Lessons from Job, Part 1: There was a Man

Scripture: Job 1:1-12
Date: 08/23/1997 
This is the first in a series on the book of Job. It is a poetic book that talks about a great controversy between good and evil. Job was a very wealthy man but he was very pious and humble. The opening of the book turns from earth to a scene away from earth where Satan approaches God to accuse the Lord of protecting Job.
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I would love to download much more from here to listen as I travel in the car but can't find the links to download. Part 2 seems to have the link but not this one.
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How I LOVE this sermon. Here it is July 11,2017 and it's probably the 5th or 6th time I've listened to it. I can't begin to tell you how many times this sermon has touched my heart as I've met joy and sorrow.
Thank you, Pastor Doug...for opening my eyes to His word.
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Thanks for much, Tracey, for your kind words and encouragement. We'll be sure Pastor Doug sees this. Blessings!
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What is the book of Job all about
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Thank you for your question, Timothy. We just want you to know that if you'd like to get an answer directly from the team at Amazing Facts, please fill out this form here: https://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/bible-questions. God bless you!

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