Can a Christian be saved without going to church?

Scripture: Acts 2:46-47
Is it really necessary to join with a body of like-minded believers in regular worship services? Does the Bible teach this? What is the benefit of doing so?
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Under normal circumstances, going to church would be the calling of every Christian, but you miss the point, that the end time churches are condemned by Christ for their apostasy ad their hypocrisy. it takes a long time to find a spirit filled church that is truly putting into practice the word of God and are committed to Christ both in spirit and in truth. Many of the western churches are instead now worshipping the idols of wealth and materialism, and are incorporating the false new age spiritual beliefs)--which is no wonder that Christ will return to judge and condemn the seven churches. I have found that it is far more faith-sustaining to worship and fellowship through a more intimate group of Christians who worship God in spirit and in truth, especially when Christ will be returning to condemn the majority of churches (so is it a good idea to belong to a church in the end times when Christ will return to condemn them?) For example, I had attended one Baptist church which was preaching the ideas of the social gospel and incorporating new age spirituality ideas and people were choosing to be baptised for the sake of church membership even when they admitted that they did not believe in the saving grace of Christ'd death on the cross, redemption and repentance. In other words, they were practicing rituals rather than cultivating true faith and trust in the word of God and Christ. It is not the church we should obey or follow, but rather the discernment of the truth of the gospel and the leadership of Christ himself, as the danger today has been ritualistic "CHURCHIANITY" WITHOUT FAITH or the truth of the gospels, which Christ himself would condemn as he did when He lived. It is a warning of Christ that that the apostasy of the churches in the end times would be much more defiling than it would be in preserving and upholding our faith-- when it presents a false gospel and the worship of idols (pursuit and worship of wealth, materialism, social popularity, conformity and celebrity). This has replaced the humble and contrite spirit of service and obedience to the truth of God's word. I would suggest that before you encourage flocks to return to the churches, that you encourage church leaders to examine their churches to bring about a revival of God's word and remove the new age influences that are creeping into the churches, such as, contemplative prayer and social gospels.
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You should allow God to lead you to the church He knows you will benefit from and they will benefit from you being there.
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God on Earth is in the form of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings you to Jesus and Jesus brings you to the Father.
Jesus is the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father unless Jesus brings you to Father.
The Church Pew you sit in is chosen by the Holy Spirit.
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Q. Can a Christian be saved without going to Church? Can they find favor with God by living biblically but not going to church?

First, it's important to note that there will be many people in heaven who were not affiliated with a church, either because they did not have that opportunity or another reason that prevents them from that privilege. But one of the most important principles of Christianity is that we are saved into the body of Christ, which is another name for the church. In Acts 2, the Bible says, "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." When you are baptized, you become part of Christ's body and enter into the church.

I would also ask this question in return: Why would a person say they love God and His truth, but they don't wish to fellowship in love with His people? That's one of the reasons God wants us in church because it has people with similar faith and beliefs. It helps bolster our faith and makes us accountable to one another. It is also an excellent environment to increase our capacity to love one another. People learn their most important lessons of love in the context of their biological families, and church families follow the same dynamic especially when it comes to new believers. It is certainly a part of God's plan. If a person says, "I believe in God and the Bible and want to be save and baptized, but I don't want to go to church," it sounds to me like a man saying to his bride, "I love you, I want to marry you but I don't want to live with you." It's saying you want the benefits of marriage, but not the relationship that goes with it. Part of the Christian experience is having a relationship with the church the fellowship of believers.

I lived as a hermit once up in a cave and away from society. In that kind of solitude, you have a tendency to become eccentric. Isolating oneself from society and lacking social contact begin to affect your mind your brain sort of atrophies. You become socially inept. In the same way, it's important for Christians to be social with fellow believers in corporate worship and gatherings to avoid becoming spiritually eccentric and inept. It's part of God's gift so I encourage each Christian to find a biblical church in which they can grow into mature members of God's family.

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