covenant, though I'm not sure. Love and peace in Christ Jesus, Brenda
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1 John 5:17 "All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death".
What does it mean? The Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death.
Is there any sin that leads not to death?
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Hello, Ellen. Please ask your question at this link to get an answer from our team: Thank you!

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